Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board

Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: dogbit on April 28, 2005, 04:24:56 PM

Title: New Thread
Post by: dogbit on April 28, 2005, 04:24:56 PM
I didn't know what to call it so I thought I'd name it a pretty obvious name.  My daughter is graduating next month from university.  Her sister and I are going and have planned on this for the past month.  I told DD (Dear Daughter) to invite her father if she wanted...it was her choice and I would go along with whatever she decided.  I also told her that when she decided, she should err on the side of whatever she could live with 10 years from now hoping to take the current angst out of her decision.  We are in the midst of a contested divorce which he is dragging out by not supplying information.  It's been going on for nearly a year and a half now.  Those are the hard facts.  All my kids support my decision to divorce.  They are afraid of their Dad.  It is when I realized they were afraid of him and had been that I threw in the towel and decided better late than sorry.  And I had to go through a lot of self-flagellating over why did I let this go on so long....that's another thread, I guess.  DD has invited him because I think she feels this is the high road to follow and as she told me, he has paid her tuition.  At graduation, we will be with her boyfriend's family which is extensive...11 siblings on one side and 6 on the other and all the kids!  I don't think he will go because he is seriously socially challenged and he knows that DD knows who he is.  I'm afraid he might go just to try to show me up meaning he will put on the corporate, smooth exterior which works for the first meeting but fades quickly when a relationship needs to be sustained to any degree.  If he goes to graduation and I am there what do I do....How do I act...I don't want DD's boyfriend's family to think we are nuts.  But this guy has virtually disowned his children and has been violent toward me since I told him I wanted a divorce.  Before then, he was conveniently "over-medicated" and had little to do with the nuts and bolts of having a family...I don't want this to sound like the saddest story because the blessing I have is knowing finally what caused this all to happen and I know I played a part in it also but I never wanted to hurt another person to save who I thought myself to be.  Let me know what you think...I'm sure some of you have been in the same place!
Title: New Thread
Post by: Portia on April 28, 2005, 04:59:28 PM
Dogbit, he won’t show you up, he’ll show himself up. Having been married to him doesn’t mean that you approve of him now. Whatever he does, it’s not a reflection on you. That’s very difficult to feel I know, but if you act like it, and don’t allow his craziness to get to you, you’ll be okay. And you’ll be okay for your daughter, that’s what’s important.

Give some people enough rope…etc. What he does is not your problem. You’ll be there for, and with, your daughter. He’s just another guest. If he’s an unsociable, impolite guest, treat him as such, as though he’s nothing to you but an irritation. Like a flea.

Can you can arrange support beforehand - are any of that big family big, tough boys? You don’t have to handle this on your own, please ask for help just in case. Get other people to intervene, don’t do it yourself. Other people love to help, please ask.

One person being nuts doesn’t mean the whole family is. He is not you or your kids. Thank goodness.

You're a great mum by the way :D
Title: Re: New Thread
Post by: daylily on April 28, 2005, 05:16:42 PM
Quote from: dogbit
I'm afraid he might go just to try to show me up meaning he will put on the corporate, smooth exterior which works for the first meeting but fades quickly when a relationship needs to be sustained to any degree.  

I think that might be your answer.  If he's there, try your best to avoid being alone with him.  (That's a safety issue as well as a behavioral issue, if I understand the situation correctly.)  Let his social hypocrisy contain his behavior.  And make, "I will not engage" your mantra for the day.  Whatever lies he may try to propogate, you can correct them later.  This is a big event for your daughter, and after all, you did tell her that you would go along with whatever she decided. :wink:

Whenever I'm caught in a potentially tense social situation, I try to attach myself to someone I find charming or funny and let him/her carry me through the event.  It's not flirting (I'm the clumsiest flirt imaginable); it's hitching my socially inept wagon to somebody else's star.  I have found that if I view myself as being "with" someone I like (or think I would like, anyway), then all sorts of horrible things can go on around me and I feel like I have an ally.

