Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board

Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: Lupita on December 31, 2007, 08:09:38 AM

Title: New year's resolutions
Post by: Lupita on December 31, 2007, 08:09:38 AM
I do not have any yet. Just vaguely. Would like to be a better human being. Better mother. Leave behind resentment. leave behind the past. Forgive my mom and my self.
No!!!!!!! I have one!!!!!!!! I just remembered. I would like to get a job in public schools.
It does not make any difference. Like Izzy says, wherever you go there you are. So, it does not matter.

Dear friends, do you have one?
Title: Re: New year's resolutions
Post by: Lupita on December 31, 2007, 08:48:00 AM
Was watching the News, and they classified the new years resolution question as the most annoying question.


feel now bad that I started this.

Why are we so influentiable? I know why.
Title: Re: New year's resolutions
Post by: Lupita on December 31, 2007, 08:51:10 AM
Happy New Year to every one.
Title: Re: New year's resolutions
Post by: Ami on December 31, 2007, 09:10:12 AM
I have many resolutions(I NEED many)
I want to accept my humanlty--all of it---thoughts, feelings, needs, selfishness, goodness, "badness" ---as JUST human.
I want to be more comfortable with 'travel"--any
 I want to let more shame go
 I want to see that I am totally different than my M--thoughts, perceptions, emotions
 I want to live by my "core'--not Miss Nice
 I want to know God better-. I want  to" know "(in my heart)that He has the "arms" that are under all,in this crazy world. I want to rest in His arms
 I want to express my emotions--not put them in my body,which I do,now. I don't even feel most emotions. They become stomach aches, dizziness or heart ache.
 I want to give up the fear of death,so I can live  fully.
 I want to be able to gain some weight,if I care to---not be unable to eat b/c of emotions
 I want my inner space to be "peaceful"
 I want to have access to all layers inside---ego, superego and id(in Freudian terms) and just accept them all. I want to know that thoughts don't make me a "bad" person--actions do(or don't)
 I want to perfect love(inside and outside myself)
Title: Re: New year's resolutions
Post by: lighter on December 31, 2007, 09:16:13 AM
Hi Lupita:

I think it's perfectly acceptable to ask about New Year's Resolutions..... as long as you didn't sing the Chipmunk song at Christmas.



I'd like to live more fully in the present, not in yesterday or tomorrow.

Title: Re: New year's resolutions
Post by: CB123 on December 31, 2007, 01:20:42 PM
Hi Lupita,

I dont think its an annoying question.  Most people just dont like to be reminded how many of their good intentions go down the toilet by the 2nd week of January!

I've heard that the best resolutions are the ones that are concrete and able to be quantified.  Like:  I resolve to go to the gym for 30 minutes on MWF (instead of: I resolve to exercise more).  I've found that even the concrete ones don't get done since I am a bit contrary and tend to resist anything on a list  :shock:.

I'm better off sneaking up on it.

Love to you Lupita--I hope you have a wonderful new year.

Title: Re: New year's resolutions
Post by: Leah on December 31, 2007, 01:28:51 PM
Dear Lupita,

Interestingly, I have never made New Year's Resolutions, simply, I just never have.

Sincerely, may 2008 be a very special year for you, Lupita.

Love, Leah