Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board

Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: Sealynx on January 10, 2010, 07:04:15 PM

Title: What is your life path and what are you here to contribute to the world?
Post by: Sealynx on January 10, 2010, 07:04:15 PM
I often have to remind myself that I couldn't have been put here just to figure out my N parents or suffer at the hands of dysfunctional people I sometimes find myself attracted to due to my upbringing. I have to stop and remind myself of my talents and how they are the things I was put here to contribute to the world.

I have talents in several areas, I'm good at helping people with problems. I'm a good writer and artist and I have some musical abilities that could be developed and perhaps used to help people relax and reduce the stress in their lives.

Lately, whenever I find myself obsessing over the actions of some negative person I've met, I have to remind myself that I was not put here to do that. As Jesus said, "I must be about my father's business." What is your business in this world???
Title: Re: What is your life path and what are you here to contribute to the world?
Post by: Portia on January 10, 2010, 07:38:07 PM
If I had children, it would be to protect and nurture them: job done. In that sense, I follow a biological link, although the urge to protect etc is not as strong; nevertheless, it is there.

I don't believe that anyone is here to contribute anything. I think we all make what we will of life. If we're lucky, we have choices about what we do.

Okay, what is my business here, as I see it? To understand it, to feel it, to die without regrets (preferably in the sea).

If I can help along the way, good. If I can limit the harm I (or others) do, good. If I can enjoy it, amazing.
Title: Re: What is your life path and what are you here to contribute to the world?
Post by: Ami on January 10, 2010, 10:13:46 PM
Thank you for getting me back in to Astrology (((Sealynx))). I want to heal and then maybe I can show people that you can be down but can get up and go on. First I have to get up and go on , though. That is the little fly in the ointment!       xxxoo  Ami
Title: Re: ?
Post by: mudpuppy on January 11, 2010, 11:16:45 AM
What is your life path and what are you here to contribute to the world?
As Jesus said, "I must be about my [F]ather's business."

Well, if it was good enough for Jesus  it's good enough for me. :D

Title: Re: What is your life path and what are you here to contribute to the world?
Post by: HeartofPilgrimage on January 11, 2010, 06:19:41 PM
Hi Mudpuppy, I was kinda thinking the same thing. Or, as the Westminster Shorter catechism puts it: What is the chief end of man [I read: humanity :)] Answer: To glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.

But that's kind of vague for the individual to catch onto. So I think what my life path is about is growing a soul and getting to participate in other people growing a soul.
Title: Re: What is your life path and what are you here to contribute to the world?
Post by: river on January 11, 2010, 07:04:05 PM
I'v just joined this forum, and this is my first post here, and I thought what a good subject to start with, and a good thread.  I feel pleased to have got here, as I think this is closer to home for me than most other forums, given fam of origin and the resultant compulsive attractions I've had to places 'angels would fear to tread'! 

        My lifes purpose at present has become to heal myself and share the path with others as much as possible.  As people have said 'about my father's business', but thats not always so easy to discern. 
Being driven towards emotionally dangerous relationships was like part of a path I felt compelled to follow as part of unearthing what exactly it was that was driving me, and finding the explanations about all the disorders of the self was what was at the heart, but then that was only finding the map, the journey has also been perilous. 
Reading Victor Frankl has helped me enormously, he talks about just this - finding and acting on meaning,   and reading Masterson has helped to confirm my experiences, to name them and to see the dynamics.  Theres more to that story, but hope to tell that bit by bit. 
Title: Re: What is your life path and what are you here to contribute to the world?
Post by: mudpuppy on January 12, 2010, 11:48:58 AM
Hi Mudpuppy, I was kinda thinking the same thing. Or, as the Westminster Shorter catechism puts it: What is the chief end of man [I read: humanity ] Answer: To glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.

But that's kind of vague for the individual to catch onto. So I think what my life path is about is growing a soul and getting to participate in other people growing a soul.

