Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board

Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: lighter on August 03, 2007, 12:58:24 PM

Title: Things I like
Post by: lighter on August 03, 2007, 12:58:24 PM
I like:

Figuring out how to feel better..... then feeling better.

Making a giant ice cream sunday with vanilla ice cream, chocolate syrup and nuts on top of a warm crusty chewy waffle.... salt it!  Yumm!

Starbucks Ice cream, with or without chocolate covered almonds. 

Feeling validated by at least one person.  As long as I have that, I can tolerate and cope with those that don't understand what I'm going through.

Really SEEING my children and feeling present in the moment with them.

Hearing my children say things that let me know they're learning important lessons.  "Use your little voice mommy"

Feeling 2 tiny hands on my face as double kisses are aimed at my forehead, chin, nose and cheeks..... unexpected and lovely. 

Realizing that all will be well..... even if things aren't Ok.... it'll be OK. 

Realizing I don't have to figure everything out. 

Realizing there will be life after N.

Asserting myself the right way, at the right time, for the right reason to the right degree.

Getting more competent at explaining my situation and seeing it come accross the faces of those I'm speaking to.

Feeling stronger and more capable. 

Juggling all the balls in my life successfully.  It comes and goes, lol. 

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: spyralle on August 03, 2007, 02:59:25 PM
Starbucks ice cream WOW I need to move to the US..!!!!

Be back with my likes once I have been out for a bucket of ice cream xxx

Spy x
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: NoMoreMindGames on August 03, 2007, 03:21:15 PM
wow...you salt your waffles?  i guess that makes sense...salty and sweet go hand-in-hand!

okay, things i like....(btw, i have this *thing* for lists....slightly OCD :)

~animals, espesh baby animals, and ESPESH baby hippos, kittens, baby elephants, and cuteoverload.com
~getting into bed after changing the bedding....clean sheets!
~dark, dark chocolate and ice-cold milk
~feeling more confident as i get older
~being able to notice red flags right away, rather than 2 years later (hahaha!)
~having a clearer, stronger sense of my boundaries
~getting over being passive-aggressive (because of being more confident, knowing boundaries, etc)
~feeling more self-sustained...not feeling like i NEED anyone to complete me or make me happy
~being pregnant, despite the yucky symptoms that go along with it
~italian food
~warm, cloudless days spent by a lake, river, or ocean

there's more, but i'll stop there now!
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on August 03, 2007, 03:53:17 PM

I love the dark chocolate too.  The milk stuff tastes like wax with chocolate in it to me. 

Just being on the verge of feeling chilled...... and finding the sun rushes in to make you feel perfectly warmed, at the beach.

Waking up then realizing there aren't 40 things I have to do.... going back to sleep.


Excellent physical chemistry.

Figuring out a problem and solving it.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Certain Hope on August 03, 2007, 04:05:30 PM
Fudgcicles (having one now)

Watering the flowers and stopping to spray the dogs (about to do that next)


note:  typing w/fudgy in 1 hand ain't easy
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on August 03, 2007, 04:11:44 PM
Love beach combing.

Internalizing a painful confusing thought till all confusions gone, and my understanding can't be shaken by the craftiest N.

Finishing something I've been putting off.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: spyralle on August 03, 2007, 06:09:24 PM
This is driving me mad...  What is a fudgecicle... sounds like something willy wonka would come up with???

Spyralle x

p.s. can you tell I'm on a diet
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: spyralle on August 03, 2007, 06:40:32 PM
1.  That warm fat rain that drenches you in a second
2.  Pannetonne
3.  When I wish for something and it happens
4.  My beautiful daughter
5.  My beautiful new grandsaon
6.  Roller blading in the middle of the night along the seafront in Brighton
7.  My best friend
8.  When I am working with a client (all addicts) and I touch them in some way (even the smallest way)
9.  That feeling when I have created something
10.The fact that for the first time in my life I am standing on my own two feet...

....and all of you guys for helping me to do so...

Spyralle xxx
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Certain Hope on August 03, 2007, 07:03:38 PM
This is driving me mad...  What is a fudgecicle... sounds like something willy wonka would come up with???

Spyralle x

p.s. can you tell I'm on a diet

let's see, how to describe a "fudgie"...
Well, it's a frozen confection, chocolate in flavor, rectangular in shape.... like thin chocolate milk, frozen, on a stick.
A rather brittle texture when frozen hard, that melts in your mouth like icy chocolate snowballs?

Oh yeah, I'm no poet  :D

((((((Spyralle)))))  Wish I could send you one to sample!

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on August 03, 2007, 07:12:18 PM
MMMmmmm... I prefer my frozen calories rich and creamy. 

Give me a smooth fattening ice cream anytime. 

Fudgecicles haven't been on my shopping list....... ever, lol. 

Glad you enjoyed yours though Hope. 
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on August 03, 2007, 07:14:35 PM

Clean linens every day put on by someone other than me!  (No, I don't have that, but I'd like to!)


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: isittoolate on August 03, 2007, 07:28:10 PM
Oh tt----------how I wish I had someone to do that for me--you ought to see me make a bed from scratch!!

I sit in the middle and work the top to ½ way down, lift my bum over the pilke and work the bottom--- the final ,though, is to sit on the floor at the bed bottom and pull everything straight and tuck in and make sure spread is the right length from floor.

I cannot do the dust ruffle thisng as I couldn't ever ewash it, and one day there will be no more bedspreads. This one I had made to order along with the draperies. Gotta keep 'em

Love clean sheets, snuggling in with my latest mystery............................................

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Certain Hope on August 03, 2007, 07:38:38 PM
Clean sheets are fantastic... all smoothed out and fresh...
Izzy, that sounds like a complicated procedure... you could make a video... ?  but you make the end result sound delicious :)

Lighter, the fudgie thing... I just realized... childhood memory, I think, as much as anything. I get them when they're on sale, summertime thing, for the kids, cuz when I was a kid, Dad would get me one from the ice cream truck. Don't think he much got anything for himself... but he knew I liked those.

Mother would take me for a sundae at the ice cream parlor sometimes... or a cone, after music lessons... but I have this sense that it was more about what she wanted, than for a "fun outing". She didn't like the way I twirled my spoon to swirl the hot fudge around the ice cream.
Why I remember that is beyond me... ice cream was good, but I dunno whether it was much fun... don't even know if my memories of feelings are accurate... but I do like butter pecan with caramel topping!! :)

P.S.  I take a man's view of dust ruffles... what in the world do we need one for??
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on August 03, 2007, 07:41:48 PM

Butter Pecan Ice Cream! 

Oh Hope, how could I have left that one out?!?!?

Picturing Izzy snuggling into clean sheets and a good mystery. 
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: isittoolate on August 03, 2007, 07:46:01 PM
a good mystery and yes----butter pecan ice cream -----------and Mango Sherbet
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on August 03, 2007, 07:50:57 PM
Is the Mango Sherbert tart?

Darnit.... I'm procrastinating, lol.  Again. 
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Certain Hope on August 03, 2007, 07:56:40 PM
Do we need a procrastination thread?  :shock:

I am not procrastinating. I am goofing off, simple as that.


P.S.  Whatcha sposed ta be doin, Lighter?
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: axa on August 03, 2007, 09:30:00 PM
Coming out of the shower after a run feeling like I could take on the world.

laughing out loud until it hurts

finishing an essay

reading something new which challenges what I thought was a fact!

potato, butter, butter potato, especially if they are crispy on top from being in the oven

snuggly people

watching bad tv with someone in dressing gown and pjs

I think I used to like sex but its been so long can't quite remember.

Feeling really tired after physical work

Loosing myself in a drawing/painting

cooking for lots of people

making myself laugh - when I am alone

Listening to plays on the radio

Having adventures

my ability to remember what people say

the soft part of me

fish & chips

fried bread

this is getting a little food orientated so I'll stop now

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: isittoolate on August 03, 2007, 09:41:06 PM
my two salads and my sister's wine!
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: debkor on August 03, 2007, 10:22:34 PM
Alright,  I'll be honest.  I like to smell the new plastic shower curtins. 

And gasoline,

New wood.

And Skunk FROM A DISTANCE!! REALLY FAR DISTANCE , faints smells, OK I'm out of denial about this now.  I do (shame) but I do. 

There I admit it. 

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: JanetLG on August 03, 2007, 11:09:04 PM
1. When my husband smiles at me, and his eyes smile too
2. Breaking off a whole strip of chocolate, eating it, then breaking off another one
3. Weeding - I have to concentrate so much, it's like meditating - nothing else matters
4. Thunderstorms (if I'm indoors)
5. Those huge red oriental poppies that flower the first week of June
6. When I'm designing a new embroidery, and I get to the point where it's starting to 'come together'
7. Listening to any Chris de Burgh CD
8. Spending an indulgent afternoon in a fabric shop that I've never been to before, and coming out with loads of 'possibilities' that one day will be clothes
9. Feeling the purr of a cat vibrating through my lap - the pleasure is infectious!
10. Hearing the first blackbird of the dawn chorus in early May
11. Sitting in front of an open fire, and just watching the flames

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Hopalong on August 04, 2007, 12:17:06 AM
watching bad tv with someone in dressing gown and pjs
Me too Axa! Have to admit it's a happy marriage fantasy...though I wouldn't mind if it was good movies...

And Deb, I love the (faint-ish) smell of skunk! Did you know they use skunk musk in perfume? I met a pet skunk once, he was very sweet. He had been descented but still wafted a wee trace of it as he wandered through the LR

I love bantering with people
I love word-absurdity
I REALLY love it when people make funny faces
I love babies laughing
I love quiet animals who share regard
I love thunderstorms, boom a laka
I love muggy summer nights with a touch of breeze
I love the smell of earth
I love Beethoven and Bach and Dvorak and Smetana and Suk and Satie and Mozart and Chopin and Debussy and Handel
I love New Orleans and blues and Baltimore and sassy saggy old ladies and kindly old men
I love saxophones
I love the piano
I love choral music
I love to dance
I love to paint
I love to fill a room with very different kinds of people and get them all relaxed and happy
I love welcoming

I love the board

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on August 04, 2007, 05:17:43 AM

I like having a full tank of gas.

I like the smell of my daughters hair when we hug.

I like brainstorming an idea.

I like listening to  What The Bleep Do We Know on disk.

I like gathering that hardened gooey stuff that oozes from trees and  turns into amber.

I like Scuppernongs.

I like my cousin who runs in every local election and whose politics are completely different from mine, because he has a tender heart and a generous nature.  I like him too because he still wears a suit occasionally that his mother made for him when he was at Clemson over fifty years ago. 

I like symetry.

I like knowing that horses don't know they're bigger than me.

I like men in bib overalls.

I like my heating pad.

I like Scotch tape.

I like men who love to cook.

I like provencial.

I like tramp art.

I like curmudgeons.

I like my little dog when he binges on food and begins to look portly.

I like photographing old buildings.

I like fewer than three feet of hanging garments in my closet.

I like overcoming the urge to consume conspicuously.

I like shaking an annoying habit.

I like honest eyes.

I like adequate reminders that the entire population of the universe, with one trifling exception is composed of others.

-John Andrew Holmes

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: axa on August 04, 2007, 07:03:31 AM
I love this thread, feel like I am getting to know people in a new way.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on August 04, 2007, 02:27:12 PM
Hope... I was supposed to be packing.

Now I'm safely landed in a HOT sunny place having driven through the night.... I'm a nightowl, lol.


Foi gras on crusty warm french bread with seedless raspberry jam... you have to say confiture in France or you get pig I think.... asking for jambone.... which would seem to mean jam from a North American point of view, lol?

Doing anything detail oriented when I'm 'in the zone'  It's rare, unfortunately: (
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Lupita on August 04, 2007, 02:34:17 PM
1.- Dancing with my son
2.- Salsa dancing
3.- Belly dancing
4.- Make people laugh
5.- Float on the water

When I was a child, my father would take us on short trips, always to the ocean.The boat would stop, and we readied ourselves to jump into water nine or ten feet deep.  We put on snorkels, goggles, and what we called froggy shoes because they looked like frogs’ feet.  My father would adjust the elastic on our goggles to be snug on our faces so that no water would enter and impair the visualization of the miraculous things we were about to see.
     I saw schools of fishes of different colors, purple, black, orange, gold; different shapes and sizes, thin and fat, round and slender, big mouths and small mouths; an infinite diversity of animals and plants.  All my senses were stimulated.  I felt the bubbles tickling my skin, the friction on my limbs and torso, the drifting movement of my hair giving my scalp a soft relaxing massage. I heard the bubbles and the moving water, the rhythmic hypnotic sounds of my own respiration through my snorkel.  The water supporting my body without any effort.  I will never forget those sensations, a unique kind of serenity, a suspension of time, a levitation in space.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Ami on August 04, 2007, 07:50:45 PM
Speaking Spanish with Maria when no one knows what we are talking about . I feel like a little kid again with a secret language
Making someone who is very uncomfortable -- relax and be comfortable
When someone has been mean to me--- doing something loving and seeing their expression change
Giving someone a present which is a complete surprise--
Making a really serious person-- laugh. My H hates my humor. he thinks that it is juvenille. Sometimes ,I hit it so right with a joke that he has to laugh in spite of himself
Art Bell's( a radio personality) voice
Being Centered
Exercising until my thoughts clear
Playing the piano
Paul Potts
When my Yorkie snuggles in to the small of my back
Costa Rican coffee with cream
Sobbing and then feeling God's presence
Hearing about NDE's
Moments when I know that I am safe with God
When I feel an" impression "about what I should do

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on August 04, 2007, 07:57:02 PM
my two salads and my sister's wine!

Hey!  Are you posting when you should be eating and drinking, lol?
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on August 04, 2007, 08:02:50 PM
Lupita..... that was an incredible description of snorkeling, lol. 

I wouldn't guess your ESL from reading that post at all, lol!

Wonderful; )
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Lupita on August 04, 2007, 11:55:11 PM
Thank you lighter. I did the spelling check for the first time. LOL
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on August 05, 2007, 12:18:53 AM
Wow.  I don't ever spellcheck, lol :shock:
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Overcomer on August 05, 2007, 09:49:02 AM
I like receiving excellent customer service at restaurants and retail shops.  I like Sex and the City-I just watched the whole thing on DVD.  I like beautiful gardens!
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: finding peace on August 05, 2007, 10:14:02 AM
my husband and kids

spending a day on the beach building palaces out of sand with my kids

the sound of the ocean, the smell of the salty ocean breeze, and the caw of distant seagulls while sitting on an empty beach

warm, purring kittens curled in my lap

thunder storms



tromping though the creek, getting soaked with my kids while searching for minnows, crayfish, tadpoles, and salamanders

the sound of running water

watching my children live day-to-day life without fear

having my 4 year old teach me how to play electronic games

the peace on my babies faces as the sleep after a long fun day

curling up by the fire with a good book on a cold, wet, rainy day with the window open so I can smell the rain

this place

(Lupita that description was incredible - so peaceful and serene.)
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on August 05, 2007, 12:14:09 PM
Pretty much what Find Peace said, lol.

