Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board

Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: Certain Hope on September 12, 2007, 08:00:21 PM

Title: Dear Poppyseed
Post by: Certain Hope on September 12, 2007, 08:00:21 PM

Please know that you're in my thoughts and prayers and I'll really miss you here...
as much as I understand how it feels at times, I sure wish you wouldn't leave.

I left before too, last year... because it seemed endless - so twisted and threatening and surreal and... awful.
I understand. I couldn't stand up under it then... I had to just walk away.

But Poppy, there are alot of folks here to talk with and it is possible to thrive on the board regardless of any distractions, you know? It's okay to just let the nonsense go and keep putting one foot in front of the other alongside those who are headed in the same direction.
I'd pm this to you, but that's not an option... and neither is sitting here silently pretending like I don't know what just happened.
So that's all... just wanted you to know - I've been in your shoes and it's very difficult to watch yet another person get muddied the way I did.


Title: Re: Dear Poppyseed
Post by: CB123 on September 12, 2007, 09:08:53 PM

I posted this on another thread:  you can rejoin the forum with any name at all--call yourself XYZ if you want to!  And then you will have ability to PM, which you don't have now and which we don't have--those of us who wish we could touch you. 

Poppy, I cared about you when you were Mother of Four and I have cared about you as Poppy.  And I will care for you as XYZ. 

Much love,

Title: Re: Dear Poppyseed
Post by: teartracks on September 12, 2007, 09:38:52 PM


I will miss your sane voice.  Wish you'd reconsider.  No one can take your place here, ever!  Please include me if you decide to register to receive PM's.  I promise I won't be a pest.

Title: Re: Dear Poppyseed
Post by: Iphi on September 12, 2007, 09:41:26 PM
Aw gee Poppyseed.  I hope you will come back.  :(
Title: Re: Dear Poppyseed
Post by: lighter on September 13, 2007, 07:15:01 AM
I missed her farewell: (

When I tried to message her.... lovely Poppyseed was gone.....

very sad.
Title: Re: Dear Poppyseed
Post by: Certain Hope on September 13, 2007, 03:47:53 PM

I'm with Besee... let's hear some more of that Ode, please... Ode to Love, Ode to Joy... you know, all that good stuff.

That's what drives away the shadows.

Title: Re: Dear Poppyseed
Post by: Hopalong on September 13, 2007, 04:33:09 PM
Dear Poppy,

I will miss you for very selfish reasons.
Your voice was full of light and sanity and you were helping me a lot.

((((((((((Poppyseed)))))))))) thank you.

love and hope you receive it,
Title: Re: Dear Poppyseed
Post by: finding peace on September 13, 2007, 06:52:42 PM
Dear Poppy,

I am so sorry to see that you deleted your account.

Despite the troubles you have been facing, you reached out to me when I was in need.  Thank you.

I don’t know if it has been recent events on the board that prompted you to remove your account.  If this is the case, please know that you are not alone – I too am very troubled by the hurt I have seen expressed here in such an angry way. 

I don’t know if this is the case for you, but right now I am in too fragile a place to deal with such anger (even when it is prompted by hurt) so I too have withdrawn a bit.

[On edit:  please understand that I have the utmost admiration for all parties involved; all of whom have had to overcome some tremendous hurdles in life.  It makes me sad to see it come to this – and, IMO, by being unable to come to a peaceful resolution, it seems to me that it is the ghosts of the Ns of the past reaching out their hands to perpetuate more disharmony.  If it wasn’t recent board events – then please ignore.]

Please know that I am sad to see you go. 

I am very glad to have gotten to know you and you are in my thoughts and prayers. 

Much love,
Title: Re: Dear Poppyseed
Post by: cats paw on September 14, 2007, 09:13:33 AM
Oh, Poppyseed !

   I was out all day yesterday, and then last night did a quick read of the board, and - Alas ! You had vanished.

   While you need to do what's best for yourself, I so hope you'll consider the XYZ alternative that was suggested.

Best to you,

cats paw
Title: Re: Dear Poppyseed
Post by: Certain Hope on September 14, 2007, 09:32:43 AM
Good Morning, Pops  :)

and good morning to the Friends of Pops, too!

Just a note of explanation from my own perspective - - - 
 I left the board last autumn because I felt helpless in the face of what I viewed as bullying behavior by a bulldog-style personality which refused to back down, back off, and chill out. I no longer feel helpless. Now I know that I have the strength to continue speaking from my own heart, ignoring any bully's attempts to distract and cast dispersion.

Poppyseed, I'm sorry that I lept to the conclusion that you may feel the same as I did back then.
I mean, I'm sorry that I put that impression out here on the board for anyone else to take and run with... because it really is nobody's business why you cancelled your account, but yours;
and to those who are truly concerned about you and care for you... I apologize for leaving what may well be a false impression about your reason for leaving.

Okay, I hope I said all that right.
Bottom line = I hope you'll come back IF you choose that's best for you, in your current situation.
From my own perspective, it works best for me if I just ignore all the hogwash and speak only with the folks who radiate sincerity from a true heart. Setting the kitchen timer keeps me on schedule, too... lol.

(((((((((Pops))))))))) Did I make all that clear as mud?  :P


Title: Re: Dear Poppyseed
Post by: finding peace on September 15, 2007, 11:17:05 AM
Dear Poppyseed (and Carolyn),

Please accept my apologies if what I wrote offended either of you or hurt you in any way.

In my bumbling, foot-in-mouth way, I was trying to say that if you left because of the recent posting then I understand as I too am troubled by what I have seen.  If not then please ignore, and I hope that you are doing ok.

The timing of you leaving was close to certain posts, so I thought it might be the case; however, I also realize that there are many other reasons for leaving.

