Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board

Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: moonlight52 on May 12, 2006, 02:34:38 PM

Title: prayers please
Post by: moonlight52 on May 12, 2006, 02:34:38 PM
I am so sorry to bother anyone but I have held on so long .I have  a very bad ulcer one that is the result of a previous surgery well
we are in a dispute with our HEALTH INSURANCE. Which we pay a lot to and they say they will not do the surgery I need. I HAVE BEEN
IN PAIN SINCE I started on this board but did not want to say. But now after yesterday when they turned me down I HAVE NO ROPE LEFT .My hubby says we will find a way .I am feeling very sorry for myself and I am sure to be ashamed of it tomorrow.I am sorry I feel
sorry for myself and my tummy has been hurting for 6 months while they figure out the answer is no ...........I feel hopeless and my tummy hurts.The ulcer I have is so bad it has to be removed by surgery.
PS I hope God forgives me for not being stronger
Title: Re: prayers please
Post by: mudpuppy on May 12, 2006, 03:10:41 PM
PS I hope God forgives me for not being stronger

He will be strong for you. There is nothing to forgive.
Is your doctor fighting for you?

Title: Re: prayers please
Post by: Sela on May 12, 2006, 03:17:41 PM
Oh ((((((((((Moon))))))))! 

So sorry to hear about all of this.  It sounds awfully painful in so many ways.

I will keep you in my prayers for sure, Moon.

Mud is right:  Nothing to forgive. 

Title: Re: prayers please
Post by: Grace888 on May 12, 2006, 03:29:59 PM
I'm sorry to hear about your painful ulcer, Moonlight.

I hope everything will turn out okay.  And I hope you don't feel bad for not being stronger.  Does it really matter how strong we are?  I believe God knows we are cannot muster enough strength on our own.  I believe he provides us with sufficient strength in unexpected ways to carry us through each day.  I believe God is infinitely gracious to us.  I do hope you will find this strength to carry you through this hardship.  It is there for you.
Title: Re: prayers please
Post by: pennyplant on May 12, 2006, 04:15:50 PM
Dear Moonlight,

It is okay to ask for help and strength.  I will keep you in my prayers.  And Mud is right, be sure to get that doctor on your side--doctors can make a difference with the insurance companies by writing letters and such.  I've seen that happen, so it's worth a shot.  Hang in there and keep us posted, Moon.  You're a good one.

Title: Re: prayers please
Post by: write on May 12, 2006, 05:43:50 PM

Keep trying, convince the people you need this.
Title: Re: prayers please
Post by: Hopalong on May 12, 2006, 06:06:13 PM
Dear Moon dear,

I'm so sorry you're hurting.
I ditto the suggestion that you use your voice and ASK your doctor to fight for you to have this procedure covered!!!
(Most health insurance authoriztions refusal are eventually paid when they've been legitimately challenged, particularly if the doctor does his or her part.)
Time to use that lovely voice and defend your right to the coverage you've been paying for!! GRRR.

Only other thought I have is PLEASE...stop lashing yourself about the head for being frustrated, angry, sad, feeling overwhelmed....NONSENSE!

It's just HUMAN to have times when we feel weak and need support (no matter what your N told you).

Are you allowed to be just human like everybody else??????????????????????????

(You know the answer, hon. You are entitled to your feelings, all of them.)

Love and (gentle) hugs,

Title: Re: prayers please
Post by: Healing&Hopeful on May 12, 2006, 06:13:52 PM

I can only echo the others, but I'm sorry to hear you're in pain and I truly hope you find some relief very soon, and find someone who can sort the insurance out.  It's shocking when you pay so much and then can't get the treatment when you need it.

Sending you strength and determination and lots of good wishes.

H&H xx
Title: Re: prayers please
Post by: mum on May 12, 2006, 06:36:43 PM
Hi, Moon, I am sorry for your pain.... Don't add to it by beating yourself up for feeling it!
Keep picturing the resolution you need....it will happen. lots of love and relief to you.
Title: Re: prayers please
Post by: moonlight52 on May 12, 2006, 06:50:28 PM
HI Everyone ,  Thank you for your sweet kindness .I am mounting an appeal and getting papers together.So I am not feeling as hopeless.ALSO I had some tests done that were needed for some reason I do not know why but my hubby says it should speed things up.Everyone needs to ask for a helping hand and I sure do thank you all .I AM FEELING MUCH CALMER AND FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS FROM HUBBY AND OUR INSURANCE AGENT WHO IS HELPING.WE ARE PUTTING UP A GOOD FIGHT AND STILL HAVE A  CHANCE.So I should not feel so bad.I was just a little worn out before. Your support has given me new get up and go .So I DO THANK YOU SO MUCH.
Title: Re: prayers please
Post by: moonlight52 on May 12, 2006, 07:05:12 PM
HI MUD, Yes ,GOD UNDERSTANDS .THANK YOU MUDPUPPY  My Mr and I are in this fight together and together with the good
Lords help we will be OK .I was just feeling so very lost this morning.I do not want to lose Faith ever No matter what and I will not.

Title: Re: prayers please
Post by: reallyME on May 12, 2006, 07:35:57 PM
Father, I thank You for favor on Moonlight, that she'll be able to be heard by the proper people in this.  Thank You that You have the perfect doctors for her and that she will be able to get that ulcer dealt with in a hurry, with no side-effects and that her recovery will be quick.  I thank You, Lord for a good report.  In Yahuwshua's name.  Amen.