Sans the husband.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Certain Hope on August 05, 2007, 12:27:48 PM
Wow!  I want to go snorkeling!!  :)



P.S.  Also everything Peace said, except the kittens... ahchoo!  But they can purr all cozy on my son's or daughter's lap, just keep their distance 8)
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Iphi on August 06, 2007, 02:58:12 PM
Hi all.  Since I haven't really said 'hello' or introduced myself yet, kind of sneaking into the back of the room and all, perhaps it's okay if I make this an intro:

Things I like:

thrilling adventure stories


comedy and farce and absurdity

Japanese visual arts, fabrics, pottery, woodwork

internet radio - especially ambient, international, electronica type

sticky wet baby fingers grabbing my nose and mouth,  baby saying 'oo oo oo oo'

Good, real bakeries/patisseries and all that comes from them (but food things could go on and on)

prosperous small businesses

yoga, yoga philosophy (see my 'ask me about yoga' button?)

the Sierra Nevada, with lots of snow - more specifically skiing there or anywhere

rainy days and rainy nights

that's what comes to mind

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on August 06, 2007, 03:10:57 PM
Oh Iphi, lol....

::uterus jumping::

I just adore babies!

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Iphi on August 06, 2007, 03:19:01 PM
rofl!  Watch that thing!  You'll put an eye out.  We have a little guy 5 months old.  I call him my cookie because I wanted a cookie every day while pregnant.  And had one too, now needing to lose some weight.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Lupita on August 06, 2007, 03:40:28 PM
Iphi welcome to this board. It has been so helpful to me!!!!

Roller coasters. Up and down. Upside down. At least 60 miles per hour. Feel the G forces pushing your chicks up to connect with your ears.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on August 06, 2007, 03:46:53 PM
Roller coasters. Up and down. Upside down. At least 60 miles per hour. Feel the G forces pushing your chicks up to connect with your ears.

::surprised deep rich laughter::

Lupita!  I had to go back and re read just make sure that was your post, lol!  hee

Iphi..... enjoy that little little cookie.  Months 6-9 are particularly wonderful, for some reason. 
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Lupita on August 06, 2007, 04:01:36 PM
I love love love love the calming sensation of a nice response from  board members after a desperate post.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: debkor on August 06, 2007, 04:29:23 PM
Ditto Lup!!
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on August 06, 2007, 04:48:21 PM
Napping in the shade, by the sea.

Eating home cooked food/mommy food..... it always has lots of love in it.  My father and mother's husband did all the cooking, btw.  Not my mother. 

Feeling fit and strong.

Accepting the moment as it is..... whatever the moment. 

Realizing that I don't have to love others the way they want me to.  I can love them the way I neeed to.... and it's still OK.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on August 08, 2007, 10:00:10 PM
Add to the list:

A surprisingly icy cold A&W Root Beer from Walmarts front beverage case.

I don't normally drink carbonated beverages but.... OMG it's hot and sticky out and it jumped into my hand, lol!
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Certain Hope on August 08, 2007, 10:33:14 PM
Add to the list:

A surprisingly icy cold A&W Root Beer from Walmarts front beverage case.

I don't normally drink carbonated beverages but.... OMG it's hot and sticky out and it jumped into my hand, lol!

Once in a great while I'll grab one of those, too :)  Better than a candy bar on a sultry day.

My drink of choice here is iced tea with lemon only, no sugar.

And I like my ferret, even tho he smells.

So there.  :)
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on August 09, 2007, 01:20:00 AM

Wrong thread but..... smelly ferret fur on a humid hotter than 3 hells day.....  hmmmmm......

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: changing on August 10, 2007, 08:15:38 AM
Here are some more:

Enjoying my own company

Meeting friendly people

Exercise that is fun and feels good

Finally finishing a project!

A cozy sleep with beautiful music-filled dreams

A good belly laugh
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Hopalong on August 10, 2007, 08:33:41 AM
A ferret bit me once but I still like them

Animals animals animals animals animals animals animals

Shark Week on TLC. Watched an amazing show last night about a man who was obsessed with swimming with sharks, and who practiced "tonic immobility" with them. He would take their snouts in his hands and press on the sides of their heads in a certain place and they would lapse into immobility, like a comatose state. Then he would hold them while they sank toward the bottom together...then he'd let go and they'd wake up and swim off, fine. Some of them seemed to like it and would come back for him to touch them again. He dove over and over in different places with different kinds of sharks. His goal was to prove something about their nature, to contribute to saving them. Most amazing was a huge great white who allowed him to take hold of her top fin and then carefully pulled him along with her as she swam...for about 75 feet. It has never been done or photographed before. She "volunteered" to do this, and it was in her control, not his. (He had learned the "going tonic" thing on the assumption that would be the safest way for humans to learn to interact with sharks. But the ending suggested that perhaps their own curiosity and some willingness on their part to interact, be touched, etc...showed that even more amazing things could happen.) Naturally, we should leave them alone...and for godssake stop butchering them alive to make shark fin soup. (Whoops, wrong thread...that's a thing I dislike.)

What surprised me most was how many of the sharks were curious and would swim up to him and turn so he could touch their sides, stroke them, etc. And he worked with several species that have attacked humans (mistaking them for prey, as a shark's bite is how they "taste"...the equivalent of our taking a sip of something). Yoickers, but I loved seeing their intelligent and curious side.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Certain Hope on August 10, 2007, 08:48:13 AM
Dear Hops,

My ferret wouldn't bite you  :)   He is Mr. Personality Plus, and he's brightened my life in so many ways.
My husband took the kids shopping for my birthday last year... and - ouila -  there he was... and I'll tell you... his curiousity and exuberance in exploring his surroundings absolutely lights me up. I've had animals of all sorts, but this little guy is definitely the most social, loving, comical, entertaining critter in a small package that I have ever had the pleasure of being owned by.  :D 
Which reminds me... he needs a bath!!

Happy Friday, Hops and all  :)


P.S.  on edit... I forgot!  When you lift a ferret by the scruff of the neck, you get the same response of "tonic immobility".  The ferret immediately begins to yawn and goes limp. Apparently this is because he lapses back to a state similar to that of an infant, being carried in his momma's mouth.
But I dunno why sharks respond like so.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Ami on August 10, 2007, 08:59:24 AM
What really feels good in my "stomach is  "making a difference in someone else's life. It is "stomach food"
My poor battle weary stomach needs  "stomach food".I am going to go on a quest for it.It is my version of "What I like" .Hope that is O.K.  .                              Love   Ami
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on August 10, 2007, 12:57:29 PM
What really feels good in my "stomach is  "making a difference in someone else's life. It is "stomach food"
My poor battle weary stomach needs  "stomach food".I am going to go on a quest for it.It is my version of "What I like" .Hope that is O.K.  .                              Love   Ami

I wish you'd go volunteer....


I wish I could go hold babies at the hospital.... preemies.... crack babies...... but....

it's not possible while I have little children.  Also, not a good idea if needles and medical proceedures freak you out... tubes and wounds, etc.

You could also volunteer as an advocate/victim support at the emergency room. 

Bringing them clothes and calming them down.  In some counties you would also deal with child victims.  Not for everyone. 

You have to take a class and sign up...... go through the system but I think it would really feed your stomach to reach out and help people less fortunate or truly in need of help. 

You spend a lot of time feeding your stomach here but.... I think you could multiply this experience by 1000 if you could lay your hands on someone and really see that you're helping someone, IRL.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Certain Hope on August 10, 2007, 04:03:59 PM
I wish you'd go volunteer....

I wish I could go hold babies at the hospital.... preemies.... crack babies...... but....

it's not possible while I have little children.  Also, not a good idea if needles and medical proceedures freak you out... tubes and wounds, etc.

You could also volunteer as an advocate/victim support at the emergency room. 

Bringing them clothes and calming them down.  In some counties you would also deal with child victims.  Not for everyone. 

You have to take a class and sign up...... go through the system but I think it would really feed your stomach to reach out and help people less fortunate or truly in need of help. 

You spend a lot of time feeding your stomach here but.... I think you could multiply this experience by 1000 if you could lay your hands on someone and really see that you're helping someone, IRL.


I think that's an excellent idea!!
In our small community, the local Christian mission thrift shop and help-center are always needing volunteers... no tubes or needles there. But personally, I'd love to take a class like the one you mentioned.

The other place that always needs help is the womens' shelter... even if it's just entertaining the youngsters while the adults work out details.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: mudpuppy on August 10, 2007, 04:11:08 PM
A surprisingly icy cold A&W Root Beer from Walmarts front beverage case.

Henry Weinhard's draft root beer in the bottle is the choice of connoisseurs. 8)

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Certain Hope on August 10, 2007, 04:12:16 PM
A surprisingly icy cold A&W Root Beer from Walmarts front beverage case.

Henry Weinhard's draft root beer in the bottle is the choice of connoisseurs. 8)


heh... who asked ya, pizzaman?  :wink:
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Ami on August 10, 2007, 04:12:50 PM
I really love someone with a genuine altruistic spirit-                 Love    Ami
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: mudpuppy on August 10, 2007, 04:22:55 PM
heh... who asked ya, pizzaman?

I should know. What goes better with pizza than root beer?

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Certain Hope on August 10, 2007, 04:27:22 PM
heh... who asked ya, pizzaman?

I should know. What goes better with pizza than root beer?


lol.. you got me there, Brother Mud... make that a root beer float and I'm in 100% agreement!
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Poppyseed on August 12, 2007, 01:13:44 AM
Things I like...hmmmm...this is a fun one!

--almond rocka
--really well done commercials
--John Mayer, Corrine Bailey Rae, and John Denver
--jokes that make me pee my pants
--movies movies and movies
--cool documentaries
--people with great accents
--cosy sweaters
--a wonderful book and uninterupted time to read!

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on September 02, 2007, 07:25:15 PM

Knowing when I need to shut my yap.

People who honor and aren't afraid to use the answer, I don't know,  when they don't.

Being asked to restate something when I haven't been clear. 


Black eyes.

Blue eyes.

Brown eyes.

All the in between colors of eyes.

When my behavior and my state of mind/heart match (i.e., When I'm not faking the Golden Rule, but living it. 
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on September 03, 2007, 07:42:24 PM
It really does feel good to live the way we feel on the inside, doesn't it tt?

BTW.... why did you leave out green eyes?

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on September 03, 2007, 09:44:00 PM


It really does feel good to live the way we feel on the inside, doesn't it tt?

BTW.... why did you leave out green eyes?

Yes, it does feel good when the inside matches the outside.  I had to be retro fitted, but the recall was worth it! :lol:

The green eyes question is very interesting.  On the surface, I thought I included it in the last part about 'And all the in between eyes'.  If I look deeper, (sometimes I get tired of looking for the hidden things), there might be a reason.  I'll think about it, OK!

Glad things have settled down for you.  I bet the respite feel good...

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on September 05, 2007, 09:50:05 AM
I don't know about settled down but.....


Once again I've entered into another unfamiliar phase of my life I never saw coming and was totally unprepared for: /

I don't care whether you list green eyes or not but..... it was interesting bc green is the rarest eye color.

My first husband had blue eyes and I remember looking at him and thinking that they looked like freaky little doll eyes.

Don't know why... my mother has blue eyes.... I had a Grandfather with blue eyes, lol. 

Very odd and my preference is not for blue eyes and I'm with you...... just not going to spend too much time trying to figure that one out. 

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on September 11, 2007, 03:35:01 AM

More things I like:

-     Being a woman

-     Crocheted Roses

-     Embroidery done right

-     Sitting across from my best friend L. catching up on all our girl talk

-     Not feeling like I have to win the Miss Congeniality Contest to be accepted and loved

-     Seeing the beauty in my mom's face in spite of our 'differences'.

-     Searching for sea glass

-     Painting trim

-     The smell of the ocean

-     Reliable sources

-     Parents who look at their little ones thinking, this is my beloved son/daughter in whom I am well pleased.

-     People who are incredibly brave in midst of tragedy.

-     Mid Century Modern anything.

-     Jackson Pollack's art

-     Andy Warhol's art

-     Enduring gadgets that can't be improved upon.

-     Ancient history


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Hopalong on September 11, 2007, 09:10:45 AM
I love your list!
I share everything on it (oohhh, enduring ultimate design gadgets) except for Warhol and the roses.

I love to paint trim too. All of it.

Thanks for the morning lift, TT.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: axa on September 11, 2007, 10:01:16 AM
What is "painting trim" does not translate to this part of the world?

I like

Being on the ocean in my kayak, especially if it is a little rough, scary, exciting and fun

Being able to make myself laugh AGAIN

Looking in the mirror and thinking I look nice

snuggling with little children

finding I have more money in my bank account than I anticipated - rare occurence

making good food for others

stepping out of the shower after a run - better than sex!! or what I remember or it.

learning something new

knowing I am scared of something and doing it anyway


being gentle with myself


drawing and painting

singing(very badly) with Maria Callas

days when I take care of myself

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Hopalong on September 11, 2007, 10:08:32 AM
Trim is things like window mullions, crown moulding, the architectural edges and flourishes of a room. Usually wood.

Axa in a KAYAK!

I'm dazzled.  :D

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Poppyseed on September 11, 2007, 04:07:18 PM
I am adding to this thread because I need a "pick me up" today.  And reading your post Axa, infected me with your joy!

I like:

-mountain lakes
-poppies (especially orange ones)
-great conversations!  Even a good debate!
-great theater with actors who know how to deliver their lines well.
-Robert Redford
-set design, color palettes used in my favorite movies
-subtle facial expressions that say it all
-my new bedspread
-painting my walls with classic colors
-Cape Cod
-the sound of trees
-my sweet sweet children
-real friends
-Choco-mallo icecream from Maggie Moo's
-Foreign films
-pretending, just for a minute, that I can sing :lol:

Ahhhh! It worked.  I feel much better!
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on September 12, 2007, 12:05:05 PM
TT.... hunting for sea glass... it's like walking meditation and soothes my soul too.

Axa.... I drove by a BABIES R US today and passed a woman with a little curly haired toddler in her arms.  I pictured rubbing my face in those curls till the urge to stop and beg to hold that baby passed. 

Poppy..  I adore poppies too!  The orange one especially and trees.... right before it rains.... the girls and I go out and lay down, imagining what the wind says to the trees and the trees say back to the wind. 