In any case, I will miss you.  Much love to you – you are in my prayers. 
Title: Re: Dear Poppyseed
Post by: Poppy Seed on September 18, 2007, 03:55:43 PM
A warm hello to everyone!

I need to extend a super hug to all who posted here.  Thank you for extending your hearts to me.  I think I needed to hear your words.

I did need a minute to think - away from the board -  but not out of offense or hurt or helplessness.  I am not angry at anyone.  I don't hold any offense in my heart.  I did and do struggle with conflict in general here on the board.  Sounds like I am not alone in that.  But it is not exactly or directly why I left, however it has caused me to stop and consider a few things.  I suppose I needed a little minute with me, myself, and I.  :)  I am sorry if I alarmed anyone or caused more conflict in anyway by my actions.  It was not my intent to stir up more hard feelings. 

In any case, I hope you'll put up with me as I fumble my way through.  I so enjoy the whit and charm and wisdom of all of you.  So anyway, I guess I would love to be part of this really cool place, if that is ok.  I will try to be better as I try to move up and onward.

Much love,

Title: Re: Dear Poppyseed
Post by: Certain Hope on September 18, 2007, 04:26:01 PM
(((((((Poppyseed))))))  I am just so glad you're back.

I first posted this in such sadness and then realized I'd once again lept to unfounded conclusions...
bad habit, getting empathy confused with how I felt in similar circumstances - if that makes any sense.
I will try to do better, too!

((((((FindingPeace)))))  I didn't even see your last post here before and please know that I don't think you're a bit bumbling.
I gave the whole thing a bum steer in the beginning, by putting Pops into my shoes instead of vice versa... I think. Anyhow, I'm just glad our hearts are in the right place... and that we're all together here.
Please forgive me when I my pages stick together and I get lost  :?

Title: Re: Dear Poppyseed
Post by: Poppy Seed on September 18, 2007, 04:34:30 PM
Carolyn and Finding Peace,

You both are dear!  No need to even try better to do better!!  You cared about me.  You tried to see things through my eyes.  Not a dang thing wrong with that!  I would have thought the same thing!  What other conclusion would you have come to?   

Anyway, lets just have cake together!  Anyone for a triple layer fudge?

Title: Re: Dear Poppyseed
Post by: finding peace on September 19, 2007, 07:22:04 PM
No apologies necessary and I will definitely take a piece of that cake!

Much love to you both!!

Title: Re: Dear Poppyseed
Post by: Certain Hope on September 19, 2007, 07:43:41 PM
((((((((((Peace and Pops)))))))))  Much love to you both.

My reading here on the board has been so hit-and-miss, I am feeling really out of the loop, but had to thank you two sisters for warming my heart today.

I want to share something with you both because I feel close to you... and I hope that's okay. Feels awkward to me, but I am trying really hard not to try so hard to be tough... lol (what a sentence!)
SO -  I took my care-for-self another step beyond the quitting smoking (success so far!!) and made a dentist appointment today.

Sat out in the car this afternoon waiting for daughter to complete her orthodontic appointment, aware that I have a tooth which needs tending. Wondering how much longer I could procrastinate. Decided not to wonder anymore.
Finally pried myself out of the seat and marched in there to the desk and set up a visit up for this next Mon., 8 AM.
Too early in the day to cancel. lol. ugh.
Also admitted to being a very serious coward... felt my ears turn hot...  and the sweet girl assured me that I'm not the only one.
And I believed her.
So that's my big news. Please keep me in prayers? Thank you.

Title: Re: Dear Poppyseed
Post by: finding peace on September 19, 2007, 08:05:55 PM
Dear Carolyn

I don't think it is silly at all.  I can't stand dentistry (I was so bad they actually offered to prescribe tranquilizers for me!  :shock: ) and I too have a tendency to tough things out on my own.  Early in our dating years, my H once said to me, you don't need me for anything do you? (Certainly not the case anymore!)

Good for you for making that appointment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will be with you holding your hand in spirit - and you are definitely in my prayers.

Much love,
Title: Re: Dear Poppyseed
Post by: Certain Hope on September 19, 2007, 08:24:22 PM
Oh thank you, Peace! I am feeling like a wobbly weeble, but I know it's all good. Positive wobbling... lol.

I appreciate your encouragement and prayers and hand-holding so much!!

Told my husband this afternoon I feel a self-care rampage beginning to rise up within me... lol.
He says, GOOD!
I said, well it could get costly... oy vey.
Can barely see through my glasses, they're so scratched... that's next.
He says, Get them!
I really had let these incidentals get out of hand.... but then... I didn't really notice! So many things I didn't really notice. No more.

Oh, and Poppyseed... I want you to know that I am smiling as I think to myself that it I am pretty sure it's okay to mini-hijack my little sister's thread...
what a thought! This is me being silly. I admit it. It feels good.
 So happy to have a sis and then yak up a storm on her thread... thank you for your sweetness and tolerance. I'll stop now.

Much love again,
Title: Re: Dear Poppyseed
Post by: Poppy Seed on September 20, 2007, 10:14:11 AM
Hope & Peace,

My father was a dentist.  I grew up working as an assistant in his office.  My bro and I used to have water fights with the equipment!

Hope, glad to see you take care with yourself.  The dentist can be so scary!  Are you doing the sedation stuff?  I think most dentists try hard these days to ease the anxiety factor.
Your H sounds great with his  "GET THEM!" comment.  Get some really classy frames and make yourself feel fabulous!!  Hmmmm, you quit smoking, your teeth will be beautiful, and with a new pair of glasses you are going to be glowing!!! Tell your husband from me, he should take you to Hawaii!!  You deserve it.  Wait....maybe you live in Hawaii!  :shock:


ps.  Hijack away, Hope! You have free reign!......hey wait, this is YOUR thread!  :D