Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: tayana on December 10, 2007, 04:37:23 PM
Maybe it still is, certainly to a degree.
http://dbs2000ad.com/narayan/desperado-personality.htm (http://dbs2000ad.com/narayan/desperado-personality.htm)
I certainly understand this personality, and have long identified with the Desperado.
Or better yet, this one, I think describes lots of children of N's. I haven't gotten this whole thing read though. I have to go see my T now.
http://dbs2000ad.com/narayan/fog-bound-personality.htm (http://dbs2000ad.com/narayan/fog-bound-personality.htm)
Hello t. I am glad to hear your voice.
My live has been craaazzzyyy. My little one turned 7 on sunday. We had a warrior party Saturday morning with 13 little boys. I set up an obstacle couse and we had a survival (scavenger) hunt and played "hot grenade" and through army footballs as a map of Iraq and drank gatorade from canteens.
Then on Sunday his school had a performance of Lessons and Carols and after that we had a "family" birthday dinner. It was loads of fun but I am exhausted and barely ready for X-mas.
How is your little one and how in the world are you - Desparado?