Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board

Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: lighter on July 24, 2007, 02:07:53 AM

Title: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: lighter on July 24, 2007, 02:07:53 AM
OK, this isn't an emergency but...... I was just sick a couple weeks ago and my nose is just getting over being a peeling mess from all that fun. 


I have a big week. 

I have to be able think clearly! 

I have things to do that I can't do well if I can't THINK!

::squirting nose full of Zicam, again::

::sneezing 3 times like a very very loudly, lol::

Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: Ami on July 24, 2007, 07:58:04 AM
Dear Lighter,
   I can see that it is the middle of the night. You are probably worrying and feeling panicky. I bet that  you will feel better in the morning. Feeling sick is very hard on our emotions. You have so much to deal with right now. Feeling sick  seems overwhelming on top of everything else.I will be waiting to hear from you
  My prayers are that the morning finds you better                   Love  Ami
Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: Certain Hope on July 24, 2007, 09:36:06 AM
Dear Lighter,

I'm over here praying that you'll awaken refreshed and un-snotty!


Molds and allergens are abounding around here... and yesterday I mowed, so...
with one clear nostril and one up-stopped, just wishing you a smiley day  8)

Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: isittoolate on July 24, 2007, 11:52:00 AM
There a little pails you can buy now that clip onto your nose to catch the drips

voila no red nose from blowing.
Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: bigalspal on July 24, 2007, 11:55:15 AM
Oh no...I'm sorry your're sick  :(
The only thing that ever makes a stuufy head & runny nose better, for me, is Vick's VapoRub!
'The Love Rub".
Nice grandma remedy!
Feel better, soon!
Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: lighter on July 24, 2007, 01:18:04 PM
Thanks for all the concern and advice, guys.

::adjusting thimbals under nose..... slathering on Vapo Rub::::


I'm going to get clean, eat another Benadryl (Allergy Sinus and Headache) then share the wonder, that is me, with the world, lol. 

::Sigh::  It could be worse; )

Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: Hopalong on July 24, 2007, 01:57:33 PM





Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: WRITE on July 24, 2007, 03:48:12 PM
I take 'airbourne' and vitamin C powders every day, or I seem to pick up everything going.

Get well soon!
Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: Ami on July 24, 2007, 07:23:03 PM
How are you doing,Lighter? Better I hope .                        Love Ami
Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: lighter on July 25, 2007, 12:33:04 AM
Hops..... I have a lovely little netti pot sitting in a brown bag on my bathroom counter.  Purple.  Looks handmade. 

Yes..... I'm stalling.

Not quite able to bring myself tto read the instructions..... how does one get the water to......


:::trudging toward the bathroom::


Got it figured out. 

Kinda sorta.

It's not a fast flowing type thing but it did make me feel like I was drowning.... twice. 

My brain was quite certain that there was a wrong way passage in there that let water into it's cavity.... not a good thing.  Brain stinging but willing to consider it's just my vivid imagination, correct posture and wait and see.

Backed up down my throat once. 

Very (french) salty.

Didn't taste any different than regular salt stripped of all the minerals and such.  ::shrug::

Better flow from left nostril to right.   Why do we have to do both directions?  Seems redundant, somehow.

Not to mention all that reinserting and snugging up of the little spout. 

Directions say I must remain awake for at least an hour to allow mucous drainage.  Hmmm....

::going to fetch towel::

After all was said and done.... I was left standing at the sink feeling like I'd just thrown up sans the tummy discomfort.

And food. 

Left ear popped back to just about normal. 

Does this sound right, Hops, lol?

Ami, I'm feeling better.... now.  Had a really nice dinner with a friend and we ordered salt and pepper squid,
Chow Fun with big fresh shrimp baby bock choy and carrots,
Lettuce Wraps and
Dungeness Crab with Green Onion Ginger sauce and oh my God....
it was an hour long non stop feast where I thought about nothing but food. 

Eating meditation.  ::nodding::

Write:  Thanks for reminding me to hit the vitamin C, and all the other stuff I have to busy myself, if not make me feel better, lol.
Golden seal........ and ya,

Chocolate; )

Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: Hopalong on July 25, 2007, 01:19:00 AM

Lighter!  :lol:
That was priceless. Thank you!

keep it up.