* Just a tip...please try and not drink Mountain Dew if you do drink it, and try to avoid acid foods.  My 16 yr old has bad ulcers and gastritis from drinking Mountain Dew.  The doctors told us that they had tons of people coming in with ulcers and gastro problems, due to consumption of Mountain Dew Pop and other caffeinated beverages.

Just to help,

Title: Re: prayers please
Post by: Certain Hope on May 12, 2006, 08:18:42 PM
Joining you in prayers here, Moon ... for healing and for peace. And AMEN, Mud ~ In our weakness, God's strength is made perfect.

Title: Re: prayers please
Post by: mudpuppy on May 12, 2006, 08:33:18 PM

You're very welcome moonlight.
When we're afraid of losing faith is often when He is breaking it down to rebuild it stronger than before.
Our trials refine us.

Title: Re: prayers please
Post by: moonlight52 on May 12, 2006, 08:51:19 PM
Hi Mud   Its funny you say that I do feel just that way only I did not know how to put into words.You know there are other folks that are in fixes that are harder than mine.Then again the good Lord will understand me calling out for comfort.I do feel stronger now.I have
not been given any different news from the insurance company.I just feel Gods love and know it will be OK.Thats how I feel.My
N dad says I live in LALA LAND .Well if that means loving God with all my heart.I do.Thanks
Title: Re: prayers please
Post by: write on May 12, 2006, 10:22:21 PM
N dad says I live in LALA LAND

really, my ex used to say thats where I live too! We're NEIGHBOURS xoxoxoxoxox
Title: Re: prayers please
Post by: moonlight52 on May 13, 2006, 12:11:45 AM
HOPS       The gentle hugs were just what the doctor ordered also I got some mild pain relievers today.So Hoppsie I am Happsie.
               My doctor and hubby do not want me to get to where I need these pills but the pain is so bad.They
               are watching how many pills I take and when.My hubby and I still have a big mountain to climb.But
               he says we can make it.And get my surgery approved.                                           
               I have new hope to deal with the pain and paperwork.
               After 6 months I can not believe it my tummy does not hurt.I am going to sleep
               tonight and I will stop beating myself up .I read WRITE'S 12 self defeating beliefs .OH Hops I do love learning
Title: Re: prayers please
Post by: Hopalong on May 13, 2006, 08:07:43 AM
xoxoxoxox back, Moon!
I am so glad your hubby is supportive and you're going to challenge the authorization rejection.

Meanwhile, I'm thinking it's really really important to take extra-good care of yourself, with the right non-irritating foods and some peaceful walks and most of all some good sleep??

Title: Re: prayers please
Post by: write on May 14, 2006, 11:36:56 PM
hiya Moon, hope you are having a good Mother's Day!
I have endometriosis twinges again, just a couple of days a month, I have my hot water bottle wrapped in a towel here against my back, which seems to help.
Sleep well!

Title: Re: prayers please
Post by: moonlight52 on May 16, 2006, 05:16:07 AM
WRITE ,I hope those twinges just move along and leave you alone .My sis in law has them too.I did not do much for Mom's day I got flowers and my girls cleaned house and would not let me get up from the couch first time in my life that ever happened it felt strange. I could hardly keep myself on the sofa.Hope your neighbors are being nicer.OH Write the way you describe things like you and your hot water bottle I just want to go and warm it up for you.
I went to the doctor today I have 3 complications from a previous surgery.At least we have a doctor  we like and knows how to fix me up. I do not have a surgery date yet but it will be good to get it over with. (not a super big surgery)
Always wishing the sweetest dreams and the best sleep
Love and Light  :D
Title: Re: prayers please
Post by: Portia on May 16, 2006, 05:45:09 AM
Dear Moon sorry for not responding sooner. Please look after yourself and let your family look after you. Ask them to do things that cause you any pain, they’ll want to do it. We’re not used to asking I think, but our loved ones love us when they feel that they can help us. Please allow them the gift of looking after you! When we help, we feel good, so you can help them feel good!! Okay? I said a few words for you asking that the pain lessens and hoping that surgery date comes around soon. (((((((((Moon)))))))))
Title: Re: prayers please
Post by: Hopalong on May 16, 2006, 09:37:23 AM
Me too, Moon, sending you an infinite supply of flowers and hours on the couch...maybe this pain is a chance to learn to receive. It is a gift to the people who are trying to give you support and love, to accept them. (My Dad never learned that comfortablly, and it hurt...) Go ahead and validate their giving spirits...lie back and wallow happily, since that's what they want you to do!!

And Write, mental hot water bottles in lovely designs in all your favorite colors, surrounding you on demand....I hope the twinges are just that, and no worse.

Title: Re: prayers please
Post by: write on May 16, 2006, 10:39:04 AM
I have a story about hot water bottles.

When we first moved to the US I lived in small-town Arkansas.
We didn't bring much from England and one day I went shoppig for various items in the local supermarket.

I couldn't find a hot water bottle so I asked a lady stocking shelves, I was in an exuberant mood and was extolling the virtues of the hot water bottle. She gave me a filthy look and passed me on to another assistant who marched me to pharmaceuticals and without a word handed me- a vaginal douching kit  :shock:

I never knew such a thing existed but that's what they called it 'hot water bottle' and I'd been wandering around Wal-mart shouting about what a great comfort and relief they are!  :lol:
Title: Re: prayers please
Post by: daylilyguest on May 16, 2006, 01:36:58 PM
Dear moonlight,

Sending prayers and hugs.  I hope you can find some relief and get the help you need.
