Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => What Helps? => Topic started by: confused2 on May 17, 2007, 09:30:40 AM
I am a dreamer. I mean, I really have dreams.
I dreamed I was helping a bride choose her wedding accessories on Tuesday night. Wednesday night
I dreamed something about a funeral??
Weddings=new beginnings
Funerals= something that is dead in your life?
For a long time when I first met my xN, I would dream about snakes(snakes symbolizes the enemy)? I wasn't sure the dream was about him, because their was another person in my life that I had questions about.
The dream that i had about a funeral this week was not the first time I have dreamed of a funeral. I just don't know if I was involved with the N at the time. I can't recall now what was going on in my life?
I can tell you right now I am heartbroken from the N. Him abandonment of me, has broken my heart. I don't know if I will ever truly get over it, even with time. The thoughts of him with someone else makes me sick to my stomach. I isn't the 1st time he has thrown me out, but it is the 1st time he
has said such horrible horrible things to me.
I don't have a clue why God allowed him in my life? What I am to learn? When he came to me, I
thought God had sent him? I am tired. Tired of the messes of life. How much longer??
My faith is shaky right now. I feel like throwing in the towel of it all. Even when I try to do it God's way, I get nothing but disappointed... Where is my "abundant life on this earth?" When do I get the desires of my heart? when when when... I don't have a tomorrow to look forward to....
Hello there...
I'm in a horrible marriage also. We went through counseling for a couple of years and at the end our thera;ist suggested we separate. We are still living together, although we don't have much to do with each other. My husband was told he was extremely N. I was finally able to umderstand the craziness. We have two great kids and now he trying to manipulate them like there is no tomorrow!
I can understand your pain. It is painful. I'm trying to get back into the job market. It is rough.
There has got to be a better life. Hang in there.
...Ami, something has happened to me since I've met him. I have never been so
"needy." Especially, from a Man. What I have become, my need for him, his approval, is what is frightening me....
You weren't to harsh jsut honest, and that is what i need, honesty.