Just use a little bit less salt.

You'll get used to the invaded orifices feeling.

It's like being nasally deflowered...eventually it feels GOOD. (Sometimes!)

Or maybe a better image is swimming?

Just a couple times a week...and use kosher salt, not iodized.

I swear, keep it up for a month or six weeks and your mucosal passages will begin to heal from years of chronic inflammation and then you'll thank me, I swear...(I hope).

Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: lighter on July 25, 2007, 01:37:54 AM
Hops, I think I come from nasally inflamed people, lol.

I hope this thing actually helps, past making me feel better just because I don't have pool water invading my passages... which is sorta like.... ummmmm.... drowning, lol.  Yup yup yup.

I can't say that I do feel much better and it's time to sleep now but nothing works miracles in one ::shudder:: invasion. 

The towel I've been clutching,
 in anticipation of some ominous mucoidal (yes I made that word up, seemed right somehow ::nodding::) drainage is being tossed aside. 

But not too far aside, lol. 

Haven't needed it so far :shock:

Maybe I'm tipped too far back?

 ::sitting up straight:: 

::sigh::  I am so tired and so ready for sleep. 

I have a big day tomorrow, not sure how things will go but I have something to help keep my mind off worrying about it now..... ::gently blowing wetness around in sinus cavity::

::pushing bottles of vitamin C, Zican and golden seal over on bed... pulling chocolate closer::

Nite Hops.  Nite guys. 

Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: lighter on July 25, 2007, 10:00:56 AM
I found Varcho Veda Neti wash plus in that little brown bag on my br counter this morning.

My Zen Buhhdist friend did all the picking out of Netistuff yesterday....

 while I was immersed seeking banana bread comfort foodstuffs, lol. 

So.... this mornings foray into sinus surfing included zinc for sinus and immune support.

It wasn't quite so traumatic this morning. 

Much better when have to keep moving and don't have time to stand there and drool between nostrils while contemplating all possible meanings of the word 'invaded.'
Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: isittoolate on July 25, 2007, 01:04:07 PM
I hope this thing actually helps, past making me feel better just because I don't have pool water invading my passages... which is sorta like.... ummmmm.... drowning, lol.  Yup yup yup.

 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

And are you really on the mend? I hope so.

Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: Hopalong on July 25, 2007, 02:36:31 PM

Lighter, why do I have the feeling you'll milk this for all it's worth?


 :lol:(((Lighter))) :lol:

Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: isittoolate on July 25, 2007, 02:43:33 PM

heh heh heh :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That gave me a chuckle
 :D :D :D

Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: lighter on July 26, 2007, 05:23:56 AM
Izz and Hops....

I wish I hadn't taken the benadryl so I'd know how much the neti pot helped.  \

I do feel much better. 

My old self, in fact. 

Can't tell exactly why but I'm going to do the little pot thing bc Hops says so, lol. 

I was planning on making it a morning ritual, right before flossing. 

It's good to know you only do it a couple times a week and it helps so much, Hops. 

The little pot directions  do say to do it daily :shock:

I'll play it by ear..... but I really had a good day yesterday, in all ways.  Not just my nose. 

I handled stress better than ever. 

I asserted myself and really paid attention to what I wanted other people to hear. 

I concentrated on my goals and mindfully chose my communication style to address them.

It was an excercise in pulling back and observing those around me before I spoke. 

I understood how much my posture affects the way I'm responded to (No, I don't think I'm all powerfu, lol... yet; )

But I'm learning: )
Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: Hopalong on July 26, 2007, 09:34:06 AM
Heck, yep, if you have sinus probs, daily is better....


So proud of your openmindednesssinusness, Lighter.

Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: lighter on July 30, 2007, 11:07:26 PM
Heck, yep, if you have sinus probs, daily is better....


So proud of your openmindednesssinusness, Lighter.


Heeeeee!  You're having waaaayyyy too much fun, Izzy, lol.     

I wasn't feeling all that well with my nose today so I decided to show my youngest how it's done.

