Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: mum on June 08, 2005, 11:01:52 AM
Not really sure where to put this, but I though everyone here could appreciate it: (esp. Mudpup, cartoon philosopher that he is). This just sounded SOOOOO much like my exN I had to share!
If you have seen the comic strip "Non Sequitur" you will know the characters, but I will do my best (play form):
Lucy (a talking horse): .....so as a preconceptulal scientist, you reach a conclusion to a theory FIRST, then just ignore all evidence that proves you're wrong?
Danae(her human friend, a pre-pubescent, very precocious girl):
Lucy: So you believe you're ALWAYS right?
Danae: Well, since we don't hear anything to prove us wrong, logic dictates we MUST be right!
Lucy: Yeah....but....just because you won't listen doesn't mean.....
Danae (interrupting, fingers in ears, musically) la-la-la-la-la.....
Lucy: I give up....
Danae: See how easy it is?
Thats pretty N allright.
Sounds like a Calvin and Hobbes routine. Now that guy was an N! Of course he was six so I guess he had an excuse.
PS. I'll let you in on a little comic book secret that I think I have only told my wife and Stormy, when I mentioned to her how backwards my reading habits were as a boy.
Despite my previous statements that I find bad girls boring and dreary, as a wee lad I had a real crush on Veronica from the Archies comic books. Now that bad girl really filled out a sweater. Much better than that goody-two-shoes Betty. :wink: :roll:
In fact, I sneaked a peek in a checkout line the other day at an Archies comic book. She hasn't aged a bit. :shock: Fortunately my wife was looking the other way or she might have noticed the gleam in my eye. :twisted:
Mudpup, you are really funny!
But which character do you associate yourself with most? Jughead?
But which character do you associate yourself with most? Jughead?
OK, now you sound like my wife. :P :lol: :roll:
In fact that's darn near the exact same thing she said.
And it just so happens I always did want a Jughead hat. :?
Sounds like a Calvin and Hobbes routine. Now that guy was an N! Of course he was six so I guess he had an excuse.
Y'all seen Frazz? I keep thinking it's what happened to Calvin when he grew up. All that creativity had to go somewhere. 8) 8) 8)
Stormy: Enlighten me! what's Frazz???? Is it something my kids would say "mom, you are soooo clueless!" about?
OOOOO, it's a cartoon!
Frazz is the fellow with the unruly hair. Elementary school janitor-cum-Mr. Fixit who buys Roald Dahl and Edward Gorey kid's books to donate to the school library with the money he makes as a musician/songwriter.
Very like how I hope Calvin grew up, out there in comicland.
Hey guys,
Very like how I hope Calvin grew up, out there in comicland.
I always figured he ended up in a prison for the criminally insane.
Or maybe a trial attorney. Wait a minute thats the same thing isn't it?