Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: phoenix on October 29, 2004, 12:37:19 AM
Here, have at it. Phoenix
Flower - I don't want anyone to take sides. I'm not out to convince anyone. Some will, some won't, regardless. I just want for CG to stay out of my way, and for it to be known whether anyone thinks my actions here are proper or not - that I am having a problem with her.
I posted this so others can voice there feelings about me if they want. I just felt it only fair to have an anti-Phoenix site.
I have no plan of leaving. Phoenix
Please stop this, Pheonix. Please get some sleep, go outside, walk around. Distract yourself from the board from a little while. I hear how stressed and frustrated and fatigued you are, and continuing this discussion right now will not help you.
I think I can understand why you might start this thread, but opening yourself up to criticism is not the answer either. What's been said has been said.
If you want CG to stay out of your way, I'm sure she will respect that. But can you see that part of staying out of your way involves your decision not to put yourself in her way? I don't know the history between you two, but I do know that she's been staying on Ramble and she hasn't been seeking you out. You have a choice here. Stay here and allow CG her space (if she in fact decides to stay after all this), or continue fighting and stirring this up.
With regard to sharing problems with Ramble, maybe it would be better if you could try to address that problem without singling out board members. For instance, a question about why people post here - instead of demands that a certain thread stop and a certain person leave. Or maybe a question about whether or not it's okay to talk about subjects that aren't obviously related to the topic of the board? Or maybe even a question about whether there should be limits on the length of a thread?
I can see why some might be annoyed by Ramble. I honestly still don't understand why people are upset by it (except for some of the attacking that has happened there), but it seems to me that there's a lot that could be talked about before needing to get personal.
Regarding finding support from others who are upset by CG, I can understand your need for validation on this. Perhaps there are those who want to share this with you. Maybe they can in PM. Maybe you can get to the heart of the matter. Talking about people behind their backs but unavoidably to their faces is just bound to upset people, though.
I'm not speaking now as someone who's taking sides but as someone who wants to see an end to this shredding of each other on this board.
Please get some rest, Pheonix. No one wants you to leave.
Wildflower, Thank you for the thoughful reply.
I would like to stop this altogether. There is no resolve. I am not interested in inviting pms about it. My feelings are known, that is sufficient.
I don't know at what point it would be fair for me to walk completely away.
Hi Pheonix,
I don't know at what point it would be fair for me to walk completely away.
Yeah, that's a tough question. I struggle with it when I'm in the middle of something I'm trying to work out. But if you're done with this, I think it would be fair to let it rest. Even if others pick it up, if you're tired, you're tired. I've heard you saying that you've gotten what you needed here, not what you'd hoped for but something else that is enough. If others need to keep talking, it's still okay for you to walk away. The conversation didn't go the way you'd hoped, and maybe now it's out of your hands.
I'm just saying that my vote is that it's okay for you to walk away. And it's okay to talk about other topics and give this one a rest. It's okay to stay here and move on (people obviously value your opinion and want to hear what you have to say). :)
Take care,
You put that nicely- it resonated with what I felt, or was struggling to understand. This will be my last post of the night.
One thing more to say. I am not one opposed to Ramble or wishing to running CG out - I just... well I've said it already.
I know what it is like to have an online friendship that is valuable to a person.
I don't think I've ever had an exchange with you before, and this was pleasant. I look forward to further posting with you.
Thank you, Phoenix
Hi Phoenix,
Just a quick hi :)
I was looking at the romper room thread and the subtly abusive way you are being addressed and I wondered if this is the online equivalent of being gaslighted?
there are a few who seem to be adept at this tactic on this board and I think we both understand it but it is much more difficult to explain :?
Even more difficult to explain to people who didn't join the dots at the time. The elephant may be in the living room but not everyone can see it.
the guest function doesn't really help. and for one, I am certainly doubting thomas :lol:
It may also be worthwhile for the board to question your motivations and intentions as well mine Longtimelurker. Wildflower appeared to have calmed Phoenix down somewhat and then you come along and flame and attempt to inflame her again. Attempting to create in Phoenix more paranoia, now, specifically about my posts and motives. Why would you want to do that?
And for the record, my vote is that Phoenix stays.
and then you come along and flame and attempt to inflame her again
no Thomas, I'm saying that's what you were doing.
I posted to support phoenix as she has posted before about the 'pattern' of posting that occurs when something like this happens. Your post just fits into that pattern.
Hi Phoenix,
Just a quick hi :)
I was looking at the romper room thread and the subtly abusive way you are being addressed and I wondered if this is the online equivalent of being gaslighted?
there are a few who seem to be adept at this tactic on this board and I think we both understand it but it is much more difficult to explain :?
Even more difficult to explain to people who didn't join the dots at the time. The elephant may be in the living room but not everyone can see it.
the guest function doesn't really help. and for one, I am certainly doubting thomas :lol:
What nonsense you speak Longtimelurker. Read your own posts and see your own dissembling if you're capable. I can see you are really playing some join the dots game with Phoenix's head in that post, and referencing to some past time which is totally unrelated to now.
What is your real agenda here Longtimelurker? You seem full of furtive unsupportable innuendo tonight.
No doubt, you are just an alter ego of one of those members who are pming Phoenix and fueling her concerns but who won't step forward themselves.
I don't believe Phoenix or the board's welfare have anything to do with what you are up to, here, and now!
