Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: Leah on June 25, 2008, 08:14:46 AM
Hi CB,
I need to mention that you have entered my name as addressee ... today on this thread:
http://www.voicelessness.com/disc3//index.php?topic=8148.msg131047#msg131047 (http://www.voicelessness.com/disc3//index.php?topic=8148.msg131047#msg131047)
It is not my thread, and also, I have not posted to the thread, for I simply could not do so in any case, therefore, in light of the curent situation, could you please be so kind as to amend the name of the person, addressee, to whomsoever you wish to discuss the topic subject with, sadly, you cannot discuss the subject with me, at all, evidently.
Grateful thanks to you,
Love, Leah
Hi CB,
I created this message to you as soon as I spotted my name as addressee upon the thread posting -- wherein I was not actively engaged, nor indeed was it a thread of my creation.
I also sent you a courteous PM (as you had logged off the board) asking you to amend the name of addressee to read the addressee to whom you had intended to engage with in your discussion on the topic thread in question.
At this present moment in time, I can see, no amendment/correction has been made to your post http://www.voicelessness.com/disc3//index.php?topic=8148.msg131047#msg131047 (http://www.voicelessness.com/disc3//index.php?topic=8148.msg131047#msg131047)
And, at this present moment in time, I have not received a response from you; regarding this "urgent message" OR with regard to my courteous request via a PM giving a clear brief explanation of my concern, and my real need for the amendment.
Respectfully, I am hoping with all sincerity that you respond in kind out of consideration for me as a fellow member of this community who is merely expressing a genuine need of concern.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Love, Leah
Sorry, Leah, I havent had time to go looking for it.
Can you bump it up and I will fix it.
Sorry, Leah, I havent had time to go looking for it.
Can you bump it up and I will fix it.
But, I CANNOT bump it up! Because of being the recipient of the thread owner's NC -- hence, my genuine need and concern:
that's why I gave you the direct link to your post http://www.voicelessness.com/disc3//index.php?topic=8148.msg131047#msg131047 (http://www.voicelessness.com/disc3//index.php?topic=8148.msg131047#msg131047)
Just click on the link provided, and then you will be presented with the post, and then able to modify and correct.
Thank you.
Leah x
Phew! Thank you, CB
Very much appreciated.
Leah x
You're welcome, Leah.
My only concern is that you have taken on the responsibility for my error as though it is a violation (on your part) of the NC rule. As far as I know, it is not. I made the mistake, you did not enter the thread that you were prohibited from. So, there was no guilt on your part. Even if I never changed it, you would have not been guilty of anything.
The reason I am making that point is because, as co-N's, we struggle a lot with mis-placed guilt and responsibility. (I suspect it is one of my most tenacious struggles). I think its because we were blamed for things that werent our fault, and we grew up never understanding what was true guilt and what was somebody else's projections.
At any rate, I am glad you are relieved.
Hi CB,
Oh, my relief is personal -- as now, my name won't be "hanging" there on a thread where it ought not to be (the NC rule)
and so, at any later point in time the potential for others' confusion and accusation, Now, this ought not occur, whereas previously, there was that possibility.
For it could have been assumed at a later point in time that I had posted and I had deleted a post!
Of course, if that assumption was to occur, then I would be thrown into a dilemma of sorts.
I was simply trying to be prudent.
Looking ahead.
Thanks again,
Leah x
Edit: typo error