Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: Spirit on May 16, 2005, 09:13:08 PM
WORKING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) 8)
And my spirit is back ! And for the first time I am smiling in this forum !!
Long story which I thought I woul share it with you ( watch out and dont buy the naricissist bits though.. they still play tricks ;) )
After getting in touch with my GP about a year ago and moving on to counsellors adn them on to a hospital where I met a BRILLIANT therapist !
She was concerned at the beginning, and I fell flat and got enmeshed.. damn ( fell for a 'good mother' ) :wink:
Next session she was very conceding.. I was at my naricissist best and loathing ( well I still am but please forgive me.. it takes time :P ) and I fell BIG TIME ! :roll: ( 'innocent child :roll: )
However she was kind enough and mature enough to BUY from me my emotional garbage and narcissistic self pity ( some of which I must have projected here aswell ) and oh she even claims that she understands and is even challenging as if ' is that all ? :oops: I FELL yet again !
Thankfully I have a hidden self that digs deep through th internet and books that did its own research..( Jungian dream analysis/ archetypes etc ) and the bloody woman knows these..and was 'beating me at my own game'
SHE WAS PLAYING TRICKS ON ME !!!!!!!!!!! and 'torturing' me..( trickster/bad mother/ etc etc )
:evil: :cry: :cry: :( :? :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
( thanks to bunny of this forum if you are still posting here for being one of the first person to suggest that my therapist could actually be playing tricks.. she mentioned it to me in a post about 5 months ago ) At that time i didnt realise it, now I do ! Thanks to all the other forumers who also shared many of my tougher moments.
In this way I do see a good use of this forum and I am glad it would be helping outehr peope too.. a great place for resourse and to share ! ( watch out for the negative side of it too of getting addicted or co dependant )
I am a wiser man now !! but still am gullible.. and will fall but I know I will rise again :)
I was greiving for two days :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
.. and I feel SOO refreshed, warm, connected and bursting with enthusiasm and felt a need to share it with you all ( .. now take it with a pinch of salt huh ? don't fall for flattering tricks.. even part time narcissists are too good at these :wink: )
with this suddenly found freedom to express ! I simply can't wait for the next session.. and I am sure she has more tricks up her sleeves..
I havent seen the seductress from her yet.. but this time I am getting perpared.. more defense for sure !! This means i AM building a boundry !!!!
and I am going to FALL perhaps in love for a seductress even with these :oops: .. but the knowledge that I have gained for myself.. I know I WILL RISE !
Good luck everyone with your heeling.
warm hugs
spirit.. and body ! :)