Hi longtimelurker and Thomas,
I can see that both of you might have good intentions. Can I just offer two observations/experiences?
Even more difficult to explain to people who didn't join the dots at the time. The elephant may be in the living room but not everyone can see it.
It may be that some can't see what's obvious. It may be that what seems obvious isn't actually the case. But no matter the case, criticizing others just ends up making you look bad, no matter your intentions. I know how frustrating it can be to watch someone in a destructive relationship (my stepmother with my dad), but I can't tell her that my dad is a horrible person. She doesn't see it that way and she would stop trusting me if I did. All I can do is be supportive - and stand up to him when I'm around. All I can do is set an example by taking care of my own BS with my dad. All I can do is talk with her when she needs it and be ready to talk about tougher subjects only when she gives me an opportunity and asks for help. As my therapist has told me about these relationships, they're adults. They may be blind at times, but they're adults and they are ultimately responsible for themselves. Trying to get someone to see the 'bad' in someone tends to backfire.
So does analyzing people to their faces. Especially here. I bet there are a ton of us who had parents who analyzed us - and told us quite convincingly and in graphic detail exactly what was wrong with us. When you analyze someone and then follow through by telling them what you're thinking (especially when it's bad but even sometimes when it's good), it puts most people on the defensive - and people here have some pretty well-developed defense mechanisms, I think.
I think there's some strange stuff going on here at times, but hopefully we can stop this particular thread of it. This is just a suggestion, but maybe you could show Pheonix your support by being there and listening when she comes back and posts on other topics. This topic may still be too hot to talk about without someone taking it the wrong way.
Hi Phoenix,
Just a quick hi :)
I was looking at the romper room thread and the subtly abusive way you are being addressed and I wondered if this is the online equivalent of being gaslighted?
there are a few who seem to be adept at this tactic on this board and I think we both understand it but it is much more difficult to explain :?
Even more difficult to explain to people who didn't join the dots at the time. The elephant may be in the living room but not everyone can see it.
the guest function doesn't really help. and for one, I am certainly doubting thomas :lol:
Hi Longtimelurker,
I know you know what I am talking about. And I feel encouraged by your post - not inflamed!
I think Thomas is just going about this the way that is in his nature. I am not bothered by him and I don't feel threatened by him - his way is just different. He is doing his best from his point of view to be fair and impartial and get to the bottom of this. I have written plenty that he can go back and mull over to perhaps get my meaning. Like the black hole analogy. I've done the best I can do.
LTL, I do know you are seeing what I see. Again, thankyou.Phoenix
Thomas, I had to chuckle at ltl's " Doubting Thomas"lol
Hi all, sorry haven't read all the threads of last day or so, just saw this one and wanted to say no way, Phoenix stays if you want to P. And so does anyone else who wants to be here.
But staying or going? Nah. We can always take a break and come back. Nothing is 'stay or go' is it? That black and white?
Anyhoos, taking a real break here, see ya in over a week. Take care all, P
thank you phoenix :)
i thought you would get it
I think, ltl, that your comments could be seen as inflaming because you brought the negative content into a thread where things were being more positive. I wonder why you didn't post your comment in the thread to which you were referring.
I feel there's something important in this about the way people communicate but I can't quite get some words for it at the moment.
You may feel it's a necessary thing to remind people of the bad. "Never forget" "Once slighted, never forgive" Perhaps others would like to have the opportunity to reach a new higher ground by starting afresh.
So you can leave behind the 'bad' without having to blame, admit defeat, or any of that 'pride' stuff nor just 'let go and move on' but 'let go and move on TOGETHER'.
People can acknowledge inside what's gone on and start afresh. And usually there is some element of 'making amends' that might be quite subtle but experienced by both sides, nevertheless.
Yes, in that case, I would find your interventions inflammatory, ltl. I see your point of view but I don't agree that it's a helpful one. It may be helpful in the context of your own decisions about how to lead your life and deal with your pain. But it may not be overall helpful in every situation, it may make things worse and not everybody may find your interventions offering a positive or helpful solution.
I know what you mean. Just keep smiling. :D :D :D :D :D Phoenix
OK - I get it - people don't want to THINK!
I'm outta here
OK - I get it - people don't want to THINK!
I'm outta here
My apologies Guest for making you mad. But I believe for the most part people do want to think, and have ideas and new points of views pointed out to them. Maybe later you will come back and consider how you sounded inflamatory yourself. Phoenix
But I believe for the most part people do want to think, and have ideas and new points of views pointed out to them.
But my thoughts don't count, can't be considered, should be dissed and put down and disempowered by someone I wasn't even talking to!!!
People can acknowledge inside what's gone on and start afresh. And usually there is some element of 'making amends' that might be quite subtle but experienced by both sides, nevertheless.
Very good point, Guest and well put. I'm really counting/respecting this thought of yours. It is a choice for all to consider.
Just another Guest
But I believe for the most part people do want to think, and have ideas and new points of views pointed out to them.
But my thoughts don't count, can't be considered, should be dissed and put down and disempowered by someone I wasn't even talking to!!!
I believe in turn that LTL was talking to me,not you- and I was not inflamed with it. Phoenix
I have a family emegency so will be away a few days. Phoenix
But my thoughts don't count, can't be considered, should be dissed and put down and disempowered by someone I wasn't even talking to!!!
Jeepers--take it easy. Honestly, reading your message brought to mind the image of a small child writhing and shrieking-- sprawled out on the floor of a department store in the midst of a temper tantrum. As an-- ahem-- "adult" now--nobody can do that to you.