I enjoyed reading everyone's posts on this thread so much.... and painting trim too!  More walking meditation for introverts?
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Ami on September 12, 2007, 12:10:43 PM
Seeing someone who is in touch with their inner child who can laugh like a child laughs-- full of fun and life.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Poppyseed on September 12, 2007, 12:42:58 PM

I keep asking my H to buy me orange poppies.  He can never find them in our local flower shops.  Too many rose and daisy fans, I guess.  I am putting in the landscaping on my house right now.  My first order of business after the sod goes in is a wonder corner or orange poppies!  I will plant them and think of you and your girls laying in the grass!!


I have never hunted for sea glass!  Can you believe that?  I have been to the ocean many times but amongst all my shells, I never saw any glass!  Guess I will have to put "hunting for sea glass"  on my "to do before I die" list.  xo
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Poppyseed on September 12, 2007, 12:45:25 PM
Ok. WONDERFUL.....not wonder!   Sorry.  I get typing and forget to spellcheck or proof my posts.    :? grumble....grumble  Oh well!  You guys get the point!
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on September 12, 2007, 12:51:09 PM
I think I've bought them here labled 'champagn' poppies. 

I just adore poppies!

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on September 12, 2007, 02:58:10 PM


Yeah, I do love sea glass.  I've noticed though that it is no longer plentiful.  I don't know why.  My best sea glass collection came from the east coast of south FLorida.   How plentiful is it where you are?

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Certain Hope on September 12, 2007, 07:38:58 PM

My ferret wouldn't bite you     He is Mr. Personality Plus, and he's brightened my life in so many ways


I had a friend once who had a ferret, and I fell in love!  I have always wanted one, but I really couldnt get past the musky smell.  I have had to keep up with so many animals... but I have always wanted a ferret.  I'm jealous.

Do you have a picture you could post?



Dear CB,

I will get a fresh photo of Little Bear asap! He's snoozing in his "ark" hammock at the moment, and I'm on my son's little e-machine while he plays his game on my pc... and... Poppyseed left the board, I see  :(
And that's the news from Lake Woebegone.


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: CB123 on September 12, 2007, 07:44:33 PM
Poppyseed left the board, I see 

Oh, no!    :(

Poppy, if you see this, rejoin the board under any old name and use it to PM me. 

Much love to you, Poppy,

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on September 13, 2007, 10:12:50 AM


Yeah, I do love sea glass.  I've noticed though that it is no longer plentiful.  I don't know why.  My best sea glass collection came from the east coast of south FLorida.   How plentiful is it where you are?


We had lots in Bimini.  The dark blue is the rarest but my favorites are the clear and lighter blues... all together. 

I wish I knew how to make beautiful jewelry with it: )
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on September 15, 2007, 05:16:08 PM


I like your idea about creating jewelry from  sea glass.  Designing it would be the challenge I'd never overcome.  But, I think I could look at a picture or a beautifully fashioned piece made out of other stuff and then configure it to the sea glass.  Is that plagarism?

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on September 15, 2007, 05:27:18 PM

Things I like:

Confidences held sacred.

Doing a 'favor' for someone just because without feeling that they 'owe' me.

Having someone do me a 'favor' without them feeling that I 'owe' them.

The down blanket my daughter bought in a thrift shop and gave me.  She laundered it first and when I received it in the mail and opened it, a beautiful scent, hers, wafted up from the box.  It was wonderful.

A car coat my daughter bought in a thrift store and gave me that reminds me of Mongolia.  Winters, I get to wear my scrunchy  *Sherpa boots with it.

Feeling in harmony with my body, which I don't now.


*Edit in:  Sherpa
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: sun blue on September 15, 2007, 05:41:48 PM

That's a gigantic groan of envy as I read your posts about your beaches and sea glass.  I adore sea glass and was just looking at some sea glass jewelry sites online before I checked back on this board.  What a coincidence!

I envy your ability to be near the water and collect sea glass.  As someone from the midwest who only feels truly at home on the beach, wearing a small piece of beach glass always makes me feel closer to it and I can almost feel the sun on my face.  My favorites are the aqua pieces.  I came back from a California trip recently and picked up an inexpensive piece of sea glass but am always looking for truly beautiful examples of it.

How I wish I was walking on the beach right now!


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on September 16, 2007, 08:56:00 AM
tt... one thing I learned in graphic art school is....

EVERYTHING has been done.

So.... copying someone means you are copying someone who is doing something someone else did too.

There are rules to these things though: /












b o r r o w e d

from; )

I love the idea of making the seaglass jewelry and I intend to borrow my way through 100 different ideas I like....

to create something that's....

me: )
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Ami on September 16, 2007, 09:06:19 AM
Pema Choedrin who is showing me  about Life in a different way.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on September 16, 2007, 09:14:25 AM
Pema Choedrin who is showing me  about Life in a different way.


What are 5 of Pema's most helpful insights you've read so far?

I always go... ya ya... that makes sense

 then I can't remember the darned things when I need them.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Ami on September 16, 2007, 09:38:33 AM
I just read the first few chapters ,so I can't say. However, she touched me in a deep way. I see that I tried to "structure" life with "structures " that made "sense". I did that so I would not have to see how unpredictable life really is. The unpredictability is what scares us.
  Also, she goes along very well with the inner child work. She says that you CANNOT run away from deep feelings(shame ,guilt, feeling worthlessness). You have to EMBRACE them all-in order to heal
  I feel like her teachings are a 'warm ,comforting "blanket..
 I am so happy that Hops told me to get her book                               

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on September 30, 2007, 04:44:17 AM

-   Paying my bills a month in advance (doesn't happen often and not good economics probably, but it feel
    good anyway.)

-  Things that work right everytime

-  Trying to learn from double binds

-  Not being afraid to admit that I don't think fast on my feet

-  Bobble heads

-  Gourds

-  Light bouncing off leaves.  Makes me ponder the glory of God

-  Father John Ricardo

-  Skyline Chilli

-  Alman Brothers Band

-  The Bee Gees

-  Gotchas  their's or mine, but only if they're fun

-  My habit of conserving water

-  Simple, non conspicuous living

-  Porch swings

-  Believing in a Sovereign God

-  Understanding what is predictable so that I can pay closer attention to the unpredictable

-  Discovering cycles

-  Having enough sense to go to sleep when I should

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Ami on September 30, 2007, 08:09:12 AM
When I can see---- Hallelujah--- that my mother's words were JUST USELESS VERBIAGE------ YEAAAAAAAH                     Ami
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: isittoolate on September 30, 2007, 01:06:11 PM
When I awaken in the morning naturally, no outside noises, no alarm, no having to pee, no shower running next door, just awaken and BE.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on September 30, 2007, 08:07:34 PM

Oh yeah!

-  Having no place to GO
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Hopalong on September 30, 2007, 09:13:12 PM
Being worship associate and feeling how love pours through me when I look at their faces
Hugs at church
Friends asking me out for breakfast
Taking my dog to outdoor cafes, having people surround her
Good pinot noir
A bowl of spinach

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Ami on September 30, 2007, 09:15:25 PM
Facing the truth EVEN if I see hate in someone's(my H) eyes toward me. Being able to simply  SEE-
It is so wonderful.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: axa on October 01, 2007, 03:31:33 AM
Making food for others
a clean smelling house
merging on the motorway without fear
reading a wonderful book
being organised
getting unexpected emails from people
refund from the tax man
how I feel when I am kind to myself
feeling healthy

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Ami on October 01, 2007, 08:53:14 AM
Facing WHATEVER is in front of my eyes from whomever---just exactly as it is-- good, bad or indifferent.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on October 01, 2007, 10:34:51 AM
Alone time.......

after spending the weekend with 3 very gassy people: /
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Poppy Seed on October 01, 2007, 10:50:59 AM
I like:  Feeling really strong.
         Trusting myself to keep my boundaries firm.
         Feeling a bit more confident every day.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on October 01, 2007, 01:36:13 PM

Hey lighter,

Alone time.......

after spending the weekend with 3 very gassy people: /  

Give them pairs of Under-Ease, airtight underwear with a replaceable charcoal filter that removes bad smelling gases before they escape.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on October 01, 2007, 01:57:55 PM
I think I could wrestle the children into them.... no problem.

I'd tell them some story about how they're designed for future astronauts.....


My oldest would buy it for sure.

But Hubby..... he's just so tickled with himself.....

having sooooo much fun with tummy troubles....

I can't telllllll you: /

If I have to hear my youngest say.... "daddy, did you poop your pants again?" I don't know what I'll do.

Probably NOT laugh this time......

the first few times she said it, it was so funny bc she had all the disgust and distaste a 5yo child, who is NOT suffering the same tummy distress.  Neither was mommy.... upper GI troubles seem to catch me out.

Her sister, however, suffering every bit of distress that daddy was.... giggled in peals and answered him back with her own, beg'in for airtight charcoal pants wonder matched only by the whoopie cushion they purchased at the arcade the day after we arrived: /

E gads.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: finding peace on November 25, 2007, 05:38:46 PM
When my 4-year-old surprises me by fixing lunch for me.

I was working this afternoon and my DD came into the office and said mommy I have a surprise for you come with me.

So we went downstairs, and she said here mommy I fixed your lunch.  She made me carrots and placed them just so on the plate.  She had the yogurt ready to go with the top ripped off and the spoon inserted, and about 2 cups of whipped cream had been decoratively sprayed into a bowl.  It was complete with pink lemonade with a straw; all arranged at the table ready for me to eat.   

I ate every bite - it was the best lunch I have ever had. 

Best part - her smile was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Gabben on November 25, 2007, 06:13:46 PM
Peace -

What a wonderful story :D Thanks for sharing.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Leah on November 25, 2007, 06:18:20 PM
Oh, Peace,

Thats absolutely beautiful, a very precious moment.

What a dear darling daughter you have.

Thanks ever so much for sharing.

Love, Leah
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Hopalong on November 25, 2007, 09:24:23 PM
 :D :D :D :D

2 c whipped cream
w/a lemonade chaser....


I love her to bits

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on November 26, 2007, 01:51:57 PM
Awwww... Peace how sweet: )

Thanks for sharing that, it made me smile :)
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: alone48 on November 26, 2007, 09:21:54 PM

the smell of an old fashion ice cream parlor
fresh egyptian cotton sheets
planning a trip to somewhere I've never been
being with my friends and having a good time
orange blossoms in the spring
xmas tree smell
vanilla ice cream just slightly melted

Can you tell odors are my thing?

to snuggle a new born baby that has just been bathed or just to snuggle anyone!!!!!
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on November 26, 2007, 09:58:25 PM
I'm going to add snuggle a baby to my list of things to do: )

The Foster Home around the corner has a new one and he's so cute!
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: changing on November 27, 2007, 03:15:50 AM

You are the best of the best! God Bless you and your caring heart.


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on November 27, 2007, 07:09:59 AM
I have to admit it.... I snuggle him for selfish reasons.... though I hope some of my joy tranfers back to him. 

I'm welcome to baby snuggle there anytime though :D
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: changing on November 27, 2007, 06:33:14 PM
One ofthe things that I like are people who snuggle babies who need love and attention- both are wonderful!


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Leah on November 27, 2007, 06:45:43 PM
 :)  love babies  :)
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on November 28, 2007, 04:27:28 AM

I love praying..... and feeling better.

We decorated and bustled about the house making a mess of Christmas decorations last night. 

The girls and I.

It was lovely and we danced and had 2 fires and the lights on the tree halfway done.... but they're perfect.

We ate a quick simple dinner and my 7yo practiced Christmas songs on the Piano...... without complaint.

Yes, I'm in the Christmas SPIRIT, Amazons!

I love being in the Christmas spirit again :D

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: changing on November 28, 2007, 08:34:58 AM
Lighter, I love hearing about your family's fun time and rejoicing together! Enjoy!!!


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Leah on November 28, 2007, 07:34:46 PM
Things I love ....




"Thank You"


and a firm handshake

Hugs too  :)
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on November 30, 2007, 06:56:46 AM
What are you planning for the holiday, Changing?  Just studying?
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Leah on November 30, 2007, 08:14:07 AM
Also love .....




Feeling of being accepted and belonging
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Ami on November 30, 2007, 09:53:20 AM
Dear Leah,
  You are such a precious person. They could not take away your humanity. I know that your sweetness is a gift to all around you, as it is to us, on the board.    Love   Ami

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Leah on November 30, 2007, 10:00:52 AM
May God Bless you (((((((((((( Ami )))))))))))))))

You have such a pure heart of gold.

Means so very much to my heart, the words you have so kindly and compassionately voiced.

Thank you dear friend.

Love, Leah
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on December 01, 2007, 02:00:19 AM

I like being pain free.


Spraying my favorite perfume at the nape of my neck.  Mostly because I mentioned that it was my favorite in passing and my daughter gave me a bottle as a gift.  It's her remembering that makes it extra special.

Being less enchanted with the Internet than ever before.

Cutting others slack.

Cutting myself slack.

Getting phone calls from my grandchildren.


Collard and Raab greens.

Doing the right thing because it's the right thing to do.

Being in the presence of a person who passionately pursues holiness.


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: isittoolate on December 08, 2007, 08:25:40 PM
I love old movies, well any movie with Bette Davis, and just tonight am watching one I never knew about!

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Leah on December 08, 2007, 09:19:45 PM
Have you see Mr Skeffington and Old Maid ?   Sobbed my heart out watching 'Old Maid'

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: isittoolate on December 08, 2007, 11:34:21 PM
Dark Victory, when she went blind, had me sobbing back in the crying days.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Hopalong on December 08, 2007, 11:57:18 PM
My great great something or others lived next door to Bette Davis in Hollywood and they had to move their young daughter's bedroom to the other side of the house because of Bette's sailor mouth!

 :lol:   :shock:

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: isittoolate on December 09, 2007, 12:21:11 AM
Avast me hearties!
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Leah on December 09, 2007, 07:06:31 AM
It's a Wonderful Life

love that old movie and have it here on dvd

Truly, life is wonderful - precious  :)

Love to ((( All )))

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: finding peace on December 15, 2007, 11:14:57 AM
I like the song The Rose by Bette Midler,

Some say love it is a river
that drowns the tender reed
Some say love it is a razer
that leaves your soul to bleed

Some say love it is a hunger
an endless aching need
I say love it is a flower
and you it's only seed

It's the heart afraid of breaking
that never learns to dance
It's the dream afraid of waking
that never takes the chance
It's the one who won't be taken
who cannot seem to give
and the soul afraid of dying
that never learns to live

When the night has been too lonely
and the road has been too long
and you think that love is only
for the lucky and the strong
Just remember in the winter
far beneath the bitter snows
lies the seed
that with the sun's love
in the spring
becomes the rose
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Hopalong on December 15, 2007, 11:31:55 AM
Oh thanks, Peace...
I can hear her rich real voice singing it.

