Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board

Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: Magnolia on July 16, 2006, 01:48:10 AM

Title: End Your Narcissism
Post by: Magnolia on July 16, 2006, 01:48:10 AM

Workshop for Narcissists!  Oh sure, I can see my father taking this!

Title: Re: End Your Narcissism
Post by: Plucky on July 16, 2006, 02:04:36 AM
This is hilarious.  Note the large bright "send to a friend" button at bottom.
Title: Re: End Your Narcissism
Post by: Certain Hope on July 16, 2006, 08:02:57 AM
Yeah huh... and in only one weekend  :shock:     :P
Title: Re: End Your Narcissism
Post by: penelope on July 16, 2006, 12:57:08 PM
hmmm.  Funny (maybe not?) thing is that the only people who will truly sign up for this are NOT NPD, by definition.  So I'm worried those signing up will be stripped of their healthy Narcissism.

This is the narcissism that is actually good as it gets us to work everyday and keeps us striving for goals that bring personal fulfillment and put food on the table - the N that eventually allows us to retire securely and not be a burden on society.

Funny in a warped way though, I agree.  But sad that it's so one-sided, ie, it conveys the "All N is evil," message..

Title: Re: End Your Narcissism
Post by: mum on July 16, 2006, 01:56:13 PM
so could we put our N's address into the email blank? Hmmmm, I wonder what would be done with that!!!
The whole thing is just bizarre...uh huh, the N's are lining up around the block for this.....
Title: Re: End Your Narcissism
Post by: Hopalong on July 16, 2006, 06:11:07 PM
Boy, this Ken Wilber person is bizarre. I haven't been able to understand what I'm reading....the "green meme"? And I'm not sure if he's an N, a guru, a ... what?

(If anybody has a little summary, I'd be grateful. It's dense stuff!)

Title: Re: End Your Narcissism
Post by: mudpuppy on July 16, 2006, 09:01:49 PM
(If anybody has a little summary, I'd be grateful. It's dense stuff!)

I'm a pretentious jerk, buy my book.

Little enough?

Title: Re: End Your Narcissism
Post by: Stormchild on July 16, 2006, 09:27:10 PM
Wikipedia entry for Ken Wilber


'meme' is contemporary media shorthand for 'idea' or 'talking point'. Green is - green. Like solar power, hybrid cars, recycling. The 'green meme' is another term for 'green ideology' or 'green values'.

[Gotta change the words every now and then so people will think these things are new. Don't blame Wilber for that, he's using the words that are out there.]

Title: Re: End Your Narcissism
Post by: mudpuppy on July 16, 2006, 09:34:28 PM
Hi Stormy,

I think 'meme' was coined by the lovely Richard Dawkins.

And I'm only blaming Wilbur for his turgid prose and those stupid glasses. Otherwise he may be a champ.

Title: Re: End Your Narcissism
Post by: WRITE on July 16, 2006, 11:34:13 PM
I'd probably buy a book called 'End your narcissism' if only to recommend or loan it out occasionally  :)

Title: Re: End Your Narcissism
Post by: Stormchild on July 17, 2006, 08:24:08 AM
Hi Stormy,

I think 'meme' was coined by the lovely Richard Dawkins.

And I'm only blaming Wilbur for his turgid prose and those stupid glasses. Otherwise he may be a champ.


Oh, the Selfish Gene guy. So it's the mental equivalent of a gene, then. Makes sense; I've only run into it among media types.

In re the glasses, if you think his are stoopid looking, you ought to check out the Dalai Lama's. Or mine, for that matter. I got beaten up quite a bit as a child for nothing worse than wearing stupid glasses, mud. Could we consider retracting that remark?
Title: Re: End Your Narcissism
Post by: Magnolia on July 17, 2006, 09:48:22 AM
OH, he looks like a big ole N, for sure!
Title: Re: End Your Narcissism
Post by: mudpuppy on July 17, 2006, 11:05:23 AM
Hey Stormy,

I have no problem with any glasses an old geezer like the Dalai Lama or little kids wear.