You are causing yourself to feel this way out of the exchange.
Your long-standing inner stuff is bubbling up--- Check it friend-- and get up off the floor for land's sake-- dust yourself off and work on boosting your levels of confidence and self worth.
Somebody not sharing your view doesn't devalue you as a human being, and needn't send you into a rage. It also doesn't mean you weren't heard.
And this messgae has been brought to you in the spirit of non dissin' , up-putting, and empowering :wink:
What made you think I spoke in a rage???
I think you caused YOURSELF to perceive stuff that wasn't there!!! LOL
Check it, pal!
What made you think I spoke in a rage??? I think you caused YOURSELF to perceive stuff that wasn't there!!! LOL Check it, pal!
From the very apropos words of The Great Gazoo as he hovers over Fred Flinstone's shoulder:
Why Do I Waste My Time With These Dum-Dum's...
The Great Gazoo
Haven't thought of him in years and years! Now if I had 1/2 his brain....
Remember those gazoo things? They were so cool. Teachers hated em.
Don't blame em a bit, either. Annoying probably, like lot's of things.
What made you think I spoke in a rage??? I think you caused YOURSELF to perceive stuff that wasn't there!!! LOL Check it, pal!
From the very apropos words of The Great Gazoo as he hovers over Fred Flinstone's shoulder:
Why Do I Waste My Time With These Dum-Dum's...
:lol: Thanks for the laughs guest! :lol: Good one.
Why is it clever to put people down when they are hurting?
Why is it clever to gang up and laugh and make people feel small?
You absolve yourself of blame but you know what you are doing. You're hitting the child in the person in front of you instead of appealing to the adult. You are twisting the knife instead of salving the wound.
Is that so adult?
Hi guest. You asked some good questions.
Why is it clever to put people down when they are hurting?
It's not.
Why is it clever to gang up and laugh and make people feel small?
Ah--these are not innocent people picnicking in the park, minding their own business. They've been involved in the dialogue and have said some angry things themselves. For the most part [rare exceptions] they receive a reaction related to what their output has been.
You're hitting the child in the person in front of you instead of appealing to the adult
I appreciate your comments guest but there have been very little adults present here in these threads, to deal with at that level. Most of the communication has been on the child, completely emotionally immature level.
Why do you think it's been so nasty and has gone on so long? Adults would have worked it out long ago. You can't deal adult to adult with child reasonings and emotions.
When the emotionally mature and responsible adults show up--the matter will resolve itself.
Like you, I don't like to see people hurt, so I hope it's sooner than later.
It doesn't resolve itself when emotionally mature adults turn up - cos emotionally mature adults wouldn't stay here five minutes!!!
Emotionally mature adults expect to communicate with other emotionally mature adults.
You can be as emotionally mature as you like, but if they're talking to the people who frequent this board, you'll be yanked back down to childhood as fast as a bobsleigh.
Hi Guest
The original message and reply were about child/adult within the same person. When the people who have already been long time participating in this crazyness from their child selves, decide to start using their adult side-- it will get resolved.
But sadly, I just don't know if I have that kind of waiting time ! :(
Here's an idea... why don't we all just decide to boycott negative threads? Let's let these threads just die out and go back to the business of being supportive of each other.
I couldn't agree more and I'd do it in a flash.
The problem is that I don't think everyone will do that.
And now there are more than just one thread to ignore which makes it even less likely that everyone will let all the threads die.
A separate area for these threads has been mentioned. I don't know if the forum topic owner reads the board regularly or if anyone has written to them about it.If they have I'd be interested in what the reply was.
I'll probably check out soon myself and try out another forum if it keeps going on too long.
Yeah, I just don't have the strength to read these much longer, either. I've tried to help as much as I can. But, instead of coming here and getting stronger, I find that now I am coming here and growing weaker. What a sad thing to say about what seemed to be a special board. Now it is spiraling out of control.
- from a member, not logged in.
{{Hugs Guest}}
Maybe try to give it a few days break at a time, and see how it ends up in about a month or so.
I'm hoping it will have died down somewhat by the end of November.
((hugs)) back.
(and these hugs are the very thing that keeps this board close to my heart - knowing there are kind people amongst us. )
Yes, a little break is a good idea. I'll try that.
Don't want to give up on us all, yet.
member not logged in, again. :?
Boring, boring, boring.
Don't be such WIMPS!
Whinge, whinge, whinge.
Grab yourselves a whole great big BITE of life and get on out there and stand up for yourselves.
Do you know - I ALWAYS wanted to say that to my Nmother - yeah, the one with the self-imposed helplessness like a dead weight round my neck.
Maybe some of this 'childishness' is actually more grown up than you realise!!!! Maybe it's less destructive than you realise. Maybe it's the butterfly emerging from the chrysalis!!!!!
hey phoenix - how are your gossamer wings????!
Nobody address those last two posts, or anymore (in retaliation to this) with that tone from whatever person--
It will die out if you don't--
Non attention is like drivin' a stake thru the vampires heart!!! :D
Excellent, oh Red Ink one =
thank you for stopping me from reacting!
Maybe we can change the tide. 8)
:D Kudos! ... & hugs & smooches :D
Oh my goodness - can't you see the LOVE in those two posts you want to ignore?????????????????????????? Can't you see the TRUTH?????????
