Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board

Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: bean as guest on May 04, 2006, 11:34:16 AM

Title: Can I just talk about my feelings here?
Post by: bean as guest on May 04, 2006, 11:34:16 AM
I feel that it has been a rather surreal week on the board.  Reallyme tried to attack me, it felt.  Single me out.  That was a little strange to me and totally unexpected.  I think she's left and I'm sad about that.  Well, maybe sad is not the right word.  OK, worried.  Where beliefs do not diverge, can there ever be supportive healing?  I guess I'm feeling like I did not reach her, and that was my intent.  I wanted to connect with her.  I felt a sense that we were a lot alike, really.

I guess that is what happens, though.  In life we try to control outcomes, we try to make a difference, but we don't always succeed.  It must be very hard to be a therapist.  I have tremendous new respect for therapists and psychologists and psychiatrists this morning for although they're not always perfect T's either (and certainly they're not perfect people), they try.  I think that's important for some reason as I sit here in my hotel room.  I'm waiting for my symposium to start.  We are talking about nuts and bolts stuff.  No feelings, just fact.  but still i wonder. 

Reallyme, if you're still reading this, you touched me in some way, I'm still thinking about you and yes I DO wish you were my friend.  I'm not sure if it was for my benefit (I want all to be my friend as you say) yours, or the greater benefit of the community we live in.

well, I'm thinking of you, and of hops, pennyplant, stormy, write, brigid, mum, moon, sela, marisa, mud and others here.  That's just what I do.  I think about you all.  I wonder and hope (and yes, even pray).

I guess that's all the feelings I'm having for now.  One other feeling was the feeling of being misunderstood.  but that's OK, that happens.  I think it will be OK, the discussions I wanted to have, openly and freely won't happen today but they might someday.  I will not give up hope for us.  The people who come to this board deserve hope and caring.  Friendship and support too.   :)


Title: Re: Can I just talk about my feelings here?
Post by: Hop guest on May 04, 2006, 11:39:18 AM
Bean, you're a wonder.
Thank you for your caring and grace.

You just cast light all over my fear and doubt.

Have a great symposium!


Title: Re: Can I just talk about my feelings here?
Post by: bean as guest on May 04, 2006, 11:43:50 AM
thanks hops,
have a great day too
Title: Re: Can I just talk about my feelings here?
Post by: Portia on May 04, 2006, 11:54:43 AM
Hiya Bean very good to hear from you. I like it that you're saying what you feel. take care ((((bean))))
Title: Re: Can I just talk about my feelings here?
Post by: moonlight52 on May 04, 2006, 12:14:06 PM
Title: Re: Can I just talk about my feelings here?
Post by: MarisaML on May 04, 2006, 12:53:18 PM
Hi Bean, :D

Where beliefs do not diverge, can there ever be supportive healing?  Absolutely!  I am a Christian, and I feel that we've all got a common bond no matter what our beliefs.  Many of you have helped me immensely!  I have come on the message board feeling confused and hurt.  And after reading what was wrote to me I felt calmed and more at ease.

Thanks for all the caring and support!  I will pray for you also.
Title: Re: Can I just talk about my feelings here?
Post by: Brigid on May 04, 2006, 02:31:01 PM
It's always nice to know that someone is thinking about and saying a prayer for you.  Thank you.

In life we try to control outcomes, we try to make a difference, but we don't always succeed.  It must be very hard to be a therapist.

I think this is very true.  About 18 months ago, I was sitting with my T fretting about something that I had fretted about many other times, once again being stuck in a place of sadness, lonliness and frustration.  He continued to talk to me with his usual patience, understanding and ideas for possible change.  I asked him then "how do you do this, week in and week out, without wanting to jump out of your chair, grab your patient by the shoulders, shake them 'til their teeth rattle and say--MOVE ON, GET OVER THIS, Life will get better if you allow it to?"  He laughed at the time, but when he finally sent me on my healthy way in December, he did say he was worried for awhile that I was going to stay stuck in that sad place.  But something (actually it was some books that I read on his suggestion) finally stopped me from circling the drain and snap out of it.

