Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board

Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: axa on January 19, 2007, 11:42:40 AM

Title: My Story - a long one part 1
Post by: axa on January 19, 2007, 11:42:40 AM

I have been reading this board on and off for about six months.  Over the past two months I have been on here daily but have felt unable to tell my story until now.  I feel able to spit all the filth out right now so here goes.  Btw my fried says it is too far fetched to even make it as a soap opera.

When my daughter died from a chronic illness four and a half years ago my life changed.  I had been nursing her for years.  Which was a privilege and joy, though hard work.  When she was finally released from her pain I rejoiced for her, she was free at last.  Before she died she said to me Dont forget to get a life Mom. 

My feeling after she died was one of great relief for her and also a sense of I wanted to live my life as she could not have hers.  I went on the internet, met a few guys and decided I was for the single life.  Then I got an email from XN.  I talked to him on the phone.  We knew mutual people, good sign I thought.  I found his manner off putting but he seemed like fun so I went and had dinner with him.

Funny, I said to my sister before our date that I would not drink any alcohol at dinner because I wanted my wits about me having had a number of bad relationship experiences.  My initial impression was that he was abrupt, sarcastic, charming, a bit rude but very interesting.  We went to a concert after dinner, then for coffee and had a pleasant evening.  I liked him, or should I say I found him very interesting. 

His wife had left him 8 years previously, everything was legal.  She got her settlement, left their 7 year old daughter with him and more or less disappeared.  His daughter had little contact with her mother and rarely saw her.  He called me a few days later and asked if we could meet again.  Went to an afternoon movie, which was about a teenager who had died, both cried.  I thought he was crying for me ..(LOL).  We started dating.  He told me he had told D about me because he liked me so much and could not keep it from her.  I thought this was cute.

A few days later he called to say that Xwife had offered, out of the blue, to take D for a week, it was during summer holidays.  He invited me to his house, which was two hours drive away, for dinner.  I decided to bring some really good expensive wine and was quite excited about meeting him.  Arrived for dinner, he showed me around, his animals etc, opened wine and talked,after about an hour I mentioned dinner.  To which he replied Oh did I ask you for dinner.  He had had a big lunch and had not thought of dinner.  RED FLAT DULY IGNORED BY ME.  We had a very nice few days.

He told me he had arranged to meet someone else from the internet for lunch that Sat and felt it would be rude to not turn up but would tell her he met the right person for him.  This he did.  I thought this was very honourable of him.   Sat evening D called to say her mother was going away and she needed collection 4 hour drive from where we were.  Off we went in the car.  Meet D. 

And so things went on. D and I got on very well. I loved her and she told me she love me.  A few weeks later I was at his house for the weekend.  Arrived Sat evening, in kitchen talking and this woman (xwife) walked in went to the cupboard, took a glass and poured herself a glass of wine.  We all chatted for a while, everything felt strange but I was grounded and thought well I will just see what goes on here.  D asked me to come and feed the animals with her, eventualy after much insistance I went and so did XN leaving Xwife in house drinking wine.  I asked him when she would leave, he said she would probably stay the night as sometimes she just arrived to see D and hung around.  I thought ok, went up to house, got my bag and left.

On the road got call from Xn saying xwife had gone and would I come back.  Though No will keep going, it was all a bit strange.  Xwife called me and said once she realised that I was XN girlfriend she had left and just wanted D to be happy.  Sounds ok.  Then D calls and begs me to come back... she really did not know me that well.  He had manipulated her to do this.  I stupidly came back. 

We went off on holiday and a number of weird things happened but mostly it was good.  And so our lives went on.  Little or no contact between D and xwife.  They did not know where she lived.  I saw that D wanted contact with her mother and asked her if she would come on some kind of regular basis to see D.  She did not have a house herself, even though she had plenty of money to buy one with settlement.  She agreed with hesitation, which I thought was strange and followed through three times then disappeared again.  If D wanted to call her mother she would have to hide her phone id as her mother would often not answer if she knew it was D.