But whatever approach you decide to take, it will not be easy.  I admire you for letting your daughter make this decision; it's the more difficult, more generous course.  So don't forget to remind yourself that you are the better person here, and that he's the one whose attendance was up for debate.

hoping he decides not to go--

Title: New Thread
Post by: mum as guest on April 28, 2005, 06:24:51 PM
Bittles: oh, I know this one well... (((((((Bittles)))))))
 My children are frequently performing (musical and theatrical) and when my ex is in town (which is  a lot more lately...uggg)  he and his first leiutenant (wife) show up to all the same things I do.  He has a right, and BY GOD, everybody better know it!!!!
I stay away from him, and he avoids me.  The kids are frequently feeling awkward....so I make my exit fast if it's a "dad" day, to spare the kids....he doesn't.  What an idiot.  He has never had a clue that his "belongings" actually have feelings!!
He looks like a posturing rooster and because he insists on setting his own (awful) style (as a "F you" to the world, I suppose) he is a bit of an embarrassment to them.  Oh well.
Don't get too worried.  Your children know the deal.  Your daughter has no doubt prepped the BF's family, so you may already have allies.  Be your own kind, friendly self, and ignore the "flea' (good one) and attach yourself to a friendly member of BF's family. (another good one).

I make it a point of striding in to those situations with a smile, great posture and an assertive air.  It may be acting sometimes, but it's hard to feel bad when I imagine I am queen and he is the jester.  If he is a jerk, let him be.  If he is shmaltzy and sells everyone, let him be.  Just let him be whatever it is he is.....and IGNORE him IGNORE him IGNORE him.
I know it's hard, just detach as much as possible....and remember the best part: YOU'RE NOT WITH HIM ANYMORE!!!!
Title: New Thread
Post by: Anonymous on April 28, 2005, 06:52:18 PM

I make it a point of striding in to those situations with a smile, great posture and an assertive air. It may be acting sometimes, but it's hard to feel bad when I imagine I am queen and he is the jester.

I bet he goes home and broods and fumes over being the jester to your queen.
I know some here don't think they can recognize reality, but deep down I think they do. They just won't ever show it. How could they be envious if they didn't know we have something they don't?

Bittles wrote,
How do I act...

Just like mum; like a queen and he's your toady.

(((((mum))))) (((((bittles)))))
Two queens of hearts who married a couple of jacks of asses.


PS. Mum I see you're guesting today. Just a note that I PMed you.
Title: New Thread
Post by: Anonymous on April 28, 2005, 08:44:43 PM

The best way:

Look good, act good, smile even though your heart  is breaking, laugh even thought it hurts.  The best revenge is doing well DESPITE what is going on.  Anything else, he wins at the expense of your daughter's big day.  

I know this is going to be tough but you can do it.  IGNORE  his posturing,  INGORE his rooster antics, IGNORE his stupid wife.  Just image them both as if they were standing there in their underwear being MR. and Mrs. BIG SHOT.

Your daughter deserves nothing but the best.  This is her day and not his.  

Title: New Thread
Post by: Stormchild Guesting on April 28, 2005, 10:45:21 PM
Quote from: Patz
Bittles:Just imagine them both as if they were standing there in their underwear being MR. and Mrs. BIG SHOT.

What Patz said, except try imagining them standing there in each other's underwear. Heh. With an extra pair of U-trows on their heads.
Title: New Thread
Post by: mum on April 28, 2005, 11:08:52 PM
okay, Stormy got me laughing... I CAN  picture my ex in his underwear, having been married to him and all.......and it's sad....so even funnier!!!
Then I tought of some embarrassing things he did when we were married, drug and alcohol induced, and I can't even find a flicker of anything but disgust for him.
I think I'm taking those images to court with me!!!
Hope you can use some of this Bittles.
Title: New Thread
Post by: mum on April 28, 2005, 11:11:29 PM
And Mudpup: "broods and fumes"?  What, do you KNOW this guy?  That's his daily M.O.!!!
Title: New Thread
Post by: Stormchild Guesting on April 28, 2005, 11:40:05 PM
Quote from: mum
And Mudpup: "broods and fumes"?  What, do you KNOW this guy?  That's his daily M.O.!!!

