Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board

Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: finding peace on September 29, 2007, 11:35:15 AM

Title: Major work vent - aaaarrrrrggggghhhhh
Post by: finding peace on September 29, 2007, 11:35:15 AM
My work requires that I rely on others to get my job done.  Unfortunately, if they don’t do their job – I am the one held accountable.

I am so frustrated.  I almost missed a critical timeline because of people who couldn’t care less whether or not the timeline is hit because they have no accountability.

It took 24 hours for them to do something that should have been done in less than 4. 

I could have done it myself in 2 hours – but oh no – can’t have that  - it is not part of the company’s standard operating procedures (SOPs).  You know, those SOPs are like law – “we, the company” spent a year on that 3 page SOP and then another year training everyone on it – oh no, must follow the SOPs it is the llllaaaawwww.

Shame they didn’t put that work should be completed in a timely manner.  But – couldn’t have that could we, because then “we, the company” would have needed to take another year and 30 meetings to decide what a “timely manner” is. 

Annndddd don’t even get me started on decisions – and how working at a company is a lesson in how to TALK about making decisions BUT TO NEVER MAKE THEM.


The politics are bad enough; everyone vying to rise up the ladder no matter who they step on to do it.  Can’t forget the contortions they go through to be right all the time.  Working from a place of fear with a whole cya attitude.  It isn’t a let’s work together to get the job done, it is a s/he said no s/he said.....back stabbing political muck.  Ugh! 

They have their own set of rules – and those who get to the top learn very early on how to play them – ssssiiiicccckkkk of it.

Sorry everyone – I had a heck of a couple of days.  And the project is going to be a long one, and I am already stressing about whether or not I can get this done.  It takes a lot for me to get angry – but just about all of my buttons have been slammed.

Need to find my calm, soothing place.....calm, serene, calm, serene


not working....... AAARRRGGGGHHHH :x

(thanks for listening to me vent )

Title: Re: Major work vent - aaaarrrrrggggghhhhh
Post by: Ami on September 29, 2007, 11:59:37 AM
((((((((((((((((((((((Peace)))))))))))))))))))   So sorry that you are hurting .              Love   Ami
Title: Re: Major work vent - aaaarrrrrggggghhhhh
Post by: JanetLG on September 29, 2007, 12:21:21 PM

Ooh, I know that feeling of work frustration!! It's always the complete idiots who seem to have ultimate responsibility for whether or not a job gets finished, it seems. They're not necessarily the ones at the top, they're the (unfortunately) vital ones who are the weak link in the chain.

I do sympathise with you.

Just try to visualise them all doing their jobs...with no clothes on. I used to find that that helped when I had to deal with the ones who were especially high-and-mighty about their 'status', particularly.

I have to admit, I gave in in the end, and left 'real work' to start my own business...I'd be unemployable, now, I should think, because I wouldn't be able to stand it. Sorry.

Title: Re: Major work vent - aaaarrrrrggggghhhhh
Post by: Poppy Seed on September 29, 2007, 12:24:17 PM
Hey FP!

 Sounds like work is bee's nest instead of a beehive, eh?  I was just reading an old letter from my T.  She talked about finding peace in all the tumult in the enviroment.  She says if you spend time looking at all the facts (in your case the politics, the missed timelines, the lack of accountibility, the blame on your shoulders, etc) then the clarity and serenity will never come.  Clarity comes from quietness.  The not-reacting.  The not-conluding.  The listening!   The more quiet we are the more likely the answers will float up to us.  

I was thinking perhaps this problem IS coming to you because YOU are the person who could make a change to improve the system. Or maybe this trial is carving out some space for an opportunity to come.  Hmmmmmmm............

Title: Re: Major work vent - aaaarrrrrggggghhhhh
Post by: finding peace on September 29, 2007, 01:19:12 PM
((((Thanks for responding everyone))))

Ami – thanks for the hugs – needed them today!

Bean – It IS a big dysfunctional family - in some ways worse than one!  I work with some brilliant minds – very, very educated people, and it seems that this makes it even more dysfunctional (not all of them, but the egos on some are unbelievable).  With the amount of schooling that these people have had, you would think that the dysfunction would decrease, but it doesn’t – it is greater!  :roll:  Yes – I do need to remind myself that the goal is the paycheck.  Problem is that I don’t like my job much anymore (used to like it but find that the parameters around getting a job done are getting more and more restrictive) – but it pays very, very well, so I have the golden leg shackle syndrome (feel like I have to stay for the money – to be able to give my family a nice life – but I don’t like it.)  If it were just me, I would probably say the heck with it, move to a beach and open a shop – but I don’t have that option, at least not yet. 

