Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: lighter on March 24, 2020, 07:50:57 PM
I ordered coffee pods and got them in 2 days recently in my State. Is anyone else placing orders and receiving them quickly?
I'm on the UK Amazon site... my Amazon Prime membership came up after sending me a TPW temporary password.
It sounds like the UK is struggling more with logistics than the US. Does anyone have up to date information on this?
Tupp, what's going on there with deliveries? Do you see Amazon trucks running in your area?
I wasn't sure how Amazon was doing lately. Thanks for that update. I see lots of things out of stock.... some things are grossly overpriced now that I look at rice on US site.
I've decided to put delivered grocery (general pantry) items in the truck to use ozone machine for sanitizing and then as a pantry to cut down on clutter. Ozone is smelly, for one thing and not at all subtle. Youngest dd hates it... feels it's poison, which it is to living things, admittedly.
You're right. That didn't go well at all. Sorry that happened to you, CB.