Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board

Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: lighter on June 16, 2008, 10:02:46 PM

Title: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: lighter on June 16, 2008, 10:02:46 PM
WHen it was just me.... I ate cereal for dinner.

A lot.

A handful of raw oatmeal, maybe some flaxseeds and rich whole milk over some not too sweet cereal, like that basic 4 stuff....

Raisins and nuts but no sugary clumps of honeyd oats.  Basic.

I also ate english muffins with 2 slices turkey, some mayo, crunchy roman lettuce, maybe some mustard.... and lots of jalapenos.

Stress food was a bag of pop corn with half a box of milk duds, mixed in, immediately upon opening bag.

Close bag back up for a minute then....

half a milkdud, per mouthful. 


That was the sweet BAD food.

The Salty was a can of spagettios, eaten cold from the can, with Doritos Chips.


Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: teartracks on June 16, 2008, 10:14:59 PM


One of my favorites is, to take one can chick peas, l can black beans, the equivalent of l can Edamame cooked al dente.  Drain all.  Use two packets of Good Seasons Zesty Italian dressing.  Mix the dry contents of the two packages of Good Seasons, adding only (oil, vinegar, water) what is called for ONE packet.  Mix it all together.  I especially like it with chunk pineapple from the can.  There.  You have the savory and the sweet.  I use the pineapple sweetened with Splenda.  It keeps well in the fridge for up to a week.


Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: lighter on June 16, 2008, 10:37:02 PM
Bean dip--aah teh recipe is as follows. 

 1 can black beans 

1 can shoepeg corn (important;Shoepeg)

1 chopped green pepper

 3 scallions chopped

1 tomato chopped

1/3 C olive oil 1/4 C cider vinegar

1 package of fiesta ranch salad dressing (dry mix) found only at Kroger in the past, and increasingly hard to score these days. 

I wouldn't guess that this all mixes up to be the terrific dip that it becomes. 

Best to let it sit a bit and I think she adds cilantro to it too. 

I'm going to try your bean salad next time I shop, tt.

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: Certain Hope on June 16, 2008, 10:39:16 PM
I had to google Edamame   :oops:  

and it seems that my taste buds are still Yanki-fied, but...

I'll make myself a buttery cheese quesadilla - yes, with lots of jalapenos.

My favorite snack is a handful or two of nuts -  cashews, almonds, pistachios, especially.

Cheese of nearly any variety with wheat crackers.

A scoop of small-curd cottage cheese covered in coarse black pepper, scooped up with fritos.

Vanilla ice cream with Hershey's syrup and maraschino cherries (with a couple spoons of cherry juice for added flavor).

Chocolate covered raisins!

And Lighter... that popcorn mit milk dud thing is just plain weird  :D


P.S.  the bean dip actually does sound good. Wonder if you could substitute Hidden Valley ranch packet and just add a shot of salsa for the fiesta effect?
Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: teartracks on June 16, 2008, 10:55:49 PM


Use a handful of chips or crackers.  Most any savory type will do.  You can use corn or potato chips.

Spread them one layer over a microwavable plate.

Tomato fresh and sliced very thinl laid over the chips

Sprinkle the chips and tomato with Pepper Jack cheese (or slices just laid on top)

Pepperoni slices (I like Armour brand best) as many as your taste buds call for. 

Microwave for  40 - 50 seconds or until the tomato is warm and the cheese melted.

It's kind of like Pizza.

I have it for breakfast a lot with a cup of Hazelnut flavored coffee.   And my vitamins...


Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: lighter on June 16, 2008, 10:56:32 PM
I think other dry mixes would work, Carolyn.

Adding the fiesta, your own way.... good idea.

::rolling up sleeves::


We're getting down and dirty, are we?


2 frozen waffles.... stili quite warm from the toaster.

Top one with vanilla ice cream

chocolate syrup

nuts, preferably pecans... preferably salted

now.....Salt to taste

I like a lot of salt

Make a samich with the second waffle and try not to go back for too many more.  My personal best was 3.


ps... you must try the milk dud popcorn duo if the idea of carmel and popcorn appeals to you.

Salt just makes the sweet.... worthy eating: )
Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: Certain Hope on June 16, 2008, 10:58:52 PM
tt,  I'll eat just about anything if it's got pepper jack on it!

And I do the hazelnut coffee, too  :D  mixed half and half with the dark folgers.
Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: lighter on June 16, 2008, 11:02:45 PM
tt.... you and my oldest d would get along in the kitchen just fine.

If it's got pepperjack on it.... she's going to be eating it.

I'm more of a straightforward latte, mit splenda kind'a gal.

The hazelnut stuff.... is that the coffee mate stuff?

I'm so trying that recipe with crunched up.....

::looking at choices again::


Chips aren't good for us.  

::trying not to smile::

I don't usually eat single gal food anymore...

but lately....

::munching Doritos::

I kind'a do.


ps..... Grilled cheese sandwich with miracle whip dressing

Campbells soup, warmed with so much pepper your arm gets tired shaking/grinding

Now..... float the sandwich in bite sized little rafts, in some cases

Dip part of the sandwich in others

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: lighter on June 16, 2008, 11:05:04 PM
Carolyn, we're all in accord.

Everything tastes good with pepperjack cheese.

Panini's with turkey, pepperjack, more jalpenos, spicey mustard, maybe some mayo and baby spinach......

I wish I was hungry..... I'd make one.

I wasted my appetite on a bowl of...

cereal. :x


Ye gads I forgot to say MUSHROOMS!  MMmmmmm
Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: Certain Hope on June 16, 2008, 11:06:05 PM
okay, I will try the dud-pop... or is it pop-dud... stuff  :shock:    :D

Y'all are so creative and I have desperate need for a shot in the arm, in that department, so...
getting off my stodgy butt and gonna try some of these fabulous ideas.

