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Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board / Re: Developing A Personality
« Last post by Twoapenny on January 02, 2025, 01:10:22 PM »
More practise.  Just received an 'official' and immediately went into a spin.  Heart pounding, head started whirring, felt sweaty and panicky and interestingly, noticed that I immediately started berating myself for all the things I haven't done today.  Don't quite understand the relevance of that, but anyway.

Told myself, whatever it was, my stock response now is "Thanks, I'll get back to you", and then to wait at least two days.  Calmed down a bit

Looked at the header and there's no attachment, so it is just an email and not a huge document to wade through.  Calmed a little bit more.  Did some deep breathing and calmed down a bit more.  Opened the email and carried on with deep breathing while reading it.  Noticed - panic at not being able to recall the information they're looking at immediately (this is a complaint I put in about the housing situation we left nearly three years ago).  Anger at it taking this long for them to deal with it.  Fury at knowing they may well not find in my favour and all the work that went in will be for nothing.  Resentment that the drug dealer is another abusive man being protected and cosseted by people in authority while we had to pack our lives up and move hundreds of miles to get away from him (echoes of my mum and step-dad, again).  Carried on deep breathing, calmed down a bit more.

I have a week to respond.  So - I can do a bit each day, re-read the original complaint I sent in, draft a response in which I confirm/clarify the main points and can ask them to confirm they have the evidence that was originally submitted.  I have additional evidence here; I can ask them if they need me to send it in.
Whilst I do still feel angry about the whole situation (and these situations in general), I did get us out of there, and that was no mean feat.  We've had a big life style change, which has been very positive, and we've had our Scottish experience which has been/is amazing.  We had the financial help from people on here which was extraordinarily kind and the (good) ripples from that are still being felt now because it was such a huge help.  It may be that they don't find in our favour, the law being what it is and disability often being misunderstood and dismissed the way it is, but I know that if we'd had accurate information about the situation, I wouldn't have moved in there, I know that they didn't risk assess appropriately (I'm just not sure if they're legally bound to; we'll find out now, I guess), I know that I went through all the appropriate lines and methods to deal with the situation and I know they left us high and dry (but again, I don't know if the law is on my side on this one).  I know they could have moved us and chose not to; I know they could have installed an inexpensive camera in the public area outside the property and stopped the drug dealing themselves, but they chose not to.  Whatever the law is on that, morally any half decent person would have forked out a couple of hundred pounds to put a camera up in the stairwell and he'd have had to have stopped what he was doing anyway.

It might not go in our favour and if that's the case I will be disappointed, but we got away which was the main thing and I did everything in my power, both at the time and after we left, to get as much done about the situation as possible.  No-one can do any more than that.

So still feel a bit panicky but not as bad as when I saw it.  Slowly dealing with the triggers as they come up.

Just editing as more thoughts pop up so that I don't forget things.  Whatever the outcome of the complaint, I have a load of photos, videos and paperwork that can all be destroyed once it's dealt with.  That will feel cathartic whatever comes of it.

Also noticing my thoughts/feelings as people reply/don't reply to messages.  I realised I do 'assess' the response, do they seem happy to hear from me, do they seem to want to chat or not, do they seem irritated that I contacted them and so on.  I hadn't really realised I do that before, for some reason today I noticed it.  I do tend to forget that everyone has their own lives, problems, situations going on and that there's really no hidden message to be found in a reply to a text.  I think, again, always feeling completely responsible for my mum's emotions (and having to tiptoe through the hidden meanings because she'd just explode if we missed something), when younger if she wasn't happy in some way, it was my fault.  Okay, another thread to let go of now, people don't always need to be in hyper effusive mode, a brief or missed reply doesn't mean anything about me and if it does happen to, well that's fine, too.  Okay, need to keep focusing on that.  No more thoughts today, I'm tired lol
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board / Re: Developing A Personality
« Last post by Twoapenny on January 02, 2025, 09:17:02 AM »
Thanks, Lighter and His, errr Hops ;)  Lol.  Pup dates sound like the best idea ever.  Love watching dogs running around enjoying themselves.

Well I am trying to take a more practical and pragmatic approach to all things.  I'd like to get to a point where I don't feel that everything that ever happens is a personal attack and avoid the huge chemical dumps that seem to accompany that (currently sat with second very heavy cold in three weeks and I do think it's emotionally triggered).  Also trying to be a bit more proactive when feeling down in the dumps or wishing I had certain things/people/circumstances.

So - it's beautiful here at the minute, we've had snow, drove home through it yesterday as the sun was setting, snow topped mountains and huge fir trees sparkling in the sunshine, it was absolutely beautiful.  Lovely and sunny this morning and I was putting out bird food and sorting out recycling.  The birds get quite close at times and at one point there was a blue tit no more than two feet away from me, perfectly happy and it felt really lovely.  I really wished at that point that I had someone/some people to share those sort of moments with.

