Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: Stormchild on July 06, 2005, 08:20:19 PM
Thanks, Dr. G., this is a real beauty of a board!
Thanks, Stormchild! The old board was shut down because of security threats. This forum is more secure (less prone to hacking) than the old forum and offers additional features. If you notice something amiss, please let me know and I will try(!) to fix it. In case you can't reach me through PM, my e-mail is ragrossman@voicelessness.com.
<wanders in and looks around>
Fair posh. Looking forward to getting to know this place better.
First things first; where's the kettle???
What a world we live in, that people would try to hack a board like this one. [Shakes head sadly.] Thanks for protecting it & us, Dr. G. You don't need to answer this post, just wanted to express gratitude.
This is a coooooool board!!!
I have a new board name which is: Sela
Hope you are all feeling and healing well.
Thank you for the great board Dr. Grossman.
Marvellous Dr Grossman!
October - I'm making tea - do you want some? I will be dipping a Twirl in mine, can I get you anything?!!
October - I'm making tea - do you want some? I will be dipping a Twirl in mine, can I get you anything?!!
Sounds yummy. Tea and choccie. Heaven!!! :D