Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: pennyplant on September 18, 2007, 10:34:49 AM
I learned something important this weekend and want to share with the board--especially Laura if she is still poking her head in. I think it might be helpful with understanding what happened when she invited Jodi to post recently.
Last week I shared my "pregnant at 18" turning point and also asked for responses. I received three wonderfully supportive responses that I knew would help me if only I could understand how to work with the suggestions or at least be open to the wisdom.
Then this weekend something happened to me that ended up being the method by which I could understand the wisdom. It was how I came to understand that all my life I have Given Away My Power. By Power I'm talking about that essence of ourselves that the Native Americans call Medicine, or that I think of as my soul--the place where God is at work in my life. Power from within rather than power over.
For the last several months I have had a MySpace page and I have spent hours each day building it and also surfing around reading other people's pages. Hundreds of them. I thought of this as a way to understand other people and to try and build a self. My blog and the other gadgets you can put on your page were my ways of exploring who I am becoming. Reading other people's pages was my way of seeing what other people are like, or how they want to portray themselves at any rate. I was constantly amazed at the stuff people would say or think of. It is actually a pretty creative and artsy place and I am continually blown away by the beauty of some of this stuff. The artistic part of it really drew me in.
At the same time I have every so often "googled" people important to me in order to try and understand why some of them had such an impact on me. A lot of what comes up ends up being a kind of family tree and that is a hobby of mine that helps me to also understand what makes people tick.
A month or so ago I Googled my first emotional affair, which I have mentioned here before. He was quite young and, as things developed, I ended up devastated when he was gone from my life and it took a couple of years for the pain to subside to something of a dull throb. Then other things came along to distract me, but I always wondered about that episode and Googled him every so often.
This time I got something new. He is a member of a band now. They are popular in their area and recently released an independent CD. Just knowing that was a major revelation. I fell for an artist, a budding "rock star". Oh, that explained so much.
So, I went to their MySpace and surfed their "friends" MySpaces and found his sister. That was another surprise. I knew he had a sister, but didn't know anything about her. I went to her MySpace and visited all her links and learned some phenomenally interesting and helpful things. About myself!
Well, I did not know that when you subscribe to someone's blog on MySpace, they can find you. Never in a million years did I want any relative or friend of this person to know I was doing this! It was for my own healing purposes and not to get any kind of response or connection.
She messaged me on Sunday! When I saw that name in my in-box, I just about had a heart attack on the spot. And I should have known, that if it were possible, she would do something like that. She is like me in some ways, and it just makes sense now. But when I saw that message I was stunned and basically went into panic mode. And I Gave Away My Power.
As soon as I read the message, basically telling me she noticed I was reading her blog and she wondered what the connection was and I must be a great person since I had certain music on my profile..... my brain went into overdrive and I started typing a response even though my hands were shaking and my mind racing. My thoughts? Well, an honest question deserves an honest answer.... I also thought, Oh, my God, she caught me!! I felt stupid and like I had been caught being bad. I know what I was doing and why, but I still felt this incredible guilt and shame and need to DEFEND MY ACTIONS. Man, I always do that!
I "confessed". Not to an emotional affair with her brother, who is her hero. But I acknowledged that he was the "connection". I also said that I doubted he would be amused that I was talking to her like this.
You know, I would have told her my life story. I would have spilled it. I would have gave away my entire soul. I don't know what stopped me from doing even more damage but I'm relieved that I only gave away a little bit this time.
All day after that I felt this painful ache that came from the same place as was triggered by the emotional affair six years ago, and from some other very painful episodes in my life. It was not as severe as what happened after her brother blew through my life. But I knew, just knew, it was coming from the same place. It was the hold-your-head-in-your-hands-to-hide-your-face kind of shame and humiliation and pain.
All day I kept telling myself not to panic, not to over-react. It took me quite awhile to realize I already had just by flying off the handle and answering her message at all.
I felt so vulnerable and raw. I wanted to blame it on her, but I knew on some level it was my own fault. I really felt so bad. I wanted to run away or give up and just hide forever. But it wasn't as bad as other times I had felt this way. Not as bad as it could be. Interesting.
She never responded, just like her brother when I wrote him a letter and Gave Away My Power to him all those years ago. I thought I felt so badly because he never answered. But it was because I had weakened myself by giving away all that power. I know that now.
