Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board

Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: CB123 on January 22, 2007, 07:53:57 AM

Title: Today's the day
Post by: CB123 on January 22, 2007, 07:53:57 AM
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Stormchild on January 22, 2007, 08:05:18 AM
Prayers locked, loaded, and launched, ma'am. ;-)
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: axa on January 22, 2007, 08:19:10 AM
prayers, good energy, good wishes, love, strenght, hope, calmness...........everything good in the universe I can send to you I do CB.  You brave and wonderful person.

xxx Axa
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: liberty on January 22, 2007, 10:21:00 AM
All the best to you CB. You sound good and prepared. Let us know how things went.

Love and best wishes.

Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Hopalong on January 22, 2007, 10:22:09 AM
Big column of warm light covering you like a friendly searchlight today, CB.
You are safe and you are not alone and you have a host of invisible supporters in that room.

Love to you and don't yield. You are fundamentally stronger than he is, he just doesn't know it yet.

You are on the side of love.

Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: moonlight52 on January 22, 2007, 10:38:26 AM
CB  ,


I know you will find it CB.

Love to you

Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: DivineSunshine on January 22, 2007, 11:24:47 AM
Yes---what Hop said!  We are all there with you...you just can't see us!

.....  Sending you positive energy and angels! 

Just breathe...you've dealt with this guy a million times! 

Peace & Namaste,

Sunny D
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Sela on January 22, 2007, 11:27:39 AM
Hiya CB:

Keeping you in my prayers and sending you all the hope for a positive outcome.
It will be a learning experience, I bet, no matter what.

Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Gaining Strength on January 22, 2007, 01:02:38 PM
Sending prayers and thoughts and energy of confidence, courage and determination.  Visualizing success and kindness at the negotiation table. - GS
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: gratitude28 on January 22, 2007, 07:36:49 PM

It is so comforting to have you here. Best wishes for a smooth-as-can-be day and may it all pass as uneventfully as possible. Will keep you in my thoguhts and prayers.
Love, Beth
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Dazed1 on January 22, 2007, 07:46:31 PM
Sending positive energy, CB.

But, by now, the mediation probably already occured.  How'd it go??

So glad to hear you feel much, much more grounded and centered and you know what?  YOU ARE!!!  You've come a LOOOOOONG way.  You're a different person, CB.  You have grown heaps.

Job very, very well done CB.

By the way, love what you posted about anger on Izzy's thread:  If anger is disproportionate to the event that angered us, then trace the anger back to the event which made us angry.  Right?

Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Hopalong on January 22, 2007, 08:06:41 PM
Sent you da vibes again from work...did you get them?
Are you okay?

You're probably wiped out. Catch us up when you can.

Yay for you no matter what,
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: CB123 on January 23, 2007, 08:47:30 AM
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: liberty on January 23, 2007, 10:50:37 AM

Don't worry. Everything will be okay. You'll feel better once you get some rest. You've crossed a major milestone. We're all here with you.  :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Gaining Strength on January 23, 2007, 12:09:03 PM
CB - I am so glad for you that it is over for today.  I will continue to pray that he signs the agreement. 

I am so proud of you on many levels.  I am proud that you had the fortitude to make the needed compromise in spite of your "non-negotiable" preference.  Too many times in my life I bit off my nose in spite of my face in order to "Stand on Principles".  In hindsight I would undo each and every "stand on principle" as to a one I paid the price. 

Of course you feel betrayed by the system. How appalling that a man who makes good money is able to take part of your one financial asset. Something that would have been yours had you never married him. And I am astonished that, despite the number of years of the marriage, the years of alimoney are limit to 3.  Ironically that works against women staying home to care for children.  How unbelieveable that no job training or anything else is required of a man whose wife always stayed home.  But I love what the mediator said, "you are going to be rich when this is over simply because you are going to be free of him."  What comfort! What pearls of wisdom! What affirmation and confirmation!

"The mediator felt that H's insistence on standard visitation was a control issue and that as soon as it was over, he would lose interest.  That rang true to me."
I know it was hard to give on this one especially but I am sure that you and the mediator have his number on this one.  Do your best to never let him know that anything he does with the children bothers you.  Even when he is the most officious about something with the children - never let him see you sweat.  Wait until your door closes or the phone call ends. Because the less concern and care you display the less interest he will display.  You can bet that he will test you!! But he is like a big child - pretend to ignore his offensive behavior and be consistent over the long haul.

You have come so very far in such a short time.  If you are worn out emotionally and physically, it is no wonder.  You have been through hell.  Be gentle and kind on yourself.  Give yourself (figruative) hospital time to recuperate.  Do what you have to for yourself and your children and let the rest go until you build your strength back.

I am so very proud of you.  I wish you could see yourself from my perspective.  You would be dancing a jig in celebration of your remarkable resiliancy.  My thoughts and prayers are still with you for a speedy end to the legal wranglings. - Gaining Strength

Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Dazed1 on January 23, 2007, 01:41:32 PM

You are awesome!!!!

I know you did not get everything you wanted but, YOU ARE ON YOUR WAY TO FREEDOM!!!  Even the mediator agreed.

I remember reading that one of the worst things someone can do is take an N to court.  Why?  Because, I suppose, court is like the N's ultimate supply:  In court, Ns use the legal system to obtain power and control.  But not yesterday!!!!

On the whole, you've done well with your NH in court because even the mediator saw what an N he is and the mediator maneuvered her way around him by agreeing to the 40%, otherwise, he would have no incentive to sell!!  Seems like a sharp mediator.  If you didn't give NH 40%, he'd drain you and spin you for years by preventing the sale of the farm.

Also, even the mediator said "you are going to be rich when this is over simply because you are going to be free of him.".  YA!!  Sounds like the mediator has a lot of experience and she knows freedom from an N when she sees it.

