Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => What Helps? => Topic started by: Hermes on January 11, 2008, 03:12:42 PM
Simply titled "Narcissism" by Professor Jeremy Holmes (psychiatrist and professor at Exeter University (U.K.). Jeremy Holmes is a consultant psychiatrist and psychotherapist in North Devon, and senior lectuerer in psychotherapy at Exeter University. His interests are in attachment theory, the integration of psychotherapy within psychiatry, and the treatment of severe personality disorder. This very short book, about 70 pages, is in my opinion, invaluable reading. Can be got on Amazon, and possibly a bookshop could order.
Thank you, dear Hermes, for this recommendation. There is only a brief excerpt available via Amazon, but already I am intrigued by this author's distinction between "necessary narcissism", what he calls "everyday clinical narcissism", and "entrenched narcissism".
Dear Carolyn:
Nice to meet you, and I hope you can find that book. It is interesting. Prof. Holmes specialises in research on personality disorders.
Just to mention that I am in Europe, though I expect most of the members here are in the U.S. Yes?
All the best
A book (Prof. Jeremy Holmes)
Hello Hermes,
Intrigued, is this your book? Or are you an associate, co-author ?
Hope you don't mind my asking.
Reason being, we have not seen anyone introduce a book this way.
Hello Leah:
Dear me, no! I only wish I were an expert like Prof. Holmes.
His must be a fascinating career.
No, as this is the "What Helps" Board, I thought I would suggest this book, which I have found so informative in the past, and so readable.
Of course, there are scores of books out there on the subject of NPD and personality disorders.
Perhaps, IMO, the most important book is "Stalking the Soul" by Marie-France Hirigoyen, a French psychiatrist. I believe it is available on Amazon, and probably can be ordered at a bookshop. That, and Prof. Holmes' book, were the only two I have ever actually bought on the topic of "soul destroyers".
All the best
Dear Hermes,
It's my pleasure to meet you, as well... and thank you! :)
Yes, it does seem that the majority of the members here reside in the US, but I am aware of several Europeans and Canadians, etc.
I was unaware of this other book you've mentioned, as well - "Stalking the Soul" by Marie-France Hirigoyen.
The term "soul destroyers".... yes, indeed, that fits! I've noted these on my wish-list and will certainly keep them both in mind.
So glad you've joined us!