I'm just going through trying to be objective about it all but what I noticed about that is/are memories of being mocked as a child for 'sensitivities'.  So my natural inclination when around something so beautiful is to keep quiet.  I realised I just assume no-one I know is interested/would also find it beautiful; there are people on the internet who would but not in my real life.  And that, I realised, is because I feel safer being 'vulnerable' online because of the anonymity and distance (plus block/delete functions).  So I don't often take that risk with 'real' people because the possibility of being mocked/rejected feels too much.

So, with my new' Tupp the business woman' head on I thought that if I were trying to sell something to someone and they didn't want it, I wouldn't take it as a personal rejection, I'd just try someone else to see if they wanted it.  So I took a pic of the beautiful scene and sent it to a friend, saying I wished they were close enough that we could get together today and enjoy the view.  Of course you guessed it, they loved the pic and also said they wished that were possible.  Then my inability to trust kicks in; I don't believe what they're saying because, of course, so many untruths and betrayals from others in the past.  But I've no actual reason to think they don't mean it; if I'd been trying to sell something I wouldn't worry about whether they really wanted to buy it or not, I'd just be glad they bought it.  So I've not let my head go into a load of different scenarios; I've 'sold' the picture and the idea it would be nice to get together and that was it.

Someone else got in touch to ask if we'd be visiting this year.  Normally I feel pressure to agree, resentment that I agreed, annoyed that it's me that has to visit and so on. Decided to reply and explain the reality of our situation and how hard it makes doing trips away and realised that talking about or explaining my own needs AT ALL makes me feel like a rabbit caught in headlights.  I literally froze, couldn't think what to say, couldn't even formulate the sentences.  How daft is that.  Anyway, tapped it out, no drama, just explained time, money, health etc, would love to meet up at some point but no idea when or where etc and, of course, the reply was completely understanding of all of that, agrees it's very difficult (their situation is not dissimilar to ours) and suggested that we figure out some way of meeting half way if and when it's possible.  All easy to do because the majority of people don't behave like my mum and I really need to get that into my head now.

Then was feeling a bit down because not enough people have contacted me over the holiday period to make me feel worthwhile.  So I've sat with it and started to unpack it.  Feeling I need outside validation to prove my 'worthiness'; feeling very lonely and lacking in human connections but not wanting to acknowledge it to anyone (again, can remember the one time I told my mum I was lonely after breaking up with a partner and struggling to readjust and her laughing at me and this horrible mocking tone of hers, "oh, are you lonely?  How pathetic.  I was always too busy to be lonely".  And so I've just never acknowledged it since.  Thought about how I feel rejected if people don't reply or reach out first and then went back to the 'sales' analogy again.  If I messaged a hundred people with information about a product I wanted them to buy, i wouldn't take their responses (or lack of) personally.  Nor would I expect them to contact me first.  I don't know if that makes sense but it's kind of helping me keep my reactions and emotions a bit more level and realistically proportioned.  So I've messaged a whole load of people in my phone with new year wishes and I don't know, the emotional baggage that usually goes with that with me just doesn't feel as heavy.  I'm not a bad person, I know that, so why would other people think I am?  It's only ever been my deranged mother who's had such a problem with me, no-one else ever has.  Okay, it's good, it's shifting out of the way a little bit.

Okay.  Just getting it all out of my head and written down here, it kind of feels like it's alright?  I'm going to eat some more snacks :) 
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board / Re: Captain's Log - 2024
« Last post by Twoapenny on January 02, 2025, 08:48:55 AM »
I feel so bad for B with this constant ongoing (and unnecessary) drama and delay and obfuscation with regard to his medical situation.  Even basic admin not being done properly, we get a lot of that as well, the last doc we saw was dictating a letter while we were sat in front of him and made a mistake with a date.  I corrected him and he just shrugged and carried on.  They're so slack.  Well I'll hope for a 2025 miracle on the medical front.

In other news, I am hoping the external elevator is in the form of a Tardis and that the kitties all get to ride in it wearing little scarves :)  Lol
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board / Re: The island
« Last post by Twoapenny on January 02, 2025, 08:44:26 AM »
Oldest DD made it back to the States where her bf and buddies were waiting to celebrate the New Year with her. 

The group here boated to the Casino where DD22 was unhappy to find the rooftop bar, pool and hot tub closed.  All pools were closed, in fact, which is weird bc usually they're open and the bar, pool, bathrooms and kitchen at the marina on our side of the island are closed.  Yesterday, they were open and there were festive lights wrapping palm trees and draping the big tiki bar. The staff was friendly and the food yummy. Guests came and went.   Sunset glorious over the infinity pool edge.  I was almost giddy with happy surprises.....everyone got in the pool. 

