Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: CB123 on October 04, 2009, 10:01:49 AM
Just wanted to give you a heads up about a problem with the board mechanics. A couple of people have commented on it, and for me, it makes me unable to post as much as I would otherwise.
When typing on the reply message, the cursor jumps while typing--and after a few lines, the cursor AND the lines start jumping making it impossible to finish the reply. I usually try to end the reply at that point because I dont have time to do much else. If I have time, I type my reply on Word and then copy and paste. But today the reply box would not accept italics and bold from my Word document, so I had to do some funny little star things.....
I dont think its just my computer since others are having trouble too.....if its an easy fix it would be wonderful for me, personally, since I have just ditched a couple of replies because I couldnt work with it that day. Anyway....
I wanted to thank you again for this board....I enjoyed your Yom Kippur message very much. We are in the middle of a kind of "our version" of Sukkoth and having a very good time...hope yours is joyous.
Hi CB,
I've seen this issue on several sites. I'm not sure what causes it, but sometimes posting your reply and then immediately editing it helps.
Hi CB...
Just thought I'd add my two cents...It happened to me this afternoon too....I very quickly hit the post button so I wouldn't lose my content...but it wouldn't allow me to add or delete anything....same situation as yours..
Weird stuff....I'm almost positive a Narcissist Techie is behind it :lol:
Hi CB, Sealynx, and Sunblue,
Unfortunately this is a known problem with IE 8 -- and the software that I use for the forum has not solved it for the theme/version that I am using. See, for example: http://www.simplemachines.org/community/index.php?topic=314500.0 . The easiest fix would be to use Firefox (my default browser) for the time being when you want to post. I presume a patch will be found soon either by Microsoft or by Simple Machines Forum. Sorry for the inconvenience.
CB, thanks for the kind words about my Yom Kippur talk--best to you and yours,