Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board

Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: isittoolate on October 12, 2007, 06:31:14 PM

Title: I Met A Man --
Post by: isittoolate on October 12, 2007, 06:31:14 PM
--today. I had just left home and walking toward me, he moved to my side of the street and as we came closer he began to speak. The leg cast was the conversation starter.

He is tall, quite good-looking, silver hair and beard, 58, dressed well in dress pants, shirt, tie, cardigan, nice wingtips and his socks didn’t drag below his pants legs. He began by telling me about breaking his leg,. It is quite the story from 1986.

He fell off a cliff and broke the femur in his right leg which was bent right up to his boot hanging over his left shoulder. He righted his leg with screaming pain and splinted it and crawled for two days when he fell into another hole. He was out there alone for 2 days and felt like once he died, saw the tunnel and the light, anyway. Finally a dog came upon him and snarled as though he would eat him, ’Honey’ has a master and he heard someone call the dog. He had no voice and there had been nothing to drink for all this time, but finally made a noise.

To cut his story (over half an hour) short, Trisha, the dog’s owner, saved his life.
He is an alcoholic and homeless. He had 4 years sober, went to AA, received his pin, then went out to celebrate, got drunk and that’s when he fell.
In there somewhere he gestured up and down saying, “I don’t normally look like this, but I came into a bit of money.

He spoke about the homeless and the crack dealers downtown, and an awful fight with a ‘dealer’.

Red flags all over the place, eh? Interesting to talk with one and note them all when he doesn’t really know. He cut a charming figure and appeared the very best of gentlemen, and something special in the way he spoke--almost British, but not.


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Title: Re: I Met A Man --
Post by: Ami on October 12, 2007, 06:35:40 PM
[ his socks didn’t drag below his pants leg]

When I see this (above),I would know it would  be a deal maker.         Love Ami
Title: Re: I Met A Man --
Post by: gratitude28 on October 12, 2007, 09:14:52 PM
Hmmm... very interesting Izzy...

So... what did you take away from the whole meeting????? What did it mean to you????

Love, Beth
Title: Re: I Met A Man --
Post by: isittoolate on October 12, 2007, 09:59:40 PM
[ his socks didn’t drag below his pants leg]
When I see this (above),I would know it would  be a deal maker.         Love Ami

Is that all it would take, Ami?

Title: Re: I Met A Man --
Post by: Ami on October 12, 2007, 10:02:17 PM
I guess my standards need to be higher----HUH?
Title: Re: I Met A Man --
Post by: isittoolate on October 12, 2007, 10:11:05 PM
So... what did you take away from the whole meeting????? What did it mean to you????

Love, Beth

Beth, I discovered how differently I listen, taking in everything and processing it, as the person still spoke, and I didn't just tune him out.
I have a feeling I tuned out certain people, to an extent, as I was embarassed about me, how I looked, how I would acknowledge, how I would respond in a similar manner, so as not to go off on some other tanget about which I knew more.

I realized I felt compassion for such a nice looking, well-spoken man, and for him to be alcoholic and homeless. (Remember I said I have no feelings, but am learning to recognize them in the proper place.)

It meant a lot to me in that I can see a large improvement in me regarding the points I just made.

Love Izzy
Title: Re: I Met A Man --
Post by: gratitude28 on October 12, 2007, 10:27:45 PM
That is great - and right on, I think. What an interesting experience... and what a lot of good you took from it - and gave to him in listening.
Love, Beth
Title: Re: I Met A Man --
Post by: teartracks on October 12, 2007, 11:47:48 PM

Hi Iz,

That is a fabulous story. 



Title: Re: I Met A Man --
Post by: lighter on October 13, 2007, 08:00:17 AM
What an interesting story to add to you book: )

He prolly has some terrible story, to explain how he came into that money, but I'm enjoying this along with you, Izzy.

Just don't wind up somewhere private (and under his control,) eh?
Title: Re: I Met A Man --
Post by: isittoolate on October 13, 2007, 02:03:57 PM
Thank you gals,

Any story with some give and take in it, from me with a stranger, will likely be new, as I am unsure how much I ever gave to a conversatiion. Yet with him, with an interesting story about his broken leg was well told and pulled responses from me.

You see I mainly remembered I paid attention and sized him up, and noted his clothing------------as there was a time I swore that if anything happened and I was a witness, I could never describe the person to the police, so I'm happy I can pay more attention.

As well, when he mentioned not usually looking like that, but he came into money, we can imagine how it was spent and he did  make reference that he would look down-trodden again (my take on=="I will look like that again")

lighter, you ought to know me by now that I wouldn't go anywhere alone with a stranger.

