Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board

Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: Anansi on July 18, 2006, 07:05:47 PM

Title: headbutt
Post by: Anansi on July 18, 2006, 07:05:47 PM
Although the word thinks the headbutt was stupid, violent, childish, etc ..  I think ironically it might potentially be inviting a positive effect (planting a seed).  Maybe the collective unconscious, from this image, will pick up a message something to the effect of:  "Hey world, LOOK, here's the centre of your chest, your heart centre, LOOK at it, here it is, it exists ...  let's make sacrifices in the name of love and for the love of God world, go to the centre of your chest, open it, let it be spacious"  ... Also note, that the grief point (CV17) is  located in the centre of the chest.

Title: Re: headbutt
Post by: Hopalong on July 18, 2006, 10:24:16 PM
I am clueless about chakras but the man loves his mama.

I think it's weird that amid violent sports (not soccer, just its fans---but say, football?) which strike me as so anti-life...

to insult a mother can bring on more violence?

What's that mean? (Me, I think deeply ingrained sexism, in one weird manifestation).

Title: Re: headbutt
Post by: Anansi on July 19, 2006, 01:26:15 AM
typo:  Although the world thinks ...

I'm hoping to draw another perspective to the image.  Underneath all the hoopla surrounding the event, an indelible image exists of contact with the centre of the chest - the location of heart energy (aka heart chakra).  This centre point of the chest is where stored up grief exists.  Love comes after the tears - what the world now most needs. 

Hi Hops, thanks for sharing.  I think violence on the outside (in sports, wars, etc.) is so welcome is because it's an attempt by people to express how they feel on the inside.  On soccer:  just think of every goal as finding your voice and your N parents as the goal keeper.  You try to express your feelings, the keeper blocks them, others, (society) block them, finally after much circulation, frustration and stress (inside body movements shown outside with runners running around), you score, you get your voice out and the keeper couldn't shame you (block you).  Notice how great it feels to get your voice out and be heard, notice how excited everyone gets when it happens and notice the humility on the other side.  "As above, so below"

I didn't know that about Zidane.  Men cutting cords with their mothers .. whew.. that's another topic .. a very big one indeed.  I think Ron Howard tries to address it in his sitcom, Arrested Development. 
