Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: Discounted Girl on November 07, 2004, 02:44:56 PM
I was wondering if you would consider starting another option in the index (there are 3 there now) in which ONLY registered users could post. There are many of us who love this board and recognize the value, but how can we sort through so much nonsense? If it is possible, will you please consider it? Thanks.
I agree with DG.
Ditto :!:
Sounds good to me too.
Hi everyone,
It has been another difficult period on the board, and I appreciate everyone’s wish for security. Re: DG’s suggestion. I am hesitant to create a “members only” 4th board because many people use the Guest function appropriately and need the safety of anonymity. I would not like to see them excluded on any board. I would like to remind people—particularly those who have forgotten (or never read) the board guidelines, that I have access to IP addresses of all posters, guest and member alike, and that I will protect the overall security of the board.
The first board I ever posted at was by registration only. There will always be infighting, no getting away from that. And some of the issues I've addressed won't be covered just by requiring registration. People can still sign on under different names, or have malicious hidden intent buried within thier posts, that perhaps only the intended victim would pick out.
I found it interesting how wholeheartedly people took to the underground. Amazing power in invisibility! Still, I agree, I would like it to be that only registered users could post. The idea that the guest option provides saftey for some seems to shelter such a minority and harms a greater majority. I think that I as well as a few others have shown the safety inherent in posting as registered posters. We were able to erase our posts.
While we are making our requests may I add that for Christmas a "Dream Room" would be great as well. :D Thanks Phoenix
Hmmmm, Well maybe you'll still consider the dream room? Phoenix
This board sure gives us practice speaking our minds and not giving a rip about other's criticism of our ideas. Putting one's user name to a post and letting our post stand in the face of criticism or potential criticism just helps us to grow stronger, IMO. This is what I am trying to learn anyway. This place is great for learning about boundaries too IMO I have learned a lot here both about my weaknesses and defensiveness vs. my strengths. I've gotten great support here. Thanks Dr. G.
Perhaps some people aren't brave enough at the beginning to even have a name. Maybe they are too fragile. Maybe they are voiceless AND nameless. They'll find a name through posting. Maybe they need to try out different voices before they can find the real one.
Maybe someone who has been chased off the board might like a fresh start. Maybe they are incapable of changing but they'll just register under a different name anyway. I don't like the feeling that someone with a 'history' might be coming in with a different name and it makes me suspicious. That's not good - but, even tho I don't know how to resolve it, that's a problem for me, inside me.
People who have names and are registered have sure expressed vicious, mean, spiteful, targetted opinions. So registration doesn't protect the board from meanness. Registration makes it even easier for the meanies to target individuals if the individual has a name.
People who post anonymously get mixed up with other people who post anonymously - something they have to 'live with', the downside of their choice.
I've seen some honest, useful, life-enhancing posts from anonymous. Perhaps, sometimes, loyalty as well as fear prevents us from being honest. If we are honest as anon, we can learn to put a name to our voices. Maybe sticking with one name stops us growing!!!
Anon brings out confusion and paranoia for the rest of us; anon allows growth for anon. Which is more important?
I'm breaking my own rules here, but I want to respond to what the Guest said and not specifically to the Guest.
The juvenile and whacko guest postings that have literally taken over the whole forum several days recently are not coming from people who:
" ... aren't brave enough at the beginning to even have a name. Maybe they are too fragile. Maybe they are voiceless AND nameless. They'll find a name through posting. Maybe they need to try out different voices before they can find the real one."
Surely you know that is not the type poster we are talking about. These (if there is more than one) whackos have lots of nerve (no bravery though I will admit) and they are not interested in helping anyone or being helped, nor are they interested in learning anything. They are just trouble-makers who waste more of our time.
Yes, anyone can have as many registered names as they want I suppose, but we cannot police every post to see if it's someone with multi-identities. It's just the guest postings on one index option that I would like to see prohibited.
Yes, some guest postings have been very insightful and provided food for thought, but it's the same old cliché "a few bad apples spoil the whole basket."
I would think anyone with a "history" who comes back with a different name would soon exhibit their old trademarks. It has happened many times on here. Some who left never went any further than another name. There is nothing to be done about that. It's the anonymous trolls and trouble-makers that are ruining it for the rest of us. They are running around posting right and left and using this forum as a teenager's chat room, filling up page after page with nonsense.
Yes, it is true that:
"People who have names and are registered have sure expressed vicious, mean, spiteful, targetted opinions. So registration doesn't protect the board from meanness. Registration makes it even easier for the meanies to target individuals if the individual has a name."
But at least you know who it is. I'm not talking about eradicating "vicious, mean, spiteful, targeted opinions" -- we have to take care of ourselves and be responsible in our replies to jerks. I'm talking about these time and space wasters with their silly little games. How did they ever find this place anyhow? I wonder if they found some history links on someone else's computer (like their parents?).
I don't agree with:
" ... loyalty as well as fear prevents us from being honest. If we are honest as anon, we can learn to put a name to our voices. Maybe sticking with one name stops us growing!!! ... Anon brings out confusion and paranoia for the rest of us; anon allows growth for anon. Which is more important?"
What good are your opinions if you are afraid someone will know they are yours. We're not talking about the next-door neighbor reading what we say here. This is a forum created in cyber-space and nobody knows who you are even with your registered name. Registering your name and being responsible for what you say is just another outward testimony of your ethics, integrity and character. I will save my anonymity for the voting booth. The childish guest postings we have been inundated with do not confuse and create paranoia, and I doubt they hold a growth factor for the author -- they have however, IMO, caused the forum to lose some of its effectiveness.
The juvenile and whacko posting that have taken over the forum haven't been just for several days - they've been for a couple of weeks.
I left town to go take care of a Nmom for a couple of weeks. Coming back to the boards, I see everything is just the same as it was before I left.
Dr. G, thank you for the boards, but right now they don't seem to be helping much other then stirring up trouble.
Instead, I'll devote myself to the books you've recommended. They have helpful insights unlike this message board (right now).
Hmmm, maybe Doc G. using this board to do a study, to see how many ACONs become narcissists or exhibit narcissist traits. If everyone were registered, they would be more likely to behave. Just a thought. =/