Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: cats paw on November 10, 2007, 01:00:48 PM
Hello Everyone !
Just wanted to take a quick moment to say hi to everyone and welcome to all the many new posters. Even my lurking and reading has been sporadic lately - the posts really multiply when one doesn't keep up.
I don't know if I'm in pre-holiday nesting mode, or what it is, but I hope I continue in it. I've just polished all my living room furniture (kind of a chore- lots of detail work on it) and it looks lovely. Hopefully, the living room and dining room will get painted before long.
As far as Christmas, I've told my M I'll cook the meal at home and bring it to her house- I'll be fixing goose. I just have to remember to let things roll off like water from a duck's back. That way , the only goose that will be cooked is the one that will be stuffed with saurkraut and put in the oven.
Hope to read and write more at another time -
cats paw
Hi Cat,
I have missed your "sweetness". Love Ami
Wow, goose stuffed with sauerkraut.
Sounds amazing.
I am a wavering near-vegetarian, but dang...
I love good cooks!
And it's great to hear from you, Cat, and to think of you enjoying your home.
Oh that's nice to think of.
One day...
Hey catspaw! ::waving::
Missed you and will that sauerkraut be the sweet kind?
MMMMmmmmmmm if so.
I grew up eating the sour kind with pork.... and mashed potatoes.
The sweet kind with Goose sounds heavenly!
Something about Goose just makes me happy happy happy..... well......
I have the memory of a German friend, female and bossy, saying.... "You have to eat it with lots of gwayvee"" right before her knife slid down a bone and splattered her, my date and the entire wall with gwayvee! Hee.....
Hey Cat!! Miss ya when you are not around. You think it is hard to keep up when you are not around awhile? I think it is hard to keep up when I sign in daily!!!!
Cat's Paw - I am an intermittant lurker too. Even if I weren't there are too many posts to keep up. The other day I saw someone posting who I haven't seen for months and months. I thought they had been away for a while but when I looked at there posts I realized that I had simply not been reading ANY of the threads where they were posting.
I'm so glad to see you post.
Your furniture sounds lovely and the thought of a goose for Christmas is such a marvelously, quaint image. I would love to have goose for Christmas. I am sure that will be the only goose cooked at your house this holiday. - your friend - GS