Hi to you Heart.
I found growing my own soul to be quite a dificult, if not impossible, burden. Consequently I found myself weary and heavy laden. So I came to Him and now I find my burden is easy because His yoke is light. :D

Title: Re: What is your life path and what are you here to contribute to the world?
Post by: HeartofPilgrimage on January 12, 2010, 11:54:34 AM
"I planted, Mudpuppy watered, but God gave the increase." I Corinthians 3:"16, HOP version
Title: Re: What is your life path and what are you here to contribute to the world?
Post by: mudpuppy on January 12, 2010, 12:37:48 PM
"I planted, Mudpuppy watered, but God gave the increase." I Corinthians 3:"16, HOP version

Title: Re: What is your life path and what are you here to contribute to the world?
Post by: Sealynx on January 12, 2010, 01:12:51 PM
Welcome River,
Dr. G has created a very good place here. I hope reading about our struggles will help you with yours!
Title: Re: What is your life path and what are you here to contribute to the world?
Post by: bearwithme on January 12, 2010, 01:51:31 PM
Welcome River!  I am interested in your story and as you said, you will unfold it here bit by bit.  I'm all ears when needed. 8)

Sealynx:  Your topic makes me think.  And think, and think and.....

Sometimes I feel I have turned to God one to many times about this and He has reiterated that nothing will change at this point in time for me.  Not that I want changes in my life in an instant, but my journey has been long and my burden, heavy.  I'm tired. 

I feel my purpose in life is so much greater than the life I have lived or am now living.  I feel my purpose may be just to see that.  But that is a very tormenting life to live--knowing you could have been someone or done so much better but you were dealt an unfair advantage with an abusive NM and continue with the burden of the aftermath..the realization of the mess she made of my life. 

I have no purpose, then.  My 'business' on this planet is moot.

Obviously, this subject gets me angry.  I'm not done with my anger with my NM and what she took from me.

Sorry, I'm having a setback today. :( :( :( :(


Title: Re: What is your life path and what are you here to contribute to the world?
Post by: KatG on January 12, 2010, 02:23:14 PM
Sealynx, your posts are invaluable to me.  I learn so much.  Yes, you are good at writing. Thank you.

I remember something happening once where my life flashed before my eyes.  What stood out the strongest, was when I was helping others at the same time as helping myself.  "helping" meaning various things - physically, emotionally, mentally, etc.  While I do gain satisfaction in helping others, it was when I was learning something new, or gaining independence, etc.  Giving while receiving?  Reciprocation (at no cost to anyone, at no one’s loss, etc.)?  Wouldn’t God want that? To watch us grow, taking care of ourselves and others?

If you gain from posting here Sealynx, and you are "helping" others at the same time, then that’s contributing, both to yourself and the world.   
Does that make any sense?  KatG
Title: Re: What is your life path and what are you here to contribute to the world?
Post by: Hopalong on January 12, 2010, 02:24:25 PM
Welcome, River. Glad you're here. Victor Frankl rocks. Man's Search for Meaning was one of the most important books I've ever read. Pema Chodron's When Things Fall Apart was another. And Men Who Can't Love. And the N-stuff.

I'm an agnostic non-Christian.

Lately, there is no sense of "purpose" as in, secret riddle to my life I need to get the right answer to.

I'm guided more by, what feels like the right thing to do in this moment? (And sometimes I don't do it.)

For me, it will take a long time to sort out decades of self-abnegation that I think were a toxic legacy of the sexist Christianity I was taught.

So for me, trying to work out what my purpose is doesn't work, but doing my work as though there is a purpose, does.

If that makes any sense.


Title: Re: What is your life path and what are you here to contribute to the world?
Post by: river on January 12, 2010, 05:28:13 PM
Oh, that makes absolute sense, specially this  "   .
So for me, trying to work out what my purpose is doesn't work, but doing my work as though there is a purpose, does
thanks for the welcome, bearwithme and sealinx and everyone, and the offer to listen. ... Im sort of taking this  in at the mo.  You know what they say about 'when you're ready the teacher arrives', nope, thats umm  b__ .  I wish I'd found this forum years ago.   Ah well.   :? 
