Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board

Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: reallyME on January 09, 2008, 10:05:49 AM

Title: is there value in keeping individual posts shorter?
Post by: reallyME on January 09, 2008, 10:05:49 AM
For me, I rarely read lengthy posts.  I do notice that sometimes mine are lengthy, but I tend to box in the words I'm commenting about, rather than just writing a big composition of words, which, I think, makes it easier and more likely to get read.

It would help me immensely to see other people either shortening their posts per thread, breaking them into many posts rather than one long one, or blocking text and replying separately in the thread.

I know I can't tell people how to write.  I'd just be more apt to read more threads if they were condensed or put in separate places or blocked.

Title: Re: is there value in keeping individual posts shorter?
Post by: lighter on January 09, 2008, 10:22:20 AM
I agree  RM, and think about what you just wrote quite a bit.

It's easier for us all to follow shorter posts. 

The problem is..... I get more out of linking thougts together and I come here to find clarity and problem solve for myself, as a priority.

That's one reason I give fair warning when I write one that won't be easy to read or follow. 

It's the way I need to express the thoughts, even when I realize it's not easy for others to process. 

Title: Re: is there value in keeping individual posts shorter?
Post by: Ami on January 09, 2008, 10:27:14 AM
Dear Laura,
  Just for me, as I heal, my posts are getting shorter, on their own. Pain was fueling  the length, for me, I think.        Ami
Title: Re: is there value in keeping individual posts shorter?
Post by: Leah on January 09, 2008, 10:31:15 AM
I know I can't tell people how to write.  I'd just be more apt to read more threads if they were condensed or put in separate places or blocked.

Dear Laura,

Remember, not every one  may have the time to prepare anymore than they already evidently do at present, personally, I don't have anymore time to spare as such. 

Also, as I appreciate, not everyone is at the same level of computer usage.

And, importantly, freedom of expression and style accompanies one's voice and personality.  Some may be wordy, some may not.

Love em' all I say!  Someone higher than us does!   :)

Love, Leah

Upon reflection regarding this subject .......

Personally, I would much prefer and do prefer, to sit and read a lengthy; informative, encouraging, insightful, and life enhancing, thread and posting(s) i.e. an article (unedited to get the full picture in context) or such like.  And I greatly value and appreciate the time and effort given.   

And to be able to engage in a discussion or conversation about the thread and postings, is an absolute delight, and to me, this is voiceful with learning, healing and growth.  Which it certainly has been to date.

Than lots and lots of thread postings one after the other.

But, that's just me.

Also, not everyone is at the same stage in their journey.  There is the aspect of needing to write things out with one's voice, for clarity and understanding, then stand back, and take at look at it and * see *

Someone else comes along and posts with their own similar life experience and hey presto!  Supportive discourse and engagement takes place.  All with a voice.

The opposite is to sit and feel the echoed words of "shut up about it" and  "move on"

** a life story account rarely can be summarized as I have just read one here on this main board that is lengthy

and I plainly don't see how the person could have abridged it **
Title: Re: is there value in keeping individual posts shorter?
Post by: mudpuppy on January 09, 2008, 11:34:41 AM

Title: Re: is there value in keeping individual posts shorter?
Post by: reallyME on January 09, 2008, 12:03:14 PM
That's fine.  I'm just letting ya know that if a post is too drawn out, I won't be one who is likely to be reading it.  Things need to be grouped together or highlighted for me, because I can't focus that long.
Title: Re: is there value in keeping individual posts shorter?
Post by: Leah on January 09, 2008, 12:15:17 PM

Oh, right, you did not say that, well, interesting about the highlighting aspect, as I have replied to your post on the thread "Spiritual Abuse" as I did in fact use the Highlighting feature, and usually tend to. 

So, thank you for reading my lengthy post which was highlighted regarding controlling spirits and controlling ministers.  Honestly, I could write a book on that subject, but then, so many have done so already, which is in effect, warmly validating.

Title: Re: is there value in keeping individual posts shorter?
Post by: CB123 on January 09, 2008, 01:02:49 PM
I'm just letting ya know that if a post is too drawn out, I won't be one who is likely to be reading it.


Well, since I'm probably the biggest offender in the long posts department, I'll respond! 

I understand the difficulty that some people have in reading long posts.  I try to put clear paragraphs to give plenty of white space, but that may not help someone who is really uncomfortable reading.

I realize, RM, that you probably won't read what I write and that's okay.

Title: Re: is there value in keeping individual posts shorter?
Post by: Gabben on January 09, 2008, 01:17:04 PM
If I write a long post I do not expect people to respond to all that I have written and to even read it. I am amazed when people do respond and respond to me as though they really have taken the time to read my posts. Those responders get my attention and I want to give back to them so that when they are writing out long stuff or any stuff I will do my best to read carefully, acknowledge them and respond appropriately with compassion and heart.

Sometimes I'll start reading some long post and I get distracted realizing that there is not much stirring in me to generate a response to the long thread.

Other times I read long stuff and I am moved because I hear a person pouring our their genuine heart in a need to be heard and valued...this is when I will respond, as best as I can.

It is what is the meat or heart of what someone is trying to say that matters most to me, if someone needs to use a lot of words then that is just the way they communicate and use their voice.
Title: Re: is there value in keeping individual posts shorter?
Post by: reallyME on January 09, 2008, 02:32:12 PM
Actually, CB, you at least make paragraphs as you said.  Your posts I have ALWAYS read.
Leah, you pretty much hold my attention with your tendency toward forthrightness.
Lighter, you have looooooooooooong posts that I can't seem to understand let alone follow a lot of the time, and the bummer thing is, I find the bits that i can read, rather interesting!  I'm still not real sure what all the :::    ::: stuff is about.  Is it just your way of showing nonverbals or feelings in text?

Title: Re: is there value in keeping individual posts shorter?
Post by: Leah on January 09, 2008, 03:31:43 PM
Dear Laura,

Thank you, I value deeply your comment.

Bless you.


And I will say this for you, Laura, that you have my respect in that you are not ashamed of the gospel. 
Title: Re: is there value in keeping individual posts shorter?
Post by: lighter on January 09, 2008, 03:33:17 PM

the ::   :: are used to show action....

as in:

::cleaning coffee off computer screen::

::going to stir spaggetti::

::running away... looking back to see if anyone's following::

Title: Re: is there value in keeping individual posts shorter?
Post by: Overcomer on January 09, 2008, 04:05:16 PM
If everyone posted from their phone it limits you to 500 characters
Title: Re: is there value in keeping individual posts shorter?
Post by: Ami on January 09, 2008, 04:23:32 PM
You are cute--- Kelly. That is a simple solution to the problem(lol)            Ami
Title: Re: is there value in keeping individual posts shorter?
Post by: Bella_French on January 09, 2008, 04:44:41 PM
I tend to read the long posts( edit/ when I have time) , because they're often written by New-comers who are describing their background, or regular members with something to say that can't be described  in two lines. If someone wants some help, especially, I do appreciate knowing more details otherwise its almost pointless offering an opinion.

X bella

Title: Re: is there value in keeping individual posts shorter?
Post by: teartracks on January 09, 2008, 05:19:20 PM


You are so sensible and sane.  So many people here have attributes that I'd love to have, one being diplomacy.  You are always so 'other' sensitive.  I love that about you and want to be like that.

Title: Re: is there value in keeping individual posts shorter?
Post by: Bella_French on January 09, 2008, 05:22:26 PM
Wow, Teartracks, that is such an incredible compliment. Thankyou so much for taking a moment to lift me up!!! I love you back, TT, for many reasons.

X bella