I felt so exposed that I wanted to delete my profile. But my son contacts me that way so I couldn't. I thought I would have to explain it to him. Or Give Away My Power.
I went to bed that night and started to have trouble sleeping. I wanted God to make me new again, as Hope suggested. But I didn't understand how that could happen. It occurred to me that I didn't have to know how. I could just be open to it and see what happened. I laid there thinking about everything. I just wanted to sleep. I did pray to be open to renewal. Then I got the idea that with every breath of air I take, I become new, with every beat of my heart that sends red blood through all my veins, I become new, with every moment that passes and each day that comes, I am new. And those thoughts soothed me to sleep.
I woke up quite early and immediately felt bad again. So, I got up and went to MySpace. And I deleted all my blog posts. Telling myself they were the old me and I was starting anew. I changed all my settings to private so that only "friends" could read my profile. I deleted anything that didn't feel like "me" any more. There is still some good stuff left on it.
Surprisingly I felt better. More protected for one thing.
And yesterday, when I went to work, I watched myself go about the day. And I could finally see all the little tiny ways I Give Away My Power. All the mannerisms, behaviors, over-doing-it-helpfulness, over-eagerness, the always-giving-the-benefit-of-the-doubt-ness that is me. Has been me all my life. Will not be me anymore.
I finally saw it!!!!!
Every time I do one of those old things, or start to think that old way, I tell myself Don't Give Away Your Power!
This is so very long and it doesn't even touch the amount of insight this weekend gave me. I have worked and worked for many months gathering info and studying and putting two and two together and never getting four. It was so unorthodox the way I was doing this but I never doubted that it was the way I had to learn this. Whatever it was I would be learning.
And because of what I learned and how it seems to echo what Laura has experienced and what happened on those threads, I feel that Laura gave away her power to Jodi. I hope that she finds a way to break the spell or habit of doing this. I don't know what her way will be. But being open to seeing it is the first step. Laura has deep belief in God so perhaps it will evolve in a way that Laura can understand, the way mine evolved, finally, in a way I could understand.
I hope this is helpful to anybody who needs the information. I feel like I climbed ten steps up that spiral staircase. All in one giant leap! I know there is still more to learn. But this is amazing to be able to understand the concept of giving away power from within. I understand it in my bones now.
Love, Pennyplant
Dear Penny,
That was HUGE. I so get it b/c it is Caroline Myss--- exactly. She says that you have to "call your power back from where you sent it". You would LOVE her works ,now. I want to write more later ,after I get home.
I think that you had a PIVOTAL,LIFE SHIFT. I think that you had a new birth,of sorts.
I applaud you. I am so happy for you. That really helped me to hear about it.
I think that you emptied out garbage from telling your story and you had ROOM for healing to come in. That is what is happening to me. Love Ami
Thank you Ami. Yes, it is definitely connected with having shared an important part of my story. Not only did I make room for healing but that story generated the exact messages I needed to hear and at the right time, too. To be renewed.... that is exactly the thing I needed. Have needed all my life. All in order though, I suppose. It is only six and a half years ago that I learned to be able to see how God works in my life. This is a little more advanced, I think. I never would have seen it or been open to it when I was younger and still in so much pain. Still acting out of panic and habit. Sometimes I just have to hit the wall in order to finally sit still and listen and receive.
I think now I will be ready to mother myself and to leave behind the old hurts.
I am amazed that only three days ago, I was hiding my face in my hands in despair. Today I can share part of my story in hopes that it will help someone else, too. This step has been a long time in coming.
I know I still have work to do. But this is very, very good.
Dear Pennyplant,
I hear every word... and I am so thankful with you, and for you.
Reading this post of yours has been another of those constant-nodding-in-agreement... as so many of your posts have been for me.
You speak things which I've only sensed, but as yet been unable to verbalize.
For me, it's like hearing my pastor teach the Bible... he doesn't tell me new things, he just reveals what I've long known... in my "knower".
I have done these things you've described, Penny... exactly... and felt the shame, the giving away... of my self. And I've written those knee-jerk, shame-based responses... and been devastated to get no reply. I never understood how someone could hear what I would share and not respond. Now I see... what they hear is the shame behind it all. For some, maybe they think that the kindest way to deal with it is to not reply. Others... well, they put their own spin onto it, I guess, and only want to heap on more shame.
