Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: Dr. Richard Grossman on June 05, 2009, 08:22:29 AM
Laura Rowley (Yahoo financial columnist and author) comments today on a study on money and happiness that appears in the June issue of Journal of Research in Personality. (I have not seen the study.)
From Rowley’s article:
“Those who had the biggest increase in the amount of attainment of wealth, fame, and image actually showed no increase at all in well-being -- zero,” says Edward Deci, psychology professor at the University of Rochester, who co-authored the study with Ryan and Christopher Niemiec. “Even more startling, some of those people showed increases in ill-being, including depression and anxiety.”
Says Deci, “We believe there are three fundamental needs that have to be met to be psychologically healthy: relatedness -- to have relationships with other people and feel a sense of belonging and inclusion; to feel competent, like you can effectively manage in the world and have an impact on the world; and autonomy or self-initiation -- that what you do is in line with your basic interests and values, and you’re not doing it just because someone is pushing you around.”
I posted awhile back, on Deci's Self-Determination theory. I found it very useful as a way to think about just what I was hoping for, in healing. He refers to "3 Nutrients": autonomy, connectedness, and competence that we all need to balance for ourselves.
I think all this makes sense with one caveat:
Below a certain income level (which I think is above the official "poverty line"), the stress of that makes it very difficult to feel competent and/or autonomous.
You still can, but it's so much harder.
Relatedness, I truly experience as rich and free.
Competence, to some degree, I got. But it's hampered by the worry and scramble.
Autonomy--well, I work at what I must right now, and that involves dependency (on a boss I don't like). Yes, that can evolve and change...
Competence and independence are harder to experience when you need help.
"Below a certain income level (which I think is above the official "poverty line"), the stress of that makes it very difficult to feel competent and/or autonomous."
Absolutely, Hops. Studies support this. And a very important point, especially during these hard times...
I agree with Johnny Depp's interpretation of money making happiness.
Hi Anastasia,
Is this what you mean by Johnny Depp's interpretation of money and happiness:
“Money doesn’t buy you happiness, but it buys you a big enough yacht to sail right up to it.”
The research suggests a rowboat or a canoe would be just as good :)