Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: kaylebsmommy702 on September 18, 2009, 11:58:16 PM
and the battle is with an N father or just even an abusive ex u have to see this... its about an hour long documentary but when ur done watching u wont feel so alone... I dont anymore..
Thanks Kat I found it in the info u sent me...
That so many victims are further suffering bc of the court's ignornance and prejudice against them, makes me feel worse, not better.
I felt sick watching that link.
I still feel sick thinking about it.
I don't know what else to say so, I'm so disgusted and frustrated by the system.
(((Kalebsmommy)))) I'm glad it brought you some comfort, however.
The only part of that video that doesnt carry truth to my story is my son has not been sexually abused (that I know of) almost every one of those women and children that spoke- a part of their stories are similar to mine... thats what "comforted" me... not so much as comfort, but now knowing that I am not the only one that is going through this... and I also noticed that a few of them mentioned that this was all going on in California Family Court... Hmmm.. It is disgusting and it is sick, but it is true and it happens, I am here to let you know that it does happen. And it is absolutely sickening. And now because I know its not just me that its happening to, Im going to fight even harder... Attorney or not. Just because I dont know all of the "legal" terminology doesnt mean that I cant speak my mind to the judge... I WILL BE HEARD!!!!
Please keep trying to enlist the help of capable advocates.
I believe there are many men in the legal system, Judges and Attorneys alike, who feel punishing upset women is a moral imperative.
It's difficult to remain unpeturbed when your children are being harmed, ya'know?
Have you contacted any shelters or organizations that might point you in a positive direction for help?