Thank you


P.S.  I just had some pep-jack with triscuits, Lighter  :D
Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: Izzy_*now* on June 17, 2008, 01:53:22 AM
I expect, being adults, we can eat what we choose.

I noticed that most were sweets/nibble stuff, not meals. I seldom eat between meals. Since I don't eat breakfast there is no way to eat between lunch and dinner without calling the meal one or tuther.

If anything, and I don't always have them, I buy Tostitos, the one bite round ones.

I have coffee for breakfast.

For lunch I have a sandwich: Bread, mayo, sliced raw onion, cucumber, Cold Cuts (roast beef, chicken, garlic sausage) sliced mushrooms, pile on the lettuce. nibblets of pickles and grape tomatoes.

For dinner I have meat, and one other thing, veggies, salad, or potato. For horribly busy times I have a few frozen dinners in the freezer.

Lordy! I am boring! :(
Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: Certain Hope on June 17, 2008, 08:47:19 AM
lol Izzy... I am boring, too  :oops:

and I rarely eat a full meal.  It's not snacking so much as just not having room to sit down and eat a combo of several different dishes.

I'll prepare it for my family, but would much rather just eat a little of this or that, on occasion, and not much meat at all,
whereas my family (husband, at least) loves meat and lots of it.

Really, I would like to get a bit more creative and just toss a slice of this and a sprinkle of that together into the microwave and see what happens... lol.

umm... we like to have breakfast for supper, sometimes, since no one around here is much for loads of food in the mornings.

Sunday brunch is usually biscuits and sausage gravy, or pancakes and bacon.

Sourdough bread is super for French Toast, but I'd rather have it later in the day.

Coffee and then a glass of V-8 is how I start the day.

It's fun to compare notes  :)

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: lighter on June 17, 2008, 09:48:30 AM

P.S.  I just had some pep-jack with triscuits, Lighter  :D

Love the pepper and sea salt trisquits!

And Izz.... I like your style.

Salads and sammiches.... mushrooms and pickles..... lots of the crunchy green stuff, yes: )

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: LilyCat on June 17, 2008, 02:14:50 PM
Oh you people are all way too healthy. You must all be sticks!

I just wanted to share that, with a lot of weight to lose and after an adult lifetime of dieting (not done everything, but have done a few of them several times, plus just calorie counting) ... this winter I decided to let myself eat whatever I want, but I have re-ordered how I eat. I front-load the calories, so to speak.


I have a big breakfast -- usually two pieces of toast (smothered with Smart Balance, sorry, can't  help it, I'm addicted to it), often with eggs but not always. Fpr awhile I was actually eating home fries with it sometimes, but I've given this up. I still lost weight just as fast, though. On Saturday mornings I make special scrambled eggs or sometimes an omelette.

Lunch is usually a box of frozen vegetables (a certain brand and mix), or often tuna salad on a salad, or sometimes cooked vegetables from the cafeteria downstairs (it's sort of a health-food cafeteria and they have fabulous vegetables).

Often I have no dinner but if I do, I make it a lean cuisine. I used to cook when I got home from work but no more.

During the day I might have a handful of trail mix. (Trader joe's. Yum!) sometimes I'm ravenous so I glom some little pretzels from someone.

To handle my sweet cravings I keep nutella at home. A teaspoon of that obliterates the need for chocolate and sweet.

I also have diet jello. That helps when I want something sweet or something cold. (This is new for me, I've never been much of a jello fanatic.) Also sugar-free popsicles or lately, Edy's no-sugar-added frozen fruit pops.

But the really funny thing is that this all started with a stomach flu. I had it for a day or two, couldn't eat, and when I got out of it my whole world had changed. I simply had a whole different outlook on food. I actually saw normal-sized portions and was satisfied by them. This makes sense because my doctor told me awhile ago that researchers had found that overweight people actually see food differently.

But here is the funniest thing of all -- the only thing I could eat when I was sick was salami. I had a huge craving for it, even stopped at a store late at night to get it. So a lot of mornings I have two pieces of salami at home. (I have breakfast at work but have an hour's drive.) So I call this the salami diet. I'm trying to give that up, though! The nitrates are so bad for you. I never ever ate the stuff before!

I only have a few guidelines, and they are no dairy (which is HUGE for me. The pounds drop off when I give up dairy), and I have as little sugar as possible. And, I front-load the calories at the beginning of the day. That has made a huge difference.

But when I'm hungry, I eat, so sometimes, like yesterday, I eat a lot more. But not usually.

I have lost about 40 lbs since January doing this. Still have a long way to go, but it is easy and it feels permanent. If I can do this while going through the past many months, I'm doing great!

Oh -- and wellbutrin is a great help, I think. It took awhile for the weight loss part to kick in, but I swear it really helps with the weight loss.

I know losing weight wasn't the point of this, but I'm so happy I found my magic formula that I just wanted to share. I finally understand how people can come home from work and have cereal for supper.

...and my new treat is Turkey Hill lemon/cherry italian ice. Great!
Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: Gabben on June 17, 2008, 02:23:18 PM
I eat chocolate bon bons and cheesecake.

This weekend I made my self a mini pizza with pears, gorgonzola, caramelized onions and mozzarella...it was good.

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: debkor on June 17, 2008, 03:02:06 PM
My favorite is home grown tomato's with mayo and Pepper on Oatmeal Bread..even though I want to salt it up, I don't, ok maybe a little..

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: Gabben on June 17, 2008, 03:03:55 PM
My favorite is home grown tomato's with mayo and Pepper on Oatmeal Bread..even though I want to salt it up, I don't, ok maybe a little..



That sounds soooooooooo yummy!
Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: debkor on June 17, 2008, 03:58:09 PM

OMG it is so good.    I love it with a glass of chocolate milk.  Really really cold.  You know what else is really good when you get fresh string beans and throw them on the George Foreman Grill with onions and fresh chopped tomato's and topped with Emeril's Garlic and Rosemary... So goooddd...