I love this song, and this singer.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Leah on December 15, 2007, 11:46:00 AM
Bette Midler ?  Is she the funny lady with a zany sense of humor ??

.......which means I appreciate her humor, of course.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: finding peace on December 15, 2007, 11:52:48 AM
((((YVW Hops))))


Here is a link

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYWAYLZWZBg (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYWAYLZWZBg)
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Hopalong on December 15, 2007, 12:03:59 PM
Oh thank you, Peace...I floated away.

And this one's for IZZ--and everybodyY:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIBUaMe37B8&NR=1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIBUaMe37B8&NR=1)

oh feeling so much better how could I forget how healing music is?

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: finding peace on December 15, 2007, 12:15:03 PM
That was beautiful.

(((((Thanks Hops)))))
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on December 15, 2007, 12:18:44 PM
The clipped quippy humor of Brit's having a disagreement all the while avoiding direct insults and lowering themselves to a nasty name calling wrestling match where everyone screams silly things that make no sense at all :shock:

Ummmmm.... I realize you're going to laugh at that Hope, lol..... since you understand so very little of my posts, lol. 
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on December 15, 2007, 07:29:16 PM

   -   Children

   -   Children's laughter

   -   Breakthroughs - yours and mine

   -   The color pink

   -   Simple answers

   -   Freckles

  -   Losing five pounds without trying and without being sick

   -  Starry nights

   -   Quiet places



Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Leah on December 15, 2007, 07:39:03 PM

>  snuggled up cosy by the fire watching my favorite movie at this time of year  "It's a Wonderful Life"

>  walking on crunchy autumn fall leaves and enjoying the soft sunshine shimmering through the bronze leaves on the trees

>  sitting upon my bedroom window seat with the window open whilst watching the stars wink at me from up in the clear sky

>  laughing out loud as I cycle downhill with my hair flowing in the soft gentle breeze

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Ami on December 16, 2007, 09:09:05 AM
Touching another human being--core to core.                          Ami
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: reallyME on December 16, 2007, 09:49:06 AM
I like: 


My relationship with God and like-faith friends
Learning about other people's beliefs and views
Studying and researching things on my computer
Jewish Holiday Celebrations
Learning about celebrations and customs around the world
Sociology study
Reading Biographies, Autobiographies, How-To Books, Psych books
Using the library's computer
Writing my book
Preaching/Teaching/Deliverance ministry
Listening to a good teaching tape (new age or Christian)


Seeing my daughters get along with each other and laugh
A good movie that makes me tear up
Hugs and being held, especially by hefty cuddly people
Finding joy in little things of life that many people don't stop to see
Feeling secure inside
Feeling accepted and loved


Personal time with God to find Him and discover myself more
A really INTENSE worship service where people blend together in harmony
Closing my eyes and feeling at peace
Lighting candles and praying
Incense or scented candles
Meeting other people and having light discussions (NO eschatology please, though)


Macaroni n cheese
Spagetti with huge meatballs (can be beef or gr turkey)
Veggie Burgers
Losing weight
Full-body massage
Walking the dog
(dare I say it?) sex
eye contact
non-verbal communication
Someone to wash/brush my hair
Holding hands
Seeing beautiful things
Mini-skis and sledding
Roller skating
Lazer Tag
Flannel Sheets (ahhhhhhh)
Raspberry Iced Tea
Hot Cocoa
Orange chocolate, sponge candy, krispy chocolate


The Voicelessness Board
Playing in the snow
Giving/Getting gifts
Phone calls with friends/some family
Just sitting around doing nothing
The smell of a freshly blown-out match
Colors, scents, soft-playing music
Visiting my spiritual mom/ bio-family
Catching back up with an old friend
My pets- 2 dogs, cat, rabbit
Christmas morning
Dancing with my flags

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on December 16, 2007, 10:02:02 AM
tt...." losing 5 pounds without trying or getting sick"

that one made me laugh, lol.... cause it's so true, lol.

Laura..... you really put a lot of though into that..... very cool.

Finding Peace...... thanks for posting that Bette song.... I never catch the words of songs, lol.

I'm one of those people  who sort'a makes up words then forgets I made them up, lol.

Another think I like....

laughing and laughing and laughing......


I feel lighter.....


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: CB123 on December 16, 2007, 01:32:49 PM
It's the heart afraid of breaking
that never learns to dance
It's the dream afraid of waking that never takes the chance
It's the one who won't be taken
who cannot seem to give
and the soul afraid of dying that never learns to live

Thank you, Hops.  I love these lyrics.


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: reallyME on December 16, 2007, 03:25:05 PM
Lighter: Laura..... you really put a lot of though into that..... very cool.

At first, I glanced at your comment and thought "awwwwwww how sweet of you to say" but after thinking about it, I had to chuckle, cause no, I really didn't put much thought into it...if I had, it would have looked more like this:

I like:

Laying on a warm ground in springtime, on a fresh-cut lawn, glaring up into the sky and making cloud figures

Drinking warm cocoa right after the marshmallows have freshly melted and are ooey gooey

Wading in a shallow pool on a day so hot I want to crawl out of my skin

Having my spiritual mom pray over me and feeling that surge of spirit-current hit me from my head to my toes

Singing a song that has the most awesome chord arrangement that I choke through the words of it

Seeing a program on tv where someone does something from the heart for another person

Watching my school music program where all the children sing "We Share A Rainbow" about all colors getting along together

Pretending I'm a character in a play where the person gets to really be voice-full

Cuddling up in my bed with flannel sheets, pillow case, and fleecy blankets

Running my fingers through the hair of my children right around their ears to put them to sleep

and that is just some things Iike, if I put thought into it :)


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Hopalong on December 16, 2007, 10:12:09 PM
I like how much people like stuff!

 :D :D :D

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on December 17, 2007, 07:41:10 AM
I like how Commador Norrington says....

"Mr. Gillette, Mr. Sparrow has a dawn appointment with the gallows, I'd hate for him to miss it."

I always preferred his clipped control to Capt. Jack's humor and poor hygiene :shock:

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on December 17, 2007, 12:13:49 PM
I like Lighter's way with words, her sarcasm, and her insight.
Ain't always on target - but neither are the rest of us. She TRIES, which is all any of us can do.

You "light up my day", Lighter!!

Just come out and say it.... you prefer Sparrow, lol.

That's OK, everybody else does too :shock:
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on December 17, 2007, 04:54:05 PM
Yup yup yup.... very cute, but......

If you have a very good imagination.....

Pirate hygiene? 


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: tayana on December 17, 2007, 05:15:51 PM
I like Capt. Jack! :)  There's a book I was going to mention but I forgot the title.  Johnny Depp read it when he created the character of Jack Sparrow.

I must be getting old.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on December 17, 2007, 05:39:38 PM
Tay... you can't just announce something... then forget it, lol.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Lupita on December 17, 2007, 07:04:33 PM
Two of the movies that I have most enjoyed:

"Love Stinks"

"Analize That"

I almost relaxed my bladder sphinter against my will. So much laughing.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: tayana on December 17, 2007, 11:25:55 PM
Ha, I found it!  It's Sodomy and the Pirate Tradition.  Evidently Johnny Depp borrowed a lot of Capt. Jack's character from that book.  I've only read parts of it.

Lupita, I like As good as it gets.  It's another really hilarious one.

My all time favorite movie, at the moment, is still Moulin Rouge.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Lupita on December 18, 2007, 06:08:39 AM
Anger management same actor. I loved that.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on December 18, 2007, 06:26:58 AM





Lol.... well that was..... something I never knew had been written :)

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: tayana on December 18, 2007, 09:50:23 AM
Lighter, pirates evidently had very interesting lives.  :)

The book also goes into why a lot men became pirates.  A lot of it was because the navy was so regulated and abusive, they turned to piracy because most pirate outfits were more democratic, and they basically lived for the moment.  I think I'd have been a pirate.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on December 18, 2007, 10:11:59 AM
I ordered a bunch of Pirate dress up stuff for a Family Reunion..... lots of my cousins went and their children.

Very fun folk from OHIO and.....

it was THE most fun of all the things we ever did in all the years we've been meeting.

I can't find the furry little mustaches anymore but if you do..... BUY THEM!

The goetees are really cool and then you can also have big ole eyebrows too. :D

More fun than people and monkeys should be able to have.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: tayana on December 18, 2007, 10:28:26 AM
We have a pirate festival here, although I've never been.  M doesn't like pirates. 

I think it'd be great fun to dress up and go.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on December 18, 2007, 04:11:48 PM
How could he not like pirates, lol?

What does he like if not pirates?
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: tayana on December 18, 2007, 04:55:30 PM

He doesn't like pirates.  I don't know why.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on December 20, 2007, 05:20:24 AM
Not many fun dino festivals around, are there?
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Lupita on December 20, 2007, 09:04:15 PM
love fodge!!!!!!!!! chocolate!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on December 21, 2007, 11:24:10 PM

-Scuppernong Wine (Duplin) 

-Sleeping eight hours straight

-People who are kind to the people I love

-Knowing that it's not over until it's over  :lol:

-Not being a conspicuous consumer

-Being kind and attentive to my little aging Yorkie who is blind, deaf and toothless


-Thinking that I might overcome my bad habitts


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Leah on December 22, 2007, 07:36:23 AM

I Like and I appreciate ..

-  People who are kind and genuine

-  Acceptance

-  Life
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Ami on December 22, 2007, 07:43:48 AM
Making peace after a rift--- the sweetness of it.                                 Ami
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on January 09, 2008, 09:18:02 PM
Seeing my children off, pressed, fresh clean faces... tight braids.... to school on time, work completed with happy shiney faces so glad to be where they are.... maybe a big dead interesting bug, in a jar for sharing day, in hand.

Snuggling my youngest in the morning before dropping her off to school..... sharing a chocolate biscotti dipped in latte.

Chasing and tickling hearing them laugh.

Snuggling into clear sheets with girls and talking about the best part of their day..... the worste part of their day.

Snuggling them in the morning.... before they wake up.... smelling their clean hair and cheeks.

Taking them out for a Japanese dinner at Kobe Steakhouse.... they really enjoy that and we're going soon with Auntie P.

Seeing my old roomate.... we're having dinner Friday night. 

Singing with the girls..... listening to 7yo play piano.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on January 13, 2008, 09:20:00 PM
Going to a friend's house and eating yummy mommy food, I didn't have to cook myself: )

Laughing over old stories..... laughing over new stories.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on January 14, 2008, 02:06:15 AM

Having toilet paper dispensers hung in a way that you don't have to stand on your head to dispense the paper. 

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on January 14, 2008, 06:53:48 AM
Having the toilet paper roll dispensers manage to stay on the wall through an entire potty episode. 

Two of ours keep falling apart when we touch them.   I finally put one in a drawer till I can find the little wrench to fix it: /
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on August 08, 2008, 01:19:07 AM

My lean, mean, fat reducing grilling machine.  George Foreman

I found it at the thrift store for five bucks.  Figured I didn't have much to lose.  I never knew they were such awesome kitchen appliances.  I've turned into a grillin fool!

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on August 14, 2008, 04:41:50 PM
We grill panini samiches pretty often..... not the GF grill though.

Sometimes I grill up mushrooms for the samiches first.

They're so crunchy munchy nice with turkey, cheese, spinach, horseradish mustard, mayo and caramelized mushrooms.  Not that regular mushrooms aren't nice too.


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on September 17, 2008, 02:21:08 AM

T J Maxx

Seeing how a breeze can play with a small portion of a tree, while no signs of a breeze is displayed on any othe part of the tree.

Seeing a parent look at his child with a tenderness that says, you are my beloved child, and I love you.


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on December 08, 2008, 04:27:34 PM

1) People who know how to tell me where to get off if I have a lapse in judgment and offend them!

2) A warm comfy bed when it snows.

3)  When my grandchildren tell me they like me.

4)  Meaningful work.

5)  Days without pain.

6)  Being my little dog's helper now that he is a bit feeble.  Sometimes he needs me to leave a light on so he can see and not be afraid. 

7)  Knowing when to keep my mouth shut.

8)  Remembering that it's not all about me!

9)  Acting out of integrity spontaneously.


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on December 08, 2008, 10:12:47 PM
Dreamless sleep.....

being really truly present in the moment, with my children.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on December 08, 2008, 10:43:07 PM


Thanks for this thread.  Can you tell it's one of my favorites?


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on December 09, 2008, 12:11:50 PM
Yes, tt.... I can.

And you're welcome: )

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: debkor on December 11, 2008, 02:49:45 PM

Making dinner and hearing my son talk on his head set (playing Xbox live) to his friend (while walking down a tunnel with his game and his person) Didn't your momma ever tell you not to walk down hallways alone in the Dark...How funny and witty he is.

I like when we are going to have a storm.  How you buy food (special dinners) charge up the DVD player in case the electric goes out and get ready to cozy up together.


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on December 11, 2008, 04:23:55 PM
That all sounded so nice, Deb.

Did the lights go out?

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: debkor on December 11, 2008, 05:16:29 PM

No not yet.  It's still raining but it is supposed to turn to ice by morning.  My son's school closed while others stayed open this morning.  I don't get that.  Each district had their own way.  The others had late going in and early coming home.  Everything is pointing to over night now but it is raining at the moment.

Lately you can almost guarantee ..*Lights Out* so we prepare for it.  Oh I forgot...I usually take the solar lights inside from outside rather then candles now.  You could land a plane in my living room.  We gave up on flashlights since Cell Phone Lights come in very handy while making your way to the bathroom..which reminds me to charge it up too.

I'm looking at my fireplace and they have so much fake snow and wreaths and villiages set up I would have to take it all down before I lit it.

My friend taught me to get the camping propane heaters While Your Awake (window opened a bit) to warm up and when to bed..off. 

My son (13) year old does not do what my other kids or the neighborhood kids use to do when we had an ice storm..Ice Skates come out.  He loves Hockey so ...and I have the windows broken to prove it...Slap Shot! I even thought of buyng the rink that you can put outside fill it with water and Wha la! neighborhood ice hockey...but it's would go over into my neighbors yard so I can't and I would be replacing many windows then besides my own.

We once joined the neighbors for Board Games and Fun Foods (wine for the Adults) with an enjoyable time..while I was pretty much 3 sheets to the wind came home (all warm from the wine) kids snuggled up all three and 4 dogs in bed for body heat ..when I heard to my littlest one back then..Please don't Pea the bed.

And it always looks so pretty in the day..although I worry about the trees that may come down...I have some big trees.   

So along with many things I dislike come many things out of it that I so DO like...

I'll let you know if it's Lights Out...which reminds me...lol...have to charge up the lap top...Do I still get signal if I'm on Phone line DSL..I think, maybe, right?

