Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: Ami on July 23, 2009, 08:09:18 AM
You are such an inspiration to me. Your attitude shines through. You are what I call a winner. Love Ami
How did your day at Mayo go? I have you in my thoughts! Love Ami
Good news!!!
We went to Mayo and I had blood work done and a CT scan. (with contrast dye) The whole time I was in the scan I was praying out loud!! The nurse came up and asked me if I was alright. I think she thinks I was talking to myself!!
Anyway, I couldn't sleep that night. Up all night going potty.....I had to drink lots of water to flush my kidneys of the contrast dye....I had dreams all night related to cancer. H couldn't sleep so he got up at 5:30 am. We got ready, ate breakfast and went to the mall.
Finally at 2:15 my appointment arrived. I realized the adrenaline was coursing through my veins!! I knew that the outcome of the scans determined whether I was going to have Stage IV cancer or if I had a fighting chance. We were all very subdued.
We went in and the Nurse told me by scan came back CLEAN!!!! H jumped up like his favorite team scored a touchtown!!! Yes!! He yelled!! We all were taken aback and had to laugh!! He was very worried.
They told me if I don't have chemo there is a 30 to 50% chance it will come back. With the chemo that is cut by a third!!!
So I will get four rounds of chemo to fight any renegade cells!!!
I am thrilled!!
I knew it, Kelly. I am crying with you, friend,for joy! Love Ami
Kelly, that's just flippin' fantastic.
You have a battle to wage but you also have the tools to win it.
I'm so glad to hear this...
(and it's good to hear you and your Mom loving each other, too)
Oh Kelly, what WONDERFUL news!!
Jumping for joy with all of you. :) ox seasons
That's so excellent! And don't you worry one second about giving support to someone else, right now!! You just soak up what's coming your way and save your strength for chemo.
And enshrine this moment in your memory... you ARE going to be fine. Let that light shine through and all around you. You're surrounded with people who love you, as it should be. So many other things just don't matter in those moments...
... you ARE healing.
Let's do the happy dance, now, everyone! :D
Dear Kelly
You have been through so many changes. When you have the time and space, I would like to hear how you have been changed by them. After big life situations, we are different. I know that Scott's death took me from one person to another.
Love Ami
Thumbs up Kelly - how awesome Thinking of you. Enjoy your reunion!
Hurrah! Kelly
What absolutely wonderful news! I am so glad all this took place as soon as it did so that you didn't have years of waiting.
I can see H jumping for joy! Wonderful!
So all gone, but a few treatments. Where do you take them?
Joyous News!
Rejoicing and giving thanks for your glad news, dear Kelly
Truly, I am so happy for you, and all your family.
Prayerful thoughts of "New Beginnings" for you.
Love, Leah
Congratulations Kelly! I am SO happy for you. I can't imagine what you must be feeling right now. It must be such an overwhelming sense relief and optimism and hope and a million other emotions.
I want to wish you all the best with the chemo. It may not be as bad as you think. I have known people who have gone through chemo with no side effects at all. And even if you do have some negative effects, just remember that the drug is flushing all the bad stuff from your body. Remember when Melissa Etheridge showed up to accept her Grammy award with no hair, and basically said, hey, this is what a SURVIVOR looks likes? And survive she did. Embrace the chemo - it's giving you life!
Stay strong. You just jumped the biggest hurdle. What's left now is to celebrate, and LIVE.
Keeping you in my thoughts.
Kathy :)
Thanks to all!! I am not dreading the chemo at all!! I know it is what I need to do to try to knock down any renegade cancer cells!! I am relieved beyond measure.
I am beat, however, because I went to Mayo and immediately over to Omaha for my class reunion. Went Friday and Saturday night and I was in bed exhausted by midnight on Saturday....
I would bounce around like a pinball bumping into people and chatting but then all of a sudden I was beat so I had to sit down.....after I ate I went into the bathroom and pulled off the girdle!! Haha....
The changes I have made, Ami. Well, it took me over 7 years but now I do not fall into the guilt trap when my mom throws it on me. If she says something sarcastic I respond with a smile on my face and just agree with her or something. Like if she says, "I wish the kids were in church more...." I say, "Yes, I wish they were too..." If she says she wants braces on my youngest daughter's teeth, I say, "make an appointment and take her...."
When I left and showed her I didn't need her, that was a good thing. I think she finally gave up. I was going to say no to her from time to time. I am always nice to her. I remove myself from her if she makes me uncomfortable. I don't discuss things that are hot buttons. I no longer lie.....I tell her I have a drink from time to time...
I am like a Phoenix and downloaded that song by Dan Fogelberg.......a line from that song.......No more living someone elses dream......
Dear ((Kelly)))
After Scott died, I had the same thing with exhaustion. I had to find chairs to sit down in, as you did. I can see that you have learned lessons .
Keep sharing about them, Kelly. It helps . Love Ami
How are you, Kelly? Did you have the chemo? You are in my thoughts . Love Ami
chemo starts tomorrow!