Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board

Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: debkor on November 30, 2010, 09:48:13 AM

Title: Hey I got a job that don't pay!!
Post by: debkor on November 30, 2010, 09:48:13 AM
The other day I took a ride with Nfriend (which I don't always like to do) to a social service agency that help lower your electric bill if you fall into the income they require.

I noticed when we walked into the building there was a huge open (office staff) office....with no staff.   To the left there was a closed door office (with the worker and client in). 

We took a seat.  As I sat there I watched more people come in.  They would open her office door (with client) and ask whatever they wanted to ask.  She would tell them to step out and be with them soon.  They would keep talking.  Then more did this.  Then a truck driver delivery (did it).  Then people went through the kitchen cabinets (looking at the food in there)...and I couldn't believe it.

Where is her office staff?  I couldn't believe they all went to lunch at the same time.   

As I sat there it was so familiar to when I worked (for a social service agency) 16 years ago.  I never knew how much I missed it.  I wanted to jump behind the desk.
Can I help you?  She is with a client....yadda, yadda.....

When it came time for my friend I asked the worker..Where is your staff?  She said she has never had a staff (out there) EVER!  The next words I heard coming out of my mouth (with out even thinking about it) was....You need me to help you?   I will volunteer.  I have skills/rusty though...worked social service office staff....16 year's ago though but I can help you. 

Her eyes lit up...I want you to see (so and so) you tell them your skills/knowledge and you will best fit with this office and how we will benefit with you here.  We will benefit with each other.  We will be helping each other.  I am going to re-learn and enter the work force (be there) working it (even if it's no pay) it's school, it's net working, and it's something that I hadn't realized (that I missed that much).  It will build my confidence (with re-entering the work force). 

Then she told me that they are going to re-do/build on/ and bring all the offices to one place...there.   She was telling me that I would be *hired* with pay eventually.

And I'm so excited!!!   Because it does not matter about the pay right now...It's going back to school (free) and working experience ...at the same time!

It was meant to be.  I was suppose to be there (I think).  Is this what they call (your path)?  Just go with it....

And then you have my D who does not understand why I am doing this.  She does not get that if I am to work (why not get paid).  She does not understand that I am in the work force and being re-trained (life school).  I'm already there!   The income will happen but my skill building, work experience, and in toe in the door...is happening!

And it was there for me....

I wonder why things happen how they happen.   I was just taking a ride.

Title: Re: Hey I got a job that don't pay!!
Post by: lighter on November 30, 2010, 09:55:30 AM
::doing the snoopy dance for ya!::

Deb, what a wonderful adventure: )


Title: !Q
Post by: Hopalong on November 30, 2010, 11:28:06 PM
Deb, this is BRILLIANT!

I am so very excited and happy for you!

I understand exactly why you are elated and I think you are so fabulously receptive and smart and you had the vision to SEE a new door and open it and invite yourself through!

Many, many kudos for this absolutely brilliant, life-affirming, self-empowering instinct.

I am so jazzed that you were open to the sound and you heard it and made a space for change!


Title: Re: Hey I got a job that don't pay!!
Post by: sKePTiKal on December 01, 2010, 07:22:20 AM
ooooooo Deb! WAHOO!

I can see it now... the mama tiger welcoming the people who walk in the doors, reassuring them, comforting them, and fighting for their dignity... I think you're a perfect fit!

My fingers will be crossed that all their plans come together and you find yourself in the middle of a job that you helped to create and define. Absolutely nothing better than creating your own opportunity and finding your place - and yourself - at the same time!

Surfin' life, baby.... I'm so happy for you!
Title: Re: Hey I got a job that don't pay!!
Post by: Lucky on December 02, 2010, 06:01:15 AM
That is wonderful, well done!
Title: Re: Hey I got a job that don't pay!!
Post by: CB123 on December 02, 2010, 09:08:29 AM

I love this!  This seems sooooooo strong and engaged with life.

Title: Re: Hey I got a job that don't pay!!
Post by: Izzy_*now* on December 04, 2010, 01:38:18 AM
So how is is going?

fun I hope
Title: Re: Hey I got a job that don't pay!!
Post by: debkor on December 04, 2010, 10:08:07 AM
Thanks everyone !!!

It's not going yet.  I have to go down on monday again.  The woman I will be helping is going on vacation for the next two weeks.  It was so bad with the econo that they couldn't handle (what they couldn't handle) already.  They had to ask another agency to help them with doing intakes.   The other agency is just as backed up so things are a bit screwed up (with appts) both sent letter's.  They are non profit (org) and there is not always (a person) to answer thier phones (beside the worker).
People get voice mail.  Leave a message.  So you can imagine how angry and afraid people are. 

They explained to me that they work with the electric companies.  They help (lower the bills).  They use to give a set price according to income and family size no matter the use of electric.  They now can't afford to do that so they (lower the bills) a set price the same way (income and family size) but people are having electric cut off.
It's winter and many people have electric heat.  Many people are unemployed (on unemployment) and can't make ends meet (as it is) with normal basic needs.
The (org's) are even running of (funding to help). 

This Jan the electric company is going to raise the rate.  They had a 10 year cap but as of Jan it's a done deal.  Rates will be raised.  I don't fully understand it all yet but from what I'm getting it can  be raised or they are talking about raising it ...33per cent.

They are so short staffed that even when I was trying to talk to them (they had to take clients).  While I waited the people would casual talk to me.
They didn't appear as angry as they did stressed.   Many were single parents or very young (and I only seen women) come in.  One woman was elderly
whom had lost her husband.  She (was) eligible but they couldn't do anythng for the bill was still in her (deceased husbands name).  She has to change everything into her name (with a past balance) now that will be added on (into her name).

The (org) has many things they help people with (this is just one part).  They also help with homeless.  It is so bad that people are being brought to other (county's)
to shelter's for the night.  They are filled here. 

So I"m looking forward to helping them in any way I can.  My kids (ha kids) two are older. One moved out with b/f.  Other moved back in (room mates) all moving home.
They are having it so hard (econo) and one is turning 16.   So I'm good to go!  Even the 16 year old will be driving soon ( don't want to think about that). 

So that's the little bit I know (which is BIG) problems (with econo) and just part of what is happening (today).  I sat with these people.   The services are  being (dried up) and funding (appears to be running out) also.  Very scary.


Title: Re: Hey I got a job that don't pay!!
Post by: Hopalong on December 05, 2010, 09:15:38 AM
You're a hero, Deb.
Front lines of the war on the poor.

love and thank you,