Can't you feel the HUG!!!!!!!
Find a new perspective, see the world in a different way. Find the LOVE, not the HATE. The hate is in your own heart, not mine.
Ain't that just the truth!
I have wanted to say that to my mother for so long - can't you see the love I have, can't you see the reality, can't you see the truth. All she does is pick on me and project onto me all her paranoia and hate and badness. And I've been carrying the weight of it all for so long. And the weight of lots of other people who want to project their shadow side onto me, too.
And I have been trained to say - yes, I am the badness - let me carry it all for you. No, I won't ever be bad to you, I'll be perfect, never let my rage show, never be not nice cos you'll make me suffer even more if I do - cos then you'll say "see, I just proved it's all you, you're the 'bad'" I'm not allowed to be human, to admit my pain, to hit back.
If I try in rational terms to say 'look at this, work it out, see what's real', she can't take it, goes berserk, screams at me.
Look at what happens on this board, too. Screams, revulsion, calling me a vampire, for God's sake!!! Using abusive language like 'dum dum' and claiming to be supportive. No wonder I thought I was being driven mad - maybe WAS 'mad' just because I just couldn't handle it all.
The madness is out there, not 'in here'. God, how this place makes me shiver sometimes - a real nightmare of confusion and irrationality.
phoenix - however these other posters tried to portray my comment to you, I thought 'your gossamer wings' was an image of real beauty, a gift given with no other thought than an image of shimmering light and connection.
And I'm fed up of other people shitting on the gifts I have to share.
For a while my name was brokenwing. From now on, my name is Firebird.
Firebird, you aren't the only one who has been blasted when their post was misinterpreted. I think that's happened to lots of us. It has happened to me. And then you try to explain and someone calls you a name. I don't think name calling has any place on this board. It's bad for business as it makes people tend to not want to post.
There are some people here who will question when they don't understand and that's healthy.
It should be understood that there isn't a script here and there are many different personality types that see and interpret the world differently. It's not as black and white as some try to make it seem.
I am a generalist who usually deals with an overall concept as opposed to someone who likes to deal with specifics. Some people want supportive language and to deal more on the feelings side of things. If someone doesn't communicate that way, it may be interpreted as not caring. There are many other examples....cultural differences, humor differences.
There are many people here, many perspectives and that's a good thing. We were made the way were are for a reason. Maybe if people could stand back from themselves for a moment or two, then they could see and appreciate the differences instead of deciding someone is wrong or bad.
People can be a pain in the arse. No doubt about it. If world peace were attainable in the larger world then we would all get along perfectly on this board. But sometimes conflict opens up our worldview and perceptions. At least I hope it does.
phoenix - however these other posters tried to portray my comment to you, I thought 'your gossamer wings' was an image of real beauty, a gift given with no other thought than an image of shimmering light and connection.
For a while my name was brokenwing. From now on, my name is Firebird.
Firebird - that is a great transformation from brokenwing! Thank you for the gift you brought- I loved the image, too. Thanks for thinking of me. I am glad you came back to defend yourself -although I had already felt your post was in kindness.
phoenix - however these other posters tried to portray my comment to you, I thought 'your gossamer wings' was an image of real beauty, a gift given with no other thought than an image of shimmering light and connection.
It wasn't the message at 7:47 by "guest", which you now say was you, but the one at 7:48 by "guest" that was the problem. I suppose since the times were so close it was assumed you were the same people.
If you are not the same who wrote that first assinine message, and it does not seem like it, then I hope it's clear to people now.
In this way, I guess it's good you've named yourself at this point so things are clear. Not always, but sometimes using a name clarifies things that might look another way otherwise.
Are both posts by firebird? That's what I got out of this. Correct me if I'm wrong.....7:47 and 7:48. I thought they were both okay anyway.
I didn't name myself for your benefit or to clarify anything for anyone. I named myself as a symbol of gathering strength. As more intelligent people have already understood.
You still choose to use abusive language : asinine!
There's a difference between being challenging and being abusive.
I think your posts are asisine - utterly stupid or silly - not mine.
Look at the mote in your own eye first. I've been looking at mine for far too long and allowing everyone else to get away with (soul) murder. But I see you more clearly now : standing at the centre of your own universe - it's all about you and your needs, you expect to take without giving, nothing reciprocal required. Your perspective is limited.
Find a new perspective, see the world in a different way. Find the LOVE, not the HATE. The hate (and spite) is in your own heart, not mine.
The day when you and people like you stop being hate-ful and spite-ful is the day when I'll quit, too.
No more Rational Nice Girl lying in the road to get trampled by anyone who feels like it when they feel like it. Parentified no more.
Boring, boring, boring.
Don't be such WIMPS!
Whinge, whinge, whinge.
Grab yourselves a whole great big BITE of life and get on out there and stand up for yourselves.
Do you know - I ALWAYS wanted to say that to my Nmother - yeah, the one with the self-imposed helplessness like a dead weight round my neck.
Maybe some of this 'childishness' is actually more grown up than you realise!!!! Maybe it's less destructive than you realise. Maybe it's the butterfly emerging from the chrysalis!!!!!
Firebird-- if you wrote the above message in repsonse to two other members sharing hugs and warm words between them [and addressed to no one else], than I'm afraid it was more than asinine!!!
If I say what I really think my butt will be off of this forum I'm sure, and I ain't going nowhere so I'll punch the pillow instead--
Did you write that piece of inflammatory crap or not???