I should tell you that XN said his marriage broke up because his xwife had serious breakdown with psychotic episodes.  God spoke to her through other people and he told her to go and leave her husband and children.  I believe she was unstable anyway but living with XN obviously contributed greatly to breakdown.

Meanwhile I was working near xns home and gradually moved in.  STUPID MOVE.  One evening I came home from work to find xwife in our bedroom.  I was speechless.  She said sorry just checking up something on the internet.  When I said this to XN he said he would talk to her.  It was crazy.  She would arrive and stay for as long as she liked.  When I would challenge XN about this he said that she used to live in this house so she never quite detached and also D desperatly wanted her mother to call.  So now the games start.

There are so many stories I could not begin to tell them.  XN had difficulty in his work.  Every boss he has had he has fought with and has been moved a number of times.  He is very clever intellectually but people get sick of his bullying and rule breaking.  It was as if he was above the rules. (Familiar).  Xn left his job and decided to work abroad.

 I was anxious about him being abroad because his work is often in developing countries.  Also I was not happy about him going away for long periods of time.  D was not happy either.  She had been abandoned by her mother and I think she felt this was like another abandonment.  Meanwhile D and I got on really well, had good fun together and developed, or so I thought, a very loving bond.  One summer we all went abroad for the summer and it was fun, some bad times, but mostly I enjoyed it. 

I decided to sell my house, which was too big and build a smaller place in the area I lived in.  This we could use and also his house.  Meanwhile he built a big fancy house.  This was his plan before he met me.  He excluded me from making decisions about the house and even when he would consult me he would then do the opposite.  I spent a year in and out of shops looking at materials/furniture etc for his place.  So off he went abroad, making lots of money.  I stayed home and took care of his daughter and he would come home every few weeks.  Meanwhile little contact with xwife. 

November 05 xwife appears on the scene.  She has never had a job since their marriage ended and my guess was that she was running out of money.  All of a sudden we met Mother Earth.  In the meantime XN and I were having problems, he was getting more and more controlling, no more sex, etc.  I felt like the unpaid childminder, housekeeper etc.  It really pissed me off.

Dec 05 XN was having severe problems with boss abroad.  They were discussing terminating his contract as he was so difficult.  It was coming up to my daughters anniversary.  I was sick of his me me me stuff.  When he came back from abroad he went to his house, I told him I wanted to spend the anniversary not talking about him and with my daughter's friends.

When he got back to his house, xwife had moved in and he told her it was ok for her to stay.  I did not know this at the time.  He told me later that he asked her to stay because he thought I was going to abandon him.  His paranoia kicked in. The story then changed to she was only the housekeeper/childminder etc and I never appreciated his fancy house, car etc while she did.

We had arranged to go on holidays.  I was in shock, his D who was like my own child turned into this vicious nasty monster who was so rude to me.  I was in total shock.  Came back from hols.  Me to my house, XN to house with Xwife.  He said he had a breakdown and loved me .......  we could work it out.  He was not sure what he wanted etc.

I got so angry one day that I called to his house.  xwife was there all settled in.  I challenged him.  He asked should he ask her to leave.  ended up having a big row in the house.  Xwife told me the reason she left D with him was because he said he would kill himself if she took D.  My response to that is I would not leave my kids with anyone who was suicidal.  She erased the past 8 years and had settled into big fancy house.  I have always know that material things are very important to her.  Meanwhile he is crying on the couch saying he loves me but he wants his family back.  NUTS.  I left.

Time passed, I think I had PTSD.  I could not eat, work, sleep got ill and all the time he is coming down to see me "trying to figure out what the best thing to do was because he did not want to hurt anyone" what a shit!.  He moved in with me last summer, which was ok.  Then we went abroad for the fall which was terrible.  He was rude, cruel, mean, depressed,

You know what I cannot write anymore right now because I need to go to the bathroom to throw up.

Title: Re: My Story - a long one part 1
Post by: Hopalong on January 19, 2007, 12:25:16 PM
Axa, hon. I am so glad you're getting it out.