Daily M.O., huh?

OK, so now they're standing there in each other's underwear, with an xtra pair of U-trows on their heads, drinking milk of magnesia.

Ya know, with this for reference, I can kind of understand how the poor things got to be the way they are...  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:
Title: New Thread
Post by: Anonymous on April 29, 2005, 12:00:43 AM

What, do you KNOW this guy?

We ALL know him. Or her.

Somewhere there's an infernal factory churning the same obsolete model out year after year. The only option is different plumbing. Brooding and fuming and all the other gawdawful behavior come as standard equipment. :x

Title: New Thread
Post by: dogbit on April 29, 2005, 02:41:58 AM
Thank you everyone.  I will stride, attach myself to someone likeable, and imagine him in his underwear.  Unfortunately, he does not have another SO yet....I pray he would find one but no luck.  It will be interesting to see if he even goes.  The kiddo graduating is the "golden" one, the one you can brag about.  It's not her fault.  Just the way she was born.  And from the day she was born, he and his family always picked her over the others to take somewhere and show off which, of course, caused problems with the others.  And which we still talk about today...All of us!  When she was a sophmore/junior in university, she wanted to bring her boyfriend home to visit and Mr. Entitlement told me to tell him when they were arriving so he could absent himself from the house to spare them the sight of my anger.  (This was also the same time that I knew deep down in my guts that this had to end).  He couldn't even remember his name and called him derrogatively, Skipper.  I told DD this since I was tired of thinking up excuses for Mr. Entitlement's entitling.  I  had reached the stage of finally calling the shots for what they were.    I know the prevailing wisdom is to spare the kids the bad mouthing emotion brings, but I had given up on trying to distort reality so he could appear normal.  Needless to say, she was hurt and I have yet to meet her boy friend so graduation will be a happy time when we all meet, finally.  I knew when I posted this that people would answer who had been there and done that or who had just been there in a similar sense and that's what I really need to hear.  Thank you for saying I have been a good Mom.  Being a good Mom means many things but for me, and maybe for us, it means being an authentic Mom/Dad who did not re-write history on a daily basis.  I think I am getting maudlin" here...thanks Stormy for that word!  Flood warnings are still up for my area...some roads have washed out.  The houses not in danger have been here for over 100 years so not to worry.  (This is actually a NOAA alert and such a good way to describe the present)   Bittles
Title: New Thread
Post by: P on April 29, 2005, 08:24:57 AM
Dear bittles,

I had reached the stage of finally calling the shots for what they were. I know the prevailing wisdom is to spare the kids the bad mouthing emotion brings, but I had given up on trying to distort reality so he could appear normal. Needless to say, she was hurt

Sparing kids bad emotion vs. distorting reality is a no-brainer for me. Anytime reality is distorted, kids know. Kids know better than adults when people are putting on a false front and they get confused. Example (from some book or other):

Mum and Dad are arguing. Mum is crying, Dad is shouting.
Child sees this and says “what’s happening? What’s wrong?”
Parents tell child “nothing’s wrong!”
Mum might go over to kiddie and hug them saying “it’s alright dear, everything’s fine, mum and dad were just talking” (as she sniffs back her tears).

The child knows they’re lying and that something is really wrong and they get confused. Are they arguing about me? Is it my fault? Why won’t they tell me the truth? (And finally, I must be a bad person. It must be my fault.)

This is why telling kids the truth – or at least as close to the truth as is appropriate – is important. How about:

“We don’t agree about something and I’m upset. We’ll talk about it some more when we both feel better. I’m sorry we were shouting, did it upset you?” Then get the child to voice their fear and we can reassure them that it’s not their fault etc.