I hope your seminar is going well.  ((((((((bean)))))))))))

Title: Re: Can I just talk about my feelings here?
Post by: Sela on May 04, 2006, 06:02:48 PM
Hey ((((((((Bean)))))))))):

Thanks for thinking of me and praying for me and for others here.  About your feelings.......I'm glad you put them down here.  Very humble and honest of you.

Where beliefs do not diverge, can there ever be supportive healing?

I think there are lot's of people with different beliefs here and lot's of support, usually.  But it takes two to tango doesn't it?  So it doesn't always work out.  That's ok, I think.  It's a lot like life.

Take care, Bean.  Hope it all goes well for you today!

Reciprocating your prayers.

 :D Sela

Title: Re: Can I just talk about my feelings here?
Post by: write on May 04, 2006, 10:46:06 PM
I cannot follow anything like 'normal' people can;
how annoying.

Yet I believe
so long as there is a significant 'lack of malevolence' in any group, I trust it will move forward with ideals, support etc.

It is the collective goodwill and ideals make a difference;
indeed I tell my son all the time this is G_d,
in that G-d= Good.

We all pray for each other.

Title: Re: Can I just talk about my feelings here?
Post by: gratitude28 on May 04, 2006, 11:23:23 PM
You are a sweet moose, bean.
Happy Friday.
Title: Re: Can I just talk about my feelings here?
Post by: moonlight52 on May 05, 2006, 05:50:12 AM
Hey Guys, What a week! I do believe we are all fine and  we are sailing on calm waters .....................
Title: Re: Can I just talk about my feelings here?
Post by: moonlight52 on May 05, 2006, 06:00:04 AM
Bean   I am with Write G-D=GOOD moving forward with goodwill
                 BEAN you are COOL 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Can I just talk about my feelings here?
Post by: Portia on May 05, 2006, 06:19:21 PM
Bean join the club! I've been as graceful as a ....Hippo ...with emotional stuff :D

(I like hippos though. 'specially when they run underwater.)

Are you okay with PMs?

Not beating yourself up too much?

Not taking too much toxic shame on board? Feel okay?

I hope not. Have a restful weekend 8)

Title: Re: Can I just talk about my feelings here?
Post by: MarisaML on May 06, 2006, 12:13:52 AM
No Bean, it doesn't seem to me that you have said anything wrong.  Sometimes there is just a disconnect in communications and there's not a lot you can do about it.  You want to have this matter resolved... You want to be understood in your intentions and the point you was trying to get across?  I understand completely... I'm the same way :).  But no matter how it's been approached it seems that nothing really works.  Maybe it will happen though I don't know.  Maybe someone has the answer to this perplexing problem. 
Title: Re: Can I just talk about my feelings here?
Post by: reallyME on May 06, 2006, 05:44:25 PM
Well it would help if Bean would stay consistent in what he/she wants.  One moment she wants me here, the next she is saying she doesn't want me trying to help her.  Which is it?  Bean, you told me that you didn't want to be a cause for me leaving this board, yet as soon as I'm back you start up again, trying to play the martyr and make ME look like the bad guy.  Of course, the people here are going to go along with you, because they didn't read the private messages you sent that seemed so sweet and benevolent and kind.

Title: Re: Can I just talk about my feelings here?
Post by: moonlight52 on May 06, 2006, 06:27:43 PM
Hey RM ,  Would it not be any one individual's decision to leave the board or not,in other words if I wanted to leave the board that would be my choice ,if you wanted to leave that would be your choice if Bean wanted to leave that would be her choice.
It seems to me mixed up to say it would be Bean that would make your decision for you to leave the board.You would decide that
Title: Re: Can I just talk about my feelings here?
Post by: reallyME on May 06, 2006, 07:30:51 PM
actually, it was in a private message to me, that Bean said she didn't want to be the cause of me leaving.  That was what I referred
Title: Re: Can I just talk about my feelings here?
Post by: reallyME on May 06, 2006, 09:29:57 PM
I have nothing more to say.  I know what's been done and how it was done.  That's all I need to know.