Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: Healing&Hopeful on January 10, 2006, 06:58:07 AM
Hiya all
I apologise for this but I just kind of need to get my fears heard. I appreciate that most of these are natural when starting a new position, but to say I'm bricking this is an understatement.
I had a meeting yesterday with my new boss, the guy who's leaving and my new colleague. We all went through the job spec and worked out who needs to learn what. As I have no current experience in either recruitment or resourcing, I am really worrying about how I'm going to cope when my new work colleague is off. In less than a month I'm supposed to be completely up to speed and then be in charge for 3 weeks.
I feel like I'm being set up for a fall.... that work doesn't really value me and wants to get rid of me, so set me up to fail so they can sack me. I know this sounds paranoid, which it is, but if anyone has half a clue how scared I feel they may relate.
I keep telling myself that in fairness, some of my best work has been done when I've been thrown into the deep end... the sink or swim but in this instance, my confidence seems to be at an all time low.
I know I haven't done a really good job in this current role so find it hard to understand why they would want me to change. I'm not trying to put myself down when I say I haven't done a good job in this current role.... my boss thinks the same, though she has a problem in passing work over, plus she checks everything single thing I do so any mistakes are quite public (not in a shouting down kind of way, but because we work in an open plan office). As a result I have really lost confidence in myself and become quite lazy... I used to ask her what I could do to help her out, to pass work over, but over the months this has subsided because I feel she doesn't have the confidence in me to pass work over. Do that make any sense?
Does anyone have any advice, know any techniques to help me over this period, to help me at this time?
H&H xx
Hiya. :D
I feel like I'm being set up for a fall.... that work doesn't really value me and wants to get rid of me, so set me up to fail so they can sack me. I know this sounds paranoid, which it is, but if anyone has half a clue how scared I feel they may relate.
Sometimes people are set up to fail. Is this realistic with you? Why would they want rid of you? Have you done terrible things, failed miserably, upset people, are generally disliked and a pain in the bum? I doubt it. My ex-boss, a director, slept with several women clerks, did a rubbish job, was consistently sexist, bullied and scape-goated and it took them years to get rid of him. Welcome to the wonderful world of financial services marketing!
I keep telling myself that in fairness, some of my best work has been done when I've been thrown into the deep end... the sink or swim but in this instance, my confidence seems to be at an all time low.
Don’t expect yourself to be over-confident. Nobody likes a smart-arse. Ask for guidance, training, extra time. Don’t think you have to grin and bear it. People don’t usually want subordinates to fail. If you fail, your managers have failed. They are responsible for managing the team workload – not you.
I know I haven't done a really good job in this current role so find it hard to understand why they would want me to change.
Whoah! :shock: Are you sure?
I'm not trying to put myself down when I say I haven't done a good job in this current role.... my boss thinks the same,
So if she thinks it, it must be true hey? She’s an idiot! :D She’s stuck in the job she does and she’ll never leave because she’s a control freak! Had you noticed?
though she has a problem in passing work over, plus she checks everything single thing I do so any mistakes are quite public (not in a shouting down kind of way, but because we work in an open plan office).
She has a big problem. No wonder you make mistakes (?) with her breathing down your neck. And presumably you feel as though you’re not responsible for the work if she checks everything? So why not make mistakes. Give her a thrill. :P Have you made many mistakes? Of what magnitude? Did people die? I once told all the regional offices to throw out the old application forms because new ones would arrive on Monday. Of course they didn’t – for about two weeks! Haha. We all make mistakes.
As a result I have really lost confidence in myself and become quite lazy...
No not lazy – bored, de-motivated and without any responsibility or independence. No sense of achievement. I’d be in a moronic stupor.
I used to ask her what I could do to help her out, to pass work over,
Hahaha! Over her dead body I feel! She doesn’t want anyone to do her work. She wants total control. She shouldn’t be in a managerial position. She’d be better off in a specialist role.
but over the months this has subsided because I feel she doesn't have the confidence in me to pass work over. Do that make any sense?
Yep. But it’s not about you – it’s about her. It’s not always your fault you know? Sometimes other people are more screwed up than us. Difficult to believe but true. She doesn’t have confidence in anyone I feel.
Do your best in the new role. Talk about your work. Get feedback. Check with the manager, your colleague. Be open but be adult and stand up for yourself. Nobody in a new job knows everything. We all have to learn stuff. It’s not a bad thing not to know everything. It’s not bad to make mistakes. It’s how we learn.
Keep cool! You’re great and compared to many…..even greater. Who are these super-humans you might be comparing yourself with?
I apologise for this but I just kind of need to get my fears heard.
Okay I hear you (serious tone, peering over my specs at you) and you should be really sorry for errrr... :? errr.....speaking! Yeah! :P
Darn. Please don't apologise for speaking. You have a lively, lovely, interesting voice. And important things to say. Respect that voice. People respect people who respect themselves. And no false modesty either! "I'm here, I've been appointed to do this job and I want to succeed. Now I need your help". What's wrong with that?
You are an angel... do you know that?
Yes, none of the mistakes are big... just little errors. Nothing that has had any great impact on the work. Also, I read over my review and one of the things was that she should pass me more work... which she did a couple of things, not much though. And a couple of colleagues have mentioned things on this subject too. I know I'm not generally disliked.... one of the good things that came out of my review was that I was a team player, able to recognise deadlines and look to achieve them and that I was enthusiastic (however this was last March, so my enthusiam has definitely took a downward turn).
The things to work on was greater accuracy, though this is partly caused by my boss checking everything. I think you are spot on with bored, de-motivated and without responsibility or independence and a sense of achievement.
I suppose when I say some of my best work is done when thrown in at the deep end, is possibly because I learn quicker than having someone show me and take on little bits here and there. And yes, you're right... it will look bad on the manager if I fail. Thank you so much for pointing this out.