Also, the alimony:  That's big!!  NH was against it, but he caved.  Wow!!  And what's bigger is that the court probably wouldn't have given you ANY alimony, so this alimony issue is a big win for you.  True, you had to give up the 40%, but if you didn't give up the 40%, NH would have jerked you around for years by preventing a sale. 

Also, by reaching an agreement now, you will save legal fees which you would have had to pay if you went to court.

So, on balance, seems you did very well.  I'm happy for you.

Make sure that the agreement which the mediator writes up truly reflects the all terms of the agreement reached in mediatation.

Also, speak to your lawyer re: consequences & penalties if NH fails to pay alimony, ie:  payments not made will be deducted from his 40% or something like that.

I agree with GS, try not to show him your emotional reactions, don't let him see you sweat because it's all supply for him.  Strong boundaries will dry up his supply and hopefully, he'll loose interest in trying to provoke you and will move on to his next unfortunate victim.


Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Hopalong on January 23, 2007, 02:16:16 PM
CB, hon,
I read your other thread too. I am so sorry. What a grueling horrendous day.
Stake through his heart. He's over.

Just one quick thought since I'm at work but it's heartfelt:

I know the visitation is absolutely the most important thing.
You still get a chance to speak to the judge, don't you?
And aren't your children, or most of them, of an age when the law must take into consideration their preferences when awarding custody?


My children were raged at during a recent visit with their father. He hurt them...they came home with bruises. And he SPAT on them.

I wrote my hopeful wishes for them to see him often when I was in the first optimistic stage of praying that we could have a peaceful, kindly divorce, because at heart that is the kind of person I am. It has been SINCE he understood the marriage was truly, finally ending that the full extent of his rage and abusiveness has come out. I ask you, your honor, please speak to my children in confidence. They will tell you the truth and I need for you not to hold us all hostage to a paper I wrote in the first fragile stage of marriage counseling. It was a terrible, naive mistake on my part, and I beg you not to make my children pay for it for the rest of their lives.

It's not only that our marriage is broken, our family is broken, and subjecting the children regulalry to their father's whims and abuse and vengefulness would be a terrible mistake.

What do you think?

It ain't over until the judge signs, is it?

And you can ALWAYS return to court regarding his time with the children if you must. It's not ideal, better to get it settled up front where YOU are the full-custody parent and his visitation depends on his cooperation with time and place and the children's wishes too...but you are still their powerful mother.

Sending you so much comfort, dear CB.

You deserve it.

Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: CB123 on January 23, 2007, 09:30:16 PM
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: CB123 on January 23, 2007, 10:04:09 PM
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: gratitude28 on January 23, 2007, 10:26:07 PM

So much good advice here. I just want to add some love. You are doing so well.

Love, Beth
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Hopalong on January 24, 2007, 12:40:53 AM
Well CB, hon, you're seeing clearly.
And you're taking it one fact and one step at a time and if you've reached the legal finish line, well, you have. (And bravely bravely done.)

Okay...so karate classes and assertiveness training for your boy. Some positive male role models for him who will teach him to build his own strength and learn to think strong and fight strong. His own training to be strong, physically and psychologically, can make a great difference.

Now could be a time to get the best coach you can find to take him under his wing, or the best youth minister you can find in a church if you're comfortable there. If your boy is surrounded by support and firends and kind and respectful male adults who know what he's going through...I know he'll become a fine strong man. He'll probably be determined to be everything his father "ISN't.

Sending as usual too much advice but I hope just the right amount of love and support,

PS--rest, reward yourself as the shock waves settle. You have done an incredible job.
Title: Re: Today's the day
Post by: Gaining Strength on January 24, 2007, 10:54:05 AM
And, on top of everything, I had to get onto her.  I had talked to my therapist about what to do.  She gets incapacitated emotionally and will just quit doing anything.  It isnt a depressive disorder--but she is definitely depressed.  But her therapist told her, and mine told me, that I am doing her no favor in cutting her slack at this time.  I have to be tough with her, so she doesnt give in to the inertia.  It is so hard.  I have been a tough mama in my day--but its the last thing I feel like being right now.

CB - just a note from my own life experiences which may or may not be helpful here.  But I have struggled with inertia for a very long time.  Much of mine comes from deeply embedded, internalized voice of put downs, criticism, belittlement and more.  Acting meant being seen, being seen meant being criticized and humiliated.  Thus inertia.  It has taken me many, many years to get to understand how this works in my life and I am slowly getting to that excruciating pain buried so deep that years of psychotherapy have only now revealed.  I tell you this to encourage you in your task of pushing your daughter.  I expect she will resist but I promise you that she definitely needs that push.  BUT, don't forget that YOU have limitations.  Design a plan in your own mind about how you will push or encourage her and include in that plan your escape valves. When you don't have enough to push against her resistance, have a plan about how you will let yourself backdown and recoop until your strength is renewed.  This will save you.  If possible establish some type of road markers so you will be able to identify progress.  that will help encourage you along the way.  And remember that it is not an overnight process. 

Take care of yourself.  My heart is with you.  You are making a difference in my life.  Your strength and courge inspire me.  I have a strength and a courage that have been long lost sight of.  The childhood wounds have so crippled me as an adult.  But I am determined to move past and move forward.  And I have come to see first hand that cutting myself slack and taking care of myself and giving myself credit is THE most important part of moving on.  The tether that has me trapped is the self-loathing, self-criticism, and self-condemnation that I took on from the projected poor self-esteem of my parents.  Self-criticism is only valuable when it is not demeaning but it is more of an analysis of one's strengths and weaknesses.  Give yourself credit for your strengths and acknowledge without condemnation, your weaknesses.

My heart and prayers are with you - Gaining Strength