Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board

Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: tayana on December 18, 2007, 10:31:19 AM

Title: Scared and Nervous
Post by: tayana on December 18, 2007, 10:31:19 AM
I'm leaving in a few minutes to take M to the p-doc to talk about his inattentiveness and develop a treatment plan.

I know I shouldn't be, but I really am scared.  I'm afraid they'll tack on more labels, and I don't think he needs that.  I just want to help him cope, not shuttle him from doctor to doctor trying to cure him. 

Wish me luck.
Title: Re: Scared and Nervous
Post by: lighter on December 18, 2007, 10:36:39 AM
Good Luck tay.

You're a good mama.... it;ll be ok.
Title: Re: Scared and Nervous
Post by: cats paw on December 18, 2007, 10:50:19 AM

  Here's wishing you that luck, also wanted to say that an optimal amount of anxiety helps in learning and performance.

  Deep breaths, and sending you wishes for staying in the optimal range that will assist you.

cats paw
Title: Re: Scared and Nervous
Post by: Hopalong on December 18, 2007, 11:25:06 AM

You good Mom.

You can't be perfect.
You can't be perfect.

M can't be perfect.

You love and accept M even though he's not perfect.

Same to YOU, hon.

Title: Re: Scared and Nervous
Post by: Leah on December 18, 2007, 11:54:21 AM
Dear (((( Tay )))))

It's because you feel just the way that you do

shows how much of a good mother you truly are.

Hope all goes well for your dear M.

Love, Leah
Title: Re: Scared and Nervous
Post by: seasons on December 18, 2007, 12:51:10 PM
Wishing tayana and M well.

Sending supportive thoughts to you. ((seasons))
Title: Re: Scared and Nervous
Post by: tayana on December 18, 2007, 04:05:58 PM
Everything went fine.  The P-doc just talked, or rather M talked for about a  half hour.  M thought it was a hoot, actually.  I mostly just listened, and answered questions if I was asked.

Title: Re: Scared and Nervous
Post by: lighter on December 18, 2007, 04:10:16 PM
Tay... what plan do you have in place?

Did anything change?
Title: Re: Scared and Nervous
Post by: tayana on December 18, 2007, 04:53:21 PM
We're going to do a trial run of Straterra to see if it helps his inattentiveness.  And then all of the tricks we already do.  I was really against medication for a long time, but two things changed.

1.  I finally got some help for my anxiety/depression and although I was hesitant, the drugs really did help.

2.  M is very frustrated that his "brain won't stay on the tracks.  it just falls right off."  If it wasn't for M complaining that he doesn't like what's going on, I wouldn't consider this.

It's supposed to take about a month to see effects.  I swore him to secrecy about the drug with the rest of the family.  He complained to the p-doc that he wanted to be able to get his work done at school and not have to bring it home and that he'd like to be able to finish things.

So we'll try this.  We go back in six weeks.  And we'll keep the schedules and rewards and what have going in addition to this.  It'll be such a relief, for both of us, if this does help.  He was actually excited enough that he wants to start it tonight instead of waiting until in the morning.
Title: Re: Scared and Nervous
Post by: cats paw on December 18, 2007, 04:58:48 PM
Oh Tay,

  I am so excited for you and M that he is excited!  Some kids are so resistant to taking meds of any kind.

Title: Re: Scared and Nervous
Post by: Hopalong on December 18, 2007, 08:04:23 PM
Hi Tay,
I have several adult friends who weren't diagnosed w/ADD until adulthood and when they started their ADD Rx, they all three told me that it was miraculous, their lives were literally transformed by their new ability to focus.

I am glad you're helping M this way.
GOOD idea to keep your mother's nose strictly out of it.

And if she ever twigged, you still don't owe her a syllable of explanation. Grrr.
YOU are the mother.

Title: Re: Scared and Nervous
Post by: tayana on December 18, 2007, 11:47:58 PM
Cats Paw, M doesn't really mind taking medication as long as he knows it's not "drugs."  If it's to help him feel better, he doesn't mind at all.

Hops,  I'm hoping it works that way for M, although the medication he has is one of those that has to build up in the system.  So we won't notice immediate effect.

Hmm, my mother isn't going to know much if I have my way.