Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => What Helps? => Topic started by: Ruth403 on March 24, 2005, 02:50:19 PM
:cry: Both my Husband and Daughter (by a previous marriage) are Narcissistic. Let me get this out of the way firstly - if I had the money I would be long gone from this marriage and secondly, as hard as it is to deal with my daughter she has been diagnosed with MS, and has two children I will not desert.
I just want to know how to deal with both of them - I am at my wits end.
They both constantly blame me, lie to me, argue with me - true enough, I sometimes argue back. Neither my Husband or Daughter speak to each other, but constantly critisize the other to me.
Please - advice
Hi Ruth403,
First let me say I am truly sorry for the N's you are having to deal with. Dealing with them is nothing less than insanity. I admire your compassion for your daughter. I'm grateful my Grandmother stayed connected to me. She is one of the reasons for my sanity now.
I have been greatly helped in navigating the world of N's through the 12 steps, I go to Al Anon, and therapy. The N neighborhood is dangerous and I will not travel there alone. I still have a long way to go before I'm done with therapy, but I have gotten a lot better. I do not take insane rides with N's anylonger.
My heart goes out to you. I encourage you to take care of yourself first. You are worth it. What can you do for yourself today? Even a small offering of love to oneself can make a difference in a day.
Hi Ruth403,
Welcome to this board. You'll get a lot more response and help on the message board above this one. This one is pretty inactive.
Good luck.
Both of those posts are helpful. Hope to see you on the big board.