I am making progress but I wish it were faster.
Can I go to recess now?" He says, "Not so fast, ANS. You have not completed all your work.I'm reading into this that if I get it right then I get to go to recess? I really want to go to recess. Have you gotten there yet?
I'm reading into this that if I get it right then I get to go to recess? I really want to go to recess. Have you gotten there yet?
Day to day I live with the fear of never again feeling connected to a family unit. My great fear of abandonment is certainly connected to the above. I fear never figuring out what I will do when I grow up.
I fear being stuck in this spiral forever.
Please be patient with yourself and take good care.
I fear not getting out of my paralysis,
I'm afraid of what will happen if I commit to something and afraid of what will happen if I don't.
why is your life in limbo?
Feeling like my entire future hinges on what a man I love may choose to do, my life in his hands.
This has got to be about you, and although that may seem like the scariest thing of all, it's the best and greatest ...opportunity....
to choose ... for whom are you going to live?
I feel as though I'm not allowed to show weakness, because that would be a character flaw, so I hide it behind a mask of everything being fine. Maybe the real fear is of others knowing how afraid I really am.
What do you think would happen if you took off this mask you speak of? What if you gave voice to your fear? What would happen if you let someone else carry you for awhile? If somebody showed up, would you let this happen?
You have a number of really nice things going for you. You don't have to worry about money, you have a good year before really needing to decide on the rest of your life, you have friends, you play golf, your daughter is coming next summer, and you can move anywhere in the world and do anything you want!
Maybe the feeling of not being able to choose freely is making you feel bad? So allow yourself to choose freely, without the constrraint of the relationship. Then your choice wil be that much more informed.
I am SO sorry for causing you to feel guilty about your so-called complaining.
Also, I am not a relationship expert.
I would just like to point out that having the sole responsibility of deciding on the outcome of the relationship is probably not a good thing for your bf to have, for him or for you.
How about putting together an exciting future you can have with or without him?
Maybe it goes back to my childhood when I was an only child for ten years and felt very isolated and wished for a sibling all those years.
I always thought I would write a book and call it: "How Not Giving a S*** Saved My Life"
But I am awed by this brave thread.
How about putting together an exciting future you can have with or without him?
I think at some level I am doing that. In my case, though, the alternate scenario is pretty drastically different from the one where the two of us ride into the sunset, so it will require a lot of planning and determination on my part.
I want to scream that my patience has run out.
I wish I could bring over my Deluxe Scrabble game and distract you for an evening.
How come the lives you want with and without him are so different?
I know it's hard, (I should talk), but try not to be afraid of unaccustomed feelings and fears. You will not die from them. Scream when you need to!
I don't know that this would be a dream of mine, just an alternative and a way to get beyond another failed relationship (which would be the case if this alternative were realized).
Who in the world watches curling????? That's like meeting someone from North Dakota...
Brigid, please let me down gently...but ... but... could it be you don't wear a string of pearls and sensible shoes??
this topic has gone from fear to curling and stiletto heels. We are making progress!
If you wear those pearls just right It can be a blast...