Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: zeene on June 03, 2005, 09:49:57 PM
anyone know of a chatroom specifically for Adult children of Ns?
I've tried to get into the MSN one but it appears to be only for N partners and been told to try elsewhere.
Told to try elsewhere? Wow, Zeene, it sounds like you dodged a bullet.
You might try ACOA. That's Adult Children of Alcoholics (and Dysfunctional Families - they dropped the DF from the acronym some time back).
A lot of the issues and problems and damage are similar from addicts vs. narcissists as parents, you might be surprised at the amount of common ground. [On edit - maybe it's not so surprising. Narcissists are addicted --to themselves-- in a way, aren't they.]
I know there are a couple of ACOA chat rooms, try doing a search on ACOA and the main link should come right up.
Good luck! I used to go to ACOA meetings when I lived on the West Coast, and they were great.
you'll be very welcome here. There are lots of family issues for us all here, it's not always easy to 'label' a peron or a family!
I've been trying to check back every day for a while, but if I disappear it's just I'm busy, I always come back eventually.
Take care.
Adult child of Ns - that's me :D - two or maybe three of 'em (including step-dad).
What did you want to chat about zeene? Want to chat here? Are you okay?