You're going to be okay, dear.
And this is a very important step.

Keep typing when you can.
And remember to stop blaming yourself.

It IS sickening, what you went through.

But it's the kind of sickness you are getting well from.
Recovering from major lifesaving surgery is veryyyyyyyyyyr uncomfortable.

Just remember that uncomfortable doesn't mean you're not getting better. You are!


Title: Re: My Story - a long one part 1
Post by: DivineSunshine on January 19, 2007, 04:47:51 PM

Sounds like it's a good thing you got OUT! 

This stuff is all unbelievable and definitely unacceptable!

Keep writing when you can---we are  here to listen.

So sorry for your loss.  I can't imagine.

Peace & Namaste

Sunny D
Title: Re: My Story - a long one part 1
Post by: axa on January 19, 2007, 06:10:13 PM
Thanks guys, 

Reading what I wrote makes me see how nuts it all was but when I was in there listening to XN crying and telling me he loved me I could not get my head around things

Part 2.

Xn decided during the year that it was not him who was doing the crazy mean stuff, in fact he was possessed by some evil spirit who was making him behave like a crazy person.  He went to a number of different therapists but never stayed any lenght of time with anyone so of course nothing worked.

I realised in our joint therapy that he would "do" what the therapist asked so that he looked like the good one, not because he wanted to change.  We had terrible rows over the past year.  He blaming me.  Our lives would have been so good if I had moved into his big house.  Never thought to ask why I did not want to move in.

He did not want anyone coming to the house.  He did not like socialising.  He wanted me to stay home in this house, where I knew nobody while he did he was abroad.  He had this big plan and I upset it.  So nothing for it but to punish me as much as possible.

I became aware also that the "love" he had for me meant nothing. It was all about how useful I was.  He did not need me as a sitter/housekeeper etc any longer.  he knew i loved him so he was in a very powerful position and boy did he use this power.

When we were abroad he told everyone we met that I was his wife.  His D told people I was her mother.  They were both quite dillusional. I had problems with this as I felt it was dishonest because of cultural differences I did not feel able to tell the truth to the people we met.

His behaviour became more and more obnoxious.  He would not talk to me, have sex, be close.  Would ignore me, it just goes on and on.  But all the time there were those visious barbs.  I felt like I had the life sucked out of me.  I gave up work to travel with him in the hope of healing our relationship.  Of course this gave him more power.  I was not earning any money and he was making big bucks.  He told me one evening that he would pay for everything but I could not buy flowers with the housekeeping money.  I guess I used to spend about 8 dollars a week on flowers!

The abuse continued, when I would withdraw he would do the speech on how we were partners and how much he loved me etc.  I just knew that he was going to destroy me unless I got out and so with the help of everyone here I threw him out in December.  I got my life back.  He arrived back 2 days later crying, telling me he loved me etc.  I was having none of it.  His parting words to me were "you are MY girl, when things have eased down we will be friends I know t hat".  I was so angry. 

Called him next day told him to have sex with xwife, stay with her but have no contact with me again.  He was so hurt and thought i was so mean to punish him so.  What a crazy bastard.

Anyway have had no contact thankfully.  Learned that he has his profile up on an internet dating site for a long time.  Is, I presume, living with Xwife and D.  I am so glad to be out of all the mess.

It is so good to write it down and see how crazy it all was.

Thank you all for this place to use my voice and hear how mad my life was with him.

Just writing about it exhausts me, no wonder I could not do anything when he was around.

Thanks to all,

Title: Re: My Story - a long one part 1
Post by: dandylife on January 19, 2007, 06:16:23 PM
What an incredible story. You are courageous and loving. You wanted to do the best you could for yourself, him, and his daughter. You didn't know what you were up against, though. Picture an iceberg and that's only the tip of things!

Emotions color our behaviors. Emotions you feel for him through empathy and emotions you feel about yourself in the moment. You did the best you could all the way through. Hurrah!

