Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: 2224Jessica on February 09, 2006, 08:44:40 PM
Hi guys,
In my other posts, I've talked about my nmum and I have wrote to my dad telling him how I felt about my upbringing and the way mum is etc. I have also cut my parents off. They have tried a few tactics to get me in line but they have failed.
I am very much say it as it is person and I like to be honest and straight up but I'm not rude and have tact etc.
My sister has been supportive of my desision to cut them off. She is the eldest and she was put as the parent role to them. She has always had issues with them and is disgusted about the way we were raised. She is a lovely bubbly person and she has a soft heart and is very sweet. However she also is a social butterfly and a highly influencial person because of the outgoing friendly nature.
Anyway when we get together we often talk about mum. My parents are now in the country(4 hours away)but still have contact with the church we were raised in. My sister and I still go to the church. My parents were(are) respected and highly considered as great people in the church. Since they have been in the country(about a year), they have been unable to keep up appearances etc when they arn't here. Anyway my brother had a going away party because he and his family are going to a different state for work, my parents didn't come. At Christmas, they didn't come up and they don't come up for their grandkids birthday.
However my sister who has alot of freinds and contacts is slowly letting this information come out. Even the pastors of the church are acting confused and shocked at their behaviour for not caring. My sister however is having my parents stay with her and is friendlywith them when they come. I said to her that I don't know how she puts up with them. She says that she knows how to deal with them. she says she keeps them at a distance but at the same time plays them at their own game.
I finally clicked that she is slowly destroying their credibility and they don't even know it. Clever girl.
They have always relied on her to look after us younger kids, to do things for them and to be responsible for everything. I think her freindly nature has always made them think she can be trusted. Not like me who just expresses everything I feel.
My sister as we were growing up always kept her mouth shut and went along with everything they say (so they think) she had a secret life and went behind their back all the time. They still think she is the reliable, loving daughter.
They are so wrong and they have no idea.
She is a true friend to people she cares about but she is cunning if she wants to be. She really does live by keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer. Wow.
My parents only come up if it benefits them, they are coming up next week for something.
Anyway take care
Jessica :)