Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: axa on April 14, 2007, 10:21:40 PM
tonight I went to our local village, which xn and I used to go to sometimes. He never enjoyed it very much because it meant going to a pub and listening to music. I listened to the musicians, enjoyed the music and thought what was the difference. When we were there I always felt like I was missing something and felt very lonely. Tonight i thought what was it I was missing......... and then it came to me. I WAS MISSING ME!!!
Just wanted to share this.
Yes axa,
Very true,
I felt that way about attending movies. With N I never heard a word. without him, I enjoy them
Hey Axa I used to have that all the time for many years, down the pub with some N's plus some real friends but I never enjoyed it like I did in the beginning and over the years it became an unpleasant and unfulfilled experience mainly because the nights became focused around feeding the N's supply, it seems so clear to me now. They also use pressure and aggressive tactics to get you to go down the pub using your real nice friends as tools to do so as well as doing it directly, wow their addiction knows no bounds does it... what very sad pathetic losers they are. You reap what you sow is a good saying and what rewards all N's have to look forward to in the latter lives hee hee, enjoy N's and try not to choke on it too much! :lol:
I guess I relate to this. My h and I used to go to a Sports Bar to watch games but I realized it was only fun for him. He had me captive and talked nonstop-I mean a never ending flow of consciousness-nonstop for hours. I got to where I could zone him out but if he perceived me as not listening he taps me to get my attention. I am not sure if he is an n but I am sure he was raised voicekess. It truly is exhausting to here someone drone on and on about nothing and especially when redundant!
Hey OC, yeh not sure if he was an N but that doesnt sound fun at all, its always nice to have a comfortable silence with someone and endless yaking would drive anyone nuts! :?
Endless yaking! I love it-but it truly is non stop-and of course as he gets more and more intoxicated it gets even more intolerable!
Ah yes the demon drink the bain of many peoples existence, i swear it should be made either a) illegal or b) more expensive, I seldom drink these days and when I do its only a glass or two which gets me quite tipsy hee hee, I am now officially a light weight. As to people with verbal diarrhea perhaps we shoudl devise an anti-yak device which could either take the form of suruptitious ear plugs or an agressive form of defence in the form of a small yet weighty bat which could be used to carefully knock the offending chatterbox senseless with a quick yet well aimed blow to the head :P
I think I'd like to adopt you, but leave your weapons behind.
Tonight i thought what was it I was missing......... and then it came to me. I WAS MISSING ME!!!
This really spoke to me. I have experienced exactly what you describe. I need to ruminate on it a while.
Hops my weapons are stowed although me ma might object at full scale adoption how do feel about a partial online fostering! :D
TT and Axa I was also lost but now Ive found myself again which is such a relief, its funny how you can lose yourself, its like where was I under the sofa or something? I always heard about people being lost but never thought it could happen to me, arrogance, pride and denial can be powerful tools to self destruction, well they were for me anyway :?
Love you guys
You ARE cute!
My soul was misappropriated by N! :roll: There should be a law!
How about a joint-partial-online-fostering? Otherwise we might have to fight Hops for you! :lol:
I am perfectly willing to share joint online foster custody of James.
Yey you guys :D fostering all round for everybody! :P TT there should definitely be a law against these N's but there needs to be some kind of test to expose them, perhaps there is one out there already, a sort of empathy test or you could stick them on a podium and deride them in front of crowd and then measure their reactions on an anger scale or by brain patterns etc and then we'd have em!! We could then either a) laugh at them and deride them some more b) put them in a mental institute to make them better c) chop off their head with a guillotine or my fave d) all of the above :P
(Hops I hope the Guillotine bit hasn't disrupted our fostering proceedings as its technically not a weapon rather a device of punishment :D :? :lol: )
Big hugs you guys
James I would reply but I seem to have lost my h...