Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => What Helps? => Topic started by: Portia on October 28, 2006, 09:57:46 AM
Found this site and quite like its science-based approach: http://www.psycheducation.org/index.html to bipolar etc.
Also really liked its overview of how our brains work: http://www.psycheducation.org/emotion/introduction.htm
and a cool note about 'self': http://www.psycheducation.org/emotion/science%20and%20mind.htm
and if you want to get carried away with the science: http://www.hhmi.org/senses/a110.html
FEAR and the Amygdala I have read the article done by time magazine about 6 months ago.
This little critter has caused me some trouble.Portia I took a simple look at the "fear circuitry " of the brain.
For bipolar folks the amygdala does not function correctly without medicine soooooooooooooooo I take it even if I seem well.
I used to get panic attacks those are gone now .I do look for hypo manic stages and I have no depression not what I call depression .
That minus zero the below the basement kind of depression no self .
That I have not experienced for a long time.The mood disorder bipolar 1 is the easiest treated of all. :D
I have experienced the flight or fight reactions but few delusions .
When I am in the state of higher self bipolar is a gift and can be managed
When I listen to a world that says shes "mentally ill" I fall and feel like I am nothing those gosh darn labels.
Thx portia for these websites cool 8)
p.s. Mr moon loves brain chemistry and this interest has so helped him cope and understand Bipolar.............. He loved your websites as well 8)
I just really liked the chap's no-nonsense but down-to-earth and scientific approach Moon: so much self-help stuff is aimed at getting you to buy a book or whatnot, I liked his way of informing, if you want to learn (coz I like to learn :D).
Your description of 'minus zero the below the basement' is so visually true Moon. I was probably there only for a period and I hope you never go back there: I don't even know what it was like for you of course, but your description seems spot on, the black pit of nothingness type of thing. No, enough of that!
Those darn labels. Mentally ill I don't think. What we can't label is mentally well: healthy. It's very difficult to describe what healthy is, so it's easier to point at other people and say 'mentally ill' - it's so much easier to label others than to label ourselves! How many psychiatrists are 'mentally well' I wonder and do they test themselves? haha. Let's put them in a lab and test them! tsk. 8)
But yes, chemistry has it's influence as does environement past, and environment today. What could be more anxiety-producing than being examined (judged) by a psychiatrist in a hospital? I wonder if that's taken into account...
Hey P
Maybe it's what you call white coat bipolar when ever I am in shrinks office I get spikes of bipolar :lol:
Really Mr. m loved reading these links he is an engineer that really wanted to be a Doctor.
Funny the type of medicine that has always fascinated him is brain chemistry.
So really when I was diagnosed there was no problem in him understanding mood swings.
But he sometimes is still pissed I spent $ I was not suppose to.......................
Thank goodness I now live in trust and no secrets .Why does he forgive me must be because I am a riot .
I am so funny or I think I am which is just as good most of the time.Humbly I say so :lol:
I know how to play and he likes that.
Yes Portia it's the combination of all those things.Thanks to you I can always see different sides to issues.
Also I am pretty mellow but thats what kept me hypnotized so long that's why I like your fiery and thoughtful nature. 8)
I am keeping my shirt on tee hee
when ever I am in shrinks office I get spikes of bipolar
anxiety triggering mania?
I often talk fast and get wound up at doctors/ dentists.
I find it very intrusive the way so many practitioners try to impose their model instead of listening and thinking about it for you the individual.
In particular many doctors do not listen when you report side-effects for medications, I let a doctor talk me into meds which made life worse than the illness. Not any more- it's mine to live with and mine to manage.
Thanks Portia/ Moon.