Also, I could have a conversation like this with anyone on the street, if he/she was interesting, but never see them again. It's good for my communication and listening skills

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Title: Re: I Met A Man --
Post by: lighter on October 13, 2007, 02:07:33 PM
::picturing Izzy putting on brake as bad man tries to wheel her into an alley.... he takes brake off.... Izzy starts turning chair, he pushes back towards ally, Izzy puts brake back on.... he takes brake off, Izzy steers away from ally, he steers back toward ally, Izzy put brake back on......::

I'm sure you'd win but..... it never happens the way you expect it to: /
Title: Re: I Met A Man --
Post by: isittoolate on October 13, 2007, 04:49:23 PM
no lighter,

The secret is that it is daylight and on a residential street, and although in a wheelchair and not carrying a gun, one quite unexpected movement takes off a foot rest that is in the proper position to cram right up his crotch, or crash his head;
Title: Re: I Met A Man --
Post by: changing on October 13, 2007, 05:19:17 PM
Izzy You Are The Best!

Another secret to your technique of enchantment- a well-placed reminder! I hope your little eye is no longer red, and those pesky wounds are gone, Dear Thing. You just seem to attract cute guys from every walk of life- sounds fun to me! Hope all is well, and let us know about the next cutie (Have you heard from the taxi drivver?)

Love You,

Title: Re: I Met A Man --
Post by: isittoolate on October 13, 2007, 06:41:53 PM
Hi changing,

thank you!

And what do you have 'hidden' as a weapon?

My eye is still little, meaning the swelling is still there, and is very blurry. With both eyes I can read but not with the left one alone. I suppose my right one is working overtime. Tomorrow will be one week with the drops (they sure conquered the pain and a lot of the redness) so I'll see a doctor again for an assessment.

Oh the taxi driver is the husband of the woman on the switchboard and she likes me too. She made me Priority 1. Since I am NOT looking for a man, I talk to all of them.

I would say that since I have now put everyone, toxic and non-toxic, on the other side of the fence, life has gone well, has been fun.. The non-toxic came out one at a time as life went on, but no toxic ones have even attempted==maybe they are gone for good?

Keep an eye out for yourself!  There was a awful accident on the downtown bus, yesterday: a woman had her eye on a seat and a man sat on it!

Love Izzy

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Title: Re: I Met A Man --
Post by: lighter on October 13, 2007, 08:04:46 PM
Heh.... Izzy, lol. 
Title: Re: I Met A Man --
Post by: axa on October 14, 2007, 11:43:37 AM

Great to hear how you are acknowledging your growth here.  Well done, I would probably have fallen for him YIKES

Title: Re: I Met A Man --
Post by: isittoolate on October 14, 2007, 12:44:39 PM
Thanks axa

I can see others who don't know the spiel etc, having a go but where would he take them....to the homeless shelter???? Imagine a date like that?
Title: Re: I Met A Man --
Post by: Leah on October 14, 2007, 01:17:49 PM

((( Izzy )))

You truly are a different person to the one way back in Feb.

Your steady growth and transformation is a delight.

Title: Re: I Met A Man --
Post by: changing on October 14, 2007, 02:30:46 PM
Izzy, Izzy, Izzy-

I can only say that when I first came to this board and ever since, your intelligent insight, understanding and sharp( sometimes wicked) humor have been of inestimable value to me, as has your wonderful suport. Last night I was laughing in my empty room at the joke you sent!!! You are the best!!!

Love You,

Title: Re: I Met A Man --
Post by: isittoolate on October 14, 2007, 03:29:19 PM
thank you Leah

I appreciate your comments. I'm coming along in my own way

and changing

It is so nice that you appreciate me so much. I can see you chuckling away all by yourself. I feel that no matter how deep my problems, that I always feel better when I lighten up and have a few good laughs. 

.....something wicked this way comes......     (Is that a quote from anywhere? It just popped into my head!)

Take care and keep on keeping on

Love Izzy

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Title: Re: I Met A Man --
Post by: gratitude28 on October 15, 2007, 09:59:37 AM
Something Wicked This Way Comes - a book by Ray Bradbury and a very cool movie.
Title: Re: I Met A Man --
Post by: changing on October 17, 2007, 01:02:17 AM
Hey Izzy Dear-

I was just thinking (oh no!)- Is it too late? I met a man. Something wicked this way comes. -These phrases would all make fantastic Izzy songs....I think I'll do some lyrics- perhaps we can compare notes!

Love and Best Wishes for Health and Happiness to You,

Title: Re: I Met A Man --
Post by: axa on October 17, 2007, 08:54:49 AM
Well Izzy considering that I nearly ended upin a straight jacket in the psych ward after XN the homeless shelter does not seem so bad.

Title: Re: I Met A Man --
Post by: isittoolate on October 17, 2007, 12:07:51 PM
changing & axa

They has to be a song in therre somewhere.

I see where you are coming from changing, then one verse can be a psych ward, axa, and another verse the homeless shelter. Upbeat and catchy!

Love Izzy
Title: Re: I Met A Man --
Post by: axa on October 17, 2007, 12:28:13 PM
You play it Izzy and I'll sing it.