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: LilyCat on June 17, 2008, 04:18:57 PM
Oh Debkor, a tomato sandwich in the summer is one of my absolute favorite things! Yum!! Has to be homegrown t's, though. Now you're making me hungry for one and it's not tomato season yet!
Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: Gabben on June 17, 2008, 04:23:12 PM

OMG it is so good.    I love it with a glass of chocolate milk.  Really really cold.  You know what else is really good when you get fresh string beans and throw them on the George Foreman Grill with onions and fresh chopped tomato's and topped with Emeril's Garlic and Rosemary... So goooddd...



Yum...I need a grill, that sounds so good....thanks for the mouthwatering ideas.

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: Certain Hope on June 17, 2008, 04:25:29 PM
Thank you all for the smiles here  :)

No maters yet, but gonna go for a slice of toasted honey wheatberry bread with just plain butter!

Comfort food.

Love to you all,

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: Lupita on June 17, 2008, 04:43:35 PM
When I am stressed I eat peannut butter. yesterday I ate a whole jar of it. I almost vomited and felt bad until today, worst than the worst hang over ever.

 :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

 :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

 :( :( :( :(

 :( :(

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: Gabben on June 17, 2008, 04:58:19 PM
Thank you all for the smiles here  :)

No maters yet, but gonna go for a slice of toasted honey wheatberry bread with just plain butter!

Comfort food.

Love to you all,



Nothing like fresh bread and real butter. I always like my butter "bouncy" meaning not soft or room temp, but firm and cold.

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: lighter on June 17, 2008, 10:24:08 PM
OOoohhhh.... you guys have been busy, lol.

Tomatoes.... from the black soil of amish land Ohio.... sooo good with the oatmeal bread, deb.... but with Miracle Whip, salt, pepper and a little sugar.... mmmmm. Sometimes toasted, sometimes soft bread.

Nutello.... ooooooohhhhh yaaaaaaa.  By the spooooonfuls. :x  Hard to stop eating.

Lily.... I really thought you and i could be food sisters....







Dairy :shock:

Gotta have the dairy.

Lupita... I really don't like that overstuffed, I've eaten myself sick trying to escape my emotions why oh why is there no more room in my stomach maybe just another bite, feeling.

I know it well (((Lupita)))  Peanut Butter would be a very heavy comfort food.

Butter toast.... very neat and with real butter.  Used to eat that a lot but out of the habit a bit... trying to eat healthier with my girls.

You mentioned eating healthier for weight Lily.... so I'll post a smidge on it.

My oldest dd is overweight. 

I've managed to gain her cooperation and we count calories and eat for strength.

Not to lose weight, but for nutrition and health.

Egg whites are a favorite here.... only 17 calories and 2 egg whites and one yolk comes in just under 100 calories.

We try to eat every 3 hours, to keep metabolism up.

Fresh fruit and boiled egg white, we call them easter eggs, for a late night snack is just right.  Very enjoyable.

Lots of protein to curb appetite.

On the chocolate milk.... ach, deb, lol.

I like whole creamy milk... sometimes not cold at all..... rich and thick. 

My oldest wouldn't touch chocolate milk either... too sweet but my little one....

She digs the chocolate cow too.


Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: LilyCat on June 18, 2008, 10:22:19 AM

Thanks for the tips! You're absolutely right, it takes a new attitude about what food is for. (Which I now have.)

...as for dairy, I LOVE dairy!! Love cheese. LOVE butter. Love it all!! My mom's family were dairy farmers (I had to keep the no-dairy thing quiet). One of the things I went on was called the Liver Diet (no, you don't eat liver as everyone thinks, it's to make your liver healthy; there's a lot of very good science behind it), which is where I came up with the idea. That's when I saw the pounds start dropping off.

Please give your daughter all my love and hugs and support. It is not easy, and you don't want me to get started on the why's and wherefore's. It is so "overdetermined" (multiple causes, as they say in the medical field) and it's very difficult to get through or even find each of the issues.

Which reminds me -- just a thought that comes out my own experience -- you might want to consider whether your daughter has sleep apnea. I found out two years ago that I've had it since childhood, and it's a major cause/contributor to my weight. I have very small airways. (I've never been able to really breathe through my nose.) They don't have all the answers yet, but I work in the medical publishing field and read about it all the time. It's a very complex syndrome that snowballs on itself, and it's nearly impossible to lose weight if you have it. It also makes you gain weight. Just a thought. It was such a strong factor for me that I thought I'd pass it along. My sleep doctor said I was the worst case he'd seen in his 20 years in the field. MDs worry if your oxygen goes below 90 or even 95 ...mine plummeted to 20 every night! I never got out of stage 1 and 2 sleep --- had no REM.

as for you tomato people ... there is nothing like a Jersey tomato!!! Don't laugh at me, it's true. And corn, too. But the tomatoes are unbelievable. Now, don't Jersey-bash!!!!
Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: lighter on June 18, 2008, 10:45:48 AM
Have to disagree, though I freely admit I have no data on which to rely, lol.


Thanks for your info on sleep apnea.

20%.... good grief!

I hope that's under control now.

My nephew had it too, he hardly grew for a year, his poor little body was struggling to breath.

And.... our bodies need some fat.

Maybe a smidge of butter and a bit of milk?

But 0%.... I can't imagine.


Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: LilyCat on June 18, 2008, 04:16:50 PM
Yeah, well I do have a teeny weeny bit here and there.

Along with my Jersey corn and tomatoes. Ha, ha!!!!!!

