Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: Ellie on August 27, 2004, 03:42:56 PM
wow! I love the idea of keeping track of the immense progress we make! It sounds like you are a new person. It must feel great, and it is encouraging to those of us, who are still on the road there!
Wow Ellie. I really admire what you have been able to do, which is really a lot.
I hope that you are very proud of yourself for taking your life back...
You are a great example for others, too.
Thanks for sharing that.
Ellie, thanks so much. much of the time, i feel "everything" is wrong, and can't break things down, or see any slight improvement i make.
having you actually list specific behaviors and your responses to them, and also your progress, is extremely helpful to me.
Hope you don't mind if i take your list to use for myself (yes, i see myself in each of your statements), and of course, expand on it for the things i really need to identify and modify.
congratulations on having the fortitude to really look at yourself, realize the things that kept you from living a healthy life, and doing the difficult work of changing things you felt needed changing.
keep it up, and good luck!