I never saw that in "spilling it", I was giving away that inner power.
Years ago, some dear friends would tell me... you do not have to be THAT transparent, but I didn't get it... I thought that is what I had to do in order to be genuine. Good Lord... in a warped way I was still looking for someone else to confirm that I'm real... as though it wasn't good enough for me to know that within myself. I had no idea.
When I spoke with you before about being made new, it was in the context of the old having passed away.
So many times, I have felt shame again, about this need I have to understand who I was... WHERE I was for all those years... and yet, like I wrote to my parents, I felt that it was necessary to know "self" in order to deny "self". To keep slipping backwards into the existence of someone who isn't even alive anymore... it's the worst sort of death. When shame floods in like that you can be sure that the devil will send people to confirm it... oh yeah, you're shameful; you only deserve to be cast aside. What a crock.
I see now, in a way that was not possible before. I see what I have done through your eyes.
You wrote: "It was the hold-your-head-in-your-hands-to-hide-your-face kind of shame and humiliation and pain."
I'd thought that if I quit smoking, it would ease... and it did for the first week, and then hit a new low because there is still clearly so much to be done.
Oh, the ways to get tripped up... especially dealing with people who are only to eager to dismiss you.
It has left me unable to put together more than a few words, because no matter what I say, I know that it will likely gather more attacks... because my own way of seeing things is fatally flawed? Because one or two may not like it? Because I need someone else's approval before I can be complete?
Old habits die hard. When I look at how easily I forget... I want to run and hide. But now I see that when I go too far in trying to explain myself, I really am giving away my power. How much I long for the balance... to know when to speak and when to just let it go. This post of mine here feels very disorganized and weak, but I will send it anyway, because I think you have given me a great lesson here in how to begin and I Thank you!
With much love,
This is a great development! I know that I have given away my privacy and comfort in many instances, because of trainiing to be "courteous" that I didn't understand- we don't have to be more vulnerable than our instincts and rationality tell us we should be, in order to be polite and sociable. This was good for me to read! Good for you, Pennyplant!
I bet that as you go forward now you will see it as it is happening and then after that you will see it before you do it. It takes as long as it takes and as many lessons as are necessary. It is harder to learn to do this as an adult when the healthy ones learned it in the crib.
It is pervasive. I think that is what is so challenging about changing it. It is in your hands, feet, smile, hair, breath. It is a constant way of thinking. The negative tapes, the automatic thoughts, are the psychological manifestation of "it" -- the power drain. The working too hard, the subservience, the worry, the alertness to what we believe others want of us, are physical manifestations of "it" -- the loss of our soul. This dynamic was set in motion from day one. So, we never had the chance to see our other options. Some of us were victimized. That trauma can temporarily blind us to our other options.
It is a really big thing this being trained to give away our power. It is all-encompassing.
I have been on this board for one year and eight months. Events in my life of the past six and a half years came together to lead me here when I was finally ready for healing, or perhaps just too tired to go on in the same way.
It will be interesting to see what life is like on full-power.
I can't emphasize enough, though, how painful this was. All day Sunday I wanted to literally disappear. Everybody has to go in the direction that is suitable for their interests and passions. I don't think I could have handled this lesson if it hadn't involved the arts. And computers :D .
I know now it will be healthy for me to continue to work on my story. Not sure which turning point will be next. I remembered a couple of them this weekend and thought they could also be explained by my having given away my power at the time. Through ignorance and fear, etc. I was just a little one then and didn't know any better. This idea of sharing my story to make room for healing appeals to me and makes sense.
I think another good lesson from this--slow down!!!! I always just react. Immediately if not sooner. I need to take enough time for me to gather my thoughts and feelings and assess them. Maybe then I would be less likely to betray myself.
pennyplant - wow what a post, what turning points. What you describe is what happens to me when I try to put myself 'out there' and feel vulnerable to judgment. I am triggered with an overwhelming shame trigger. I have also given my power away (over explaining, jumping to help before being asked, lifting other's responsibilities from them improperly - to name just a few off the top of the head) but I never put that those two things together before like you did here. I will need to spend some time with that awareness - thank you for sharing it - it is teaching me.