Janet – you cracked me up – naked  :shock: :lol: . You know what is really sad?  I am not even an employee – I own my own business – I am a contractor, so most of the time I work from home, but on rare occasions have to go into work for meetings. Sad eh - I still get tied up in their politics!!  It is probably a good thing I am not an employee – the red tape nightmare woulda done me in a long time ago.  ((((It is good to read you - are you doing better these days? I seem to have gotten past the worst, although I saw someone printing my story the other day and that gave me some nervous twitches again!))))

Poppyseed – I am so glad you are back and had those precious moments with your babies.  Those are the moments to treasure and hold for comfort and warmth on those dark days aren’t they?  You have a way with words – a bees nest – yes indeed!  There is nothing I can see that I can do to make a change.  In fact, I was contracted at one time to improve their process – so I saw some changes that could be made to increase efficiency and was told – no we don’t do it that way.  Hiring me was so that they could check a box on a list sent to them from upper management telling them to hire someone to increase efficiency and to cut down costs.  Funny thing – about a year later, they tried to hire me for a newly created position that I had suggested to them a year earlier to increase efficiency – ahhhh the joys of working for this particular group (NOT).

Poppyseed – thank you for the reminder that from struggle comes growth.  I am going to go try again to find that calm place and find the opportunity that can come from this.

I need to figure out a way to make a good living for my family without losing my sanity in the process.

Much love,
Title: Re: Major work vent - aaaarrrrrggggghhhhh
Post by: Certain Hope on September 30, 2007, 10:19:51 AM
(((((((((((((Peace))))))))))))))  Hugs and prayers are all I've got sometimes, but they're yours.

Oh, and I have the utmost confidence in God and in His grace which is multiplied in you... and that combination is dyn-o-mite!! 

Love to you,

P.S. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if another door opened for you very soon. Don't need a battering ram, just open eyes to see it...  :)
Title: Re: Major work vent - aaaarrrrrggggghhhhh
Post by: finding peace on September 30, 2007, 10:59:05 AM
Dear Carolyn,

Sometimes hugs and prayers are just what is needed - and I thank you for them, helps me regain that calmness at serenity.

I am at a loss for words to express how much your words mean to me.  For half a life time I was told and treated like I was worse than nothing and worth nothing (not fishing here, just stating what was), your words soothe one of the deepest wounds that I have - one that has been festering for a long, long time.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I am sitting here with tears streaming down my face. (good tears)

Thank you and much love to you,

Title: Re: Major work vent - aaaarrrrrggggghhhhh
Post by: Ami on September 30, 2007, 11:15:36 AM
Dear Peace,
  Sometimes the hardest thing for us to do is to" receive".I know that many people have tried to 'help" me by telling me "good" things about myself,but I could not "receive" them.
  I am happy that you are letting in love.The walls of pain must be breaking down a little bit.You are worth it, Friend                   Love  Ami
Title: Re: Major work vent - aaaarrrrrggggghhhhh
Post by: JanetLG on September 30, 2007, 11:41:35 AM

I know what you mean about being self-employed and yet still getting dragged into other people's problems and politics - even when you work for yourself, you have to interact with others, don't you? I often say to my husband that if it wasn't for the suppliers and the customers, I'd have a quiet life! (But no money)

It might be that all this, although it's stressful, will give you the impetus to change something that might work out better for you in the long run, although that's not much comfort when you're in amongst a load of buffoons. Why don't people do their jobs PROPERLY??!! Arrghh!

I'm feeling a lot better, generally, but busy now that the autumn's here (customers don't do much embroidery in the summer months) - so I don't have so much time to post here. But, things are fairly calm with me just now, and my insomnia's GONE!! Wonderful.

I still read the posts of peole I have a lot in common with (like you  :) ) but I don't always respond to all of them.


Title: Re: Major work vent - aaaarrrrrggggghhhhh
Post by: lighter on September 30, 2007, 10:05:07 PM
All the responsibility....

without any control?

That's the definition of stress, Peace: /

What can you do to the slackers....

to improve their performance?

I just got out of the car, 6 hours, with small children....

I can't bring myself to say....

what can you do to help improve their performance....

Sorry you're under all that work stress, Hope: (

Title: Re: Major work vent - aaaarrrrrggggghhhhh
Post by: Bella_French on September 30, 2007, 11:32:53 PM
Dear finding Peace,

That would frustrate me too; how awfully stressful for you! Are there options available for you to provide incentives to sub contractors for faster performance? It does sound like the problem is the lack of accountability and incentives.

X Bella
Title: Re: Major work vent - aaaarrrrrggggghhhhh
Post by: finding peace on October 02, 2007, 03:39:17 PM
Hi Lighter and Bella,

My hands are pretty much tied - the nature of the job.  I can figure out ways to circumvent the process to hit a time line in a pinch, but that is pretty much frowned on -

red tape - ugh!

Fun stuff (Not) - it is what it is, and I need to let go of the outcome if it is out of my control.

(((Thanks everyone for responding)))

PS - Lighter - did a 12-hour car trip, 2 kids under 6 - only thing that saved us was a portable DVD player.  They were at that age where they can watch the same movie 15 times in a row - of course H and I had fun mimicking all the parts for about 6 hours straight  :shock:
Title: Re: Major work vent - aaaarrrrrggggghhhhh
Post by: lighter on October 02, 2007, 07:00:37 PM
Peace... thieves took my dvd player for car.. haven't replaced yet.

I try to travel at night, while the girls sleep, usually......

Didn't work out that way this time.

I've got 10 strings tied around my finger..... lots to do!

Car DVD player is something I really miss: )
Title: Re: Major work vent - aaaarrrrrggggghhhhh
Post by: Sela on October 02, 2007, 07:26:55 PM
oh Finding Peace,

So sorry for all the goop and guck and sludge you have to wade through at work.  No wonder you're frustrated!  Anyone would be, I bet!

When I read this that you wrote to another poster:
I am at a loss for words to express how much your words mean to me.

It reminded me of something I've been thinking about yesterday and today which is that.....

words heal too.

I just wish I had a great vocabulary and talent enough to send you the most soothing, relaxing, loving, healing words to help you feel better.

The only thing I can think of that might be of use at this particular time is to ask if it might help to look at this project in small, doable pieces....rather than as a whole big thingamajig?  Maybe it won't seem like such a huge deal that way and even a little more manageable?

Either that or get some of those lense-less black plastic glasses with the fake but long, hairy eyebrows glued on them and wear them at your desk, as you hum "Amazing Grace" and use big, bright, florescent crayons to draw large swirly smiles on a huge piece of paper, all at the same time (Oh....and don't forget to put this sign up somewhere where it can't be missed:  "I only do what the little voices tell me to do".)


Hope you feel much better real soon.

Title: Re: Major work vent - aaaarrrrrggggghhhhh
Post by: finding peace on October 02, 2007, 07:52:53 PM
Dear Sela,

You said:
words heal too.

I just wish I had a great vocabulary and talent enough to send you the most soothing, relaxing, loving, healing words to help you feel better.

You do have that vocabulary - for me, laughter heals as much as soothing words. 

I have been in a bit of a funk (aka depression) today at my lack of control in this situation (still trying to let go of that outcome) and your post cracked me up (and lightened my mood).  Reminds me that I do need to lighten up, it is just work - eh? 

I have a meeting coming up soon with the same group - I will have a hard time keeping a straight face.  Between Janet telling me to imagine them naked, and me sitting there as you described - (very conservative business) .......   :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

(((((Thank you Sela)))))
Title: Re: Major work vent - aaaarrrrrggggghhhhh
Post by: teartracks on October 02, 2007, 08:01:35 PM

Hi FP,

Just try to visualise them all doing their jobs...with no clothes on. I used to find that that helped when I had to deal with the ones who were especially high-and-mighty about their 'status', particularly.   :lol:  Oh my goodness!  Visualise them nekkid, smack dab in the middle of God's Divine Order!    

Title: Re: Major work vent - aaaarrrrrggggghhhhh
Post by: finding peace on October 04, 2007, 03:01:54 PM
Hey Bean,

BLEH is right, although it doesn’t surprise me.   

Unfortunately IME, this is more the norm for the corporate world than the abnorm.  May be too cynical, but I learned the hard way to never tell the truth and to never complain.  Everything you say and do will be used against you if it suits the powers that be.  I have also found the bigger the corporation the more pervasive this type of mentality is. 

I have learned “how to play the corporate game,” but refuse to do this - it is just too ugly for me.  So I work on the periphery now by being an independent contractor.  It is a lot easier, but I can still get caught up in the BS every now and then.