If you didn't-- then you just don't get it, do you. Nobody was calling your/2nd message assinine, in fact, the message directed at you was meant in kindness!
Kindness has now been taken back... From what it coming out of you now-- you should change your name yet again-- to seagull
<ducking the crap>
You still choose to use abusive language : asinine!
Er if I can't butt in here too; didn't you write these FireB:
I think your posts are asisine - utterly stupid or silly
Boring, boring, boring.
Don't be such WIMPS!
Whinge, whinge, whinge.
You don't call that abusive? I do.
This board has become an All you can eat buffet for Ns. Sickening...
Seeing' N's everywhere- are we? Don't be silly now, love.
Yes-- s-i-c-k-e-n-i-n-g.
This has become the theatre of the absurd. Just quit posting to this thread and maybe it will go bye, bye.
Boring, boring, boring.
Don't be such WIMPS!
Whinge, whinge, whinge.
Grab yourselves a whole great big BITE of life and get on out there and stand up for yourselves.
Do you know - I ALWAYS wanted to say that to my Nmother - yeah, the one with the self-imposed helplessness like a dead weight round my neck.
Maybe some of this 'childishness' is actually more grown up than you realise!!!! Maybe it's less destructive than you realise. Maybe it's the butterfly emerging from the chrysalis!!!!!
Firebird-- if you wrote the above message in repsonse to two other members sharing hugs and warm words between them [and addressed to no one else], than I'm afraid it was more than asinine!!!
How do you know? Do you know for sure? Were you one of them? Wher you both of them? Whoever you are, you are very touchy
If I say what I really think my butt will be off of this forum I'm sure, and I ain't going nowhere so I'll punch the pillow instead--
I hope it burst and you have feathers now all over your dang bed and now you have to clean up the whole dang feathery mess. Or do ya' have one o' dem new-fangled new-ager pilla's with solid cores and holes. I prefer feather ma'self. You sure dang went' and got awfully dang angry awfully dang quick din't ya' li'l horace. Wanna' talk 'bout ya' knee-jerk anger and ya' rapid-fire conclusion jumpin' or are ya' awready seein' someun' 'bout it ? Sure hope so!
Did you write that piece of inflammatory crap or not???
By 'Inflammatory crap', duz, ya' mean tha' kind afta' eatin' to much chilli?
I surez get dat' from chilli. You too huh? :D
If you didn't-- then you just don't get it, do you. Nobody was calling your/2nd message assinine, in fact, the message directed at you was meant in kindness!
Kindess schmindness, why not gives some kindness to everyone now then. Not dis emabarrisin' widdy biddy kiddy outburst ya' done. Why? Cause ya' sucked yar' lolly pop plum out.
Kindness has now been taken back...
Waaah waaah , mommie!! I want my mommie!! Look what the nasty poster said to me mommy. Waaah, waaah. I think it was nasty to me mommie.
I is maginin' how red ya' face musta got when ya' threw this paddy.
From what it coming out of you now-- you should change your name yet again-- to seagull
Li'l horace, that's what I is gonna call ya' here in. Li'l horace, I'd keeps that in mind ya'self from now on, ya' here? Seagulls are jis' too beautiful to be degraded by anyone, even you. Almost ma' favourite li'l birdy. And they keep the beaches so nice and clean.
And Hee hee They sure is good shots when they want ta crap in some loud mouth's mouth. You'd know I guess. That's probly why ya' don like 'em much.
<duck crap>
Keep duckin' ' duck crap'. I'll be waitin' and watchin' for ya'.
Seagull Lover
didn't you write these FireB:
I think your posts are asisine - utterly stupid or silly
Boring, boring, boring.
Don't be such WIMPS!
Whinge, whinge, whinge
Try reading it in context - and quoting it in the right order.
I'm sorry if your intelligence can't stretch that far.
If people want to throw 'asinine' in my face then that's what they get (got) back.
There's nothing silly or stupid about challenging people's perceptions and revealing one's own motivations. There's clarity and fairness in that kind of communication.
I'm sorry if your intelligence can't stretch that far.
Jonathan Livingstone Seagull
Noooooooooow PCG peronality--- You startin' the F*cking psycho crap again--??
Don't even go there 'cause --
--- to be continued--
Do not reply, do not feed this sicko need and maybe we can get back on track.
Who is PCG?
Whoever you are, push off. This is my fight, not yours!! Stamp! Stamp!!
Now-now-- ya dun gone a tad on the mad side- pet---
Ya 'ain't no broken-winged, weak-kneed chickadee juss findin' yer voice--Fireterd--
Ta tell ya true- ya ain't foolin' no one, love-- folk 'ain't got no black eyed peas fer intellectual organs--
Ya bin ill wit the demons fer awhile now-sweet. I 'ain't saying yer who it was said ya were 'afore by someone-- but there were plenty ta be had roamin' these here hills--
Yer so ugly inside it's almost fascinatin' me :twisted:
Dig it though sweet--ya impressed me wit yer knowledge hun-- ya knows so little so fluently---
Boring, boring, boring.
Don't be such WIMPS!
Whinge, whinge, whinge.
Grab yourselves a whole great big BITE of life and get on out there and stand up for yourselves.
Do you know - I ALWAYS wanted to say that to my Nmother - yeah, the one with the self-imposed helplessness like a dead weight round my neck.