I'm so prepared/half in mind and half for real...I better get moving on this. 

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Hopalong on December 11, 2008, 07:51:26 PM
Aww, Deb, thanks for sharing those cozy scenes.
You must be in New England or someplace brrrrr...

But you make it sound warm and fun, and you are so capable.

Would love to share a storm with you and goofy boy!

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on December 12, 2008, 01:22:22 PM

What a great idea..... solar lights in the house when the electric goes.

How ya doing?


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: debkor on December 13, 2008, 11:16:15 PM
Hey Hops and Light,

Hoppy your welcome anytime..we do have fun! 


Ice storm  never came but my son was complaining of a headache that night.  Gave him some motrin and he went to school the next morning.  Got a call from nurse about 1pm that he did not feel good.  Picked him up and he complained of severe back pain around to his hip area, sore throat, and teeth chattering, so cold.  Went to bed, slept 19 hours and then we headed to the Dr's and they thought maybe Strep Throat.   He has an ear infection, possibly strep, and he is kind of flu like too.  Waiting for the Strep test, it first came out negative. 

So although I do not like when he was sick....I so like when we went and ordered Wonton Soup, Gatorade, movies, stopped and looked at the puppies and Ew nasty looking Spiders, as we waited for his prescription to be filled and him not being so (big kid) I'm a teenager as we sat and watched movies, had soup and I tucked him in and explained that WE are not getting a tarantula now he is trying to bargin for a chinchilla  They are cute but No.

So once again along with the dislikes..come many Likes. 

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on December 15, 2008, 08:30:09 AM
Yup yup yup, deb..... along with the dislikes..... are the likes.

hope your son feels better.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Izzy_*now* on December 21, 2008, 04:38:00 PM
  "Life should NOT be a  journey to the grave with the  intention of arriving  safely in  an attractive and well preserved body, but  rather to skid in  sideways, chocolate in one hand, body thoroughly  used up, totally worn  out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!"
 ..... my motto?
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on December 22, 2008, 10:05:44 AM

John Malkovich.  His acting.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on December 22, 2008, 09:19:52 PM

People who are discretionary in passing on information from current or past conversations.

In other words, a person who is not a spout that pours out everything they have hear in ALL their conversations to the next ear that happens to show up.    Discretion about what one chooses to pass on.  What a gift!

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: debkor on December 23, 2008, 05:45:55 PM
Getting my teeth cleaned (after) not the very moment, Crest Sensitivity Tooth Paste, and not having to get a filling till next week, the long nap I took today with some crazy dream of an animal my son wanted for Christmas which was not of This planet but all to very cute that you could dress in clothes and said 100 words. 

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on January 07, 2009, 10:29:01 AM

-Goo Gone - A wonderful product that removes that aggravating sticky substance that is often left

after you peel away tapes and labels.

-Non computerized gadgets that keep on working and working and working and never get glitches or give error


-People.  Now that I've rearranged my own 'foolishness', I like being able to take people as they are.

-I also like having the option of taking them (people) or leaving them if I find them toxic.

-I like it that I was born a highly curious person.


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on February 23, 2009, 06:04:25 PM

I LOVE the Indie Rock female singing group Habonet Nechama

Independent Music

In popular music, independent music, often abbreviated as indie, is a term used to describe independence from major commercial record labels and an autonomous, do-it-yourself approach to recording and publishing.

Independent Labels have been known to strive for minimal influence on the artist they represent, avoiding the artist-cultivating behavior of many major labels. Artists represented by Indie labels have been known to be focused more on producing music than becoming wealthy and/or well known.


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: debkor on February 28, 2009, 07:02:18 PM
When your kid has a plan to scare you *as in getting in the shower to scare his father when the curtain is pulled back* and only to find out that Dad has reached his hand in and turned the water on and the screams are coming from the Kid and he is the one who was surprised. hahahahhaha......
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on February 28, 2009, 09:53:48 PM
Playing hard with kids on a jumpy castle..... winging them around a basketball court when they're on those little boards with wheels mounted on the bottom.

Going to the bookstore with them.

Holding puppies at the petshop...... looking at all the interesting shrimps and sponges and crabs and brittlestars in the fabulously stocked salt water tanks.

Watching the kids play with the robo and teddy bear hamsters.

Holding snakes and being amazed at how brave the children are when they hold them too.

Watching the birds bite people and refuse to get off their bodies......

not one of my favorite things: /

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on March 01, 2009, 05:58:00 PM

Movies-For some reason, it's next to impossible for me to sit through movies on TV or on the big screne.  I can't count the times that I flat out slept through movies in the theatre.  I don't have TV now.  That's a good thing for when I did, I mostly flipped channels, but anyway, there have been a few movies in which almost every scene attracts my attention enough to stop the channel surfing and actually watch.  A few get me every time.  Legally Blonde with Reese Witherspoon as Elle Woods is one of them.  I just love that movie.   


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on November 08, 2009, 05:18:53 AM
Little Debbie Nutty Bars.  You know you can cut those little rascals into inch size bites and serve them at a get together as tasty little sweet treats - yummy.

Cheeze-It - The Pepper Jack flavored ones

Pretty blue eyes with not a hint of any other color in them.

Black/brown eyes that sparkele.

Green eyes with brown specks.

Cheap beer!

Good wine!

Ploughing into a mound of Caviar sprinkled over smashed boiled eggs and sour cream with a few capers, spread on water crackers, sans good manners.  Just eat and enjoy as casually as you would baked beans at a barbecue!

a bag of boiled/bald depending on where you're from, salty, pepper hot peanuts with a bag of Scuppernong grapes and a Coca Cola
driving down I-95 listening to the Eagles on the way to see my grandchildren.

Transparent people who were nurtured to be that way or folk like us who've learned in the school of hard knocks to be transparent, letting the chips fall where they may.


Recognizing an unpleasant feature of my personlity and changing it out for another feature that is full of integrity and which represents more fully who I am after my makeover (those seven years of hell).

Seeing my grandchildren flourish and recalling seeing signs of who they would become from the time they were in diapers.

Hearing my granchild say, Oh grandma, you were right when you told me that my gift was _____________.   I'm glad I was tuned into them from toddlerhood.  What a blessing!


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: CB123 on November 08, 2009, 08:27:49 AM
Walking in a Japanese garden...feeding the giant koi...letting the sunshine warm me...

lunch at an outdoor cafe with people walking by...

a long drive to and from the city, talking and laughing and planning...

reading aloud for hours--better than TV!

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on November 08, 2009, 05:33:58 PM
Just really being present in the moment with my children.

Rain or shine.

Night or day........

and Trader Joe's salt and vinegar potato chips with ketchup and milk.


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on April 03, 2010, 10:38:07 AM

People who inspire me to be a better person by their actions, words and deeds.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Portia on April 03, 2010, 07:44:28 PM
Being completely caught in the moment, moving out of my thoughts, being moved by an external agency.

Paying attention and being paid attention. Haha. Being an attention-seeker  8)
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Hopalong on April 04, 2010, 10:56:41 AM
the first intense red tulip from my yard each spring
in a little hand-blown bulgy blue vase, w/an air bubble
it opens slowly and shazam, a deep black and gold center
eye-popping contrast

nature is so generous

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on May 03, 2010, 01:34:49 AM

I like discussions that consist of more than the exchange of cliches. 


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Izzy_*now* on May 03, 2010, 03:10:52 AM
I like that my sister was told about my daughter, by my daughter, before sister arrived, so very little had to be said: that both of us kept it to ourselves until I mentioned it and then I brought the topic to an end.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on May 03, 2010, 09:06:47 AM
Being out of doors when a storm's approaching.

I love the look and sound of the forest when the wind's up.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Izzy_*now* on May 08, 2010, 02:02:38 AM
The Willow Tree sculptures.

Tall one is Welcoming Spirit, from my lawyer at Christmas, and...

Short one is Healing Angel from my therapist for my Birthday!


[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: bearwithme on May 08, 2010, 05:25:50 PM
Watching my 2 year old dance to John Denver's "Thank God I'm a Country Boy."  And also to hip-hop music, particuclarly; "Boom-Boom-Pow" by the Black Eyed Peas;

A glass of wine while watching the sunset over the valleys;

Cooking a nice meal for my husband and daughter;

Talking with my brother;

Reading poetry;

Remembering what it was like to hike the high Sierra's; and

New York City.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Hopalong on May 09, 2010, 12:07:11 AM
Seeing new topography I've never seen before.
The chance to see the black dirt of the Upper Midwest, driving along back roads from Minneapolis to La Crosse to Madison. Stopping in a little norske cafe, buying pastries and a raffle. Finding open friendliness as a default, unlike the guarded East. Rain as lovely on the fields as the sunshine is.

Just a blessed chance to travel and encounter a whole bunch of wonderful strangers.

I like exploring, land and people. More than almost anything.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on May 11, 2010, 06:32:01 PM

Ahhh - I love a Rum Bloody Mary!

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on May 12, 2010, 06:26:50 AM
Watching my child play the piano with gusto and feeling..... esp when she improvises.

A toasted english muffin, piled high with tukey, spinach, avocado and horseradish sauce.

A frosty cold beer mit lime.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: bearwithme on May 12, 2010, 04:48:03 PM

When a friend calls me out of the blue;

Cold pizza;

when my daughter gives me an Eskimo Kiss.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Portia on May 12, 2010, 05:58:07 PM
Ozone. Deep blue sky. 26-28 degrees C (please).

The fact that there's a bird-feeder in the gardens at 10 Downing Steet.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: BonesMS on May 13, 2010, 07:47:17 AM
Banging away on hand drums with a group of other musicians!  It's a GREAT stress reliever and creative too!!!   :D
LOVE the jam sessions!!!!!!

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Portia on May 13, 2010, 09:30:48 AM
the moment when people change their deeply-held opinions because of new information.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on May 17, 2010, 02:21:56 PM
Hearing both my kids had great test scores this year!

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Portia on May 17, 2010, 02:43:20 PM
Nice one Mo2! Tests may not be perfect or the 'best' way but great scores are better than otherwise.

I like Frank Zappa. "What kind of a goooroooo are yoooou, anyway?"

...and  "you're all ASSHOLES!" (I wish I coulda been a fly on the wall back in the day of those seminars.)
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on May 17, 2010, 11:09:25 PM
You're right, Portia.

Test scores aren't primary indicators of much, but.......

good ones are certainly a relief.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Portia on May 18, 2010, 02:59:05 PM
I'm glad you're relieved Mo2. I feel a little like that myself atm.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on May 20, 2010, 07:54:38 AM
I should say, my youngest has been dealing with non-verbal processing delays since Pre-K.

Her scores this year are more relief that she's overcoming/compensating.

I'm glad your feeling relieved atm too.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Portia on May 20, 2010, 10:24:45 AM
I'm listening Mo2.

My (intellectual) feeling of relief is today morphing into dropping any anxiety and giving it up, AA style. I am responsible only for myself and my stuff, protecting what is mine and mine only.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Portia on May 20, 2010, 07:12:23 PM
Yesterday I was liking a humorous example of when people can't do their jobs; or perhaps when people with a funny bone like to make in-jokes. You know, adolescent humour  :roll:
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on May 22, 2010, 12:37:36 AM

How good I feel physically after I finish a three day water fast. 

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on May 25, 2010, 03:41:16 PM

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: debkor on June 08, 2010, 11:20:00 PM
Putting up a new fence and transforming a garden that makes me smile, feel warm, happy.  An ugly boulder now a (lady bug) painted.  Another boulder (flat top) being tranformed into a checker board to play on. Natural rocks with just poka dots of blue paint on them...ugly grey walking stones mixed with outside light blue paint raked into it which gives a warm comfortable feeling.

My son sitting with his friends while the dogs are out with them.  One dog wearing a life guard shirt and the other a muscel (six pack) shirt...hearing the birds, music,  laughter, smelling the cut grass, as the dryer is going and scents of downy fabric softener mixed in with the rest of the smells.......

Tiny stringed white lights all through my bushes.......white long sheets of linen draped down blowing in the breeze off a gazebo...Looking over at my neighbors yard with hanging plants with little lites in them...white rock...all through her yard that makes you think/feel like behind your house you will see the ocean....

Ah I love my family and friends, I love people, I love life.........
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on June 10, 2010, 12:43:09 AM

Nature.  Example:  Last night I stood outside the front door, the light was on and flying bugs were plentiful.  I noticed a lizard and if you can picture it, he was lounging on a shrub kind of like those pictures you see of African cats stretched out asleep on a tree limb.  I noticed the lizards tail just draped straight down.     Anyway, I got a twig and teased his long draped tail.  He didn't move.  I think he was in R.E.M. sleep, full and content.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on June 10, 2010, 10:46:52 AM
Playing in the waves at the beach with my kids on a red flad day.

Being present in the moment.

Holding hands.

Trying to stand when the water's trying to turn my knees inside out, and the waves sometimes crash down from above at great speeds.

Getting flipped around and under every once in a while.

Sometimes taking a nose full of water the wrong way.

Helping each other back up in time to face the next wave.

Sort of like real life: )

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on June 17, 2010, 12:47:37 AM

Mr. Clean - the yellow formula.  Love the smell.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on June 23, 2010, 03:29:52 PM
Taking up the tradition of making homeade ice cream and chocolate sauce with my children.

I remember making ice cream with a hand churn as a child with my own Grandparents.

There's nothing like sitting down to a big bowl of fresh made vanilla custard and goopy chocolate sauce with the consistency of carmel.... both my Grandmother's recipes.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: debkor on June 23, 2010, 05:26:29 PM
Doing yard work.  Painting rocks.  Yes I pain rocks.  Lady bugs, lizards, whatever I can draw.  Painting the porch.  Getting the pool already to go.  A 92 degree day and everything done.   The house clean.  The freezer full.

The porch paint peels.  The pool has a defect liner, splits, 3000 gallons of water bursting out.  The yard underwater and heading towards the neighbors yard.  The freezer stop blowing. 

The water stops just short of the neighbors yard.  It's so hot it dry's up.  A punch to the freezer starts it working. The paint peels are only in the front not the back and in just spots.  The pool company is going to repair. 

Lots of laughter over all this.........and the best.......A white dove flys on the roof of my house right above where we were sitting.
He stayed just Chillin Out ............

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on July 01, 2010, 01:40:36 AM

That products on grocery shelves are usually arranged by category and then alphabetically.  Adopting a similar system in my own kitchen.

Uncluttered drawers, closets, storage areas.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on July 01, 2010, 05:14:22 PM
Amazement at finding my father's fig tree fairly doubled in size......

I stopped counting figs when I got to 900.