She filled the pot and then we sat down to discuss how this wasn't any fun but that I did it bc it was good for me,  just like the shots she'll receive soon. 

She was riveted, lol.... esp after I told her she was lucky to get the shots, some children couldn't get them in some countries ::nod:: 

Wide eyed and standing a bit to the side, well out of the way of any crazy spraying her little mind conjured up (she didn't exactly know how this nose pot thing would go :shock:) I inserted and tried to flooowwwwwww. 

::breath through mouth.... relax , fight urge to blow and run::

One look at her face.....

 and I laughed.....

effevtively creating some kind of weird suction thing that cut off my flow. 


This time it felt more like catching an ocean wave in the face while breathing in through my smeller. 

Very unpleasant. 

Too unpleasant.

I tried the left side and it flowed better. 

I was doing well with it when dd stuck her hand under the water coming out. 

She was so seriouse, lol..... I had to laugh again. 

This slowed things down, of course, and it was just too slow for me to keep going. 

I poured out about half the pot and shot my nose full of Zicam: /


Hops.... does it ever flow really really fast, lol?

 CAN I get it to flow faster? 

Some inverted snort thing?


Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: teartracks on July 30, 2007, 11:14:34 PM


A good alternative to using the neti pot daily might be to use a saline spray in between.   My ENT suggested that I use saline spray daily.  It has helped clear up my pipes including my bad ear that collects fluid with micro bubbles that go pop.  I make my own with distilled water and kitchen salt. 

Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: lighter on July 30, 2007, 11:23:22 PM
Oh tt, bless you, lol. 

I snort OCEAN and that isn't nearly so bad! 

I feel so much better now that I have actual ENT permission to do that more and neti pot less.

I'll still do it but I plan on choosing those times where I'm running behind and can't slow down to feel to sorry for myself; )

Correction... and a surprise.... that little horned devil was from HOPS!?!? 

I was sure it was from Izzy, lol; )
Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: Hopalong on July 31, 2007, 12:03:54 AM

Now, Lighter...
You can't give up on the Neti, noooooooooo!

Okay, here's the thing. It might be easier to do it in the shower. When you bend forward over the sink I think it's harder. Stand up straighter, anyway. You don't have to force it to pour, that's the thing. It just flows. You can hold your head relatively straight and normally, and just lift the Neti pot...let it flow.

You LET it enter your nose, rather than trying to "push the water".

Jeez. I will sorely miss these marine adventures, but if you hafta...

Ocean. Piff.

 :evil: :mrgreen:

Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: lighter on July 31, 2007, 09:25:13 AM
I wasn't going to give them up entirely :shock:

Ya ya, that's it.... I was gonna wait till I had NO time to fiddle about and do it when I was

1)running behind

2)was frantically looking for panty hose

Ya ya... that's it.

No, really...... I'll shoot for 3 times a week and settle for 2 in the shower, lol.

I wasn't going to give up on your fun....rrrr..... my neti routine.

Flow sounds so much better than force though :shock:

Thanks for that bit of advice. 

Most people would just give the pot to their children for teatime, but not me :D
Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: Hopalong on July 31, 2007, 09:34:38 AM
Most people would just give the pot to their children for teatime, but not me

 :lol: :lol: :lol:

I tell you, I LOVE the way this board can tackle everything from decomposing Ns to constipated sinuses!


Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: lighter on July 31, 2007, 08:54:41 PM
:::Popping up from sofa::::

Where's the thread on decomposing Ns, lol!?!?!?
Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: isittoolate on July 31, 2007, 11:01:39 PM
Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: lighter on July 31, 2007, 11:14:31 PM
Oh great....

if I can't sleep..... I'll end up paranoid and head snapping at shadows I think (but realize aren't) N zombies around every corner: /

Thanks guys, lol. 
Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: isittoolate on August 01, 2007, 12:09:02 AM
Most people would just give the pot to their children for teatime, but not me

 :lol: :lol: :lol:

I tell you, I LOVE the way this board can tackle everything from decomposing Ns to constipated sinuses!



Wait until we get to constipated Ns and decomposing sinuses.!!!!

Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: lighter on August 01, 2007, 08:05:23 AM
Most people would just give the pot to their children for teatime, but not me

 :lol: :lol: :lol:

I tell you, I LOVE the way this board can tackle everything from decomposing Ns to constipated sinuses!




Wait until we get to constipated Ns and decomposing sinuses.!!!!


::rubbing nose:::

You're sick Izzy, lol. 

Now I'm hungry, lol! 

What does that say about me, lol?
Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: isittoolate on August 01, 2007, 01:15:22 PM

but this morning tho'
Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: NoMoreMindGames on August 01, 2007, 03:21:26 PM
see, look:  this is what i use for my chronic post nasal drip.  it also works to help stop colds when you feel one coming on.  it's very similar to a Neti-pot, which i googled btw:

Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: lighter on August 01, 2007, 04:11:19 PM
If the saline nasal rinse kit 'flows' then I guess it's very similar to the neti pot: ) 

If it sprays, it's more like OCEAN saline nasal spray.

If it 'squirts' I believe it's more like eye saline which I've never had the pleasure of squiring in my nose. 


Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: NoMoreMindGames on August 01, 2007, 04:51:17 PM
yes, it definitely "squirts", although very smoothly, so one could compare it to a sort of "flow".....:)
Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: lighter on August 01, 2007, 05:18:19 PM
yes, it definitely "squirts", although very smoothly, so one could compare it to a sort of "flow".....:)

Honestly NoMore.... I think you'd have to be stading at the sink with a teapot stuffed up your nose to make that judgement, lol; )
Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: isittoolate on August 01, 2007, 05:47:25 PM
Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: Hopalong on August 01, 2007, 08:14:11 PM
But...but...the Neti pot is more ECO FRIENDLY because you just wash it and use it for the next 50 years, eh?

Hops who cannot beleeeeeeeeeve she started this

Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: isittoolate on August 01, 2007, 08:56:41 PM
Instigater, Hops

but we all need a good laugh now and again-- really!!!!

...Like lighter thinking that old picture of my 16-yr old granma had married the old guy, my ½ uncle--------------and I am still alive??????????????????????????????????   

Land o' Goshen I loved lighter finding a knee slapper in that!

Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: lighter on August 01, 2007, 09:20:02 PM
But...but...the Neti pot is more ECO FRIENDLY because you just wash it and use it for the next 50 years, eh?

Hops who cannot beleeeeeeeeeve she started this


Ya.... and you guys are laughing BECAUSE standing at the sink WITH A TEAPOT STUFFED UP ONE'S NOSE IS EXACTLY what is going on here,lol!

::muttering under my breath::  If I can get the same relief from a bottle of saline eye wash....... HOPS is in trouble!

Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: lighter on August 05, 2007, 12:24:27 AM
OK... I know you guys aren't doctors or anything but.....

I had a bit of an ear popping thing yesterday..... and when I went to scratch my ear last night it hurt light heck.  It's better now but... it wasn't good last night.

Can an outer or middle ear infection come and go in a day?

has anyone else had that experience before?
Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: Hopalong on August 05, 2007, 01:34:19 AM
Hmm. Something's sure irritating a nerve. So sorry, Lighter...ow.
Can you ask a pharmacist for some OTC drops?


Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: finding peace on August 05, 2007, 09:19:05 AM
Did you feel any fluid come out?  You might have popped an ear drum.

I've had this happen with colds and it really hurts.  I had one once where it was a real quick pain - lasted about a minute or so, and another time where it was excruciatingly painful for a couple of hours, the ear drum broke open, and the pain stopped - once the drum tears, the pain goes away.

You should have it checked.  If you popped the drum you may need some medicine to prevent infection and accelerate the healing.

Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: Certain Hope on August 05, 2007, 09:26:03 AM

I dunno, but some of the fluid from sinuses may have backed up into the eustachian tube?

ENT used to tell my kids to pop their ears to reduce pressure, but never when the sinuses are plugged.
(By holding nose and mouth tightly closed and blowing hard, puffing out cheeks)

Is it better this morning?  Hope so!


Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: lighter on August 05, 2007, 01:23:19 PM
All better today!

No tenderness when I touch da ear,lol.

When I first noted something going on..... I had sucked up some Ocean and grapefruit seed extract that never bothered me in the past.

It felt like I was getting an ear infection or something that usually leads to pressure that bursts my ear drum.  Happened twice before.

When I touched my ear later that evening..... it felt like it was swollen on the inside and would be bright red if I could see it... so painful!

The next day it was better.

Today it's fine.

Hops.... remember when I said it felt like the neti pot was finding secret wrong passages to my brain, lol?

Maybe it was into my ear? 

I have no idea how all that stuff connects and I'm going to build sandcastles and not think about it for as while.

Neti pot is safely stowed back home, where I can't hurt myself with it, lol; )

Next time I try it..... it'll be in the shower and see if that doesn't help.
Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: Hopalong on August 05, 2007, 03:47:20 PM
Yoickers, I am sorry, Lighter.
I wouldn'ta been so pushy about the pot if I'd realized it could make yer ears hurt...

but you're right, the sinusbone is connected to the earbone

I went to see a church lady today who had brain surgery on Friday and she's up in bed cracking jokes.
And going home tomorrow! Lawsy.

Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: lighter on August 06, 2007, 11:51:18 AM
Ahhh Hops...

::wiping water off computer screen::

The earbone is connected to the nosebone, lol?

I was eating leftover seafood cheesy grits earlier.   

Could have been a lot worse, lol :shock:
Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: Certain Hope on August 06, 2007, 11:58:53 AM
Ya haven't lived till you've kershnorkled out some nice fresh jalapenos  :shock:


P.S. somewhere in time, you asked me, Was ist moosh? ... well, it's similar to squoosh, 'cept ya don't get flattened.
Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: lighter on August 06, 2007, 12:13:28 PM
I don't think my nose would gersnorfel jalapeno peppers, lol.

I eat them regularly and I'm pretty sure my body has a NO GERSNORFELING JALAPENO PEPPERS rule, lol.

I have done it with milk.....

not nearly so  bad   as    that     one      screwdriver. 

Orange juice and vodka. 

Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: Certain Hope on August 06, 2007, 02:39:56 PM
ooo... even when I drank, vodka was off my list, due to just such a gersnorfeling kershnorklement years before, when I was a freshly minted drinker. Unforgettable! Screwdrivers are definitely not meant to be inhaled or kershnorkled!

Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: lighter on August 06, 2007, 02:45:06 PM
::receiving (((()))))::

It wasn't good: /
Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: lighter on August 18, 2007, 04:57:57 PM
I just shot myself up with grapeseed oil nose spray and the zicam gooey stuff..... just in case.... trying to be proactive with all the stress.

::looking for the Ocean saline nose spray::

Hops.... every time I open that one drawer I see the little netty pot......

and think of you; ) 

It's a testiment to the trust and admiration I hold for you.....

that I stuck that pretty little pot.....

 into my nose.....

and had a go......

you never know, lol?

Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: isittoolate on August 18, 2007, 05:45:38 PM

Is your nose still dripping or plugged up?

Take Care

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: Hopalong on August 18, 2007, 07:29:54 PM
Wallll, podner...

Since yours is purple (mine is blah white) you could also stick a flower in it.


Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: lighter on August 19, 2007, 08:56:03 AM
LOL!  I think I will take it out and stick a flower in.

It's a pretty little hand made thing, lol.
Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: lighter on September 01, 2007, 05:24:19 PM
OK.... I'm not reaaaaaally snotty again but.....

I'm thinking of getting out the netti pot and using it in the shower.... just as a distraction, lol. 

I haven't tried using it since my ear went all ouchy on me several weeks back.

I have my handy dandy 50%alcohol 50%vinegar drops handy, lol. 

How delicate can ya get, lol?

::going to light candles and warm up the netti pot::

Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: isittoolate on September 01, 2007, 05:35:13 PM
OMG lighter.

Have you been messing with this since last July? Maybe you ought see a doctor? Might it be allergies? Sinus infection?

