Oh adrift,
I can't believe your father left you cassettes with instructions... Wow, what a control freak. Maybe it made him feel that he had some control over his death??????
You are doing so well and making so much progress in becoming healthy and understanding what is good and right.
Love, Beth
I keep saying to myself, "But how much is your peace of mind worth?"[/color]
I cannot keep doing this!! It makes me crazy. It's like a self fullfilling prophecy. I am constantly put down by my Nmom - therefore my self esteem suffers and I continue to feed this fat and ugly body to somehow fit the mold that my Nmom has set for me!! I know it in my mind but for some reason I just can't seem to break free from the condemnation!!!!!![/color]
I have pretty successfully severed the emmeshment with her(which my mom has used to control, etc...............) but time to grow up and live outside of her orbit.[/color]
My anxiety and sadness are overwhelming me. I can feel the frown on my face!! I mean............I cannot smile. I am not PMSing. I am just so sad right now. Maybe because I realize that I am living in the midst of hopelessness along with voicelessness![/color]
And then I think that God cannot allow me to go through this indefinitely. He HAS to provide a way out for me!!![/color]
Sick!! So I am on a roll in my other business and I just keep praying for patience while I build it because it will give me great satisfaction to go in (with bookkeeper) and say, "OK, girls, run it! Bye!!
Hello Everyone!! It has been so long since I have been here. Maybe I am getting better so I haven't had to log on and vent. But it is time again. I have been lying in bed crying and so/.........................some of you may remember that I have worked with my Nmom for 12 years. We had a major blow up about six years ago and it really helped..........even though she would diagnose me as unstable, etc. I realize that without the major blow up I would be dying of cancer or something major like that - my doctor said I NEEDED to get it out or it would literally eat me alive!!
Anyway, so our business which hasn't made a penny for ten years is finally making a profit. We hired a gal who is great at budgets and accounting and she has single handedly turned the business around. So at the first of the year we hired my aunt who had been fired from the job that she took over for my Nmom when she retired. When they let her go she came to us immediately and didn't even try for another job. We all had real high hopes for her!!1
Then out of the blue, she and my Nmom suddenly think our bookkeeper is too big for her britches. I, on the otherhand have told both of those women that we need to give credit where credit is due!! All of a sudden I realize that my aunt is basically worming her way into the family business and is coming and going as she pleases just like my mother and I do (we are co-owners.............) but if I start to put her in her place my Nmom defends her and progressively is more defensive towards the bookkeeper who has turned out business around. Well, I told my aunt that if she and my mom ran this gal out of her I hereby REFUSE to do the bookkeeping!!!! I am so furious I don't know what to do. I do not want anything to do with my mom and I don't want anything to do with my aunt!! But you have to understand that I always thought that my aunt was some poor abused girl who had to live under my mom's shadow (and she has) but now I realize she is almost as egotistical as my mom!!
I am beside myself with grief and anger!!
I found a new book from a Christian perspective and it is called "Enough About You, Let's Talk About Me!" by Les Carter. He doesn't shove the Christianity down your throat and I am going to give it to my bookkeeper to read!! I suggest it to all of you, too!!
Help!! Kelly (hey bunny and flower and all the rest of you that I haven't talked to in months!!)
You know, I talked in an earlier post about how I prayed for patience.
It is a good reminder about having faith and patience.