I was commenting on the current trend amongst 18-65 year olds to buy and wear glasses that purposely look like something a crabby old lady would have worn in a 1950's sitcom.
His glasses, coupled with the other current trend of shaving a perfectly good head like a billiard ball and his prose gives me a little potential insight into his noggin.

I can assure you that had I been on the same schoolyard as you I would have been defending you not persecuting you, no matter how stupid your glasses were.

Title: Re: End Your Narcissism
Post by: Portia on July 17, 2006, 11:12:59 AM
Off topic for a moment


I'm a pretentious jerk, buy my book.
 :D It applies to so many, too often and what’s more…..people like to buy into the pretension! :o

I think 'meme' was coined by the lovely Richard Dawkins.

Coincidence: I was trying to read RD last night about memes and thinking to myself…..I feel confused, I feel reactionary against this meme thing…it’s making something of nothing, or seeing patterns and calling them a name when in fact…..he’s conning himself? I had a look at something from 1995:

He described ideas as competing, self-replicating entities he called memes. Dawkins's most recent book, River Out of Eden, extends his life's work into a unified evolutionary theory arguing that all life, at its core, is a process of digital-information transfer.
These ideas are intriguing, even a little outrageous, but - most importantly - they have proven astonishingly influential. When a Dawkins meme smacks into your neurons, your neurons obediently repattern themselves around it. You might resist their explicit message, but they are difficult to ignore and impossible to dismiss. They're quite fit - in the Darwinian sense.

 :shock: impossible to dismiss ???? nah, I’m not interested :D! Funny how people reach a certain level of success – Dawkins, M Scott Peck, John Lennon etc – and then they get up themselves. Success bad for some egos; adulation bad for some leaders. But don't some folks love to adore Emperors? Bah.
Title: Re: End Your Narcissism
Post by: Hopalong on July 17, 2006, 09:33:41 PM
Boy I feel dense.
I'm glad we have a philosopher in the house.

Title: Re: End Your Narcissism
Post by: mudpuppy on July 18, 2006, 10:27:41 AM
I'm glad we have a philosopher in the house.

Gee thanks Hops. I didn't see any philosophical insights in my post but if it helped you out that's just dandy. :P :roll:


I was reading an interview of Dawkins a few months back. Regardless of whatever the value of his arguments might be, he seemed a remarkably unpleasant and intolerant man.
I wonder whether success turns good people bad or merely reveals what was there all along.


Title: Re: End Your Narcissism
Post by: Hops on July 18, 2006, 10:47:36 AM
Well Mudster dearie,
I was actually referring to Portia, whose philothought often amazes me.  :shock:  :lol:

(But now that you mention it, I think you're philosophical as well.)

I like to think, but my brain reacted to Heidegger, etc. as though I were trying to grasp a math problem. And I was so math-phobic as a kid I could work up a fainting fit over homework. I guess...logic is like math?

I could do intuition and perception pretty easily...but REASON? I do think. I even reason. I don't know the word for my synapses that don't napse. Guess I'm getting along okay with one hemisphere (can't balance my checkbook though).

Title: Re: End Your Narcissism
Post by: Certain Hope on July 18, 2006, 10:48:02 AM
I think the latter, Mud

Title: Re: End Your Narcissism
Post by: portia guest on July 18, 2006, 11:26:47 AM
Hops, how I wish i could do spontaneous, creative, lateral, feeeeling when sometimes I just feel cold (a cold outsider). No phil'ing back there, just my incomprehension at dawkins and thinking hey, if i think this is a wind-up (memes).....maybe I should trust my instinct? (instead of thinking: oh this is some great 'thinker' I should try and understand...ha! :P)

Regardless of whatever the value of his arguments might be, he seemed a remarkably unpleasant and intolerant man.

Wish I could see that interview. I put a lot of value by watching folks talk, first impressions and all that. Doesn't matter what they say, if they're arrogant sh*ts! I haven't seen him but in this book I'm reading I baulked at some of the words. This line for an example of condescending and superior: 

"I do not wish to steal Doctor Blackmore's thunder, for I have been privileged to see an advance copy of her book, The Meme Machine (1999)."