CH - it was my experience that quitting smoking clarified my eyesight of my real actual problems that I resorted to smoking for in the first place because I had no idea how to solve. Oh the dismay. But elbow grease - you can do it. Keep on keeping on. You're on the move - you're in motion - feel the wind in your hair.
Thank you, Changing! I feel like I got a prize or something. I bet that slowing down will help me to listen to my rationality and instincts. They've spent a life time shouting at me and being ignored! Or misunderstood.
Love, PP
Thank you, Iphi. It is good to know that this idea rings a bell with you.
When I took Women's Study courses in the 90s, we talked about power from within all the time. And I took a lot of Native American courses that talked about Medicine. These subjects were always of interest to me, always drew me in, but I never had the understanding of what was really going on and what it all really meant in one's life--until this weekend. It is good that I had some language to frame this experience with. I guess this has been building for a very long time.
I have a lot more to learn now. I was looking for some kind of motivation. Now I feel more interested again, in my own life.
This is a topic that is crucial to healing---having our own power. Our power was what was STOLEN from us by N's. Penny, when you write that the way that we feel about ourselves is in our bodies, expressions etc-- That was the point that I was trying to make on the "Why are we abused thread?"We are abused(IMO) b/c our lack of value shines out to "abusers".
Until we do just what you did-- have a huge shift-we cannot "really" change. We can change on the surface,but it will be like putting perfume over a swamp.
You have helped me to realize that I am on the right path in my healing.
I think that you would have not had this healing if you did not force yourself to share that very painful truth about your son. For me, I am having many deep healings b/c I was willing to release deep pain ,as you did with telling your story. You are confirming to me the Scripture"You shall know the truth and the truth will make you free". It is the truth,itself, that does it. All we have to do is to face it,just like you did Love to You Ami
I found myself resonating with your orginal statements. Thanks for sharing your process of thought.....and your courage in walking into the dark of trying to recieve something new. I was particularly touched by your realization of being literally "new" everyday. I felt something inside me grab onto that idea. Thank you.
ps. Would you mind talking more about the "medicine" that you studied??
Dear Penny,
I sure hope it gets easier, and I do believe it will!!... to see as it's happening and then in advance... already, there seems to be a bit of progress. Words are flowing again, and in a more natural style. Shame triggers a retreat to head-responses... or none at all, just the clam effect, I've noticed. Pervasive, indeed!
You wrote: "It is pervasive. I think that is what is so challenging about changing it. It is in your hands, feet, smile, hair, breath. It is a constant way of thinking."
Yes! I can work with this, thank you! It's like the after-effects of the smoking... now that we've both quit, I am laundering, scrubbing, freshening, de-staining... so much - but in time, the marks will be gone. That hyper-alertness to what others want is so stubborn... even the generic worry gives way before that, in me... because I can see that as wrong and repent of it. The other... often masquerades as right.
I am so glad that you didn't disappear... especially from yourself. You are beautiful, Penny. I am so looking forward to what you'll write next, as you make room for more healing.
I made room for more activity when I quit smoking, but all that doing is not covering up for the revelations... just as Iphi says....
thank you Iphi! Greasing my elbows... lol. Actually, washing smoke residue from mirrors and glass... but not frantically now, just as it comes, enjoying the forward motion and forsaking the concern for what anyone else might want of me...
doing the next thing.
Much love,
P.S. Love that wind in the hair... :) felt it as I chased Daisy Dawg down the back country road, leash in one hand, chewy toy in the other, she laughin at me from atop her long gangly legs, then turning and running even farther.
Got her home in the pen at last, with no discipline left in me toward her... spoiled rotten velvet-ears, she is!
How cool is that????? You learned a huge lesson. I would say, though, that it wasn;'t as huge as it must have felt to you - the being "caught." Look at it this way. If an old flame of, say, your brother, looked him up and you saw that the person had done so, would you being overly excited about it????? Not really, probably. We all look into our past... I'll tell you a funny story at the end about what I found...
You do give away your power - in not being confident. I believe that those people who want "dominance" look for any sign of weakness in another. Being ashamed or fearful, those things draw these beasts.
I see you as smart, funny and charming. If you portray what you ARE, they will not look for the break in the armor.