Take good care now!
Love ya
Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: lighter on September 01, 2007, 08:16:31 PM
I'm not really snotty but I'm one of those people who's got allergies and I live in a place where something blooms year round. 


So... I was going to use the Neti pot, just for the distraction, lol. 

I took my 5yo into the shower instead. 

She's finally gotten used to water on her face, lol. 

She used to scream like a girl and demand a towel every time her eyes got wet, lol. 

About 15 minutes ago my 6 yo had a big nose bleed... well... big for her. 

It happens every once in a while and there was blood everywhere on the floor in front of her. 

She always handles it like a champ but,

this time (only),

I screamed like a girl :shock:

Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: isittoolate on September 01, 2007, 08:40:21 PM
I don't like water pouring on my face and my daughter didn't either.

To wash her hair I put the ironing board on the side of the sink and the other end on a chair. She could lie flat on her tummy and I gave her a facecloth to hold over her face. That was okay with her.

I don't have allergies but this place is not so good for bad allergies. I might get a slightly runny nose when it rains or when it snows.---and there I am, a poet!
Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: lighter on September 02, 2007, 07:29:19 AM
Wow Izz.

That was a very sweet.....


 way to wash a child's hair, lol. 

I just put mine in the tub and had them hold their heads back and poured a cup of water over them....

 was careful not to get water on their faces.

Trusty washcloth nearby if anything traumatic happened, like a dribble got away, lol; )

Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: Hopalong on September 02, 2007, 05:43:44 PM
My D loved to swim so I taught her to rinse her own hair by holding her nose and scrunching her eyes shut and plunging under the water in the tub and thrashing her head back and forth.

She liked doing it because I was so IMPRESSED!  :)

Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: lighter on September 02, 2007, 06:12:08 PM
My oldest li'l dumplin holds her nose and spins around like an alligator in a death roll, lol. 

Really quite something to behold; )

I miss babying them and I miss the quiet comforting rituals of diaper changes, nap time and ::gasp:: breast feeding.

OMG, lol..... I'm a mess, lol. 

::holding self back from digging through keepsake boxes leading to weeping over congealed paci's and dried up belly button stubs:: :shock:

Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: isittoolate on September 02, 2007, 07:01:00 PM
I forgot to mention that we didn't have a tub upstairs where I rented-- but she fit into the big rectangular sink --age 2 We shared a house and the tub was in the downstairs bathroom -too much to explainabout timing.
Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: lighter on September 03, 2007, 09:45:14 AM
I liked bathing my gilrs in sinks too.

I had a fan/heater unit in the ceiling with a little hand held faucet....  I'd get up and turn on the heater then crawl back in bed till it was warmy warmy.

My first child was born in the fall.... so by winter that heater toasted up the bathroom nicely and I really really do miss all the little rituals of nurturing babies.

Maybe I need to get a little......



something, lol?


Sink sized... dog, lol.

I could baby it for years, while my children snuck.....

and grew up......

 during my distraction; )
Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: changing on September 03, 2007, 05:18:03 PM
Hello Lighter-

I have never used a neti pot, but I have used a large pot of steaming hot water with herbs (chamomile, or basil, etc).  You place the pot on a table  , cover your head with a towel so the steam doesn't escape , bend over the pot and just breathe in for a bit. It is a gentle way to loosen any clogs, and is also salutary for the complexion, especially if you spritz your face with ice cold water afterward. Another gentle method is a steam sauna with eucalyptus - the toxins are loosened and depart, and you will glow!


Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: lighter on September 03, 2007, 07:38:40 PM
I'm all for loosening toxins and glowing, lol!

Title: Re: OMG I'm snotty.... again!
Post by: lighter on March 01, 2008, 12:21:47 PM
Update on netti pot.

Spout missing but still providing a servive in master closet by providing water for iron.

I found the spout so if I happen to locate glue.... I'll fix it.

My 5yo has been sick for weeks.... green snotty congestion in her lungs and nose.

She goes in and out of having a fever too. 

Her whole class has had troubles, teacher out all last week with influenza.

::thinking about washing her out with Ocean  Nasal Spray::

She lets me put the Zicam in.... poor little dear.