A more positive H&H xx
PS: I do say sorry a bit actually.... I think I just think people have better things to do than listen to me :lol:
Oh this is much more fun than making phone calls to idiots!
I’m an angel! :D :D Thank you H&H. I like that. It’s going on my new ‘truth’ CV!! We should write alternative CVs all about the really important stuff we do.
And a couple of colleagues have mentioned things on this subject too.
Bingo! Checking and asking and talking to others helps us realise whether we’re thinking way off the norm, or close to it. Close to reality is good.
I know I'm not generally disliked.... one of the good things that came out of my review was that I was a team player, able to recognise deadlines and look to achieve them and that I was enthusiastic
You’re a hot employee! :D
The things to work on was greater accuracy, though this is partly caused by my boss checking everything.
I can be accurate when I concentrate hard. If I can’t concentrate, my brain goes. And I can only be accurate if I care about the work. And I can only care if I feel it matters. If it’s checked all the darn time, does it matter? Not your fault.
I suppose when I say some of my best work is done when thrown in at the deep end, is possibly because I learn quicker than having someone show me and take on little bits here and there.
Also some (many) people aren’t natural teachers/mentors. They don’t provide the information you need in a way you can take it in. For me, I need to see the overall picture of how my work fits in. I need to feel I’m contributing. Some people don’t need that. If you know how best you learn, say so, it’s how your brain works. We all want the best result don’t we? So let’s work toward it kind of thing.
PS: I do say sorry a bit actually.... I think I just think people have better things to do than listen to me
I do not have better things to do!!!! :P The thing is: imagine your boss has to make a speech in the office. And they start off “I’m not very good at this so I hope you’ll bear with me……” how do you feel? Compared to: “Thanks everyone for being here to (1) say goodbye to our good friend and colleague Fred (2) hear about our exciting new plans for …”.
We naturally want people to succeed and feel good about themselves – because that makes us feel good too. If folks aren’t feeling confident or are embarrassed about themselves, we feel icky too.
Only say sorry when you know you have made a bad mistake or hurt someone. Then it carries real weight. To over-use the sorry is to somehow belittle it I think?
There’s your new year resolution - no more sorry! See if you can notice when you use it and ask yourself if you need to, or what you can replace it with?
Hello H&H,
Portia said (hiya, P):
Also some (many) people aren’t natural teachers/mentors. They don’t provide the information you need in a way you can take it in. For me, I need to see the overall picture of how my work fits in. I need to feel I’m contributing
This is exactly what I was thinking about while reading your thread. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, including your managers. I think if I were to reenter the workforce now, I would have a much more 'adult' perspective in that I wouldn't rely emotionally so much on my managers for support and have the expectation that they are going to "take care of me". You may or may not feel this way, but as a greenhorn I sure did. "they should be interested in my career, they should be looking out for me, they should reward me when I do well, they should train and teach me and develop me so I can move up" In reality, most managers are sweating out their own goals and objectives and live in fear that their employees are going to mess up. Some managers have a real problem delegating and others delegate everything. So you have to manage your manager.
So I guess my limited advice is to coach yourself, H&H. Make a list of all the tasks that came out of the meeting and tick off the things you feel you already know and can do, the ones that seem easier, and break down the bigger harder things into managable things. Ask NOW about the things that seem most foreign to you and take the initiative to investigate those aspects of the job. Ask other people how they like to work too. I think most people appreciate sensitivity to how they like to get information or requests too. Like "when would it be a good time to meet about X?" Be aware of your colleagues' agendas too and that way you can keep your expectations realistic.
Look ahead to those 3 weeks you are in charge and see what deadlines, objectives, etc are supposed to happen and see if anything major is suppose to happen. If there are huge concerns, find out what the expectations are, see what support you can get, or at least point out (in the name of concern for the work you are doing) that maybe there are some solutions to get those objectives met. IE if a newbie really cannot launch the brandnew XYZ program for the biggest client or whatever, point this out. Can it be postponed until Manager gets back? If not, can Manager postpone absence until afterwards? etc (you may not be the one with political clout to propose solutions, but if you can see a situation that management doesn't see in a positive solution-seeking way and are preventing a possible disaster for your business, then this is a good thing...) If you can do this in a non-blaming, hey, just wanted to bring this to your attention way, they may pat you on the back for some foresight. Often management is so busy thinking about a different priority, they don't see lower priority areas about to burst into a fire to be put out.
If your concerns are newbie jitters, write down your worries and possible solutions or possible new ways of looking at those concerns.
Anyway, just so much blah, blah, blah from Miss Piggy. Take what you can use and toss the rest. Hope it helps a little. Good luck!!! MP
Huge thanks for this..... some very helpful advice. I shall try and implement it.
H&H xx
thanks from me too. Your advice is really going to be helpful on the job. (I was thinking all those thoughts, which really sound like entitlement...I know one of the things that hooks me is when I don't feel respected or appreciated at work. But that's not specifically managers' fault, it's more because the job is a poor fit for me.)
I don't know if it works for you, but sometimes I can work with the fear in my head to start thinking about it as a kind of energy (an emotional force of some sort, anyway)--and try to flip it over and turn it into excitement.
I was thinking about how little kids approach learning...healthy happy little kids...they're CURIOUS, and their focus is mostly on HOW do I do this instead of CAN I do this...)
You can.
Hey H&H &H :)
Aw shucks you guys. Glad to be of help.
Just for the record, I've had those thoughts (my manager should help me grow...) but it didn't feel like entitlement to me. Now it just seems like so much child-like naivete (like expecting the HR dept to really care about wellbeing of employees, vs. avoiding lawsuits for management...).
Good luck to you both!! MP