Maybe some of this 'childishness' is actually more grown up than you realise!!!! Maybe it's less destructive than you realise. Maybe it's the butterfly emerging from the chrysalis!!!!!
Firebird-- if you wrote the above message in repsonse to two other members sharing hugs and warm words between them [and addressed to no one else], than I'm afraid it was more than asinine!!!
How do you know? Do you know for sure? Were you one of them? Wher you both of them? Whoever you are, you are very touchy
If I say what I really think my butt will be off of this forum I'm sure, and I ain't going nowhere so I'll punch the pillow instead--
I hope it burst and you have feathers now all over your dang bed and now you have to clean up the whole dang feathery mess. Or do ya' have one o' dem new-fangled new-ager pilla's with solid cores and holes. I prefer feather ma'self. You sure dang went' and got awfully dang angry awfully dang quick din't ya' li'l horace. Wanna' talk 'bout ya' knee-jerk anger and ya' rapid-fire conclusion jumpin' or are ya' awready seein' someun' 'bout it ? Sure hope so!
Did you write that piece of inflammatory crap or not???
By 'Inflammatory crap', duz, ya' mean tha' kind afta' eatin' to much chilli?
I surez get dat' from chilli. You too huh? :D
If you didn't-- then you just don't get it, do you. Nobody was calling your/2nd message assinine, in fact, the message directed at you was meant in kindness!
Kindess schmindness, why not gives some kindness to everyone now then. Not dis emabarrisin' widdy biddy kiddy outburst ya' done. Why? Cause ya' sucked yar' lolly pop plum out.
Kindness has now been taken back...
Waaah waaah , mommie!! I want my mommie!! Look what the nasty poster said to me mommy. Waaah, waaah. I think it was nasty to me mommie.
I is maginin' how red ya' face musta got when ya' threw this paddy.
From what it coming out of you now-- you should change your name yet again-- to seagull
Li'l horace, that's what I is gonna call ya' here in. Li'l horace, I'd keeps that in mind ya'self from now on, ya' here? Seagulls are jis' too beautiful to be degraded by anyone, even you. Almost ma' favourite li'l birdy. And they keep the beaches so nice and clean.
And Hee hee They sure is good shots when they want ta crap in some loud mouth's mouth. You'd know I guess. That's probly why ya' don like 'em much.
<duck crap>
Keep duckin' ' duck crap'. I'll be waitin' and watchin' for ya'.
Seagull Lover
That firey li'l Firebird didn'a write this'un HUG&C ya' sweet thang! So jis' incase that's what called ya' out of you coffin, ya' barkin' up tha' wrong tree agin' as usual, an' on a newbie too. tut tut. It was li'l ole me, :D I did An' thats all I's sayin' . I'zs was jis imitatin' you HUG&C me darlin' yes, HUG&C, 'cawse I'z missed ya' so much.
Seagull Lover
note to self and others:
do not respond to nonesense, for the sake of us all.
Blimey - you're all mad as hatters and not much of a sense of humour between you, either! Can't penetrate the accent of that HUG person. Is that Deep South or something??
Anyway, firebird is warm to those who are kind and rational and BURNS those who invade her space and try to cause harm. She learns quickly and can turn easily into the great philosopher bird who has wisdom but can crap on anyone who needs a lesson in manners.
And...not that I feel the need to prove anything to YOU but your post is sowing seeds of suspicion and hate, so here's the proof for other posters that I was brokenwing.
(now) Firebird
And...not that I feel the need to prove anything to YOU but your post is sowing seeds of suspicion and hate, so here's the proof for other posters that I was brokenwing. (now) Firebird
Whoever you are, push off. This is my fight, not yours!! Stamp! Stamp!!
hehehe hic heehee haw!!! <phew-sorry> Ah- consarn it Fireterd--ya shoulda leff yer good 'ole "fight" ta more competent others who tried ta aid ya! Ya ‘ain’t understain’ nuthin’ penned here love-- Yer thrashin’ ‘n stompin’ around, ‘n capping yer letters all indignant-like, aginst' sumin’ I ‘ain’t never even near penned! I knows who ya were 'afore, silly---hic hee h... [ok-i ain't startin' wit the painful side stitch again]
I took me a walk outside today ‘n a small crowd were gathered in a spot in the park. I asked what were all the fussin’, ‘n were told a single gull were up there, all confused-like, tryin’ ta fly south in the V formation wit a flocka geese---
I looked up and seen the amazin’ sight for maself--- “Afore I knew it, ma lips parted-- ‘n all wide ‘n glassy-eyed, wit ma neck crooked up 90 degree on angle, I gently whispered out “fireterd”-- Folk near who heard it looked at me all puzzled-- but dang if I didn’t wear an ear ta ear grin as I strode off with a kick in ma stride---
Can anyone put into writing how these hateful threads and posts contribute to :
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board
A forum to discuss your experience with voicelessness
That firey li'l Firebird didn'a write this'un HUG&C ya' sweet thang! So jis' incase that's what called ya' out of you coffin, ya' barkin' up tha' wrong tree agin' as usual, an' on a newbie too. tut tut. It was li'l ole me, I did An' thats all I's sayin' . I'zs was jis imitatin' you HUG&C me darlin' yes, HUG&C, 'cawse I'z missed ya' so much.