Whoo hoo!
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Hopalong on July 01, 2010, 07:20:49 PM

verrrry much

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Ales2 on July 01, 2010, 10:54:17 PM
As I've started respecting myself more - I'm surprised that my likes have changed alot.  Anyone else noticed this? Its like I feel less concerned with what others might "like" and I'm being (happily) selfish.   8)
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Meh on July 04, 2010, 06:53:08 PM
I like the saying:  "Keep my eye on the prize" when everything around me is going to hell and IS bad, I focus and say this phrase.

I like the Twilight movies, Not a twi-hard but I still like em.

I like movie theaters more then I ever have before. Going to some place where I can forget about my problems for two hours.
Especially the Xena-warrior princess type movies like Prince of Persia.

A little bit of controlled escapism. It keeps me sane.

Ok, in the past I wanted to be Xena the warrior princess. I bet this is common with daughters of Nar-mothers. We all want to be warrior princesses right?
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: bearwithme on July 04, 2010, 07:10:14 PM

When my 3 year old gets into my make-up.  Hysterical!

When the sun sets just behind the horizon.

My lasagna recipe.

Feeling truly loved.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Meh on July 06, 2010, 05:24:09 PM
This morning, I saw the blazing morning sun rising, there were 4 baby birds whose little fluffy feathers lit up in a bright halo effect around them as their new little fluffy feathers caught the light.  
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on July 09, 2010, 07:11:33 PM
Homeade ice cream using my Grandparent's recipe.

And their chocolate sauce too: )
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on July 31, 2010, 02:23:04 AM

Free Internet SkyRadio fm World Music - I like it for a change of pace.  I think it's the 2010 version of Muzak  :)...

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on August 17, 2010, 01:30:17 AM

Hi Mo2,

Getting back to your father's fig tree.  Did you ever try them dusted with a smidge of  Curry (or to taste) after you heat them  in a tiny little bit water until nice and warm throughout? 


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on August 17, 2010, 10:18:30 AM
No, teartracks.

The only thing I did this year is make beautiful fruit cobblers.

I just love cobber: )

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on March 03, 2011, 11:09:21 PM

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Guest on March 06, 2011, 06:49:54 PM
This quote:

"By sending a “living” qubit (i.e., a bit in the state 1) a few billionths of a second back in time to try to “kill” its former self (i.e., flip to the state 0), the scientists show that only photons that don’t kill themselves can make the journey."

and the comments that follow the article. I understand about 10% of it, but that which I understand is pretty funny. Laughing buddha kinda funny!
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on March 07, 2011, 07:12:31 AM

And roaring fireplaces.

And glowing embers.

And sleeping baby cheeks.

Good news.

Having all the paperwork I need, when I need it.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Guest on March 07, 2011, 05:37:25 PM

The gift of fear - what a great read!

Also things I like: Thrift Books.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on April 20, 2011, 11:42:17 PM

I love my Electrolux canister vacuum.  The best!
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Guest on April 21, 2011, 06:00:18 PM
Sea salt, dried by the sun, on my skin.

People who smile when they see me, because they are genuinely happy to see me. I'm only just getting used to it and have realised how odd that is.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Hopalong on April 21, 2011, 10:53:38 PM
Big sturdy short-haired dogs, at least part Lab,
who lean on your leg and wag their tails while
you thump away affectionately on their ribs.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: getnbtr on April 26, 2011, 02:41:20 PM
Laughing with tears running down my face when one of my daughters and I are being silly and think we are being witty! Then, think back on how stupid we must have sounded and start laughing all over again!

Going to bed really early once in a while and waking up before most of the world, I can hear the clocks ticking, the birds chirping and see the sun rise or watch it raining.

Seeking tools to make my children s life different from my own childhood. I like that God helps me keep that tool box full and teaches me to use those tools everyday.

Having this board to come to when I am feeling misunderstood or just want to know if everyone here is alright. Even when I just read, it helps me not feel so alone.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: sKePTiKal on April 26, 2011, 05:56:41 PM
I like Jesse, my pool "boy"... he comes & cleans the pool and he's not afraid to talk to me and just be himself. Just a kid, my Ds age, maybe... but he makes me smile.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Meh on April 27, 2011, 01:31:37 AM
I like pancakes. Maybe I will make some!!!!

I like little baby vegetable plants. I like to think about the seeds germinating in the dirt while I fall asleep.

I like fences. I like rocks. I like broken pots. I like weed patches, I like the hard work, I like the non-weedy patches also.

Porches outside, with comfy chairs.

How about eating pancakes outside on a porch and watching the sunrise. I don't do that but that would be wonderful.

I like making pickles.

I like being healthy.

I like it when people want to eat the food I cook.

I like me.

I like me even if I don't like all aspects of my life.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: sKePTiKal on April 30, 2011, 07:29:03 AM
I like:

exploring new greenhouses - finding a plant in the exact color I wanted - buying enough to plant a whole border - and then being given 2 more for free - just because the people were nice and we had a nice chat.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on April 30, 2011, 11:46:00 AM

Hearing the success stories of others and how success came to them.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on April 30, 2011, 09:38:14 PM

This variety of Petunia.  


Scroll down to see the hanging basket full.  Spectacular!  This particular color is a little hard to find.


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Hopalong on May 01, 2011, 12:03:19 PM
That is gorgeous, TT!

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on May 01, 2011, 12:56:13 PM


Glad you enjoyed.

I bought a flat of these at Walmart a few springs ago.  I planted them with purple verbena around fern centered in pots.  All of it combined was so beautiful.  The Petuna and Verbena trailed all around.  Lasted until the first frost.  Every year after that I looked for more, but never found them (Petunia). 


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Hopalong on May 02, 2011, 11:01:05 PM
I love it too, CB!
The piano stairs are just wonderful.

And I love it when people share great vidoes, flashmobs, wonderful singers, great animal stories (except ones in zoos)...

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on May 03, 2011, 10:53:05 AM
Happy children, all dressed up, with Easter baskets.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Meh on May 04, 2011, 12:55:59 AM
Like this message board because it's a constant. Every time I come here, HERE it is!

I like the dentist.

I like the sound of....birds that fight in the middle of the night.

CLEAN stuff. I like doing laundry and putting my clean clothes into a clean cotton bag rather than a plastic bag.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on May 13, 2011, 01:24:32 PM
I like shade garden planting.

Moss is so nice.

I'm trying my hand at planting blue and raspberries again. 

My little fig bush has grown into a good sized fig tree.

Ahhh, spring: )
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on May 13, 2011, 09:39:24 PM

Recipes that call for chunks.  To me that means it's simple to make comfort food.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: debkor on May 15, 2011, 11:20:26 PM

Missed ya all.....  Been busy with the things I like...wrote a whole big list and one wrong move of my wrist and poof....gone (lol)...
So try agaiTn...

I like the damaged tree in the middle that has now become a work of art.  I like that the girl across the street likes to paint also.  She saw me with a paint brush in my hand and before you knew it...two days ...out door creations.  The tree with damage now has a Winnie the Pooh with a honey pot stuck on his head, behive, bee's, even the cartoon balloon (oh bother!) painted in the damged (but healed) tree...The boulder right under this tree has now become a brown bear that looks like he is heading toward my gate (behind it).  The gate/fence is now red.  The sneakers that one of my children hung over the branch is still there.  They were about 7 years old at the time.  This area was Thier Area.  Many games, colors, just chats (sitting in bathing suits, snow suits) so many hours just being thiers.  It's still thier's although they have grown up I still see the older ones when them come back to visit and neighbor's come to talk (don't know how but we wind up at this tree) and my teen son and his friends still wind up at this tree.  So many memories, so much life being lived, so much laughter....that we revived it.....  My D is engaged and I'm sure that she will have little ones that will sit where she and her brothers once sat enjoying this ...Kids special place.  Maybe we'll even find a pair of grand kids shoes in that tree one day.   The pool had sand added to one side (a beach) with lounge chairs, sand chairs, painted rocks (turtles, snails, crabs) even sea shells have been placed, including the surf board against the (red fence) and of course the Lights....The flamingo that was bought for my D on her 17th birthday by her friend had been revived.  It moves.  It's head goes up and down and the wings go in and out.  It's pink again with hot pink lights inside that looks awesome in the dark. Oh yes my D loves flamingo's.  Her 4 ft flamingo that has long eyelashes, ponytail,sunglasses, hat and flip flops has been revived also. If my D was a flamingo this would be her.   They now are at the beach in the yard by the pool.  I'm really enjoying this and the girl across the street has just landed herself some good jobs in the neighborhood.  Neighbors had been wondering what we were doing so intense in the driveway and against tree's (lol) that they came down to look and she can make herself some pretty good money.  She is a single parent and a cancer surviver...She is healthy now and we were meant to be out there and I believe this is her path...She does incredible work and loves it so ...........even the worn out tables look new and are Us...painted brown with owl in the middle, the other, branches with little pink flower's...We on a roll and I love it...Everything is looking great, welcome, nature, memories, magical.......and it is.....Inside out is telling stories of Our lives...and now the neighbors's some of thiers...paintings are showing whom they are...cat's...farm animals and barns painted on an old milk can...The anchor in the yard of the man down the block that spend's his summers on his beloved boat.  I'm loving these nice days (although it's raining now) just took some work inside. 
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on May 17, 2011, 01:32:26 PM
Hi Deb ::waving::

I liked reading your list, and have missed you: )

I also like:

baking cookies with children

picking fruit

cleaning little corners, esp corners filled with dust only, and no built up crud balls from cutting corners and adding dirty water to mess to dry and build up  (bleck)

sleeping in


listening to books on tape while cleaning

working out hard when I have the energy, strength and determination.  Once again, it's a blessing to do so: )
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Hopalong on May 17, 2011, 07:28:09 PM
Oh, Deb...
your yard sounds like pure JOY.

I love eccentric yard use...anything that flouts stifling suburban status code. The tyranny of "good taste" (about which, though I love beauty and composition and subtlety) I carry a big chip on my shoulder still.

I keep everything conservative while waiting for the house to sell, but I love the delight you take in your freedom to be creative in any way you like.

People will always remember the magic of your joyful yard, when they think of your home.

And TT... I love lamps too! Would be cool to have a whole room of them networked on a dimmer, magic.


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Guest on May 17, 2011, 07:39:04 PM
I just guffawed at the PC TT (not very chic!).

Light is almost all-important. In my tiny downstairs room I have four light sources (not counting candles). It creates s p a c e if I light the ends of the room. Very simple, very effective.

Things I like: I used to like playing 'shop' with my gran. I would get all her cans and dried foods and line them up in the living room, and she would come in and buy stuff from me, having big discussions about what I had and what she might do with it. I think she enjoyed it as much (if not more) than I did. I used to go to jumble sales with her too, we ran a table together. Great fun.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Hopalong on May 18, 2011, 12:07:16 AM
Guest, I love your Gran!

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Guest on May 18, 2011, 12:36:48 PM
Hops  :D
maybe that is why i still get a lot of fun out of 'playing shop'.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on May 22, 2011, 11:24:27 AM
Preparing a lovely roast chicken dinner with care.

Smashing the garlic.

Caramelizing shallots.

Refreshing the chicken with lemon.

Tearing chunks of day old French bread.

Drizzling all with olive oil......

the smell of mingling ingredients coming together perfectly.


Serving my children, and listening to them happily chatter on about how much they love this meal (which reminds me also of the good friend who shared her recipe.)

Once I added boiled red potatoes the second half of cooking.... OMGoodness!

So good: )

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on June 01, 2011, 09:26:51 AM

I like learning new words especiallly quaint sounding ones like:

anent [əˈnɛnt]

prep Scot

1. lying against; alongside
2. concerning; about


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: bearwithme on June 06, 2011, 08:21:22 PM
Lighter's dinner.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on June 08, 2011, 10:22:01 AM
So, I learned why my very fancy blueberry and raspberry bushes died over an extended period of years.

They don't like afternoon sun.

Just morning sun.

So, I planted 6 less fancy bushes in a better spot this weekend, and now await the sound of happy basket bearing children picking summer fruit, and fresh cobblers and pies. 

One of the fig trees I planted years ago is 15 feet tall, and full of little green figs.  I think it's nearly doubling it's yield every year, which is such a pleasure: )


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Meh on July 19, 2011, 01:32:49 AM
I like care packages for myself. This morning I was ill with food poisoning or something cruddy like that.

This evening I felt good enough to risk going to the grocery store and pick up some supplies.

I purchased three types of soda drinks that I never allow myself to get because they don't meet my nutritious, thrifty or craving criteria. I usually can't justify it and say "I should just drink water". I got specialty soda stuffs. One that is lemon lime, one that is coconut and then ginger brew. It sort of felt like my birthday drinking the lemon lime soda because (I'm not allowed).

Then I got specialty yogurts one with 10 types of cultures so they can fight with whatever else is in my tummy.

Then I got some precooked rice and bananas and vanilla granola so I don't have to cook.

As I was walking back I realized how nice it was to receive a get-well-care package from myself.

I thought "this is nice, I like this". I felt really cared for.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on July 19, 2011, 06:51:49 PM
I think giving yourself a nice care package is a great idea, BTR.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on August 07, 2011, 05:58:54 PM

I like lots of 'white space' in my kitchen cupboards so there's plenty of room,  no odd pieces and everything  lined up nice and neat.


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Guest on August 08, 2011, 10:53:19 AM
Hearing that TT got married! :D

I also like....happy babies. 8)
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on August 09, 2011, 10:45:12 AM
Happy babies.

Sleeping babies.

Cuddly babies.

Laughing babies.

Curiouse babies.

Chubby thighed babies.

Picking sleeping newborns up.... their little backs arch like kittens.

Diapering rituals.

Bedtime rituals.

Waking up rituals.

Comforting, teaching, snuggling.

I love babies too: )


ps Congrats on the marriage TT.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Nonameanymore on August 09, 2011, 10:50:22 AM
Puppies! Lots and lots of them! Running freely, waging tails etc!  :D
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: sKePTiKal on August 10, 2011, 07:06:58 AM
The slightly embarassed, shy, head to toe glowing joy of youngest D, showing me her new engagement ring.

BF waited until she caught a fish in the surf (he wanted to make sure she could! She got 2 on 1 hook - LOL) then asked her. M is a very nice, laid-back, hardworking young man with dreams of supporting himself from art work. NOT the type I would've expected her to gravitate to since she's done nothing but work out N-daddy issues all through her 20s - before during & after being married to a psycho... but they've been like glue to each other since the beginning a couple years ago. They're both mid 30s now and "all grown up".

She feels - to mom - like she's relaxing into a cozy, comfortable position where there's no room for self-doubt, restlessness, or having to make a "statement"; to prove herself to the world. Traction is the word of the day instead. All plans "tbd" for next year.