Now: if he doesn't wish to steal her thunder, why say so? What's the point of saying so? Aha. becasue he can mention her book before it's published - thereby taking some of the thunder for himself (he wishes), rather craftily. Showing he's her superior because she showed it to him. What BS. Fancy leaving it in the final printed book I'm reading. It's : So what? Who cares? haha.

I wonder whether success turns good people bad or merely reveals what was there all along.

I don't know. From the folks I've seen get successes, it doesn't change the okay people (maybe gets them stressed and crazy, but not immoral or bullies) but those who you know are not okay, well, they get worse and worse until they crash. 'Success' as we mean it here does have odd effects. Maybe if dawkins et al had remained relatively unknown they'd be simply.....irritating, instead of really annoying? Or maybe they would have learned a few hard lessons and got some humility along the way? Who knows?

'End Your Narcissism' is so sad/funny though.
Title: Re: End Your Narcissism
Post by: mudpuppy on July 18, 2006, 12:53:52 PM

I knew you were referring to Portia as philisophical. And BTW Heidegger was a Nazi so I don't feel too bad not being philisophical. Some of our biggest moral midgets (I know that's an oxymoron :?) have been philosophers. Seems like a good field for people wanting to think of reasons why its good to be a jerk like them.

Not that Portia is a midget or a jerk; she's probably very large, in a moral sort of way. But svelte in others. Better shut up before I get in more trouble.

BTW P, the interview I saw with RD was in a magazine.


Title: Re: End Your Narcissism
Post by: Hopalong on July 18, 2006, 09:41:45 PM
Portia hope you laughed too because I have to tell you this line of Mr. Mud's did make me LOL...

I do think you're morally large, P! :D (But I know you get nervous about laughing emoticons so hope you didn't feel bad about old Mudsplot ... )

How do you get away with being funny and authoritarian at the same time, Mud?
HAH. Hee!

I have become quite obnoxious myself this month. Uncensored remarks at work, etc. Not giving a poo.
Do y'all think an antidepressant can make one obnoxious, or is it something I've been repressing that has to come out??

I'm supposed to be writing a SERMON and I feel about as reverent as ... dunno.

Title: Re: End Your Narcissism
Post by: mudpuppy on July 18, 2006, 10:51:09 PM
How do you get away with being funny and authoritarian at the same time, Mud?

I didn't know I was authoritarian. You sure you're not thinking of Heidegger, although I don't think he has a reputation for being too funny.
Authoritarian Germans from the thirties seldom do.

Title: Re: End Your Narcissism
Post by: Hopalong on July 18, 2006, 11:26:03 PM
Hmm. Nope, I've repressed Heidegger.

I think I like you enormously (well, I know that) but I also fear you a little.

Childhood training stuff. Not your fault. You're a dear, consistent, good guy.

Title: Re: End Your Narcissism
Post by: mudpuppy on July 19, 2006, 09:47:22 AM
but I also fear you a little

I am one scary dude. :twisted:

My daughter beats me up. :lol:

Title: Re: End Your Narcissism
Post by: moonlight52 on July 19, 2006, 05:37:07 PM
Hi Guys ,
Tree sloths are not afraid of anything around or in the pond. :D

Mud said I have my badges and you can not have them back lol

But now that I think of it Berlin in the thirties now that might have been scary.


p.s I read Ken Wilber before he shaved his head I lost that book now what was his pompous paradigm?I forgot I was doing dishes.lol
Title: Re: End Your Narcissism
Post by: Hopalong on July 19, 2006, 06:36:16 PM
Wall, cowpoke, Mudpup...

I know when you're not a Mudpup you're a marshmallow.
I think it's oooooold fears of judgement that carry over.

YOU, (the real you, not the stern Abraham fella) I know, are a terrific guy.
I know I'd be veryy lucky to have you for my friend.

Sorry for the confusing comment anyway, not needed and made no sense.