Now sweet—bad news is ya ‘ain’t gonna be nominated fer one ‘a them there emmies wit that performance-- But it ain’t all thorny news by far peach-- ‘cause in ma heart I’m personally givin ya majer props fer it. Imimitatin’s the highest form of flattery, ‘n I knows ya ment it juss like so love! :D
P??? Nawwww! Yer reeeformed now, sweet. Yer still the ace in ma very special decka cards—P 8) I got me a deck--kinda like them serial killer decks but not all psycho-morbid like that P—sheeew… nuh- uh! It juss ain’t ma style at all P. More like baseball style fer special cyber types--- I’ve growed fond of ya though P. Ya dun me proud ‘afore ‘n ya penetrated ma southern fried chicken skin.
City dwellin’ is one thang ‘n I might find me a longitude [don’t be tryin’ ta bust’ yer head on these fancy werd types fireterd] hair ‘er two misplaced ‘tween trees-- but truth be said, dumplin’, there ain’t no barking up the wrong tree in a forest 'a like ones. It’s all the same ‘n ya just showed it true by replyin’ as the one of ma wantin' hun’— Glad as I am ya dun it ‘n paid such a special homage ta me---
I’m gonna bake a huckleberry pie in yer name-- sweet! :D
Don’t worry-- I knows who’s name ta evoke ‘cause I got me an inklin’ on who I’m engagin’ here pet—and that’s all I’z sayin’-- :P
Seagull Lover
Well now—that bein’ so-- git on up there and haul ‘er sorry butt outta that there geese formation then! :wink:
Can anyone put into writing how these hateful threads and posts contribute to :
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board
A forum to discuss your experience with voicelessness
It's the "emotional survival" part that's provin' ta be taxin' on things in this here forum-- There's a whole pandora's box in that there phrase for many here, & outta that comes all these here emotional diversions in print--
In otha' werds- there's folk with all sorts of sensitivities 'n spirit vexations outta pain as yougnlin's-- 'n they's operatin' with a chip on their shoulder 'n rilin' up thangs 'round here--
I promise ya I ain't one-- I juss pop 'round if innocents is
bein' hassled--or demon seeds is takin' over too much--- :evil:
God's truth is that I'z wishin' it weren't so too--pet :(
Please, other board members,
please do not reply to the tauntings of folks like these,
and help retain the integrity of our Board.
Do Not "Feed" That Person.
No, I'm not going to 'feed' that person. I know what you mean. But I will say to that person that you have no idea what you are talking about. I'm here for a purpose and it's a serious purpose to do with my own healing. And part of that purpose is dealing with people like you.
The fact is that - yes - you give me a little 'twitch' every now and then but I see you and I'm not frightened of you. You may be right about what you see in other people that makes you want to belittle and be destructive, but you may not be.
Whatever happened to all your angry stamp-stamp!!!! move over to other's fight that was yours to fight Firebird???????????
I'm not surprised you gave up. I know why you did but I won't embarrass you further in stating it in print.
Anyway I'm really glad you decided to go all quiet so I don't have to read your silly ridiculousness.
All the best in silence :)
Whatever happened to all your angry stamp-stamp!!!! move over to other's fight that was yours to fight Firebird???????????
I'm not surprised you gave up. I know why you did but I won't embarrass you further in stating it in print.
Anyway I'm really glad you decided to go all quiet so I don't have to read your silly ridiculousness.
All the best in silence
Hi Firebird. Looks like the someone is trying to bait you into responding, and continuing the game. :lol: How juvenile. By ignoring her and not bothering to even read such posts, you are the one in control. Let the troll rant and rave. It's just empty words afterall.
If we don't feel the trolls, they have no power. And if nobody wants to play their game, eventually they go away.
Hi Firebird. Looks like the someone is trying to bait you into responding, and continuing the game. By ignoring her and not bothering to even read such posts, you are the one in control.
Now wait just a minute,Firebird was the one all stamping around and insisting that this was her fight!!
If we don't feel the trolls, they have no power.
No- I don't want you touching me thanks- I'm not a troll but I'll go
away Firebird style {i want my mommy} if it comes down to touchy feely business.
Well...I ain't gonna stick my nose in the air and walk off...
and I ain't gonna right any wrongs...
and I ain't gonna explain myself either...
But I'm happy to say that I'm laughing out loud. Either I'm getting stronger inside OR the string puller is losing his/her talent.
I don't mind continuing to read their posts. In fact, I'll say 'thanks' for giving me some practice at coping with and handling people like YOU!
I can even anticipate how you'll use what's in this post to try to pull my strings further. Go fo it, Batman!!! ;-) And don't let my invitation stop you! ;-) (I knw how being allowed to do something can take all the fun out of things!)
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :P oops! :D :D :D
By ignoring her and not bothering to even read such posts, you are the one in control.
I knew I could get a rise out of her with my eyes closed. She's just too thick in the head guest, but you did try.
p.s. Last time I checked, I did not have any "she" parts :wink: Ok- I could stand to lose a few, but I don't need a bra yet!
And don't let my invitation stop you!
Actually- it eggs me on big time. It's the sole, single reason why I've kept it up! :)
But alas; ive grown tired. Who would have thought stupidity would be SO draining!
I'll show you what NOT participating _really_ means.Take a lesson for next time. Just by reading your toxic; agressive; defensive; yawn messages I'm _sure_ this won't be the last time your involved in a Kafuffle [I've been wanting to use that great word for a while now! :) ]
Though I wonder if you don't have a double birdie poster. Something smells fishy [maybe it was just your birdie breath from breakfast] about how the tone of your messages sometimes change. Like Blue Footed Boobie Birdie has to come with his special foot to kick butt for you sometimes.