Mom gets to check off another box on the worry list and just be happy with her, now.  :D
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on August 10, 2011, 07:33:08 AM
Hear! Hear!

To traction.....

 and being happy, Amber: )

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Guest on August 13, 2011, 09:52:43 AM
food for free (in certain lattitudes of the Northern hemisphere at this time of year). Purple stained hands.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on August 14, 2011, 08:45:24 PM

Monkey Bread
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on August 24, 2011, 02:47:03 PM
The cool, fall break in hot weather.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: sKePTiKal on August 24, 2011, 04:12:20 PM
I love how beautiful the weather is, immediately before and after a big storm. Heck, I like the storms too... even when they're on the scary side.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on August 30, 2011, 05:54:24 AM
I love storms too, Amber.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: sKePTiKal on August 31, 2011, 05:09:36 PM
I love a Ds unstoppable, inexorable, and totally obsessed one point of focus on finding exactly THE right vintage dress for her wedding. The Engagement Party dress was a miracle at Marshall's for $10.00 - and a perfect fit to boot. Wot a bargain - and victory over the "norm"!!

And I love how people are willing to break the official "rules" here, if they know they are able to help people who really need it. They're volunteering for hazardous duty - without the pay - just because they can and they know it'll help.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Guest on August 31, 2011, 07:40:41 PM
I like people who can withstand the temperature, whichever side of the fire they're standing. Of course the real hazards lie in walking around to the other side of the fire. That's human nature, nothing clever.

Of course, it helps if you having nothing to lose, tell the truth and keep a critical mind. Where are my sunglasses? 8)
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on September 01, 2011, 07:42:13 PM

Free speech.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on September 05, 2011, 07:58:36 PM

I'm serious.  I LOVE my cloths line!
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on September 13, 2011, 02:19:10 PM
Squeaky clean floors.

The kind without any crud in the corners, rinsed 3 times.

They remind me of visits to my Grandmother's farmhouse.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Guest on September 23, 2011, 08:26:02 PM
Freshly picked almonds, from a tree, growing in the street, out of the sidewalk grassed area, a few hundred yards from where I live.

Don't tell anyone. Noone else has realised that what they pay for in the store they can gather for free, off the tree, right here.

Obviously I am getting a reputation as a Nut amongst those folks who see me in gatherer mode!
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Guest on September 24, 2011, 07:13:37 PM
I used to like doing jigsaws, with my grandfather, when I was young. It's about finding the patterns, the side pieces, the corners, filling in, connecting. Today I wondered if there was a long sequence of connections, spanning chronologically and geographically from the Middle East, across Europe, down to Australasia, to the north American continent and back again, resting very close by and most obviously in one defining connective way, and that is: that the majority of people do in fact fall into the 65% of what we might call the obedient. They do what they are asked to do. The more I thought about this, as a theory, as a sequence, the more I felt the importance of anyone who loyally, honestly, watches your back. Then I saw a young father carrying a child on his shoulders and felt grief hit me like a wagontrain, so it goes. And this theory of obedient actions - from not replying to an email (very bad business etiquette) to, well, doing something that I would not do in all the circumstances, it kind of all came together in one awful saddening indictment of people. The big fat truth that people will, and do, do what they are told. Despite the fact that they could, in many of the instances I see in the sequence, think for themselves and perhaps not do it, or do something a little creative, of their own accord. But they don't. I'm still waiting on that email. You'd think a life was at stake.

If you think about it enough, it's pretty disgusting, it makes you sick. Because you can tell people anything. You can give them all the good reasons to do something, or not do something. And they won't think for themselves, let alone act for their own evidence. At least, that is how a lot of things seem to me. People can be so damn stupid, and I really don't like stupidity, non-thinking, the easy way out. I'm sick of it. There are too many people I want to ask the question of: how could you just do that?

I hope I'm wrong. But you know, I don't think so. I really don't think so. People are idiots. I feel very lone-ly when I get to thinking like this. I don't mean I want company (laughs), I mean, I really wonder if anyone else gets it, or am I seriously alone. And this is just what I know. But it is what I know and what I know to be true is: most people don't understand what a dangerous place this can be. I do, and what others do freaks me out, because of their innocence. I guess if they knew what I know, they'd freak themselves out and they wouldn't do what they do. This is very saddening. Hardly 'things I like' but who gives a sod anyway?
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 25, 2011, 09:17:37 AM
We have a tshirt here that reads:

Obedient women rarely make history
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Guest on September 25, 2011, 09:41:29 AM
Yeah PR, that kind of thing doesn't hit it off with me. Too much room for too many kinds of interpretations. And the intended interp, as I see it, is rubbish. It's like fighting for the right to wear pink.

We could have a tv programme: who would wear a tshirt like this?

I just re-read what i wrote to see if I agree with myself (I do that) and mostly, I do. I know I'm relying on so many assumptions that my head hurts, but all that does is confuse the thinking. When I get down to basics: this I know ('where the hell is the polite response to my email'*, or, 'this also I know') it simplifies things into: would I do that, whatever the reasons?

Would I do that? Would I say that? In what circumstances would I? I like asking myself those questions. Makes things clearer for me.

* As a consumer, I once let an issue with a bank (of possible internal fraud/system breakdown, way back years ago) go quiet for about three years from my first letter to the Chief Internal Auditor. I wrote again those years later and there was a new ChiefIA who answered me (with bull) in a couple of weeks. And they did still have the paperwork from me. interesting, it was.

But yes. Obedient people are the majority. I wish more didn't do it without even deciding to do it, if you see what I mean. I guess it's a failure in thinking of the long-term cause/effect line and also lack of imagination, which is probably the same thing. I don't know. Just guessing really.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Guest on September 25, 2011, 08:35:50 PM
I went to a local ATM which had broken. Before I walked away I noticed the Windows XP professional logo circling around the screen. I didn't realise - or consider - before, that XP was running the machines that dispense cash.

This gave me pause for thought; and I like thinking.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on October 21, 2011, 05:00:08 PM

Long time favorite. Elmer's rubber cement. The thing I love about it is that it glues and holds on most surfaces including paper, photos.  Then when you want to remove it, it's easy.  Usually doesn't make what you're removing tear.  Then any residual it leaves can be easily rubbed off.  Voila - it has done it's job.
Wouldn't apply it to any heirloom photos, papers, etc.  Don't know if that would be a proper use of it.


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on October 21, 2011, 05:40:08 PM
Plotting bulb placement in planters and flower beds, borders and the yard.

I'm getting ready to put several kinds into a basket (there are 6 different varieties) and shake shake shake, just like you said, Hops.

Getting ready to put some in the wooded areas around the house, Amber:  )

Planning to bury them in the deep hollowed out tree planters at school.

What a lovely fall this turned out to be.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on October 21, 2011, 07:37:15 PM


I'm not in your class for growing things, but this year, I planted okra.  First harvest yeaterday.  Only enough for each of us to get a taste.  Yummy.  I like it slice  thin, then sauted  in vegetable oil until at least some of it has a little brown on it.  Mostly it just needs to be cooked through.   I found a bare spot in front of the house and planted it as if it were part of the landscaping.  Looks great, big leaves, yellow blossoms.


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on October 22, 2011, 07:50:12 AM

I love okra, and it's in NN's big lovely garden. 

I've heard slicing them lengthwise, seasoning and baking in oven gives you okra fries that taste very good.

::whispering::  We fry.

I also planted fruit bushes in her front flower bed.......  blueberry and raspberry.  They like morning sun, not afternoon sun: )

Now I know how I fried the last batch of 40.00 Hastings blueberry bushes I planted a long time ago.

As these bushes look less busy than the flowers I moved, I think they're perfect.

Very nice.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: sKePTiKal on October 22, 2011, 03:38:54 PM

fried --

yellow squash
vegemals, even!! (tempura)

ooops... forgot fried cornbread... even fried CHEESE!  and pickles!!!  (giggle giggle - these are really real; I never heard of such things)
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on October 23, 2011, 08:08:28 AM

Fresh caught fish
green tomatoes
handcut french fries with vinegar and ketchup
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Hopalong on October 23, 2011, 11:13:59 AM
okra rounds dipped in egg, rolled in cornmeal + S/P, fried in light olive oil.....

having a bread machine that looks like R2-D2 working away on the counter.

Making potato soup.

Oh god, how do you make easy but knock 'em down deelish potato soup?

Friend coming in 3 hours to help bookkeep, ain't got the ingredients yet...

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on October 23, 2011, 06:09:04 PM

I hope your soup was lovely.

I would have carmelized onions, garlic and potatoes then cooked them down with stock, and perhaps some half and half, mashed up some of the potatoes to thicken, then garnished with bacon and a Seaside Cheddar.

Maybe big slices of fresh bread with real room temp butter, and a fire to go with.

I have to make some soup for guests coming this weekend.  Cold weather is soup weather: )

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on October 23, 2011, 08:01:00 PM
Ahhhh, I got up from the computer right after my post, and made a beautiful pot of potato soup to freeze in 3 smallish containers. 

When I'm ready to serve them, I only need defrost, and heat with half and half. 


Perfect comfort food for cool weather visitors: )

My youngest child walked by while I was cooking, and said..... "Mommy, you're honoring that chicken by making soup."

I love to roast a big hen, and get 3 or 4 meals out of it. 

Thanks for the idea of potato soup, Hops: )

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: fraidycat on October 25, 2011, 10:46:55 PM
I love the first signs of change especially with the seasons...

First snow fall

First signs of life in the spring

First tomato picked fresh from the garden in the summer

First crisp day in the fall

It's refreshing to know that change is possible
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: sKePTiKal on November 04, 2011, 09:19:38 AM
60 degrees... rain all day... winds increasing to 40 mph from the N-NE... coastal surf overwash & flood warning... and tickets to a charity Oyster Crawl this evening!

I wonder?? will a soft fuzzy evening jacket look funny with hipwaders???
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Guest on November 04, 2011, 09:34:42 AM
I reckon it would look quite appropriate. But that's me.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Hopalong on November 04, 2011, 02:17:57 PM
it depends how many oysters are crawling on it


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Meh on November 13, 2011, 06:06:13 PM
I like this quote: There is no greater food than love.

I guess maybe it comes from there is no greater love than the love for food.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on December 03, 2011, 11:39:23 PM

Cucumber water.  Refreshing. 


pitcher of water
three or four thin slices of seedles cucumber
three or four thin slices of fresh lemon

mix and drink or if you like, refrigerate it for an hour or so for the flavors to mingle.


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: finding peace on December 04, 2011, 08:37:31 PM

Thank you so much for that link, I LOVE rain!!

It is now marked as a favorite.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on December 04, 2011, 08:52:25 PM

Thanks Peace.  Glad you like it.  It sounds so like the real thing, doesn't it.  Maybe I'll play it tonight along with Rainy Night in Georgia  :D, although I'm not in Georgia!


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: finding peace on December 04, 2011, 09:14:18 PM

It does sound real!

I am currently listening to it with the following – beautiful (thank you!).

I like this song, it reminds me that I can sustain despite Ns.

Cover for Demi Lovato’s Skyscraper – lyrics below:

http://www.youtube.com/user/tratledge#p/a/u/1/4rk_weEQrns (http://www.youtube.com/user/tratledge#p/a/u/1/4rk_weEQrns)


Skies are crying, I am watching
Catching tear drops in my hands
Only silence, as it's ending
Like we never had a chance

Do you have to make me feel like
So there's nothing left of me?

You can take everything I have
You can break everything I am
Like I'm made of glass
Like I'm made of paper
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper

As the smoke clears, I awaken
And untangle you from me
Would it make you, feel better
To watch me while I bleed?

All my windows still are broken
But I'm standing on my feet

You can take everything I have
You can break everything I am
Like I'm made of glass
Like I'm made of paper
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper

Go run, run, run
I'm gonna stay right here, watch you disappear
Yeah oh
Go run, run, run
Yeah, it's a long way down
But I am closer to the clouds up here

You can take everything I have
You can break everything I am
Like I'm made of glass
Like I'm made of paper
Oh Oh
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper

(Like a skyscraper) huh huh huh

Like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on December 12, 2011, 01:17:45 PM
Playing board games happily with my children.

Planning and preparing interesting healthy meals with my children.

Building and cooking over a fire with my children.

Snuggling my children, and looking at baby photos.

Going through baby boxes with children.

Listening to them practice on the piano, esp when it's their idea to practice.

Figuring out how to do something better, with regard to raising my children.

Helping my children learn to make their own decisions (good, better or best) is transforming our relationship.  No more barking orders at them, with resentment and sassy talk following.  So nice!


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: finding peace on December 13, 2011, 01:35:35 AM
i love this song


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: finding peace on December 17, 2011, 01:27:47 AM
Figuring out how to do something better, with regard to raising my children.

Helping my children learn to make their own decisions (good, better or best) is transforming our relationship.  No more barking orders at them, with resentment and sassy talk following.  So nice!

 Yes, yes, yes Lighter.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on December 17, 2011, 11:00:40 AM


I love your approach with the children.  I love what Dr. Dobson says, "say yes to your children as often as you can using good judgment" (paraphrased)


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: finding peace on December 20, 2011, 11:20:23 PM
I hear this song, and think, it is a new day, a new dawn, a new life.

I need the reminder that Ns don't rule my life anymore - and this song hits it for me.


Sorry everyone, music speaks so loudly to me; my escapism?

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Meh on December 20, 2011, 11:39:51 PM
I love music also!! The best part is there IS a song for almost every single mood!!! Rage, bitterness, Sweetness, etc.

Totally corny but I like the old 40's/50's crooners.

I also like healthy convenience food. Yay throw some pre cut squash in a pot. Means I don't have to chop and chop with a dull knife.
Cauliflower washed and clean and ready to go.....YAY for something little being easy today!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Guest on December 21, 2011, 05:52:48 PM

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: finding peace on December 24, 2011, 02:36:28 AM
BTR – yes there is a song that will fit every emotion.  It makes me feel not so alone.

Not corny at all – I believe that music started the whole “revolution” of freethinking.

It was the first media, now we have the Internet, etc….

My kids are so much more hip than me…. lord my kid can text faster than I can reply…

Kind of scary, but more importantly, enlightening for them, as music was for me.

I will leave the cauliflower to you … not my thing (sorry – anything that looks like a brain, no matter how much cheese you cover it with … it still looks yucky to me… :)

Freshwater (Just me but I love your name and anything having to do with water, including you BTR – you are rocking on the water….)

Thank you so much for posting that link – I loved so much about that video –

The name of the tour – Resistance….

And most especially, how many in the audience could relate to  ….  did you see their faces?  Very sad, and yet enlightening, that so many could relate?