Yes, it's under control. Wow, I'm so sorry about your nephew but really glad they caught it. I read a lot about pediatric OSA in our publications.
Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: Sela on June 18, 2008, 04:34:27 PM
Today's invention: (makes 2 large servings)

1 Large boneless, skinless chicken breast
1 and 1/2 tsp olive oil

1 cup frozen chopped onions, peppers, mushrooms
(or fresh is even better, they are just not in fridge today)

1/2 can of mixed beans rinsed (black, chickpea, blackeye, etc)
3/4 can spaghetti sauce

2/3 can peaches an cream corn

1/3 packet taco spices
1 tbsp cummin

1/3 cup water

Brown chicken in oil then toss everything else into electric fry pan.  Bring to a good rolling boil then decrease temperature to simmer until done (likely 1/2 to 3/4 hours).

Meanwhile, cook large sweet potato in a bit of water in the micro-smasher (save 1/2 for another meal/person) and mix up a side salad with low fat drsg.

Smells good.  Fresh cantaloupe for dessert.

(I love fooood waaaaay tooooo much).

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: Gabben on June 18, 2008, 05:46:13 PM

This is interesting...Was it something that you created out of your misc. pantry items?  Was there an inspiration?

I can visualize the dish without the peaches, the rest sounds actually good, a must try before I dismiss kind of thing  :D

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: Sela on June 18, 2008, 06:00:18 PM
Hi Lise,

First.......thanks for the giggle (explanation to come).  Shows how product names can paint a picture.

I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaay up here in the great white north..........Canada.

We have a certain kind of corn here called:  "peaches and cream".  It's on a cob that has both yellow and white kernals, very sweet and creamy.  Deliteful!!    One can buy it canned as well.  So.......

note:  there are no peaches in the recipe.

But hey!  I would not be against adding a few.  :D  Might be interesting???

Second, yes, this was inspired as follows:  I opened the fridge and saw a bunch of opened, 1/2 eaten cans of stuff in there and decided to do something with the lot, so they won't go to waste.

 :roll:  Creative cooking.

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: Gabben on June 18, 2008, 06:10:16 PM
Hi Lise,

First.......thanks for the giggle (explanation to come).  Shows how product names can paint a picture.

I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaay up here in the great white north..........Canada.

We have a certain kind of corn here called:  "peaches and cream".  It's on a cob that has both yellow and white kernals, very sweet and creamy.  Deliteful!!    One can buy it canned as well.  So.......

note:  there are no peaches in the recipe.

LOL!!!!! that is funny...thank you for the giggle.

That explains it!

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: lighter on June 21, 2008, 09:41:22 PM
Sela... tell me what and how you love that recipe.

I'm having hard time envisioning the finished product, but want to drool over it with you: )

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: changing on June 22, 2008, 06:19:16 PM
Hi Lighter-

I think that I finally understand what you are saying in this thread...enjoy the creative freedom that comes with being able to eat according to one's own taste.... DU-OH!!!

I have been strictly budgeted, and focusing on that, grimly... Dumb Dumb Dumb... Today it was roasting hot here...I have an inexpensive little machine that makes lovely fuffy ice for sno cones (not those hard pill-like ice things), pureed some fresh berries (mostly strawberries), put these in with white tea, then over the fluffy ice- YUMMY!!!!
Then made a portion of Bertoli scampi with asparagus ( inexpensive if you use a little and then refereeze in a freezer bag), and some fresh fruit. Too hot for major cooking, but yummy nonetheless and really inexpensive. the best things in life may not always be free, but they can be wonderful and not cost a lot!!!

Izzy, your healthy and sensible approach to food gives me another opportunity to improve, Izzyfy and be happier- thank you!!!

I love to make food for others, according to their expressed favorites, but it is fun to do for myself as well, and inexpensive . Thank you for raising my consciousness!!! Bon Appetite Friends!!!!

Chef Changing

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: changing on June 23, 2008, 05:07:53 AM
Hi Light -

I got inspired by this thread...when I cooked for others, I did pretty well. Not fancy like you Lighter, but well received nonetheless. I used to have dinners at my home for executives in my husband's company who were "checking us out" in order to vet him for a position of greater responsibility- I was offered an opportunity myself!!!! I would also make several types of turkeys and side dishes for Thanksgiving, ground my own wheat, baked from scratch, made my own granola, lots of soups, etc... I have been absorbed with the stupid budget and Bagworms and was not even thinking about just cooking what I liked for myself (Earlier this year I was down to almost nothing and I am trying to retool my thinking about things- got internet again, etc)!!!

I got a lovely piece of salmon, cut several filets, put them in separate freezer bags- will prepare each in a different way...got some olive oil- I looked for a type that I heard was rated #1 in Consumer Reports, pricey but incredible ( I only need a tiny bottle) but couldn't find it - if anyone knows where to get this, please tell me...Pretty vegetables, baby salad items, more fruit,berries, rice, etc. Even though we have been through a brutal heat wave here, these items can be prepared without baking the entire house!!!! Yummy foods that will become inexpensive but good meals. And Izzy, I left out the sweets!!!!

Love to all,


Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: Certain Hope on June 23, 2008, 12:12:04 PM
Well, I was doing okay with this, Changing.... even got past the part about grinding your own wheat...
but that last bit about leaving out the sweets?!!?  Now you've gone too far!!       :lol:

Check this out, if you'd like... re: olive oil      http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-13001878_ITM (http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-13001878_ITM)

Excerpt:  What's the difference between a $4 bottle of olive oil and a $20 bottle? Often, not much more than $16 and fancy packaging. In blind taste tests of 18 extra-virgin olive oils--national and store brands plus boutique oils from California--we found that Goya, $4.15 per 17-fluid-ounce bottle, held its own against the gourmet products and bested oils from big names such as Filippo Berio, Bertolli, and Colavita.

Next, I guess, google Goya  :)  and... Happy Cooking!

Love and hugs,
Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: Izzy_*now* on June 23, 2008, 01:42:23 PM
Ah, changing

I couldn't resist a pkg of 4 Nanaimo Bars from the store's bakery.
It is just a waste of my money, as I ate 3, spaced out that day, and 1 the next day, and what did I have to show for it?  Nothing, but the thoughts of calories!
So that is why I indulge in very few sweets!

