Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: write on May 07, 2006, 03:06:09 PM
I read something the other day about successful people having a ten year plan, breaking down their larger goals into small ones and comitting it to paper.
I've done a lot of backwards journalling, but this sounds interesting.
Hey Write,
The idea of a 10-year plan horrifies me because I break 50% of my NY resolutions and struggle to stay focused enough to keep to a goal for a week.
I felt guilty just contemplating it! (I admire those who do it though.)
Hiya Write & Hoppy...
I think it's interesting because I think a 10 year plan would be about seeing the bigger picture... long term goals with short term ways of how to achieve them. It's not something I've really thought about, let alone committed to paper.
Love H&H xx
I've been thinking about it all afternoon, but it does seem scary committing it to paper. I think I'm going to try the half-way model Sarah Brethnach suggested, a board with pictures, visualising things you want to acheive, but you can more things around and take stuff off.
I would like to acheive over the next few years a few goals career wise and financial I have been afraid of.
Hi Write,
I think a long range plan, even 5 years, is a great idea, because as Healing and Hopeful said, it would be about visualizing the bigger picture. For myself, I think it might help prevent me from getting bogged down in all the smaller hurdles along the way if I could keep the larger goal in mind. I've been wondering whether I don't think too small and maybe it's time for some planning on a grander scale :D Having been in "survival mode" for so many years, it's refreshing to consider tackling a new thought process like this. Thank you for sharing!
It sounds like a good idea. Especially if you're a well organised person and you feel you are likely to stick to it. I've found it helpful to make large goals years in advance and smaller goals each year in order to achieve the larger ones.
Yep - scary would be the word.
I do like the visual idea write suggested though.
I am shooting for starting up my business in one year...don't know where I'll get the $$, but there's a shot.
My favorite quote at the beginning of the year was, "May all your troubles last as long as your New Year's resolutions."
I live 24 hours at a time, although I do save for retirment, plan vacations, look forward to some events.
Why do you think a ten year plan is good? Do you mean for life in general? Have you written one yet? What are your goals????
Why do you think a ten year plan is good? Do you mean for life in general? Have you written one yet? What are your goals????
I have some nice work and succesful projects, but there are some career plans and financial plans I should be putting into place to support myself into my fifties.
I've found it helpful to make large goals years in advance and smaller goals each year in order to achieve the larger ones.
yes, I think that's a good idea, 'small acheivable goals' but not letting ideas and plans slip away with the years...