Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: cats paw on September 17, 2007, 06:17:33 PM
To All,
I need to recreate this somewhat, since the thread was deleted. I respect Authentic's right to pull the thread.
I have been considering going back to lurking on the board rather than posting, because of my own worries of failing to live up
to the "rules". I need to evaluate this.
Next is where I will strongly use my voice. Please do not rush in and ask me to keep posting, because that is not why I'm writing.
Please respect this.
I'm writing this as a courtesy for any of the people that I've recently started conversing with on the board, since I was being a bit
more active lately.
Best to All,
cats paw
Serpentine... Catspaw.....
Come back and post when it feels like the monitors have relaxed a bit.
I respect your decision Cat's Paw. It is unfortunate that anyone here is concerned about living up to the "rules" since there aren't any. It is a shame that here, where we have all experienced such profound pain, cannot be kind and respectful to one another. I do unerstand that we tend to be very sensitive and take things personally that are not necessarily intended that way and that we can tend to be extremely reactive. Of course that is to be found amonst a group of people who have experienced such great pain but at the same time it is truly a shame.
I'm so glad that you have shared and I affirm your right to lurk. I am glad to have you as a friend and encourager. - Gaining Strength
Oh, dear Cats Paw!
I am quite sure that Dr. Grossman is more than capable of letting us board members know about any rules which he chooses to enforce.
He is the board creator/owner/moderator, after all.
Anything else... well, it's like when I leave my kids home for a bit and suddenly one is trying to dominate the others... it just doesn't fly well.
Common sense is always the best rule of thumb and I really don't think you have any trouble managing that! But I sure understand, kittyfoot... just sad about it.
I count that as two driven from the board in as many days?: /
Cats Paw,
It is a shame you feel uncomfortable posting here. There are no 'rules' to live up to, so you do not need to worry about that. Caring people will always listen to what you have to say. Please lurk as much as you want, and post when you feel safe to.
Cat, It was nice to have you come out a bit. I think I'll take a breather for a bit too... It's a good place. Like all things, it goes through stages.
Love, Beth
Hi CH,
Oh, dear Cats Paw!
I am quite sure that Dr. Grossman is more than capable of letting us board members know about any rules which he chooses to enforce.
He is the board creator/owner/moderator, after all.
I was wondering about who owns the board earlier when the board brawl was on. It seemed to me that someone must be the owner and that they should have more than a passing say about how it's run. I perceived that person to be Dr. G. and I think he is more than capable of running the board very well.
Hi catspaw,
I guess I qualify as one of the old timers by now; been here off and on for about 2 1/2 years. If you don't like the conflict on the board right now just wait a week or two and it will be flooded with Sam V's toadies doing a few drive bys. A week after that everyone will be blowing kisses at one another and strewing roses out of a hat. As I think about it, it seems to go in monthly cycles and the large majority here are women, hmmm...... :P
Anyway, can't say as I blame you for taking a break. I've taken many myself.
I'm probably in the minority here but I don't think most conflicts have too much utility. About the only thing the vast majority of conflicts resolve is that some people repeatedly get into conflicts.
Hi Cat's Paw-
Thank you for your good sense and kindness. I agree about the rules. I will be happy when I see that you are here lurking and all out posting. Either one, you are appreciated. Take care.
Love and Best Wishes,
A week after that everyone will be blowing kisses at one another and strewing roses out of a hat. As I think about it, it seems to go in monthly cycles and the large majority here are women, hmmm......
Oh, Mud!
Trust you to cut through all the BS and get to the heart of the matter. heehee
You were the first good laugh I've had today. And it was a very good laugh.
hi Cat,
You know I'm always here for you--just a PM away.
Hey mudpuppy...I like what you said about "cycles" and women...cracked me up! As a matter of fact, I tend to get along much better with males than females, even though I'm a female. Men are just so factual, to the point, forthright. Women seem to fight nasty...clawing, whining, complaining, biting. I'm probably being a bit stereotypical here, but this is just my experience with men/women.
I saw a T-shirt that said 'Stereotypes Save Time.'
I saw a T-shirt that said 'Stereotypes Save Time.'
::wiping screen again::
Darnit: /
While lurking, if the flames get too bright put on your sunglasses! :D
I make three.
Why you sun? Was someone mean to you or are you just sick of the fighting? This too shall pass.
Hey cat's paw and sunblue - I appreciated your posts and respect your respective decisions to lurk too.
I hope you'll stay, even if just to lurk for a while until you feel safe enough to post again. I really like hearing what you have to say. It's very intelligent.
Cats Paw,
Hope you lurk my way! Love to hear from you.
To All,
Obviously, I'm posting again. I just wanted to pull this back up to thank everyone for the way you respected what I asked, but found ways to be encouraging. Some of the "rules" I was talking about were internal, of course, and I think most of you understood that.
Certain Hope/Carolyn- thank you for saying I didn't seem to be lacking in the common sense department. (When I would bring
home excellent grades, my mother used to tell me I didn't have any common sense to go with it.)
Changing- you mentioned good sense also-thanks.
CB and Lighter and Gaining Strength- we've spoken on this board, and I just want to again express my appreciation.
Poppyseed- thanks- I'll not only lurk your way, but post your way sometimes, too.
TT- the flames get the brightest from my own conflicts- so thanks for reminding me of sunglasses.
OK- need to hit post and return for part deux in a few minutes
Iphi and besee and Janet - I enjoy reading all of you, and so many times I read and say- man, I'll have to come back and chime in
with the interesting points that were made, but I don't come back round the bend.
Gratitude- thanks, and I see you didn't take much of a breather right away? Glad you didn't.
Kelly, sunblue, RM- I'm glad you added to this thread- esp. Kelly with this too shall pass.
Mudpuppy. When I came back to lurk, and saw that you had posted a reply, it meant a lot to me. It also totally cracked me up,
and I so enjoy your banter.
I also want to thank Authentic. Though for now, it appears she was a casualty, I hope she's lurking and can see all the things
being discussed.
There are others who have not written on this particular thread, but who are part of this board, and I want to thank all of you.
A couple of heroes will need to remain unnamed, therefore, unsung. You know who you are.
With a few exceptions, I handle conflict pretty well in 3D. I just needed to be reminded of it, and that there many kind people
on this board who are able to be understanding of the times when I need to handle conflict on the board in my own way.
cats paw
Just a note to say that you have brought a smile to me Cat's Paw. This is such a nice, gentle, kind thread. I find it quite comforting. Thanks and so glad for the kindness and thoughtfulness you bring to this board. - your friend - Gaining Strength