Sorry a bit off track there (and a bit of me talking as a kid) but I wanted to say that staying as close to reality as you can, with your children (no matter how old they are) is the most important thing. Denying emotions is really confusing to children! You were doing the right thing bittles. You can’t apply some parenting ideas (spare the children the bad emotion) to a marriage which is not normal, okay? (((bittles))) portia
Title: New Thread
Post by: dogbit on April 29, 2005, 08:43:31 AM
Thank you, Portia....
Title: New Thread
Post by: Anonymous on April 29, 2005, 09:13:37 AM

LOL :)
Title: New Thread
Post by: mia guesting on April 29, 2005, 10:13:48 AM

Often I find myself facing the same sort of situation that you are.
Lately the best strategy has been to "pull a Mum".  IGNORE! IGNORE! SMILE! SMILE! Act like you are having the time of your life...even if you're not.

Even though I dread being around a$$hole I know I have to be since my children are involved.  I figure this is my cross to bear since I was foolish enough to marry this maniac.  I do it for my children.  It's not their fault that they have a whacko Dad.  

Anyway, I'm sure if you act like your normal self and a flash a smile here and there that everything will be fine.  Pretend as though he isn't even there.  Block him out of your mind. Don't give him the satisfaction of knowing that his presence bothers you.  That would be such a high for a N.

I'll be sending you positive thoughts and prayers.
And remember the best revenge is living well.  I know that infuriates my N to no end.

Take care.
Title: New Thread
Post by: Mia guesting on April 29, 2005, 10:14:56 AM
Somewhere there's an infernal factory churning the same obsolete model out year after year. The only option is different plumbing. Brooding and fuming and all the other gawdawful behavior come as standard equipment.  

Title: New Thread
Post by: Anonymous on April 29, 2005, 10:30:48 AM
Somewhere there's an infernal factory churning the same obsolete model out year after year. The only option is different plumbing. Brooding and fuming and all the other gawdawful behavior come as standard equipment.  



Hold your head up high and know that your daughter is worth it, Bittles.  (Maybe imagine really holey underwear with some silly pattern, like red devils or alligators.....lace around the bottom edges, and a long tail, attached to the back, dragging on the ground and tripping him up, every time he opens his dum mouth. :D  :D hee hee...hee hee hee).

Title: New Thread
Post by: Anonymous on April 29, 2005, 11:00:43 AM
Maybe imagine ......a long tail, attached to the back, dragging on the ground and tripping him up

Maybe he really has a tail.  :shock:

Title: New Thread
Post by: dogbit on April 29, 2005, 03:35:29 PM
Maybe he really has a tail

Mudpup...it was removed surgically.  He has his image to think of!  Thank you for all your kind thoughts and advice.  Just checked in with the kids and the consensus is that he won't come.  He has had his invitation for 24 hours now and no response.  Jeepers, you couldn't get me off the phone when I learned the date.  Either way, this is very sad.  If he goes, there is going to be tension and I won't be able to be my usual self.  If he doesn't go, then it will be clear to my daughters and boyfriend's family that he is a jerk.  It's a real no-win situation.  This image stuff is really sick.  All of his family has it....maybe I should call it "nimage"?  And sometimes, not all the time....just sometimes when I think I can save the world, I feel sorry for him.  I wish I could pound it into his head that he is OK...he doesn't have to jump through hoops to impress people.  I actually told him this in one of my braver moments but there was no response.  He is extremely bright....maybe he will find his place in the world.  It ain't over 'til it's over.  Meanwhile, kiddo is graduating from university and already has a job and what more is more wonderful...I'm so proud of all of them.  Bittles (maudling but still going forward!)
Title: New Thread
Post by: 2cents on April 29, 2005, 03:58:41 PM
Just wanted to say I really hope you all have a GREAT DAY tomorrow, cause you all deserve it.

Much strength,

Title: New Thread
Post by: Anonymous on April 29, 2005, 06:31:47 PM

My thoughts and love waves are being sent your way.  All will be well.