Sooooo... When I got pregnant with my first baby, I had a weird desire to look up the guy I almost married. We had been together for six years. I found him on the internet... he had married a girl from high school and had taken her name as his middle name, which he uses for professioanl purposes. He was always like that - he wanted to be dominated in a strange way and "claimed" by his woman. The guise was that of a "sensitive" male. (Anyone ever see the movie Bedazzled where Brandon Frazer is the Sensitive Man?)
I like that, putting perfume on a swamp. Just won't cut it, will it?
Ns are like thieves. They take our power just as naturally as we give up our power. They are always on the prowl, checking for unlocked doors and windows, and staking out the place. They are the professionals at what they do, experts. They don't hide their "talents" any better than we hide our weaknesses. We can see their "skills" in the little details too. That is what is good about sharing the stories of our run-ins with them. We can study just how it works. There is a method to it, a system.
But we don't have to hide our "weaknesses" from them. We can heal ourselves and then those weaknesses are gone. We won't be easy pickings any more.
Hi Poppy,
I hope the being new idea helps. It was such a difficult concept for me, maybe because I have always, always been addicted to the past. Playing it over and over again in my mind. Torturing myself with it. I thought it was part of me. Well, it was because I made it so. I always thought of the passing of time as being a curse and a tragedy. I thought that way even as a child. I could literally feel time slipping away. I never saw the beauty of the next hours and next day being new and me being new with it. And the idea of each breath and each heartbeat making me new as well. I have been stuck in the idea of breathing and heartbeats as signs of mortality and endings.
I only ever saw half the story.
I don't know if I can say very much about Medicine. It has been a long time since I took the coursework. I have sort of internalized the ideas. One book I read that moved me very much back then is "Waterlily" by Ella Cara Deloria. She was a Yankton Sioux who studied anthropology with Franz Boas (as did Margaret Mead and Zora Neale Hurston). Before I read that book I had heard that it was a story about women Indians and I was all excited. Then I read it, and still liked it very much, but it was fully fifty percent about the men of the tribe. So, it's all in your perspective or who you are. I suppose men were saying, This is a book about women, just because women were mentioned at all. Here I'm reading it, expecting it to really be about women and then find that half of it is men. If I read it again, I wonder what I will take away this time.
Anyway, I find that Native American traditional stories and legends give a good idea of the concept of Medicine.
I'm also reading a book called The 13 Original Clan Mothers. It is something of a recreation of how the kinds of power came to be and how each clan mother was educated in her particular skill. It is a hard read. I read it out loud to myself to help it get into my head better. It speaks to me, but it is hard to incorporate the knowledge. It's such a different concept from what I thought life was supposed to be about.
CH/Beth--gotta go to work. I'll be back later tonight.
Have a wonderful rest of the day... I hope it goes smooth.
See you later.
Hey Penny,
As I read your original post I kept thinking of Proverbs 4:23: "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life." Another translation says "Guard your heart more than anything else, because the source of your life flows from it."
I think giving away our power is just another way of saying we haven't guarded our heart from those who seek to take, either intentionally or incidentally, the life (or power) that is in it.
Good Lord... in a warped way I was still looking for someone else to confirm that I'm real... as though it wasn't good enough for me to know that within myself. I had no idea.
Carolyn, I'm thinking that rather than it not being good enough to know our worth ourselves--we didn't know our worth or our realness at all. I have always been searching for my worth outside of myself. I didn't know this was completely incorrect. I think my parents didn't know this was incorrect.
That is probably why it has been so devastating to be ignored when you have poured your heart out.
I know for sure I have not always, at all times, been that dependent on the responses of others to give me my value. But it has been my default mode. During troubling times, that is where I have ended up. Desperately needy of external approval.
It is so helpful now to be able to dissect it.
That hyper-alertness to what others want is so stubborn... even the generic worry gives way before that, in me... because I can see that as wrong and repent of it. The other... often masquerades as right.
Also, Carolyn, this belief has kept me trapped in subservience. Why would I think, though, that what others want is more important than what I want? This is just incorrect too. But I was taught that from a very young age. That wrong belief might die pretty quickly. Now that I am starting to care about me, it will not be so easy to have this blanket belief that everything that everybody else wants is something I need to provide in some manner. If I am a good person too, a real person too, then it is just not going to be going in one direction all the time. It can't.
How cool is that????? You learned a huge lesson. I would say, though, that it wasn;'t as huge as it must have felt to you - the being "caught." Look at it this way. If an old flame of, say, your brother, looked him up and you saw that the person had done so, would you being overly excited about it????? Not really, probably. We all look into our past... I'll tell you a funny story at the end about what I found...