What you learned you will carry through with you and the pain will lessen with every passing day.

Title: Re: My Story - a long one part 1
Post by: axa on January 19, 2007, 08:43:05 PM
Thanks Dandy,

I feel like I met evil.  The more I think of it the more I feel that xwife was only a decoy.  I am remembering things as time goes on and think that he had a number of different plans.  Nothing would surprise me right now.  For all I know he could have another woman lined up as more supply.  The fact that he has stayed away makes me very suspicious.  Xwife would not make very good supply.  I think she has walked right back into the web and he will use her until she is of no more use. 

Title: Re: My Story - a long one part 1
Post by: Stormchild on January 19, 2007, 09:27:15 PM

whew, you really escaped a horrible mess. I'm just floored by all of this. I can pretty much guarantee that he was cheating on you much if not most of the time he was with you, too. This kind of N usually has to 'run a string'. Explains the internet profile thing, too.
Title: Re: My Story - a long one part 1
Post by: seastorm on January 19, 2007, 11:09:30 PM
So sorry that you got hooked by this crazy, manipulative man. His daughter is another victim and it sounds like his ex wife is a pawn in his game too. It all adds up to CHAOS because he is a liar.
It is great that you are telling your story. Tell it as much as you need or want to. Each time another layer is unpeeled for you.
It amazes me that you could find the strength to get out once you were so used and abused.
You were kind and loving to his daughter, becoming her care provider. I agree that he sounds like the sort of guy that likes a trapline of supply. His behaviour did not make sense because he lied and manipulated people.

I really feel for you sorrow about the relationship with his daughter. He has taught her to collude with him in his games because he is all she has. This is so evil.

Thank goodness you are out of it. You have a chance now. If you stayed it would just get worse and worse.

Sea storm
Title: Re: My Story - a long one part 1
Post by: Dazed1 on January 20, 2007, 12:32:22 AM
Hi Axa,

Bravo for you for telling your story.

Please don't be too hard on yourself.  You were caught up in the situation.  You wanted it to work, but you didn't realize you were in the hands of an N abuser.

And, Bravo for you that you got out!  It must have been SO hard for you to quit the entire situation.  Your head must have been spinning in confusion.  But, you saw the light and left.  That took a lot of soul searching and guts.

Axa, you are very brave and very strong.  And now, you are healing.

Title: Re: My Story - a long one part 1
Post by: axa on January 20, 2007, 09:18:25 AM
CB, DAzed, Seastonr, Storm, everyone

Thank you for witnessing my story.  I am so shocked at the energy I have since I threw him out but of course reading what I wrote the life was being sucked out of me.

Putting it out there helped me see just how mad it all was.  It is incredible how the most insane of situation can seem at some level "normal" when those around you collude with the madness.  It is only by getting out that you see the real truth of the situation.

I was devastated about the loss of his D.  I loved her very much and while I was aware that she was NOT my daughter I did love her like one.  I know she was mainpulated by both parents and is controlled by them but I am still very angry at her abandonment of me.  I am concerned that she has developed N traits also.  I recall at one time moving my clothes out of his house because I felt things were bad.  I was very worried about her reaction and sat to talk with her and explain that Dad and I were going through a rough patch.  We were not breaking up but i needed a bit of space for a while.  I thought she would have been very upset but she broke into a huge smile.  It sturck me as very very strange at the time.  I think she is like a performing monkey, being what the other person wants her to be and stuck in the middle of two very selfish manipulative adults.  I love her but I do not like her behaviour and I do not trust her.  She has chosen to not have contact with me and I respect that but I still care about her very much.  She is a victim in all of this.

As far as xwife is concerned.  She is pretty smart.  She was waiting in the wings for a chink in the door.  I was around her D long enough to see the emotional abuse she put her through.  She has walked back into her Ds life as if she had never left.  That part is really very crazy too.  She has very strange ideas about lots of things. 

