Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: lighter on December 14, 2007, 08:51:59 PM
I love this friend.
I get to see her finsished basement, which sounds sooooo cool.
She's never been married and kicks ass as the top salesman in her company year after year..... except this year, lol.
I adore her and we laugh and laugh and laugh together... can't wait!
I have to tell you.... I've already laughed till my stomach hurt twice today. The last one was over a story involving my brother, a ham bisquit and some dumb boy who farted at the party, thereby leaving 'particles' on the ham and bisquit, lol.....
My brother's persnickity and take issue with those kinds of things, lol.... ::almost falling out of chair laughing about that again::
That happened at this friend's house years ago.... and so.... I have her tell it again and try not to pee my pants.
I sometimes lose that battle with her :shock:
I'll have more stories when I get back.... I just love laughing with you guys.
Axa.... tonight I pop a cork and think of you and your beautiful girl: )
Once again, putting the best construction on everything, I say: ENJOY!! :D
With love,
P.S. The greatest liberation of all is to be set free from SELF-obsession~!
Dear Lighter-
I hope you have a fun evening. You deserve it! Thank you for sharing your happy times.
Lighter, I already knew you had a B.A. in mucous, an M.A. in snottology, now I've got to cope with you having a degree in scatology too?
Would love to be a fly (safely) on the wall when you get together with your laugh-mate...
It sounds wonderful.
So maybe your doctorate is in belly laughs? :lol:
thanks for the reminder, you particle emanating excretologist you...
and thanks for the smile. Needed that today.
You are irrespressible. A beautiful word.
The night didn't ge exactly as planned..... I guess I should have noticed I was wearing a RED dress and hidden for the night.
It's still going on..... my car is parked strategically on top of the water turn off valve in the yard...... if that gives you any idea what kind of night it was.
Anyway.... I went to bed last night and dreamed that my H had torn up my entire yard with heavy equipment, torn down the brand new house accross the street and installed a Victoria's Secret Store insead. :shock: He was bewildered about my response to this, as we're currently not getting along. Very odd and I couldn't get my phone to work in the dream.
Weird or what I dreamed of X last night also UGH
Ack, sorry about that Axa.
I have a big full day today........ I won't have time to think about anything but what I'm doing in the moment, which I like....
I'm going to brew a strong pot of coffee and forget about the dream.