You do give away your power - in not being confident. I believe that those people who want "dominance" look for any sign of weakness in another. Being ashamed or fearful, those things draw these beasts.
I see you as smart, funny and charming. If you portray what you ARE, they will not look for the break in the armor.
Sooooo... When I got pregnant with my first baby, I had a weird desire to look up the guy I almost married. We had been together for six years. I found him on the internet... he had married a girl from high school and had taken her name as his middle name, which he uses for professioanl purposes. He was always like that - he wanted to be dominated in a strange way and "claimed" by his woman. The guise was that of a "sensitive" male. (Anyone ever see the movie Bedazzled where Brandon Frazer is the Sensitive Man?)
Oh Beth, it is very cool!!!
I have calmed down considerably since Sunday. I was thinking today, his little sister probably read my answer to her questions and thought, well, that's weird, and then went on with her day. Life goes on. She is someone with voice, that much I learned from reading her online stuff. So, I don't imagine this was more than a blip to her. I was projecting......
Though I would not be too worried if someone looked me up. In fact, I have run into people from the past every so often, and it seems like they are checking me out. It has felt nice each time to think, oh, so all those years I thought nobody liked me, somebody really did.
The "rock star", though, that was something else. That one will require some more thought. I do not want to run into him. That one is still in the painful place. And he was angry with me, I believe. So, I doubt that he would like to run into me, either.
The not being confident. Yes, you are right. That is a big problem. That was something I learned about thanks to the episode with the "rock star." During the six months I knew him, I gradually sensed that I was "changing" inside. I told my husband afterwards, once I felt it all drain out of me, that it was the only time in my life that I felt happiness all the time, the only time that I felt beautiful, self-confident and happy all at once and all the time. I believed I could do anything. That feeling lasted for approximately four months. It began to end the day he left. I still don't understand it. My husband knew what I was talking about because he had noticed a huge change in me during that time. I don't know if it was some kind of addiction. I don't know if it was that he somehow brought out the best in me like a best friend would do. Maybe I was confused and it had nothing to do with him and was just a coincidence. I would try to console myself--well, at least I know what it feels like and I will recognize it if it ever happens again. It wasn't much consolation, though. Maybe I have made too much of something that was just hormones. I would like to understand it thoroughly though.
I would like to have that confidence back. I want to like myself again. I felt no shame during that time. I felt like I belonged everywhere.
I got a kick out of your story about the old boyfriend. I tend not to trust a guy who is too female-oriented like that. I don't know why. I just think to myself, THAT is not normal. How about just being a guy!!! Man, he is trying too hard!!
Love, PP
It makes me feel somewhat ashamed that I never learned that I could have my own power, and that I was always (for the most part) waiting to have people make up my mind for me. I expect that this is something that helped screw up my life, as I was 'living everybody else's life'
Yeah, Izzy, this has been a problem for me too. Nobody really knows what is best for me even if they think they do. But I never knew what was best for me. I never learned how to discover that, or if I thought I knew, then I had NO IDEA how to implement it. And I didn't think I was worth it anyway. And in spite of the do-it-yourself-great-American spirit (do Canadians suffer from that delusion too?), you do need a helping hand once in awhile or an open door. I wouldn't ask, not in a way that made anyone else think that what I needed was any kind of priority.
What a bad effect that has on how your life turns out. I'm not blaming others for treating me the way I kind of taught them to treat me. And I didn't know any better either. But boy, I sure paid a price. I do wonder if I will manage to reach any of my potential. The thing is, if I don't take this time to work on these things then I'm guaranteed not meet my potential. So, this healing thing is a must.
You're healing too, Izzy. Who knows what you still have in you? It will be a surprise!!!
Love, PP
Proverbs 4:23: "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life." Another translation says "Guard your heart more than anything else, because the source of your life flows from it."
Thank you, Mud. I will be able to guard my heart now because I am finally learning how to. I am finally understanding I am worth it.