A small group went fishing afterwards. I, likely, won't master the deep drop electric reels. Ever.  The immediate and constant gratification of holding the reel, feeling the weight in the waves, anticipating nibbles and setting the hook is comfortable and comforting compared to the deep reels, ime. 

I hope the boys went fishing early.  That was the plan.  We're supposed to swim with the rays this afternoon! 

Oh.....and....the Sea Captain staying with us is from Ohio too.  I knew he sounded a bit like my uncle...all overtly competent men, brother included, of course.  Sea Captain is cooking and I'm head of clean up crew, happy he's on top of meal planning.

They're up and moving.  Discussing plans.  Doors and dishes in motion. 


All sounds really lovely, Lighter, proper break and get away.  Be nice if 2025 carries on in that general way for all of you xx
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board / Re: Captain's Log - 2024
« Last post by Hopalong on January 01, 2025, 11:30:04 AM »
HNY, Amber and all!
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board / Re: Developing A Personality
« Last post by Hopalong on January 01, 2025, 11:28:20 AM »
Errr, Hops
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board / Re: Developing A Personality
« Last post by Hopalong on January 01, 2025, 11:27:01 AM »
I so get all this. My particular constellation of issues causes me to reluctantly rely on, for most things involving more than one other person:
I'd like to do this, but you this delayed sleep phase thing means no morning plans. For me, mid to late afternoons are usually good. Can we do tea or a brew mid-afternoon sometime?

I have a friend who invites me to writer luncheons but always at noon. Haven't been able to convince her to shift it to 1:00 so i rarely get to join. I have to be fairly ruthless with myself to keep reaching out for social connection these days. A new hope on the horizon is dog dates. Because of the very large fenced yard, I can invite friends with dogs over and the dogs run themselves silly with Pup, hilarious to watch. (Pooch didn't enjoy other dogs but Pup is nuts about them.) Weather dependent, but great when it happens.

Oh well. My version of anyway. If you caught a glimpse of my disorganization
Issues you'd be horrified.

Can't type well on this tablet, laptop has burned out and I'm avoiding the fight with Google and APple, which both are,rejecting my passwords, which makes my brain scream. More later whenI get a grip.


Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board / Re: Captain's Log - 2024
« Last post by sKePTiKal on January 01, 2025, 09:31:55 AM »
Now that the calender has finished rebooting...
Here's hoping it resolves a lot of the persistent glitches of last year!
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board / Re: The island
« Last post by lighter on January 01, 2025, 09:11:36 AM »
Oldest DD made it back to the States where her bf and buddies were waiting to celebrate the New Year with her. 

The group here boated to the Casino where DD22 was unhappy to find the rooftop bar, pool and hot tub closed.  All pools were closed, in fact, which is weird bc usually they're open and the bar, pool, bathrooms and kitchen at the marina on our side of the island are closed.  Yesterday, they were open and there were festive lights wrapping palm trees and draping the big tiki bar. The staff was friendly and the food yummy. Guests came and went.   Sunset glorious over the infinity pool edge.  I was almost giddy with happy surprises.....everyone got in the pool. 

A small group went fishing afterwards. I, likely, won't master the deep drop electric reels. Ever.  The immediate and constant gratification of holding the reel, feeling the weight in the waves, anticipating nibbles and setting the hook is comfortable and comforting compared to the deep reels, ime. 

I hope the boys went fishing early.  That was the plan.  We're supposed to swim with the rays this afternoon! 

Oh.....and....the Sea Captain staying with us is from Ohio too.  I knew he sounded a bit like my uncle...all overtly competent men, brother included, of course.  Sea Captain is cooking and I'm head of clean up crew, happy he's on top of meal planning.

They're up and moving.  Discussing plans.  Doors and dishes in motion. 


Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board / Re: Developing A Personality
« Last post by lighter on January 01, 2025, 08:14:31 AM »
((((Tupp)))) sounds like a savvy way of looking at life in the New Year. 

Taking care of the business.....
of the purse, business of the mind, the emotions, the spirit, the body, the Nervous System, of the Darling Boy.....
the kitty, garden, where you live.....
where you play.

What is to your benefit.....and sometimes benefit to others feels beneficial to people pleasers, yup yup yup.

But building in time to expand your view, see and take measure of your choices is very wise, imo.  I hope it becomes your new, comfortable default.

Reading the above feels like throwing open windows on the Scottish Coast.....breathing in pristine air and releasing static patterns on the breeze, yup yup yup.

Happy New Year, my friend🌟
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