My daughter was very artistic and used to paint and draw a lot.  Xn's D would not have been encouraged to be creative until I came along.  She and I used to draw together, something I really liked.  Her mother saw one of her drawings and said "Oh this is not D's work this is the spirit of your D who has come through my D.........  I was so angry she could not acknowledge that fact that her girl was talented and creative but attributed the work to my dead daughter.  She is nuts too.  Sorry guys.  I have held her D when she was distraught from phone calls from her mother badmouthing people who were good to her D.  No, she is in there for the status, money, fancy lifestyle.  God she is welcome to it. 

When XN D would come to visit me after her Mother came back to house.  I noticed she would ask me questions that just did not seem as if they came from her.  One evening as she was grilling me I asked her who was asking the questions?  That was the end of that,  I have no doubt her mother was trying to figure out what was going on in my life and using D as a spy.  It really was so sick and twisted.

Xwife started sleepig rough at one stage and let the kids know.  Eventually after seven years she bought an apartment, furnished it but had only one single bed in the place.  She had two kids and no where for them to stay.  Don't talk to me about her.  She used to engrage me with her casual dismissal of her children.  I think she is getting what she deserves and in some ways I am grateful to her because I would not have gotten rid of him so easily if she was not there as a form of supply.

Storm, I don' think he had other women in real life.  But I do believe he had many "friends" on the internet.  I have no evidence of this but my gut tells me so.  He would spend hours on the internet, especially late at night.  I know he had some "hidden" email accounts.  That in itself speaks volumes.

Lucky escape, lucky escape.

Thank you for allowing me rant I needed it.  Feel really good though.  It seems the choice was for me "Do you want to be with him or do you want to be happy?"  Thankfully I choose the latter.

Loads of love and hugs and snuggles and warmth and everything good I can send through cyberspace.  I am so relieved I have gotten this disgusting nastiness out of me.

Title: Re: My Story - a long one part 1
Post by: Gaining Strength on January 20, 2007, 10:14:02 AM
Axa your story is VERY believable.  I like what CB writes about boiling frogs and your own good heart.  Plus don’t forget that growing up with an N mother is damaging and makes it extremely difficult to choose a kind person.  Plus your love for his daughter and the loss of your own adds a very complicated part. 

I am so glad you are here and so very sorry for what you have suffered.  When I see you lay all this out I am thankful that you can do it, that I can see what you and so many of us have been through.  It helps and I think part of what we suffer is clearly conveyed by Storm’s post about “bad mother taboo.”  No body wants to listen or believe what we have been through and nobody wants to have compassion.  That compassion and validation can go a very long way towards healing.  I know that is true for me.

Thank you for sharing Axa. - GS
Title: Re: My Story - a long one part 1
Post by: Bones on January 20, 2007, 11:56:50 AM

Just to be on the safe side, if I were in your shoes regarding this xNjerk, I would have myself checked for STDs.  God knows what he was REALLY doing abroad thinking no one would find out along with his lying and manipulating.  I don't trust that Ntwit any farther than I can throw him!

Title: Re: My Story - a long one part 1
Post by: seastorm on February 03, 2007, 03:08:41 AM
Hi Axa,

I have been thinking about you and I agree that your exN was evil. What a calculating and manipulative martian he was. He was so lucky to have your love and your support and he used and abused you.
I can really hear that your grief and the unravelling of all this insanity  comes in waves.  Some parts of your story are just touched on.
For instance, when his daughter smiled as you were leaving. That made my blood run cold. What the heck was THAT? Or the mother saying that her daughter was channelling your daughter??? I would like to imagine that situation and just walk in there with you and say "That is enough. We are out of here".

I don't know what he was doing when he was away from you. I would imagine that history repeats itself and he was using and manipulating people in strange and mysterious ways. I really hope he is long gone.

You have been though a lot. 