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: Izzy_*now* on June 23, 2008, 02:51:45 PM
I forgot about my Sherbet!!

I always have a container in the freezer, and a couple of teaspoons of that usually satifies my sweet tooth.

Last night I finshed off the Orange Sherbet (2 tsp)

Opened my new Peach Sherbet (had 4 tsps as it is go-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oD!)
Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: LilyCat on June 23, 2008, 05:51:10 PM

FINALLY! Someone who's with me on the Bertolli dinners! Yum! They really are better than some resataurants I've been too. I try to get at least 3 meals out of them, sometimes more.

...I was thinking of everyone on this thread as I ate this weekend. There's a sun-dried tomato pesto (doesn't taste like pesto) that comes in a glass jar. I put this in my scrambled eggs or make an omelette with it ... and it is just wonderful. (I'll try to get the name.)

Also, my two big cooking hints are (like I can cook...): Herbs de Province makes almost everything good. It is particularly unbelievable on eggs. (Scrambled, omelette.) Wow!

Similarly, Smart Balance makes everything good. I swear!!!!!!!

Izzy, love that you love sherbet. My new thing is Turkey HIll Venice Italian Ice. Usually get lemon/cherry but if I go to another store I can find pomegranite/blueberry. Both are great!! But peach sherbet! Wow! Never knew it existed.

I still may cave in over the fourth of July and make a berry crumb pie. Have to say, that's one thing I do well. And a really good lemon sponge pie. Yum!!

Anyone live in PA? Because you HAVE to go to the Brick Tavern in Blossburg and have  their cream pie. I am not kidding, you will think you are absolutely tasting heaven on earth. Unbelievable.

Well, those are my food fantasies for the moment. Despite them I've lost a few more lbs. Yea!!!!!
Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: Sela on June 23, 2008, 09:51:42 PM
Lighter, the recipe was pretty good.  It was a kind of chicken chili something.

Izzy!  2 tsp. of Sherbert!  I could never stop there!

 :D Sela
Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: Izzy_*now* on June 23, 2008, 10:12:35 PM
Love it Sela.

After the pain of the cold sherbet runs up both sinuses, I am still able to enjoy and I do NOT tempt fate further!

heh heh heh

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: Izzy_*now* on June 23, 2008, 10:16:22 PM
Tonight for dinner I had the greatest steak, that covered almost ½ my dinner plate, and salad covered all the rest.

Lettuce, carrots, radishes, cucumber, onion, tomato and, just to end a bottle of it, Caesar Dressing!

I was sufficed but not stuffed. That's the way I like, and enjoyed every bite!

Yum! Yum!
Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: changing on June 24, 2008, 12:21:05 AM
Wow Izzy Deer!!!-

2 teaspoons of dessert- I am not that evolved yet!!! Bu I will try...

Tonight I had a lovely salmon fillet on greens, with vegetables and a fresh fruit slush (still hot but not so insanely hot now!!!) So yummy, just like I love it...

Lily Cat- I really love that Bertolli scampi, it is especially handy when it is too hot to really cook... As for pie, there is a little place in Central California that just makes pies- usually seasonal fruit pies- it is always jammed with truckers, etc. The flaky crusts and incredible fillings- one cannot keep them long as it is impractical on the road, it makes you want to eat several when you are there, with cold cold milk ( Sorry Izzy!!!) I would love to take a trip there just for the pie!!!! Lastly, what is in the blend of herbs that you are referring to- I would love to make a stock bag up with them...

Sela, do you think that the recipe that you referenced would be good to prepare during the heat?

This thread is fun...

Love ,

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: sea storm on June 24, 2008, 01:02:20 AM
My latest things are curried prawns. This is very easy.  Just add curry paste to yogurt and throw in some green stuff like parsley and garlic  after you have stir fried the frozen prawns. Takes only minutes and it is very good.  Serve over steamed vegetables or rice.

My favourite dessert is one can of cherry pie filling and two danish.  Cover the danish with cherry pie filling. It tastes great.

This next is healthy and easy.  Put dinner in tin foil. Lots of veggies (onion, brocolli, potatoe, squash, garlic) put in a little meat or prawns and cook in oven 30 minutes.

Sometimes I have popcorn for dinner.  Sometimes I so bagged from work, I just eat toast.
I notice that I have more energy when I eat lots of fruit and vegetables.

Sea storm
Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: LilyCat on June 24, 2008, 11:24:51 AM
This thread sounds like the Lean Cuisine commercial ... "last night for dinner I had...."

Changing, you're making me hungry for pie! And I never ever liked it until the last 2-3 years when my dad introduced me to two of his favorite pie places. (One forever to be known as "the pie place.")

Herbs de province is from ... province, france, I assume. You can find commercial mixes at your grocery store, but they are not as good as what you can find elsewhere. My friends brought me back a bag from France a few years ago that I'm still using, but you can find the mixes many places. These same friends like a kind that they find at TJ Maxx and Marshalls -- I think it's called Nancy's, or maybe Victorias. I'll look when I go home tonight. I don't like it because it's "woodier" -- more stems -- than I care for, but my friend is a wonderful cook so I concede to him.

Have you ever heard of Penzey's spices? (www.penzeyspices.com, I think). That is the best place to get spices. And very cheap. Amazing.

Anyway, I'm not sure what all is in the blend, but I think it's marjoram, thyme, parsley, rosemary, fennel ... I'm sure the real cooks on here can tell you better than I. If you google it you can probably find all sorts of recipes.


PS -- I like the bertolli chicken parmagiana -- but they're all great! Also like the chicken andmushroom fettucine.
Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: lighter on June 24, 2008, 09:41:31 PM
Curry and garlic and pie....


Prawns and iceys and chili.....


