Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board

Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: Lupita on February 27, 2008, 06:00:55 PM

Title: teachers board??????????
Post by: Lupita on February 27, 2008, 06:00:55 PM
Does anybody knows about a teachers message board?

Thanks. I have been looking for one. But not being able to find it.

God bless you all.


Title: Re: teachers board??????????
Post by: Leah on February 27, 2008, 06:08:55 PM

Hi Lupita,

I have been looking, on and off, during the last couple of days, for just the very thing, and have not been able to find one.

Regarding your recent teaching threads.

There must be one, surely?

But then I thought this.............. the teachers probably don't want to talk about their hellish day!!!   :)

Still think that there must be one somewhere though.

Leah x
Title: Re: teachers board??????????
Post by: Hopalong on February 27, 2008, 06:18:11 PM
http://teachers.net/gazette/FEB08/marshall/ (http://teachers.net/gazette/FEB08/marshall/)

Hi Leah,
I did a Google search something like:

teachers online support forums discipline problems

and got a lot...maybe this one will be helpful.

Title: Re: teachers board??????????
Post by: Leah on February 27, 2008, 06:21:13 PM


Brilliant ((( Hops )))

I am not very bright this week  :(   obviously!

Thanks ever so.

Leah x
Title: Re: teachers board??????????
Post by: Leah on February 27, 2008, 06:27:41 PM

Hi Lupita

I feel sure that you may well appreciate the wealth of information etc., on the website, that Hops has kindly signposted.

e.g. it even has a link on the subject of "discipline" without stress!!

Here's hoping regarding your 4 troublesome students.

Leah x
Title: Re: teachers board??????????
Post by: Lupita on February 27, 2008, 08:27:09 PM
Thanks Hop and Lea, found interesting things.

But teachers are very indifferent. It seems that I care too much. Teachers are really detaching. Probably that is what I need to do. Students notice that I care, and that I hurt. That is why they do what they do.

Lighter was right.

Everybody told me in that chatroom that I should not care. That I should develop a thicker skin.

I am very discouraged.
Title: Re: teachers board??????????
Post by: lighter on February 27, 2008, 08:40:49 PM
Couldn't you look at it as professional detachment?

Much as a doctor must detach in order to remain professional and functional?

If you care too much, it's overwhelming and you can't stay focused on the job.

Emotional detachment...... professional detachment..... I think that's what they're talking about.

It doesn't mean you're less of a teacher.

It means you withdrawl to take better care of yourself.

And that's the most loving thing you can do for everyone else in your life.

Take good care of you.