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Meh on January 16, 2012, 05:31:20 PM
I like it when someone reminds me that it's a Holiday so I don't spend hours trying to get somewhere on a bus only to find out that there is a sign on a door that says "we are closed".

I like it when I have my stuff together and I know for myself that it's a Holiday and I can tell other people "Today is a Holiday"

I also like it when I don't know what day it is because that means I get to do something unrelated to industrious society...pushing dumb papers....doing dumb stuff that is important.....I can focus on something that really is significant.

I like the fantasy that some guy is going to bring me breakfast in bed :)   Ha HA
In the absence of the above I like deli counters with already prepared food
I like vegetable gardens but there are none in winter...unless someone has a green house
I like green houses
I like being busy I wish I was
I like the idea of being a business owner but I'm not
I like the hibernation of winter.
I like thrift stores.
I like silk scarves.
I like watching it snow.
I like being liked.
I like saying what I like.
I like cherios because they are easy to eat in my hand.
I like clean laundry.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Meh on January 16, 2012, 05:40:48 PM
I like orchids because they come in weird colors
I especially like the brown and beige ones because flower are not supposed to be brown and beige
It's like an orchid says "sure I can be pink and purple when I want to be"....but today I'm just going to be brown...and if you don't like too bad.

Also green orchids....Orchids are like the punk-rockers of the plant kingdom.

I like textiles a lot, I like handmade rugs that go on the floor or on the wall, I like quilts, I like curtains, I like fabric stores just to see the bolts.

I love to see what other people can make. I like makers.
I like nice furniture. I like clean places that have no dust. I like wood floors without wall to wall carpet.
I like the calmness of a snowy day.
I would like being snowed in somewhere far away from here.
I like soup. I like cook books, recipes, I like japanese food. I miss chinese food. I like noodles...I like lots of stuff.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Hopalong on January 16, 2012, 07:14:04 PM
I have a friend who raises orchids.
Gets to go to DC and fill up tables for White House stuff.

But they work constantly.

:) (I like your idea about the brown ones, bravo.)

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Meh on January 17, 2012, 01:53:06 AM
"A good parent is one you don't have to recover from"


“Good parents give their children Roots and Wings. Roots to know where home is, Wings to fly away and exercise what's been taught them.” Salk   8)


"Everyone you meet comes with baggage. Find someone who loves you enough to help you unpack".....

?? Not sure about this one...
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: sKePTiKal on January 18, 2012, 07:54:11 AM
"Everyone you meet comes with baggage. Find someone who loves you enough to help you unpack".....

Hubs' baggage was physical - all those things he bought because they were "neat" or dups he bought because he couldn't find the other one he owned (because he's not organized). My baggage was emotional - and I'm still unpacking mine... helping hubs sort his... and we're purging, going on 12 years so far. Somewhere in the midst of all that baggage... is us.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Meh on January 23, 2012, 04:02:58 PM
"Everyone you meet comes with baggage. Find someone who loves you enough to help you unpack".....

Somewhere in the midst of all that baggage... is us.

I like this P. A lot. Simple profound like insight.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: teartracks on January 24, 2012, 12:56:27 AM

Tumeric tea.  There are recipes online.
Very tasty with honey and I like the flavor of black pepper in it.
Tumeric, mustard greens, and a few other products are supposed
to be the best thing to include to fight Alzheimers, cancer, etc.



Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: sKePTiKal on January 24, 2012, 06:48:36 AM
Tumeric is also an alternative med recommendation for eczema & psoriasis... in one theory of what causes these. I'm thinking curry now...
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Meh on February 04, 2012, 02:40:56 PM
I like reading about women's history. I like to put my little life into a bigger context.

I like thinking about the greater social voicelessness versus personal voicelessness.

Women were quite voiceless for a long long time (hundreds? yrs.). Women were not supposed to discuss any part of a sermon in church with others they were supposed to go home and ask their husbands if they had any questions (think this was puritans). It was against the law for them to speak in church. It was legal for husbands to beat their wifes, the right for a husband to beat his wife was protected by law. I saw an old ink cartoon from this past era (around 1630) of husbands beating their wives--they turned wife-beating into a joke.

When I was younger I didn't quite "get it" why women change their last names over to the man's last name. It's because a wife was a type of servant/slave and the husband owned her. Women had to have their husbands permission to leave the house.

Husbands could unceremoniously hand a wife a slip of paper and they were divorced. A woman could rarely initiate a divorce herself.
Husbands could legally "cheat" on their wives. For the wives there were laws against her cheating on her husband.
Women were not supposed to write poetry or publish books.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: mudpuppy on February 05, 2012, 04:18:10 PM
Also known as 'the good old days'. :)

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: sea storm on February 05, 2012, 04:35:09 PM
This is so pleasant to read. Reminds me of the good things in life.

I came across a bit of news about a mystery artist in Edinburgh, Scotland  who was leaving beautiful little sculptures about the town. They were mostly placed in libraries and museums. They are exquisite and made from minutely cut up pieces of books. They are usually tableaus of famous scenes like from Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

If you look up mystery artist Edinburgh you will find them. Every once in a while one would appear and everyone would get very excited. Eventually, there were ten.  The artist really is a mystery. Yet they are so wonderful. There are little messages on them too.

I really love that.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Meh on February 05, 2012, 04:46:08 PM
I like those book sculptures too! Delicate work.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on February 07, 2012, 08:10:55 PM
A toasted pumpernickel bread sandwich, made with thick cut apple smoked bacon,  thin sliced deli turkey, lettuce and apple butter, accompanied by a side salad with champagne vinaigrette.


Any sandwich with Duke's mayo, some sour cream and avocado.....

same salad is icing on that sandwich cake.

Love chicken salad sandwich with fresh oatmeal bread, esp if grapes, pecans and the duke mayo/sour cream combo make the party; ()

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: mudpuppy on February 07, 2012, 09:01:53 PM
A toasted pumpernickel bread sandwich.....

Does anyone know the roots of the word pumpernickel?

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on February 07, 2012, 11:21:57 PM
A toasted pumpernickel bread sandwich.....

Does anyone know the roots of the word pumpernickel?


::resisting urge to immediately google pumpernickel::
Is that a trick question, Mud?

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on February 08, 2012, 07:47:01 AM
Ah yes, Mud.

The sweet smell of.......

devil gas? 
Eeeek; )

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: mudpuppy on February 09, 2012, 02:57:38 PM
Or Goblin+breaking wind.  :lol:
Who ever said German's don't have a sense of humor? (Besides every country within a few weeks march I mean.)

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: sea storm on February 09, 2012, 03:00:51 PM
Yes German is really different.  I saw in a brochure that Whale Watching is called Val Fartin. I thought that was so funny that I laughed my head off.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on February 10, 2012, 06:46:46 PM

I made "the sandwich" with untoasted Jewish Ryed, turkey, avocado, mayo, thick sliced apple smoked bacon, lettuce and a little apricot jam on the side of bread with lettuce.

Along with the salad it was outstanding.

No pumpernickel at all; )


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Meh on February 16, 2012, 01:03:07 AM
Righteous indignation

I like this term, humoursly and also seriously.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on February 21, 2012, 02:05:23 PM
Seeing the tips of all the bulbs I planted in the fall!
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: finding peace on February 24, 2012, 12:07:47 AM
Hearing my daughter come crashing into my home office while I am working - telling me she has attained her dream of being included in the vocal ensamble in her school (the elight, elight of singers in the chorus).

She has been working so very hard for this -- for months.

SHE GOT IT!!!!!!

I am so happy for her  :D :D :D.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on February 24, 2012, 06:11:15 AM

Starting a martial arts program for the community (that fell into my lap perfectly.)  3 hours today, and I had a program, a schedule, and organization in place.

The space.  The mats.  The sound system.  The students.  The very real possibility that this will grow into a greater community outreach fundraising piece is very exciting. 

Explaining to my children they'll be participating (it's a lot of hours, several days a week,) and they didn't groan, or moan.  They were seated in the sunshine, on a perfectly breezy, perfectly spring time day, and they embraced it!  Then we played ball, and laughed, and were grateful for the day, each other, and our lives.  (My oldest taught me a new yoga position!  My youngest chased ducks: )

My children are familiar enough with my workouts it's anticipated they'll grow quickly into assistant teaching positions.  They have some formal martial arts training, and that will help so much in my non tradition classroom, which doesn't require they bow in or out, but it does require they be attentive, and focused.  I think the transition to my class style will be easy, fun and mostly positive.

::knocking on wood::

This is gonna be great!

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Hopalong on February 25, 2012, 11:40:58 PM
I like hearing about happy daughters.

And I like picking daffodils in my back woods, seeing it snow the next day, and the morning after than going out and picking a whole bunch more -- they're a little confused but gorgeous survivors. I like knowing my parents planted them 47 years ago and they've spread and are still producing. Dots of sunshine in the woods.

I come home to a blast of scent. It also reminds me I will be able to create joy just with some flowers, wherever I wind up moving.

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: sKePTiKal on February 26, 2012, 08:53:03 AM
I like my new orthotic flip-flops that don't look like "little old lady" shoes. I've been able to wear 'em on the days where it's been spring here (before it flips back to winter)... and they are helping my ankle heal... so I won't have as much pain working outside, working out inside, and burning more calories than I take in... so I can keep healing other things, too.

I like moving things around - like putting my dishdrainer on the other side of the sink and trying it out to see how I like it.

I like waking up in the morning, and seeing the funny cartoon hubs left for me to find, first thing - "kitty treadmills" - 3 toilet paper rolls and kitties pulling it off... as my feral kitty starts her workout on the real one!!
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Meh on February 27, 2012, 02:58:35 PM
I WISH I had a real garden because I LOVE....

Primroses. All of the colors. All with the bright yellow center, the purple, pinks, pale yellows, whites, reds, oranges.
The traditional flat leaf primroses but also the ones with the ruffled blossoms.

The baby herb plants for starting in a garden, the baby cilantros, baby thymes, parsley, sage, oregano.

The bulbs of crocus shoots and daffodils and hyacinths and tulips. All of these I love them and I want to take them home and plant two hundred of them.  :(

There is even a local garden store that has baby ducklings and chickens.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: debkor on February 28, 2012, 03:18:52 AM
My 17 year old S getting home about an hour or so ago from Las Vegas where he played in a hockey tournament.  Many of his team mates were from Winnipeg, Canada.  He is tired, jet lagged and I think I heard a Canadian accent (lol).  He has a hat with his name and after the name is.....eh!  He loves his Canadian team mates!!!

By the way.....Co-ed team.....Champions!!
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on March 01, 2012, 09:11:00 AM
That perfect cup'a joe.

A not too sweet something to go with it.

Sunny spring mornings, with birds singing, breeze blowing....

the birds are everywhere!  It's like the Robins are trying to shake the bushes loose: )


Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Meh on March 02, 2012, 01:14:01 AM
Lavender Earl Gray

Lavender farms, I've only been to one.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on March 04, 2012, 12:24:07 PM
Ezekiel bread.

Brown rice tortillas from the frozen food department.....  they're good in egg/turkey bacon breakfast burritos, and  I love their chewy texture.  Can't wait to try them with honey and butter as a treat.

Stevia for sweetening, the kids don't mind it either.

We're trying quinoa pasta this evening.  ::crossing fingers::

Blending my own oat flour while phasing out gluten products.

Almond butter.

I like almond and coconut milk, but the kids are bucking them.  Will try blending fat free milk with those two and see.

Lettuce wraps with ground turkey breast, cilantro, carrots, fresh basil leaves with fish and chili sauces.  The children are grateful during this meal, so nice!

Fresh fish, always popular in this house with everyone.

Brining center cut pork chops, and enjoying them served at 140-150 degrees almost as much as if we had filet mignon.  SO good.

Quinoa.... better than pasta once you figure out it has to be rinsed before cooking to get rid of bitter taste.... going to begin serving quinoa bowls, with sauteed veggies and a protein served together, and see how that goes.  I'm thinking they would be good in school lunches too.

Fresh farm eggs I get weekly from a free range, organic farmer who delivers.

Fresh frozen fruit smoothies,and homeade pocicles.  I haven't bought anything like that from the store in 5 years or more.  I can put a handful of frozen spinach in and it's still wonderful.  Sometimes a little yogurt, sometimes a bunch of peeled lemons, but always popular.   

Adding kale stems to stocks.

Honoring every inch of a chicken when I buy chicken.  If we roast a chicken, and I don't have time to make stock right then, I freeze it till I do.  Nothing wasted feels good.

Fresh quiche the kids make for themselves..... we all get our own custom little orders.  Very special and fun to make. 

Fresh lattice topped apple pie, esp if I'm giving it as a gift.  Nothing else like it.... have to check out making crust with oat flour. 

Having fresh fruit and veggies in the house, and knowing I don't have to shove them down the kid's throats to get them to eat up.  They love lemons, raspberries, tangerines, apples, pears, avocados, salad, red bell peppers, spinach, brussel sprouts with garlic all caramelized, and......

I really like where we are with food right now: )

I like where we're headed.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: Meh on May 17, 2012, 04:37:51 AM

chicken, hamburger, sausages, hot dogs,corn, kebabs, tofu, onions, potatoes , fish, corn(s),
anything that is on BBQ
pork sandwiches

I don't really get to BBQ but I like to think about it.
I like the smell of lighter fluid and brickettes (spell?)
Don't care if it's not healthy and it doesn't matter all that much cause I eat charred food like 1 time a summer.

Potato salad with dill pickles
homemade salsas --any kinds--
green salads
summer food
all melons
plums, peaches, etc.

g, night

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on May 17, 2012, 01:58:39 PM
Exploding into creativity with twigs, grass green ribbons the color of new growth, ivory and green hydrangias, tiny red berries and crystals hung around tree chendeliers made of grape vines and wire. 

There's something about spring, May Day, and children dressed up as fairies, faeries, elves and knomes that makes me happy down to me toes!

Making steampunk jewelry.

Cooking chicken thighs and rappini with garlic in a pan till they're tender, and carmelized, and the entire house smells so good the children begin buzzing for dinner early.

I love BBQ too Starlight; )

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on August 05, 2012, 04:59:47 PM
Playing poker with children!

We laugh and laugh and it's interesting to see how their personalities come out in a game that requires bluffing, and the ability to spot other people's bluffs.

So much fun!

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: BonesMS on August 05, 2012, 07:39:48 PM
Star Trek conventions!   :D

Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: lighter on August 08, 2012, 08:48:25 AM
The peace that comes with clarity.
Title: Re: Things I like
Post by: finding peace on August 17, 2012, 01:41:40 AM
the peace that comes with clarity - absolutely

I like the following quote from the movie Matrix:

Spoon boy: Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Spoon boy: There is no spoon.
Neo: There is no spoon?
Spoon boy: Then you'll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.