The one thing.... errrr.... TWO things that stopped me, rather cold, were....

the sun dried tomato anything.....

there was an explosive stomach incident with sundried tomato cream cheese spread involved.::shudder::




wheat? :shock:

I can't even begin to imagine doing that, lol.   What patience and attention to detail you have!

Lily..... i want so much to live near you and your pie baking skills.

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: debkor on June 24, 2008, 09:46:11 PM
Lets see last night I had cheese doodles, then cake, then potato chips.. for dinner... OH GOD! .......

and a glass of Milk...

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: lighter on June 24, 2008, 09:53:36 PM
OH OH OH, deb....

potatoe chips with ketchup and milk.  ::nod::

Now that's dinner!

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: Certain Hope on June 24, 2008, 09:54:51 PM
  :?  :shock:  :?  :P

Stopppppppppppp, please  stoppp!!     :lol:
Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: lighter on June 24, 2008, 09:57:00 PM






chips: )

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: Certain Hope on June 24, 2008, 10:00:37 PM






Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: changing on June 24, 2008, 10:01:10 PM
Hi Lilycat, Lighter, Debkor and Hope-

I used to have a Mormon friend (she moved away, darn it) We would buy honey from a honey man, wheat and cheese in wheels- very inexpensive and fun!!! We would grind wheat once a week and make bread, etc for the week, pancakes etc for our respective households, and as the bread was rising, we would gab and figure life out...fun and bonding like men do when they play sports, etc. Wish our culture supporte dmore of this sort of activity...

I would love to find a French shop where I could find the herb mixture that you speak of Lily- I used to go to an Indian woman and she would make up a bag of tandoori seasoning for me - such tasy turkeys, etc- the commercial mixes don't compare. Tonight I had pasta and vegetables - yummy!!!



Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: debkor on June 24, 2008, 10:02:13 PM

I'm blind... I lost my post and I know I sent it.... I CAN'T SEE... or I lost my mind... which is probably right but then I wouldn't question myself would I.. Now I'm gaslighting myself....

I had said...

For Real... Ketshup and I ate all the potato chips..... before I went nuts or blind...

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: Certain Hope on June 24, 2008, 10:08:17 PM
Changing!  Did you see the link about Goya olive oil?  I think maybe it got buried beneath that big mess Lighter and Deb just made  :o

And Deb...  lol... seems like a pretty natural reaction to that non-meal you described  :lol:


Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: lighter on June 24, 2008, 10:15:19 PM
Deb.... are you saying you eat potatoe chips WITH ketchup and milk... too?
Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: debkor on June 24, 2008, 10:18:55 PM

No.. Carolyn said ketshup.. and I was wondering if she really ever put ketshup on them...

but I really did have the doodles, cake, and chips.. not together.. hour in between.. forgot to eat dinner...

Crazies going on at home..GMa is in the hospital and it does not look too good...

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: lighter on June 24, 2008, 10:21:03 PM
Awwwww, Deb.

Sorry your Gma is not doing well.

Let her knowyou love her and.....

take doodles with, to hospital.

((deb and Gma))

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: Certain Hope on June 24, 2008, 10:23:51 PM
((((((Deb))))) I'm sorry about your Grandma, too.

Are you home now?  Does she live far away? Or is the hospital far?

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: debkor on June 24, 2008, 11:01:56 PM
She is my H's mother.  We all call her G'ma.  She is 82 and drove and worked up until last week when she first went into the hospital due to a fall and a spine injury.. then back in on Friday because of feeling dizzy... she had survived cancer and had a heart attack four years ago.  Her lungs are now failing her which is making her heart work harder and causing damage.. her BP is now 90/45.. and she said, she will not be leaving the hospital this time... this is it...Dr. said he is not giving  up but she could never be on her own again which means 24 hour care (nursing home).. but family is coming from all over.. so it does not look good.. She is tired.. she is ready...and I think they know.... ..My H is having a hard time with this..hard to let go..but he had a long time with her.. and was very loved.. she is a sweet thing and misses her husband and looking forward to meeting again at her time.. which .. only she knows when...   
Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: Certain Hope on June 24, 2008, 11:06:26 PM
Aww... prayers for your husband and you and all the family, Deb.

Please take good care of yourself, too, okay... even a can of soup or some of that instant breakfast stuff will keep you going alot better than doodles, etc.

Will be thinking of y'all.

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: debkor on June 24, 2008, 11:08:14 PM
Sorry hit sometnd it sent...

and yes she lives very close.  Tonight I did not go.. My H needs to have alone time with her.. I know I did with my mother... and father... so I let him be... My son won't go (my little one) by her request.. my older ones will tommorow... and I will bring her cheese doodles...

If it is to be she had a good life, she was a good mom, G'ma, Person in General and will meet up with her extended family waiting and her Husband to guide her to the other side.. I think she has been getting ready for awhile...

My H is hiding his heart... right now.. for it is breaking...

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: Certain Hope on June 24, 2008, 11:13:09 PM
((((((Deb)))))) I think it's very difficult on you, too...  but he knows you're there for him and that's the best help of all, at such times.

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: debkor on June 24, 2008, 11:14:24 PM
Carolyn and Light,

Thank you... I know this is a food thread so I will end this here but I have a different way of looking at things with experience of my mom and her passing, getting ready, and hope he can feel what I felt and experienced.. and it was a good feeling... I went every step of the way with her.. I watched and listened and believed... even though I could not see.. that she was taken home.. she told me...and I felt comfort... and she is safe and home and we will meet again...

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: Izzy_*now* on June 25, 2008, 01:44:29 AM
My thoughts are with you Deb
and your husband, and the rest of the family.

It's difficult when someone reaches this stage and we know the end is near. My mother knew hers.. Was told by a nurse to wait til Monday for her doctor to answer her question and she said "Well, I won't be here Monday".......... and she wasn't.... passed at 4:30 a.m.

