Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: d'smom on July 21, 2005, 12:49:54 PM
thanks so much for your help all - she coming today, just wanted to check in and tell everyone thank you and i dont know when i can answer cause hopefully well be having FUN!!!!! i was so exhausted last night i slept ok so that was good. talked to D. last night and we were both so happy to be seeing each other that even having them doing their thing wasnt enough to bring it down.....
the snake babies are great... they are packing down the food... its really cute to see them eat. they went through 4 dozen little fish in just a few days, (there are 15 babies) and i couldnt get more yesterday and they all are waving forlornly together like a little medusa waiting for more fish.....
thanks so much again for your company & thoughts. i will write more as i can. thinking about you all. >>>
d's mom
Hope you have a fabulous, wonderful, marvelous, fantastic, glorious fun time!!!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
I hope you have a wonderful visit with your daughter. It will be nice to have a helper to keep those little snake babies fed.
Enjoy :D :D :D
Hi d'smom! I also wish you a fantastic time with your daughter- you deserve it and so does she. Can you imagine how distressing your great visit will be to all the Ns?! I know my N sister freaks anytime I have visits with her daughters- god only knows WHAT I might be telling them!!! Knock yourselves out!!!
Can you imagine how distressing your great visit will be to all the Ns?! I know my N sister freaks anytime I have visits with her daughters- god only knows WHAT I might be telling them!!! Knock yourselves out!!!
you better believe it! so far we have done the fingers and toenails purple (only becuase we didnt have black, which she wanted) gone for a walk BAREFOOT (horrors) gone for chinese food, watched a tape of saturday night live, brushed each others hair and read the first 2 chapters of harry potter - AND shes now getting ready for sleep with a copy of mad magazine.
and of course - fed the snakes. she already picked the one she wants and named him george. he is indistinguishable from the others of course. im sure they would have a stroke if they knew how normal we were being and -gasp- enjoying each other and life. who would have thought... enjoying your family....... scandalous.........!!!!! >>>> they would be twitching.
sighhh off to sleep.
Anna: I have been on vacation, totally out of touch with everything but my fiance, my children, my family (what else does one need?). Just checked in for a moment....I have missed a lot, obviously. But I am SOOOOO happy to see this thread from you about being with your daughter, painting toenails and feeding snakes....Your happiness is contagious. Sending you lots of love (looks like you've got it!!).
sighhh off to sleep.
Really pleased for you both. :lol: