Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: lighter on October 02, 2007, 11:15:41 AM
Imitrex comes in two forms...
Shots, more expensive.... about $110.00 per 3 or 4 doses or around $35.00 each.
You inject yourself under skin (on wrist) and receive immediate relief for your effort.
Pills less expensive but don't work for 15 or 20 minutes
Thanks Lighter!
I have a terrible time with my menstrual migraines, so I appreciate the information.
X Bella
YVW, Bella.
So glad you stopped suffering, CB.
My buddy's eye, one of the other, used to swell up and he was in so much pain he vomited from cluster heasdaches.
The imitrex not only delivered him from the pain.... but he doesn't get headaches any more.
Maybe it's the imitrex?
Wouldn't that be nice?
Hey Lighter,
I had the pill form of imitrex a long time ago. Works like a dream. One minute vice clamp squeezing the brain, next minute pain-free; very much like a light switch is thrown. It isn't an opioid so you don't have the potential addiction and other nasty side effects you can get with opioids.
I can't take it anymore - contraindications :(
It is a wonderful medication if you can take it.
Awwwww, Peace.
Sorry you can't avail yourself to the imitrex: (