(...am watching such an awful Movie, "The Hills Have Eyes" that I cannot nibble on anything, even if I had it here.)
Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: changing on June 25, 2008, 02:10:12 AM
Hell Debkor-

I am thinking of you and your family Deb and I know that your husband is fortunate to have your love and support at this time.


Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: LilyCat on June 25, 2008, 10:28:12 AM
Hi Debkor,

Just wanted to chime and say I'm sorry about your Gma also. It's always such a poignant time in a family's life.

I do think they know when they are going to die. In retrospect I think my dad knew for months. He was 88 and like your Gma, in great shape and health. He was out whacking weeds with me (doing the whacking) two weeks before he died. My sister and I gave him hospice in his home, and it was a very fulfilling experience. Not saying it wasn't scarey, but it was an experience I can't quite describe, and a good one. It is really a privilege to usher someone out of their physical life.

You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: lighter on June 26, 2008, 07:25:09 PM

I believe death takes us to a place of peace and rest.....

beyond pain.

She wouldn't want you in so much turmoil, during this time.

Keep her happy face in mind and don't dwell on the family members who would disturb your farewells.

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: LilyCat on August 07, 2008, 04:44:42 PM
Okay, I'm reviving this thread because I have recently discovered Ciao Bella gelato.

All I can say is -- wow! Go find some. (Check out their website to find a store: www.ciaobella.com)
Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: Izzy_*now* on August 07, 2008, 05:04:33 PM
I ordered Chinese Food last night.

I usually order 2-3 items

Last night was salt and Pepper seafood, beef and broccoli, and Chinese veggies with mushrooms. $39.07

I ate the salt and pepper seafood and it was HOT! WOW!

For lunch today I've had the Beef and Broccoli

Dinner will be the Veggies and I might cook some meat
Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: LilyCat on August 08, 2008, 09:20:33 AM
Sounds yummy, Izzy.

I had salad and... a dish of Blood Orange CIAO BELLA sorbetto (sorbet). Wow, was that good. it tasted JUST like a blood orange. It was on sale, so I bought some.
Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: lighter on August 08, 2008, 06:38:50 PM
The girls and I love salt and pepper squid too.... mit jalapenos... mmmm.

Now..... Lily.....  you can't just bounce on here, announce a great new food and leave out all descriptions.

Just what exactly did you like about that Italian Icy?


Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: changing on August 08, 2008, 06:46:14 PM

I just made some peach iced tea, no sweetening- really hit the spot!! Now for dinner???



PS- Ciao Bella sounds quite the place- "See and Be Seen"!!! I was hoping there were outlets for buying the sorbet, but couldn't find any on the webpage- so Lily, you must tell us all about it!!!! In great detail!!!!



Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: lighter on August 09, 2008, 02:00:31 PM
We just had chocolate cookie Easy Bake mix..... cooked under a 100 watt light bulb for 15 minutes.

Then made a batch with too much water, had to add some bisquick and dark chocolate syrup.... then bake extra but it rose up high and tasted just fine.

Impressive height.  ::nod::

Last night we enjoyed apple brown betty and the night before that it was cheesecake, 3 kinds, from the Cheesecake factory.

My 7yo was surpised to find that it was a restaurant, and not just a cc factory.

Advice:  Eat cheese cake in very small servings and pretend thats all you have.

If you serve yourself a whoooooole piece at once..... it's just darned too much and not nearly as enjoyable. 

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: LilyCat on August 11, 2008, 11:59:49 AM
Okay, people, here's the dish on Ciao Bella:

They use real Italian gelato equipment and real recipes, and they are extremely picky about ingredients. All natural. If they can't get what they want, they don't make the flavor. He imports real blood oranges from Italy, stuff like that.

Okay, this is bad, but so far I've had pistachio (the best), mint choc chip (REAL mint, tastes like mint leaves), key lime (has graham cracker bits in it), and chocolate hazelnut (I figured it would taste like frozen Nutella). All very good!! The blood orange is a sorbet, and that was great.

Gelato has less butterfat and air than ice cream, so it's dense but smooth and tastes like a premium ice cream even though it doesn't have the butter fat.

I've got everyone on to this now. They're all buying it!!!

Sunday was my birthday so instead of making/getting a cake, I made myself a raspberry crumb pie, something I've wanted to do for a long time. (Never made pure raspberrry.) It was a little liquidy but all in all, quite good. Really tasted like raspberry. Yum!

Ok. Now it's back to the real stuff. No more indulgences for awhile!
Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: Izzy_*now* on August 11, 2008, 12:40:54 PM
1 can Chick Peas
1 carrot muffin
1 bran muffin
Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: changing on August 11, 2008, 01:53:04 PM
Hi Izzy-

Sounds like what a friend of mine would call a "hippie lunch"- do you eat the chick peas in a salad?


Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: Izzy_*now* on August 11, 2008, 06:20:12 PM
Hi changing

I've put them in a salad and that's why I had a tin of them. but shopping was today so I cleaned out some things, like the tin of peas, the 1 bran muffin in a container and the 1 carrot muffin in another container, as I keep the muffins in the freezer, so was making room.

I love that I can eat what I want, when I want and no man who wants a gourmet dinner every night!

For lunch, I'm having a turkey BLT Wrap that I bought when shopping.

I bought some Robitussin ($12.08) for my cough to see how it works, but if it is not as good as the hot salsa I have been using (cheaper) I will stick to the salsa.

Ha Ha Ha


Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: lighter on August 11, 2008, 06:44:40 PM
That was a very nice explanation of gelato.

Thanks, Lily.

As for chic peas for dinner....

two thumbs up.

Beans are a wonderful food group and I'm able to eat them straight from the can.

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: Izzy_*now* on August 12, 2008, 01:01:38 AM
-------Then on top of the BLT for lunch that I bought, I picked up a seafood salad for dinner. Yum yum!! A Lemon Dressing was included and WOW! I enjoyed that! Never had it before.

Something I've never had is a trifle so picked up a Country Harvest one. Oh so yummy looking and the fat content was off the charts.