Toodles forever {but we'll always have Paris} you big doe-doe...
What'd I say? It's merely a close cousin in that bird family of yours!
Thank you
Human being are complex and we all have many voices. Go for it firebird - express the many hues of your hopes, pain and experience.
Thank you?????
Thank you for abusive language?
You THANK the bully?
With friends like these...
No, don't defend yourself. I know I'm supposed to know my place and be grateful to you for not joining in the bullying, for being 'on my side'. But - no - that's not 'on my side'. I've learnt a lot in the past few days about how people 'handle' nasty stuff. There's a claim that 'of course' they'd care for the victim - but only after the bully has gone, only after the victim is bloodied and vanquished. Because it's only when the victim is vanquished that it's safe. You know who the victim is when the fight is over. The winner is always the bully, no matter who started the fight. No matter who was abusive.
Well, I despise that behaviour. I despise people who stand by the sidelines wringing their hands. I despise people who shout 'stop' and don't care who is getting hurt. I guess you're angry with the victim for being bullied and frightened of the bully for bullying. If you were honest enough to say so, I'd respect you. Oh yes, and I despise the people who run out, run away, turn away, NIMBY, and allow the bullying to go on, tut-tutting to themselves about how dreadful it all is. And then turn their back on the victim out of shame. Ignore the victim. Isolate the victim.
It went on in your homes - and you'll allow it to happen again.
Well, I won't. I'll turn up and say 'hit me, instead'. Stupid. As you say, HUG, I should leave it to people who are better equipped. But I won't. I'll find out what really works and I'll get smarter. But you can't become a smarter bully - because if you get smarter, you'll not bully any more.
Look at you - you've lost all your power already. Yes, I despise you, too. I despise you for trying to crush people, and mystify and taunt. You seem to claim a moral right, a moral victory in posting as you do. The fact is that you don't know how to make a positive difference. The sad and bad thing is that you perpetuate the bullying of y/our own childhood and it's so ingrained that you have no idea that's what you do.
Oh my gosh Firebird - I was responding the way you suggested:
Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 11:57 am Post subject:
Hi Guest-who-I-was-talking-to-earlier....
My child decided to say 'thank you' with great sincerity and a great big smile on his face any time someone started teasing him or saying something mean. It's amazingly disarming!!! And makes everyone laugh. Try it - it's fun!!
I didn't mean any harm. I wanted to run the bully off. But it inflamed you. I'm so sorry. :oops:
Hello - i just popped by again because I wanted to apologse for my earlier outburst. And I found your very kind message here - so double apologies to you personally.
Thank YOU!
It's difficult to take back what I said earlier cos I felt it so strongly. I wasn't 'inflamed' by what you wrote. I saw a perspective and wanted to make a point. But/So it wasn't intended to be personal.
I wonder about 'adult', 'child' - all I can say is that my outburst was 'healthy'.
Sorry I don't know who you are but... {{{hugs}}} I hope you're OK in your life.
Scorched Feathers. :-)
Healthy outburst? How about no outbursts? Thoughtful posting would be more productive imo.
That was not from me. I am truely not here to stir up things. I am a member and do not mean anyone harm. I have posted the few dialogs you and I shared.
I will remain nameless.....
To Guest - the one who keeps writing terribly hurtful things to anyone and everyone has to read it
Your time here is up. You are rude, nasty, and your words are ugly. If you want to keep being foul, you will be met with your own medicine.
I for one am tired of reading this garbage.
If you are allowed to enter it - I am allowed to respond.
If your submissions are the only things on earth that make you feel like a man (or woman) - pity you, you little tiny person.
You are the lowest of the lowest lifeform. Go get a life with others like you. Treat each other like dirt. You all deserve each other.
I'm not sure who that last poster was speaking of. I've only posted here once so...? It just seems to me that firebird could think about what's she's putting out into the universe. I meant it in a friendly way. I for one am tired of people getting emotional and instantly bursting forth with their emotion. If you are upset...think for a while or reread a post to get the full meaning. And instead of an outburst, maybe a thoughtful or informed reply will come forth. That's not being negative.
Simply read the former posts in this thread alone. The person posting obnoxious stuff signed in as guest. They will know who this message is for. If it does not apply to you, it is not for you.
Okay. Thanks.
Healthy outburst? How about no outbursts? Thoughtful posting would be more productive imo.
Thank you for totally negating the content of what I wrote in order to take a pot shot. I wrote a very thought-full post aimed at the board, life, the universe in general. And, as I thought more, I thought about the individual who had prompted my thoughts and I returned with further thoughts - this time of a caring nature for the individual.
Yours was not thought-full. Your post was intended as a put down. A put down is not friendly (as you tried to claim when you felt challenged). No, I don't think you are HUG et al but choose from the following labels whichever applies best : moralistic, superior, self-satisfied, shallow, stuck-up, condescending, patronising, (probably been there myself)...
If you've never had a healthy outburst then you're missing out - and if you have...then let him who is without sin cast the first stone - hmmm???
Actually, I've just realised how truly pointless your post was. Totally irrelevant. I'll keep that in mind for the next time.
Still learning...
Nameless - is it OK for me to say that I'm proud of you????? That was a marvellous post (re Your time is up). It wasn't mean but it surely was assertive and vigorous. :-)