Penny and Shunned,
My mind is flowing with ideas right now. Really loving this conversation Penny. Thank you for letting me peek in. Really starting to understand how often I give my power away. I thought I was asking for love or for my needs to be met. Now I realize that I can meet my needs maybe better than anyone else could. That is an exhilarating thought! How wonderful to understand finally! Kinda like Dorothy in the Wiz of OZ. She had the shoes the whole time!! But how hard it is to retrain my brain to think and believe and embrace my power.
ps. thanks for the ideas on Native American Medicine. I am so fascinated with that stuff. Guess I am a closet Native American wannabe! :D
I am trying to see why I let people control my emotions. Their actions quite often make me angry or frustrated - or trigger my shame response.
Shunned, I have struggled with this all my life. It has been a mighty struggle. It wore me out. I did not think of the relationship to shame. I think that makes it even harder.
What I am finding lately, is that as I slowly heal, I am less keyed into other people and less triggered by them. It seems almost like a by-product of healing. I am not all the way there by any means. But am doing better and better with it.
See if that might happen with you. Hopefully it does. Then it won't be such a struggle.
Love, PP
Poppy, I'm glad you chimed in. I bet you would enjoy reading the Native American stories. They are very soothing and address all issues in life. Several years ago, a friend of mind who is a Seneca and spent her life on the reservation, taught me how to make cornhusk dolls since she knew I had always wanted to learn how. The funny thing to me is that she never knew how to make them either! She finally learned how when she went to college in her 60s and took a Native American Studies class!
Maybe Native American subjects resonate because as a people their voice was taken from them and it is only in recent history that they have worked to get it back. Maybe that is part of why Holocaust studies has also resonated with me. I have also taken an African American Studies class. That one was harder to be in as a white person. I felt like I should just listen.
And the Wizard of Oz! One of my favorite movies. We can take our lessons from so many sources.
Love, PP
There has been so much to think about today as a result of my weekend and what you all have contributed with your comments and stories and questions. I am so grateful for every lesson. I feel like I have some real tools to work with now. I'm not just stumbling around in the dark. Or trying to force myself to do things that I don't understand or have the ability to accomplish. It gives me some hope and something to look forward to.
There is still much work to do. But, wow, what a gift this has been!
Love, Pennyplant
Dear Pennyplant,
Thanks for describing the whole mental process you went through with that situation; I learned a lot from it and think you should be so proud of yourself for the way you handled things.
As for her reaction; please try not to personalize it. She might have got the `vibe' from your response that her contact with you caused discomfort or was not welcome? Or she could be very busy? In any case, her response does not indicate your worth and value as a person, hon.
X bella
Dear Penny,
This is a wonderful thread. I am learning so much. Love Ami
Just caught up on my reading here and I want to thank you for your comments to me and all you've added to the thread, as well.
It's very difficult for me to admit that it hurts to be ignored. How silly... of course it hurts - especially when you're trying so very hard to please.
And there's the vicious circle. So much shame... because that old inner critic insists that it's foolish to ever expect that anything I could pour out would be more than a drop in a very large bucket. But maybe we're not the drips at all. Maybe we're the buckets!
I will be thinking and read again tomorrow. Just wanted to say thanks in case you're off to work again before I get back to the board... and send you hugs and love,
I just read your latest installment and want to thank you for working so hard on your story, to get it out there and share it as you have.
It means so very much to me... and I feel exhausted with you... at least with just a touch of what I know you must be feeling.
I think maybe it is not so much depression any more? Not sure, but I hope that it is more like the self-sorrow about which I've been reading... the good kind... not the enveloping kind. So maybe it's not lurking dysphoria, but just an old, previously unprocessed sadness, now ready to flow... as you summon it... which is what you do when you write, I think. That's just how it seems to me.
I feel really bad for you about those neighbors. Sore spot there... privacy and restful solace are so important... and I wonder whether they will become invisible soon. I hope so... as whatever they represent is uncovered and more restfully laid to rest... hmm... I think I need to lay me to rest, but you get the point, I think. Anyhow, I have some invisible neighbors... they're very pleasant that way! But for right now, everything is so raw after the digging... like muddy ground, each step sinks deep. That makes for some tender moments.
And after reading today's, I also want to apologize for ever mentioning that thing I read about retelling of stories prolonging the grief...
at the time, I thought it made sense in context of one article, which I've still not located, and since been unable to explain too well.
But it had nothing to do with what you and the others have been pouring out on these story threads... nothing at all. And since I feel so unable to communicate better about what it meant to me, I wish I had just not said anything. Please don't let it trouble your mind a bit.