I thought I would have just a couple of spoonsful, but I got the line a bit crooked and I tried to fix it up and it kept wavering until ¼ of it was gone, but it was more than a ¼. Oh goodness! I cheated!

So I tried to patch it up to look good, but had to eat the small ¼ to even it out in the container.

Now there is a good looking ½ left awaiting me.
Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: debkor on August 12, 2008, 09:01:07 PM
Well I keep talking about Shark Steaks...love them..Cajun style...for a few years now (lol) but forget to get them when I'm out...and that would probably be eating with just little old me...for the family think of the sharks...eating them....and cringe when I say I want them to try it...

Tonight it's chicken for me...and tommorrow I will talk about shark steak again...and forget..

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: LilyCat on August 13, 2008, 09:43:09 AM

Isn't Mahi Mahi shark? Try it by another name. Maybe it won't "smell" the same.

Just wanted you to know, a few weeks ago the NY Times had a BIG article about the Jersey tomato. I was so tempted to post the link...

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: LilyCat on August 13, 2008, 12:58:16 PM
Okay, all you chick-a-peas  --- today's NY Times has a cp salad recipe.


This is very much like a salad a mideastern acquantance of mine made years ago -- but I don't think she had the feta and olives. I really liked it and have always wanted the recipe. (She was someone another friend knew, so I never saw her again)
Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: lighter on August 14, 2008, 04:36:22 PM
Such a healthy food.... and the chic pea salad looked fresh and healthy too, Lily.

I like to sautee them with chicken stock, tiny diced carrots, onion and parsley...... more than a bit of butter for flavor and to thicken..... a handful of baby spinach in at the end.

I had it with black chic peas the first time but settled for white ones when I re created for Christmas dinner that year.

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: cats paw on August 14, 2008, 04:59:49 PM

  I've been doing a bit of reading on the board, read this thread, so I had to pop in a moment.

  Belated Happy Birthday to you, Lilycat !

  Lighter, guess what I have when I go to a movie theater ?  Popcorn and Milkduds !

  I'm going to have to try making something with chickpeas one of these days....

cats paw
Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: lighter on August 15, 2008, 06:41:12 PM
Glad to see you posting, catspaw.

Now I have milk duds and popcorn on my mind.... hmmm.... I know Ihave md hidden here somewhere.

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: LilyCat on August 19, 2008, 10:18:29 AM
Thank you, Catspaw! Much appreciated. (Just saw this now, was away for a few days.)

...oh boy. Last night I tried yet another flavor of Ciao Bella gelato. One I thought I wouldn't like.

Boy, was I wrong!

It's called maple and ginger snaps -- and oh boy! It is SOOOOOOOOO good! It has little pieces of really good ginger snaps in it.

I'm in big trouble here!! (But I had it for dinner, so not too bad...)
Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: lighter on August 19, 2008, 09:03:47 PM

What's the nutritional information on that stuff read like?

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: LilyCat on August 20, 2008, 10:02:12 AM
The gelato? Funny you should ask. I just checked last night. For a half cup it was 180 calories; the fat wasn't too bad for such a thing -- I think it was 80 of the 100. It really feels and tastes like superpremium ice cream, though, and it's more dense so you don't really HAVE to have as much (ha!) -- so it's really quite a caloric bargain in that respect. Better than sp ice cream, actually.

The sorbet is really nominal -- about 80 calories, I think, no fat and usually has a pretty good vitamin content.

I'll try to remember to look at the label again tonight.

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: lighter on August 20, 2008, 01:04:02 PM
Thanks Lily.... that gingersnap flavor sounded interesting..... I imagine the cookies have a nice crunch.

We like to freeze fruit here and have frozen smoothies, then make popsicles out of the extra. 

There's about 6 kinds of popsicles in the freezer.... who knows what's they are?  Some are just strawberries, some pineapple and blueberry some pineapple and apple.... you never know what you'll get.

Very nice though and I feel good about giving it to the children.

I've haven't been able to bring myself to purchase storebrands for years.  All cornsyrup and junk: /

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: LilyCat on August 21, 2008, 12:21:30 PM
Lighter, I apologize. I forgot to look at the container last night. I'll try again tonight!

Popsicles sound good! I love to have them around because they're very satisfying and practically no calories. Have always meant to make my own but ... never have!!
Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: lighter on August 22, 2008, 12:07:06 PM
For a while there I was making popcicles in little plastic dixie cups with plastic spoons inserted.  If you make frozen fruit slushies the spoons stand up on their own.  Just be careful about how precariously perched the little cups are.  Very sticky mess if they go over before freezing solid. 

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: LilyCat on August 22, 2008, 04:23:05 PM
You're assuming that I have any room at all for the least little thing in my freezer (just the f. part of a refrigerator, not big) ... which would be a HUGE mistake. Time to clean it out!! Ha, ha.

But maybe this is the answer to all the frozen fruit that's clogging it up. I bought several bags from Trader Joe's but haven't used much of it.

Anyway, I did look at the label on the gelato last night, and I was right: 1/2 cup -- 180 calories, 80 from fat. Compare this to Ben & Jerry's butter pecan ice cream (I'm guessing it's roughly comparable?), which has 280 calories per half cup, 189 of which are from fat!!!! That's amazing!!

Blue Bunny makes a very good pistachio gelato -- can't find it in pints, just single-serve (which is two servings) containers. It's not as superlative as the CB, but it's very good.
Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: lighter on August 25, 2008, 03:05:53 PM
I can't think of a better use for terrific frozen fruit than blending it up for drinking on the spot then making popcicles with the rest.

::making note to self::  Check out that gelato stuff next time I go to market.

Title: Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
Post by: lighter on August 28, 2008, 07:06:49 PM
::handing head::


it;'s back to Spagettios,

eaten cold,

from the can.....

with Doritos.  ::nod::