Much love,
Title: New Thread
Post by: Stormchild on April 29, 2005, 07:16:18 PM
Congratulations bittles & your D especially on her major day! Imagine us there with you, too. You might be able to find 'us' in the audience!

Title: New Thread
Post by: Brigid on April 29, 2005, 08:32:48 PM

I'm shedding a tear on your behalf.   :cry:  I'll be where you are in a couple of years and I can't believe where the years have gone.  Many blessings to you and your daughter on this special day.  I hope it is filled with much joy and no H.  :roll:


Title: New Thread
Post by: dogbit on April 30, 2005, 07:57:42 PM
Thank you All!  It is, at least for me, a major day!  My baby is all grown up and will probably have her own credit card and everything.  We've always used humor in our house so humorously I always told my kids that even if we disagreed, it was MY job to get them to be 18 so they could then get a job and pay a shrink to complain about their mother  :lol:   I don't think he is coming.  It's now been 48 hours since he was apprised of the date and no response.  That's OK.  At least he is being consistent.  He does not care.
Title: New Thread
Post by: mum on May 01, 2005, 12:47:20 AM
hey, Bittles.  Most of what we worry about doesn't even happen.  So you can relax a bit. I am sad that your daughter will see again, what a jerk of a father she has, that makes me sad in my life, too, but she has an awesome mom...and like they say, as long as kids have ONE good parent....they're ok. (and yours sound more than ok!)

And anyway, this whole situation is not within your influence (whether he goes or not).  Stay there, with what you can influence, and let the rest take care of itself.  You can influence your own behavoir, and how you treat your children and other people...but beyond that you're just spinnin your wheels, out in the larger circle of concern, over which you have not a shred of control.  
When I can pinpoint what it is exactly I am concerned about, and then hone in on what I really have influence over....I find that worrying and brooding is a choice....so I worry and brood  :oops: until I figure it out (yet again) that it's not doing any good, and then I drop it.  Sure it's still out there, and I'm still concerned, but when I can't do a damn thing about it......what a waste of energy.
Last night I went to a performance at my daughter's school.  I was a little nervous because I sure do hate seeing my ex, his wife, etc.  (especially now that he is dragging me to court again next week).
My friend wanted to come with me, which surely helped bolster me, and from the second I walked in, I was besieged with friendly faces, parents and colleagues and the night went so well.  My daughter was brilliant (of course) and I didn't even know my ex was even there, until he came to gather our daughter at the end (dad night).
So, last night was and example of things we worry about sometimes never happening....
So you can practice walking tall and ignoring him another time....or he shows up and you get to show off....either way, it's all good.....
Title: New Thread
Post by: Anonymous on May 01, 2005, 04:59:45 AM
Thank you, Mum.  Yeah, I know most of what we worry about does not happen.  I think worry really is a "gotta be ready when the sky falls' syndrome but it hasn't fallen yet!  But it MIGHT!  OMG  :lol: I, too, have to go back to court in a week which is probably fueling this worrying I seem to be pre-occupied with.  He is dragging out this divorce by not being forthcoming with where he spent all the money last year.  The next court date is supposedly to find out where it went.  (It was not an insignicant sum  :shock: )   I don't know about you, but the legal process is a bear.  It moves very slowly, tolerates a lot of posturing, and leaves me, at least in limbo for almost a year and a half now.  Limbo meaning I can't move forward and have to constantly dredge up information from the past to support just getting half of the assets.  And in dredging up the past, the damage that has been done is so clear.  I think that in addition to my worry, worry state, I now feel so vulnerable to other people's evaluation of me...probably because of all the court stuff.  HIS attorney, at our supposedly final court date took time to wish me good luck.  What was he thinking!  I'll be glad when the court stuff is all over.  It reminds me too much of all the hoops I had to jump through to remain married to a very self-absorbed person.  And those school performances are the best!  Hearing about your daughter brings back many great memories one particularly when I spent $50 on foam rubber for a costume that made my daughter look like a pound of cheese!  Costumes like this are very hard to store....Bittles