Sea storm

Title: Re: My Story - a long one part 1
Post by: axa on February 03, 2007, 04:09:57 AM

Do you not find that at some level it becomes "normal" when you are in it.  What is wonderful about here is that there is no need to hold back you can just speak the truth and someone acknowledges how crazy it is.  I think his daughter is so messed up.  She is like a puppet and morphs into what the other person wants her to be.  I think she has no understanding of appropriate reactions/feelings in a situation. It did give me the shivers when she gave me that smile.  I remember her doing it again at another time which was terribly sad for me.  I feel very sorry for her, she has had so little real love in her lilfe.

The mother is so weird but presents well.  They really are the most dysfunctional family.  They have very little interaction with others, neighbours etc.  and the mother has no friends and XN very few, from college days and they all live long distances away.  They are so disonnected from reality.  Something I have become aware of is that I hold my tounge when crazy stuff happens I think I would have been better off naming the madness while it is going on.

Of course he is using and manipulating others when he is abroad.  It is the only thing he knows how to do.  He alienates everyone.  He has a better chance of having some sort of connection with people in a foreign country as they may dismiss his behaviour at some level as a cultural difference.  It aint believe me.

Xwife is living in his fancy house now.  I know he does not love her, well he does not love anyone but it is to his advantage to have her there.  She keeps it clean, looks after the gardens, picks up D from school, does the housework etc.  he needs someone living in the house for insurance purposes.  So he is just using her.  He knows it and has admitted it.  He also put her in there to punish me because I would not live in the middle of no where while he was off globe trotting.  So its all about using and manipulation.

Thanks for knowing what I am talking about Sea,

Title: Re: My Story - a long one part 1
Post by: Hopalong on February 03, 2007, 10:59:51 AM
Oh Axa,
thank god you don't live in a huge isolated fancy place with no human contact except those sad crazed people.

I see so much healing in so many of your comments, especially...lucky escape!!!

That's your life force and your sane thinking coming back to reclaim you.

Shudder. Interesting detour, hard hard hard lesson. But in a way, perhaps a lifesaving one.

love to you (and to Sea too, who knows that tune so well... and is healing so so much)...

Title: Re: My Story - a long one part 1
Post by: axa on February 03, 2007, 11:20:25 AM

You are a sweetie pie.  Always miss if you are not around.  I shudder when I think of the big house.  It really is in the middle of nowhere.  The only person who calls is the post man.  XN was terrible to leave his d down there with haf demented xwife.  Me I have my lovely small home, with stunning views, open door, friends calling, good (well mostly good) neighbours, easy place to live. 

I just think it was insane that he wanted me up there where I knew nobody rattling around the mausoleum (sic) but of course it was all about control and isolation.  I love company, really enjoy human contact so I would have died up there.


Title: Re: My Story - a long one part 1
Post by: debkor on February 03, 2007, 11:37:10 AM

Your right. ,  Your words make real sense to me. what a crazy bastard.
That is exactly what he is.
I think axa if they would of showed their true selves right from the very beginning, you head would of spun, your eyes would of popped out and you would of burnt the rubber off your shoes getting out the door.  But they don’t axa. They know how to work it.  It’s their job it’s there life.  They live to do what they do. 
You get in so deep that you don’t know what’s up or what’s down.   They make us think we are crazy.  They keep us so confused.  That is what they want.  If we were to get our wits about us, we would blow the door off even before we turned the doorknob trying to get out.
You did Axa you blew that door off and your out. 
Hon, your on the outside now where it is safe.  Now you can take a look back in and see with a clear mind what was really going on without being a part of it. 
That is why you feel sick.  You are seeing it clearly. 
He was so hurt and thinks your mean to punish him.
Yeah axa ofcourse he would say and think that.  He is mad that you are getting healthy and seeing him for who he really is and what kind of mess you got into.
His words were manipulation.  That is all.
I’m very glad you are out.
Take it from me who has been there done that.
Talking and thinking about him and how it makes you sick will pass also.
It’s part of the healing process.
Eventually you will be able to talk about it with no emotion.  It will be beyond you with out pain, without shame or guilt and it will be just a story.  It will just be a learning experience that you will never forget. 

Love Deb