I am very glad and grateful for the stories which I've read here... and the people who've shared their hearts this way. I especially appreciate your journaling of turning points, because that's the way my mind works, as well.. well, when it's working. I'll be watching for the next point... and in the meanwhile, praying that you get a good rest.
With love,
No, no, no, not to worry about sharing the idea of dwelling too much in grief or victim-hood being bad for us. I think I understand the point of the article and I agree with it!!!
The thing is, I don't feel that our stories are so much a dwelling on such things. I think it is more a chance to make sense of it and own it. When Ami mentioned that I had made room for healing by sharing my turning points so far, that makes a great deal of sense to me. I tend to think of martyrdom when I think of the points of your article. And I know of many people getting stuck in that place and it is not good for them. That's because they are stuck. I don't think telling the stories is us getting stuck. We are using them to get unstuck.
Um, I don't know what dysphoria is. I will look it up when next I am googling.
Maybe I am sad rather than depressed. It is hard to tell. I have been thinking of sad things tonight. And I am physically worn out. And my husband was not home as he and I expected. So, the evening was quiet and disappointing. Maybe I can have a good dream tonight. And maybe work will go smoother tomorrow. And be less weird than usual. This morning, in the midst of near chaos, my boss came in the building and started handing out ice cream bars on sticks. That just did not compute. We all work with our hands. I might have understood if it had been a granola bar. But ice cream? I gave it to someone else who had collected three of them and he put them in the fridge. See, I'm detached from my boss. I didn't eat the ice cream bar at 8:30 in the morning while trying to move equipment and such. [Head shaking]
Okay, now it's time to turn in. Good night all.
Love, Pennyplant
Oh, thanks Penny! I have been feeling alot lately like I need to add disclaimers to everything I say. I am so glad you understood.
And I agree with you... I do not feel at all like telling our stories is to dwell on the past, but just as you say - a way to make it coherent, and cohesive, too, I think... to own it. There are so many bits and pieces of me still floating around willy nilly, I know that's why I still use so many ... ... I am not yet still enough to write a narrative.
What Ami said about making room for healing registers with me, too. I can feel that in myself as I release shame... and smoking was a huge source of that. I could not justify taking care of myself in other ways as long as I knew that I was killing myself with that smoke.
I'd take vitamins and do some other good things, but it was halfhearted. Often I picture my hands as being clenched tightly in fists around a crumpled wad of old rubbish. My object lesson in this is the memory of me as a compulsive perfectionist, regularly flitting from room to room on one of my cleen sweeps, straightening this and that, picking up loads of stuff in the process and not slowing down long enough to rid my hands of any of it... to the point where I'd stand helpless with no room to pick up another single item. It was really pathetic. I can't carry it all. That stopped one day when I just dropped it all into a heap in the middle of the room and sat down and cried.
Need to do that same thing with all this emotional junk, once the barbs are unhooked from my brain.
Oh, I thought that dysphoria was just plain old depression (that's what I get for using psychospeak!)
Having looked it up, I see that it's a sort of restless, anxious depression... maybe a different variety.
I think it's a good thing that you're open to thinking of sad things, Penny. For the first time in my life, I am beginning to not feel ashamed to be a bit sorry for myself. So far, so good.. although I am a bit more babbly than usual, it seems. But I feel released from so much garbage. Not so stuck.
I'm sorry your husband wasn't home as you'd both planned... that is sad. I guess God figured you needed this time alone to sift.
((((((Penny)))))) I am sure He is looking out for you with both eyes open and both arms outstretched to you.
Your boss sounds like a kook... umm... what'd he do, rob the Good Humor truck on his way in to work? How odd!
I'd like to think he meant well... but shakin my head over here, too.
On the other hand, ice cream sounds pretty good about now.
Good night, dear Penny. Thank you for talking... while you're sleeping... I am glad to be able to hear :)
Shunned, I've been reading your story on the other board and it seems like you have more than enough reason to be easily triggered. I'm not at all shocked at the vulnerability of your emotions given the history. It seems like you need a safe place to give them some freedom and give yourself a chance to explore them.
I just don't think we can force ourselves to feel differently than we do feel. What we can possibly have control over is the time and the place for the emotions.
Love, Pennyplant